"Love you." He walked past Hinata and gave him a grin before going into his group circle.Inouka "Here you go." One without pain, one without control and one without him. I hated that, hated that all it took was his voice to turn me on, "You're not my mate. "Go Noya!" Oikawa ran out of the gym from Iwaizumi only to stop and see a guy walking towards you and you continued to back up. and who is he to deny you such a lovely pleasure?? Once you gotten out of you seat, Noya reached over and gave you a slap on the butt before leaning back to the desk, you gave a small yelp after the light popping sound and looked at Noya, you had red cheeks as he had light pink cheeks when he chuckled and gave you shrugged shoulders. "I dare you to touch what's MINE!!!" "Sugawara You sat next to Yachi up in the stands, you came to watch Sugawara play against Date Tech. You didn't have to come." "I love you too bumpkin." "Excuse me? "My wolf is so close to marking you, Clair. You go practice." ***Other than his mother, his sisters, and his niece, Kyle Wright, the CEO of the Wright Diamond Corporation, never batted an eye for a woman. You looked back at it with a sigh before you pulled out a bag just before a tap hit your shoulder. The guy looked up as Lev looked down at him before walking away with you, you blushed as me kissed your cheek then set your down and pecked your lips. Frustration rolled out from his aura before it changed into anger. #bokuto "Awe. "This here pretty girl." I looked down at the ground, slowly rising to my feet while holding my breath. "Hey I'm so-." "Can I help the you?" He slaps you because you did something wrong You're out with your Haikyuu boyfriend and you did something that he didn't like. You gave a head shake and left the room, Asahi gave white eyes towards Noya as he continued to laugh. You and the guy looked over to see Ukai closing his phone before stepping beside you and putting his hand around your waist as the guy left. i deleted your request by mistake anon, so im sorry if i got something wrong!! Inspired by TyTy (go check her out btw!). "Maybe. "Yeah?" Includes, Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukkishima, Nishinoya, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Kenma, Kuroo and Tendou. "Did you come to watch me practice?" Enjoy . You kissed his cheek then laid your head on his shoulder before sitting up. He raised an eye brow seeing you look at your phone after you let go of Kenma's arm, making him turn his back to you, as the guy jogged in place. "Argh!" He looks at you with an intense gaze and you can see the anger in his eyes. "It's okay." Who's this?" "So, got a name cutie?" "I'm sorry sweetheart, I tried to come here as quick as I could." Kenma looked down then back up, he tried to say your name to get your attention but you kept talking to yourself about what to do. well not in my heart (honestly i just wanted to write for semi, finally!!) why dont we start watching that movie now?, feeling some raindrops on your face, you decide to take the hint and go home, when you hear your boyfriends voice calling your name from behind, you just keep walking because you cant really stand to see his face right now, he manages to reach you, blocking your way towards the bus stop, you move past him, hitting him with your shoulder, let me guess, something to do with your volleyball club?, im the captain, you know i have responsibilities. I hope you enjoy XD, #anime "OtherAkiteru You smiled as you and the girls walked down the halls out of the school, you laughed more after they brought up moments. Akaashi! "Sorry." You said your name as he said his, you then looked over at Iwaizumi then back at the guy then back at him as Iwaizumi watched. I love you." You're welcome." [Boyfriend Scenarios] They're the leader of their respective volleyball teams but that doesn't mean they don't have time anything else. "I love you too. #boyfriend After a series of pushing and pulling, she eventually left him. The last words of the note both startle and confuse her especially since she saw her mate die in front of her very eyes. "I-I'm." You smiled with red cheeks and hugged him back. The guy looked at you then gave narrowed eyes before smirking. Thank u so much if u do this!! #iwaizumi "See?! You looked over to see a young guy around your and Hinata's age who looked like a fan from Shiratorizawa. Home / Keywords / haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he slaps you. Haikyuu!! He pulled you to him once the to of you got a good distance. "I don't mind." I looked up to meet amber eyes gazing at me confidently. Iwaizumi walked over to you from the other side of the court and grabbed your wrist. You gasped then blushed seeing that the smacked was loud but soft, then looked at him, he looked away as you started to giggle. "Do you want me to walk you home?" "Yeah I kno-." "And I love you. Haikyuu!! Boyfriend Scenarios!! *In Editing* - When He Slaps Your Butt He smiled after you took it then as you turned around he sat next to you, you scooted to the side as Yachi did the same. Then slowly realization dawned and his expression changed to disbelief, pain and finally rage. pairings: kytani x reader, ushijima x reader, a/n: aaah im so glad you like them, thanks!! Seconds later the guy walked away as you gave a giggle and turned to face Akiteru, he pulled you into a hug then pecked the top of your head. Boyfriend Scenarios!! Inspired by TyTy (go check her out btw!). "S-she's taken." Inuoka chuckled and took the water bottle from, then gave you a peck on the forehead, he looked back at his team mates still working out then looked back at you and took another water bottle. "Sorry I'm late." "Akaashi! Or dating him?" You smiled and grabbed his hand, the guy gave a smirk then an eye roll once Yamaguchi took the bag. "Are you going to hit me now?" Was all I said before I stormed out of there.__________________________After a drunken one night stand with a stranger, Grace Evans wakes up with a note left at her bedside. I-Im sorry!" You gave nod knowing that you don't have him in any classes but still gave a small smile. Stolen kisses, touches and a whole lot of tension. "I'm sorry." "- Words aren't coming out you broke him- You and Oikawa take those cute pictures for Instagram - Captain would be like- "My boyfriends partner! 2 replies 1 retweet 285 likes. "But I wanted to." Kuroo pecked your cheek as you smiled before watching him walk back to the gym while you stood by the one of the Karasuno school vans, taking bags out of the back of it. You blushed a deep red after you ended your yawn when Kuroo gave you a playful pop on the butt, you turned around to see him smirking. Some Haikyuu head-cannons, one-shots, and scenarios! And payback. Hinata stepped in front of him and pushed you behind him as the guy took a step back as Hinata gave him narrowed eyes. Daichi grabbed and removed his hand and led you in front of him and out the door. "Are you lost too cutie?" Lev looked back at you with a chuckle as you gave blushing cheeks and playful narrowed eyes. You walked through the crowds of people holding your bag close to you since someone forgot to close the bus's door. "She's getting hit on! "Hey." "I wasn't asking you." "Yes?" You gave a confused look only to see a fan of Team Johzenji smirk at you, you looked away with narrow eyes. *In Editing*. "Ukai tomorrow's game." "Sorry I can't I have a boyfriend." #nekoma The guy gave a chuckle as he leaned over to you with a smirk. #tendou "Hey watch it!" "Must get all the attention huh?" "Come on." Let the games begin.__________________An unexpected rogue attack changed the life of Kayla Xanders. You and the rest of the class looked over at Yachi once she popped her head through the door. "Um it's okay I got it." "Hey come on now." "Thank gosh." No one knew she was a mute. You coward next to him and he swung, when he did he smacked your butt, it made an echoed and when it did you and Suga stared at each other. Understood? if not then just ignore this <3, pairings: kuroo x reader, bokuto x reader, atsumu x reader, a/n: helloo bb and thanks for your nice words!! "Karasuno huh? sorry to keep you waiting so long, i really hope you like this!! I loved your "kissing you under the mistletoe" headcanons and I was wondering if you could do it for suna, semi and suga, pairings: semi x reader, suna x reader, suga x reader, a/n: christmas is over? "Love you. Sawamura, Kuroo and Oikawa + when You disappoint them Thanks for 1 million/ new updaging Schedule. "Hm?" "Only out of love. He chuckled as you tried to reach for it, then pecked your lips, letting you take back the bottle with a giggle. You smiled with a head shake as he stared at you, you pecked his cheek then held onto his arm. "Hey there. You copied Oikawa but the ball hit Iwaizumi in the face as he was walking back. "Hey you." "Oooh Iwaizumi, get it. "Suga?" "I love you." "You okay?" When she turned 21, she gave birth to his child. As you put in a movie, he glanced away from you and sent a message with a smirk.Lev You helped Kiyoko set up the next in the gym for some of Nekoma's players to come in and practice with Karasuno and Fukurodani. "That was (Y/n)!" Kiyoko gave a small chuckle as you sighed and walked into the court, you picked up an ended only to be greeted by a young guy picking up the same end as you. "Awe come on. #johsai "No, but I was just wondering if you needed some help." "Yes unless I can get your number as well?" "At lest they're pumped up." (R/n), is this your friend?" Team Karasuno Hinata You smiled as you talked with Yachi as the two of you stood next to the volleyball cart, putting in the volleyballs that weren't being used. "Haven't I seen yo-." You gave a fake three second smile before trying to get out a guy's way that was the same age as you. Once you walked past him you gave a small jump when you turned to look at Akiteru, after he given you a soft pop on the butt as you walked away. "Akaashi." "He was hitting on you." You smiled then locked arms with his and kissed his cheek, he then turned his head and pecked your lips as you giggled. "Kyoutani "Okay I'll be done in a second." You smiled and shook your head and placed his things in a bag. Haikyuu Boyfriend Scenarios Stories - Quotev his siblings and an entire volleyball team?? The guy took a step back once he looked at Kyoutani glaring at him and you walking towards him, Kyoutani grabbed and held your hand as he watched the guy walk away then pecked your head as he looked back forward to his coach.Shiratorizawa Academy Tendou You smiled as you and one of your friends from Shiratorizawa sat in the bleachers, you came with her to watch Tendou and support her team even though you went to a different school. "Can't just walk away like that." He'd find you there, safe and sound, with a game controller in your hands. but above all, i want to say i chose these insecurities beacuse theyre common and not to say theyre flaws or features someone should be worried about, at all!! "Yeah that's not the only nickname I give him. You followed Yachi to the doors of the gym to go to bus with her until a guy stopped you and handed you a folded piece of paper. Tsukishima took out his head phone to see a guy talking to you and lift up your chin just before you pulled away. I didn't mean to bump into like that." everyone needs to see what a great job you did!, standing behind you, he twists the clasp of it to the back of your neck, no worries, you always do the same fixing the tag of my shirts, when everythings in place, he lets your hair down, he gently rubs your back, sitting by your side, and in no time his hand is once again resting on the back of your neck, either gently squeezing your neck to get your attention, or running his fingers into your hair to massage the base of your head, if you make him laugh really hard while hes scratching your scalp, he will certainly tilt your head closer to him to press a sweet kiss to your temple, so is it actually his fault that your necklace is always in the wrong spot?
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