It includes the psychology of the author, of the characters, and . "Love is a great beautifier." -Louisa May Alcott Louisa May Alcott was an American novelist and short-story writer. Literature is the expression of life. Their father is eager to be rid of the annoying company of Collins. His friend Bingley becomes engaged to the eldest Bennet girl, Jane, and the story concludes with the double weddings of the two friends with the two sisters. The English aristocrats sacrificed their egoistic pride and prestige to save their heads. Mrs. Bennet wants her daughters married, and gets three of her five girls married in a single year. Charlotte is the first in the story to be married, though not to Bingley! Her sister, brother and their families are welcome at Longbourn, and her own daughters visit them in Meryton and London regularly. This article will explore what literature entails and what makes a piece of writing literary. When authors use literature to express their values, they might do so by presenting either the way that they believe things should be, or by presenting things that go against their values in a problematic way. How Does Poetry Communicate Feelings and Emotions? In America, the novel, Uncle Toms Cabin by Harriet-Beecher Stowe, and the memoir, 12 Years a Slave by Solomon Northup, spoke about the cruelties and the hardships of the Negro slaves in the southern states. The Bennets and Darcys continue to support him and his wife, and grudgingly accept him into their family circle. It helps people learn how to handle difficult situations and how to deal with obstacles. Those writings that are primarily informativetechnical, scholarly, journalisticwould be excluded from the rank of literature by most, though not all, critics. Mthomes_Module1creativeexpression_02112021.pptx He is affronted when they speak to him. An educated, well-bred gentleman from a wealthy and distinguished family speaks ill of a country girl in her hearing, and insults her in public. In saying Austen wrote fairytale endings, critics mean she gives everyone, or almost everyone what they want at the end of the story. Literature is found in the beginning of all things, this is what I am truly certain about. But eventually, she responds to her nephew and his wifes reconciliatory invitation, and visits them. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The more literature is free from its class limitations, and becomes the vehicle of the thoughts and feeling of the common man, the working people, the more will it tend to become popular and public. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Literature is a form of writing that communicates ideas, concepts, and themes from the writer to the reader. He hates to move in social circles outside his own. Definitions of the word literature tend to be circular. It gives voice to the people who want to express their opinions about certain things in life whether it be in politics, health, religion, and the like. The quotation appears in Act 1 Scene 2 and is spoken by Cassius, one of the conspirators. New canons of literary criticism need to be evolved that discover the knowledge of life in literature. Mr. Bennet is endowed with values and intellect that he has passed on to Elizabeth, sparing a little for Jane. The social climate sanctioned this aspiration. Life is a Dream Study Guide | Literature Guide | LitCharts Long before language was invented, stories were told and engraved upon stone tablets and wall carvings. Their meetings and pamphlets received wide attention. They have always had a turbulent relationship, and would like to avoid each other. One question in the back of our minds is what is literature? Costumbrist literature. He enjoys the respectability that comes from being a wealthy gentleman, and would like to take on the trappings of that class. So he encourages all the girls to go out, taking their cousin with them. Poet, writer, and painter. Her aspiration is so great she simply seems to draw eligible men from all parts of England towards Longbourn. We see an instance of the same phenomenon in the authors life. Do we sanction, subconsciously, every act in our lives? A dramatic literary technique used by the author? We try rather to understand the forces behind these social changes. We read it from that point and do not ask what happened before that time, why does the story start in that year and not a year earlier, why is it set in this city and not that, why is the protagonist given that name and not any other, or why does this family have exactly this number of children, and not one more or one less. Austen has a deep and mature insight into human nature that is far from romantic fantasy. Her cousin married a French nobleman who was later sent to the guillotine. I think people who see literature as an embodiment of life can love both Expression Quotes. But the changing conditions, aided by his love for Elizabeth, make Darcy go in search of Wickham and Lydia, in areas he would otherwise not visit, with the assistance of people he would much rather avoid. Literature is one of the most interesting and significant expressions of humanity. It gives voice to the people who want to express their opinions about certain things in life - whether it be in politics, health, religion, and the like. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. We accept that as the beginning of the story. Literary criticism is an Occidental science, an attempt to apply the analytic mental faculty to the comprehension of that which cannot be divided, for Life is an integrated whole that can only be understood in totality and in context. Literature opens the mind to old memories and allows people to relive their experiences, good or bad. Austen portrays five very different characters in the five Bennet girls, all from the same stock, but at the same time shows us with mathematical precision how each of the girls is a unique combination of the various characteristics of Mrs. and Mr. Bennet. Literature is the expression of life in words of truth and beauty; it is the written record of man's spirit, of his thoughts, emotions, aspirations; it is the history, and the only history, of the human soul. Salinger show a depiction of what it means to be an outsider or an individualist in society. Our mission is to liberate knowledge. What is Philosophy? Jane and Lydia happen to be her favourite children. I think it is like the memoirs to my life as it has been there throughout everything with me. We use the expression awkward age to refer to those early teenage years . 2. At the time, the country's political system enforced racial segregation and yet, despite this oppressive system, a culture developed among the people living in informal settlements, which blended the glamour of 1950s America with their own culture. Literature as a Form of Art and Expression - A new genre of literary criticism that studies literature as a mirror of life and draws from it deeper insights into the character of Life will open up a window to the profound wisdom that resides in our vast repository of world literature. He has failed to provide for his family. He felt a wild desire to run after them, a certitude that he could run them down. It must be of high artistic quality, at least for the time in which it was written. It is not possible for any writer, especially one of Austens stature, to create something that is not true to life. She declares she will have nothing to do with the couple anymore. World Literature. Literature is the expression of life | by Emily Diaz The works of Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle (the most famous Greek philosophers) contain virtues that promote perfection to a society if only human beings have the willingness to uphold and practice them. The soldier ends up married to Lydia. All physical science is based on the past determining the future, but today, a new science has emerged, the science of Anticipation2. Having erred in his choice of wife, he prefers to distance himself from her ambitions and schemes, taking refuge in books in the solitude of his library rather than facing her in open combat for supremacy in the daily life of the family. All the articles you read in this site are contributed by users like you, with a single vision to liberate knowledge. But it is not. It continues to live throughout the ages. Claudius sealed letter to the English monarch denounces Hamlet as a traitor and threat to his realm and calls on the English king to remove the threat. As a result of all this, Austen was clearly aware of and touched by the socio-political movements of the period. On hearing that Elizabeth is engaged to Darcy, he warns her against marrying for money. The best example is Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights. Do our words come true? Literature is also a tool for the foundation of a religion. Only the knowledge that comes from direct spiritual experience can exceed the intuitive perceptions of great literature. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". We do not question why the story begins where it does. Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who was a victim of the Holocaust during the reign of Hitler in Nazi Germany, was only an innocent youth when she wrote a diary that details her life and struggles as a captive during that time. But once he reveals his identity and offers them a reward, he readily secures swift transport back to Denmark where he pursues his confrontation with Claudius that ultimately ends tragically in the death of Claudius, the queen, Laertes and the prince himself. Any pro-Revolution sentiment became treasonous. I also believe that music has the ability to convey all sorts of emotions. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Lydia is foolish, strong willed and full of energy. Her books, as all great literature, offer insights into human psychology. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 This internal conflict in Darcy results in the insulting words. In her works, Austen writes about the condition of the church, the decline of aristocracy, the treatment of the poor, greater rights for women, the rising aspirations of people and the French Revolution. It places an emphasis on many topics, from human life to tales of love. There is no mention of war or revolution in Pride and Prejudice. But why? Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. What is more important is the nature of reality revealed in and through her works. This fairy tale ending for which Austen has been criticized is yet another symbolic step in the direction British society was taking. She depicts five unique characters in the five Bennet girls, but at the same time shows us with mathematical precision how each of the five girls is a combination of the various characteristics of Mrs. and Mr. Bennet. We warmly invite you to experience our annual Open Day in 2021. The Bennet girls did not know of Wickham until they meet him in town. He realises that a huge amount of money must have changed hands before this can be brought about. Literature is expression of thoughts, reflection of society and reflection of life. Darcy stands alone, while Bingley is clearly adored by the crowd and has a very pleasant and beautiful girl for a dance partner. At the first ball, Bingley chooses Charlotte for the first dance. Literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life, what they have experienced of it, what they have thought and felt about those aspects of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us. The detection of emotional expressions by automatic analysis has matured into a reliable methodology that is widely used in a variety of research. So what determined those right conditions? Literature is the artistic expression of thought, which is replete with feelings and imagination. His friends are from circles that are more suited to his new life style. Literature is an artistic expression of significant human experience (SHE) using the medium of language. Does life have a sense of humour? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". But Kelly has stopped short of taking the analysis to its logical conclusion. The 11th edition of Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary considers literature to be writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest. The 19th-century critic Walter Pater referred to the matter of imaginative or artistic literature as a transcript, not of mere fact, but of fact in its infinitely varied forms. But such definitions assume that the reader already knows what literature is. It's important not to generalize and stereotype people according to the customs associated with particular groups, but very often, people take pride in their culture since it's often the product of a long line of history. The writer need not even pursue it to attain it. 21st Literature Flashcards | Quizlet The book touches on various consequences of censorship like social isolation and infringement of thoughts. The dislike of Merytons common vulgarity is a well-formed conscious attitude which he is proud to proclaim. The story depicts the process of social integration that resulted in the harmonious integration of different classes in the country. Throughout this novel, Bronte explores many different aspects of life like love, hate, social class, and death. Among the most frequent themes of horror literature are death, illnesses, including mental illnesses, creatures such as demons, among others. But not everything expressed in wordseven when organized and written downis counted as literature. Opines that literature is a counterbalance to theoretical and practical life in the 21st century. When Bingley, with an income of four or five thousand pounds a year, occupies the neighboring estate of Netherfield, she exclaims, If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for. This young man has recently inherited the fortune his father made in trade. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Biology starts from the first living cell and describes life. It is expressed in such untechnical form as to make it eligible and give aesthetic pleasure and relief to the mind of the common men. This initial act at their indirect contact announces the inner conflict that will possess him and compel him to propose to her at Hunsford almost against his will and it anticipates in the beginning the final outcome of the story. Reconciling art and science, the subjective and objective views of reality through literary criticism may well provide a means to transcend the limitations of a purely material life science and discover a true science of life. flashcard sets. He does not intend to hurt or offend her, but the jarring words are an echo of the inner clash between his mind and emotions. In 1789, discussion and comment on the Revolution were prohibited on theater stages. Romantic writers such as S.T Coleridge William Wordsworth express their thoughts in poetry. Both of which didnt involve violence and bloodshed. When Elizabeth is on a holiday with her aunt and uncle the Gardiners, she is persuaded by Mrs. Gardiner to visit the Darcy estate at Pemberley. Bingley and Janes wedding too bridges a similar but narrower gap. Answer (1 of 8): My dear friend, Literature has had a major impact on the development of society. The Reflection Of Literature | Teen Ink It is found everywhere and anywhere. Those devils have been my angels. Why Is Literature Important and Why Do We Study It? - He is eager to maintain his distance and distinction socially, if not physically. which provides aesthetic pleasure to the readers. Drama captures everyday events in a theatrical setting while comedy focuses on light-heartedness or humour. The line which precedes the quotation gives us an . Not only the views challenging the monarchy, but any view that seemed to question the status quo in society, be it the social structure, law, government policy, or the power of the church was considered treasonous. She finds nothing wrong in eloping, her sense of right and wrong coming from her mother. Literature - Wikipedia Today, however, oratory is more usually thought of as a craft than as an art. Literature Reading and studying to gain a different perspective on an idea, belief, value, or culture Example: The Scarlett Letter This novel is a story about guilt, sin, and the struggles of dignity and repentance While her husband thinks and understands more, and talks and acts less, Mrs. Bennet wastes no time in exercising her mind. He belongs to a wealthy, distinguished family, and used to consider contact with anyone outside his social sphere a pollution. (PDF) Literature and Society - ResearchGate Colonies supplied raw materials and served as vast new markets; railroad and shipping industries were developing; factories were coming up; and towns and cities were developing and expanding. It was literature that made life beautiful and created the tales of romance and . Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Modern writers have developed a flair for expression, feelings and situation that are subtle and complex in language, Wordsworth realized this and advocated that poetry should be the language of common speech, the heightened speech of the rustics. He has returned a day earlier than planned. If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for. Most theories of literary criticism base themselves on an analysis of poetry, because the aesthetic problems of literature are there presented in their simplest and purest form. ENGLISH LITERATURE - Project Gutenberg Kitty knows about Lydias planned elopement, but does not bother to inform her parents. It is thus fundamentally an expression of life through the medium of language. Platos Allegory of the Cave speaks about the importance of human wisdom and the penalties that one would face to achieve a higher level of understanding. Quotations of Women in Literature Quiz, The mark of a really great book is that it has something fresh and original to say and it is stated in a fresh and independent way the author by the strength of his genius can upheld the true essence of his piece of work more powerfully than the common race of men can do. cultural model The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The expression of thoughts comes from a writers knowledge, experience, and feelings about the world. Literature is a form of human expression. Carvings and paintings on walls inside caves of stone give evidence about the lives of prehistoric people. It intuitively points to a knowledge which rational thinking overlooks, ignores or dismisses. He has high values and principles. The supreme law of living makes us equals, and to a greater or lesser degree, we all feel euphoria and depression, sadness and happiness, hope and disappointments. 5. Austen ignores neither the historical events of her time, nor the social conditions of her land. He continues to have lots to teach us about toleration, modesty and kindne. Be it Mrs. Bennets lack of sense, Lydias wild behavior, Janes disappointment, or Elizabeths concerns, he is a bystander, laughing silently. For this reason, the literature that appealed to the people through the spoken word had a greater appeal than that which appeals through the written wordwhich may not reach all men. Even personal experience cannot match its value, for in our own lives we are but half-conscious and too involved in the action to truly decipher its significance. Literature is the foundation of life. There are many who believe in a persona/ God; others worship an all-pervasive Presence in this Universe. If he can see through Wickham, then why does he not stop his daughter Lydia from going to Brighton? She relentlessly pursues the task of finding suitablethat is wealthyhusbands for her girls. Interpersonal Learning Style Characteristics |What is Social Learning? It can teach us about the past, help us understand the present and empower us to create the future. Examine the concept of what constitutes literature in detail by how it expresses culture, values, and ideas through writing. Literature Is Powerful. Literature Defines Humanity - Thought Catalog Life is manifested in the form of literature. Of course, without the arrival of Bingley and Darcy at this place and time, there is no story, no Pride and Prejudice. You had much better dance, he orders his friend, offering to introduce Janes sister to him. Literature acts as a form of expression for each individual author. But in every dialogue and description, Austen captures truths of society. Helena Kelly, in her book Jane Austen, The Secret Radical,1 analyzes in great detail every line of Austen, and shows how the author reveals views on political and social issues of the day when one reads between the lines. They go further and reveal the great truths by which society and life function. But Austen has consciously or subconsciously exquisitely captured many of these truths of life with the apparent effortlessness of a true master. Till the publication of Sense and Sensibility in 1811, her readership was limited to her own family members and friends. He makes Darcy renounce the stereotypes he had formed of people outside his social sphere. Its object, aside from the delight it gives, is to know . The Greeks thought of history as one of the seven arts, inspired by a goddess, the muse Clio. Man is subject to a continuous flood of communication. Literature as a Key to Understanding People, Society and Life When Bingley arrives in town, she plans and schemes to make him fall in love with Jane. It appears inexplicable, unless Darcy is really as boorish as Elizabeth comes to believe. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Music is an art of sound that expresses ideas and emotions and people listen to music for different reasons. Suddenly the whole world stopped, Apple Global School, Ahead of Shantipura Circle Near Sarvotam Hotel, Telav,Sanand, Ahmedabad-382210. England was thus spared a revolution because it adopted a peaceful evolution. One likes the child who is most like oneself. But they still do not know why there was a Big Bang, or what existed before that. of society on literature and to assess the position and the role of literature is particularly cultivated and professed by those who had a specific social philosophy to advance. Literature Is The Mirror Of Life - 3256 Words | Bartleby Her brother was employed in trade in London. He refuses to exert himself. The recited epics of Homer, the acted plays of Shakespeare, the chanted songs of Chandidas or the communal reading of Mangala Kavya had a more extended appeal than our modern poets and novelists who express only segments of social life. Elizabeths mother and aunt, the daughters of a town attorney, can come. As such, we might find out more about an authors' culture (social customs of a particular group of people), their values (beliefs that are closely tied to your perspective of what is right or wrong), and their ideas (more isolated thoughts about a particular topic). She is titled, and even higher than Darcy in the social order. Pride and Prejudice begins with news of the arrival of a wealthy bachelor, Charles Bingley, at Netherfield Hall in Hertfordshire. The connection between literature and life is intimate and vital. In her attempts to prevent Elizabeth and Darcys marriage, she unintentionally plays the role of a messenger and prompts Darcy to propose to Elizabeth. Colonization and expanding trade were beginning to change the economic climate of the country. He does not want to fall in love with Elizabeth, but he is unable to stop himself. style Literature aims to understand and appreciate cultures and ideologies difference from one's own in time and space. He can be a revolutionist by writing a literary piece that exploits corruption in his nation yet fosters development for his fellow countrymen. Yet through words literature elevates and transforms experience beyond mere pleasure. It has evolved to reflect the changes that happen in the world. But numerous stage and movie adaptations, sequels and spin-offs, museums that enshrine her life and societies dedicated to her works have given her just what she asked for, fame! The diary became known as The Diary of a Young Girl and was one of the most read books in the twentieth century, with the readers sympathizing the victims of the genocide geared towards the Jews in the Second World War. Coleridge poem Kubla Khan is the example of creative and expressive literature in poem he expresses Pleasure dome, paradise milk through his strong creative power. When you consider the fact that literary texts generally employ very strategic ways of communicating, then an awareness of language's potential becomes important. Meanwhile, Bingley and Darcy set out towards Longbourn to call on the Bennets. This restricted the spread of ideas among people of the working class. He would like to go to the country for the summer, to a place not too far away from the attractions of London. Superior literature transcends mere action. Abbas Beydoun. I think it brings me closer to my friends and family. The girls have among their friends daughters of tradesmen and wives of soldiers. This website helped me pass! Music is a pleasant sound and is the essence of life. The same goes with the Quran for Muslims, Torah for the Jews, and the Bhagavad-Gita, Ramayana and Veda for the Hindus. The . It helps us to understand those things that are not easily understood and comprehended that includes pain, hatred, love, death, war, sacrifice, human nature, and more surprisingly truth. This interplay across classes allowed integration in society. Romes great orator Cicero was to have a decisive influence on the development of English prose style. Mrs. Bennet is now the mistress of Longbourn, and of the most prominent family in the neighborhood. Humanities LibreTexts - What is Literature. The more subtle the message, the more powerful it comes across. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Bingley has come into a considerable fortune. But gradually, subconsciously their feelings have undergone many changes over the past few months.
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