They might be persnickety but for this kind of occasion it's nice to have a country full of petty-fogging ppl. ), 9th in most unequal cities: says: I absolutely LOVE this article, and having lived seven years in Miami before I was able to make my escape, I can say the one good thing about Miami is when you can only see it in your rear view mirror. 12. var l=new Array(); In turn, I replied, Miami isnt the US. yours forever. Its nice to know I am not alone in my disgust and named all of the reason why I moved away from Miami. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) In addition to the low class crowd that frequents south beach any given weekend, with complete disregard of their surroundings and continuous environmental abuse. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) says: The same thing that is happening in Miami is happening in a lot of major cities. WebMiami is 100% full of narcissists and people who dont even know their own neighbor. IM STILL VERY MUCH INDEBTED TO DR MALAIKA FOR SAVING MY LIFE (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Three North Miami Beach commissioners who have been holding up city business by not showing up at meetings have been ordered back to work. We not only dont need the pittance cheap scum like you spend here.we have enough trash .dont need more. Let me tell you this article is pretty spot on. else output += unescape(l[i]); Therapy focused model with zero administrative work. (1) If you want your ex back. says: Unimaginable and unbelievable. (3) You want to be promoted in your office. This does not exist in Miami. They took you on affirmative action quotas, but its good youre leaving Miami. says: Its all true! WebArguing with an administrative decision will result in immediate removal. says: Im originally from a big city in Virginia - where please and thank yous are always mentioned. And is understandable that many people would have culture shocks, and clashes in that city bc it so diverse with people of so many different nationalities! Were still in AMERICA. I have been living in Miami for 10 years and is the best place on earth. 1 out of every 5 license plates there now are from Jersey. says: 26. if (l[i].substring(0, 1) == ' ') output += "&#"+unescape(l[i].substring(1))+";"; In all honestly, Miami is its own kind of animal that does not resemble anything close to the rest of the country, which is great, but hard to get used to if youre not from here. Totally on the mark.especially point #21! Angel C are wonderful people. I find this article true to the last dot on the last sentence! The result was, what usually happens when the US intervenes in the political affairs of other sovereign nations. Midwest to Miami All this article and its consenting replies shows is the frustration of people who never accomplished anything in their lives and are envious of the carefree and happy lifestyle that is associated with Miami and its people. //--> When you understand that we are all citizens of the world , youll understand we all live in the same god damn planet , and besides all apparent differences, we are just like each other and we need each other. Some people testified that he brought their Still, I can find places outside and commute. Some good reasons to live in Miami: NO way! You can also call me with my number if you want to know more +15022552717 //]]> Frank R. If not, you will receive a VERY large electric bill in August. if you cant get A JOB just simply lazy and do not want to work ! (Who doesnt know hispanics live here?) I went online to look for a solution and after days of research I came across the solution in form Dr. Olly. Uneducated, unskilled nincompoops like you are forced to accept low wages. Make no mistake, Miami is not the real United States. says: Hello Im 25 years old. Algo te mantiene aqu. That pride is in effect what makes everybody spurn your people. Rent in Miami is priced too high. If you are having trouble reading what I just wrote I suggest you dont translate it with Google, dont pass it along to a friend to translate it for you, instead: pick up a book you idiot! He apologized and came back to me. Thats just how it goes. Bimmermike document.getElementById('eeEncEmail_mUC4yIIfJK').innerHTML = output; But quickly thereafter you are reminded of how obnoxious it is to hear about rented Ferraris and bottle service but you hang around anyway because at the least, you MUST get remedied and rewarded with endless booze for the miserable lack of decent conversation. Or did you just hallucinate the whole thing? Here are some facts from someone who has been here for 22 years after living up in NJ for a year.. What part of Miami you live is VERY important like all other big cities.. says: As a native miamian (or should I say new Cuba?) i doubt it. }. My ex left me for no reason 3 years ago. It seems he had a culture shock! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. The first time I came back to Miami (before it took yearrrssss to find a salaried job), I was insulted by an elderly Cubanaso man of who-knows what erabecause I did not speak Spanish; ironically, he was trying to compliment me on my beauty and it backfired. Yes, its normal for guys in their 30s to still live at home with mom and dad. I know Spanish, I just refuse to speak it because I will not accommodate the morons I see every day who dont know English like they are supposed to. I mean, look at all these spell selling trolls just on this blog alone. Bex10 NYC isn't bad. This position requires consistent adherence to policies and procedures of the department as outlined in the Biltmore Standard Operating Procedures (BSOP'S). It is truly unfortunate that this article is on point! I can list tons of good things but honestly, I do not have time to write more. says: Why is Miami so full of illegals? For those of who expect more, and actively create a better world, accepting this level of strife, crime and stupidity is not a positive attribute. says: Chris, enjoyed reading your thoroughly thought out rant, if one can call it that! Open your eyes Matt, talk w/ people who are having time of their life living here and write another article 100 things to have a blast in Miami (not counting clubbing, drugs, Ocean Dr restaurants etc). I guess I did not realize pricing outside of South Beach is still terrible as Ive only visited on business and business paid getaways. I agree with you and wish I could also move back. (6) You want to be rich. He moved in with another woman, I felt like killing myself, my life became very bitter and sorrowful. The Irish, roughly contemporary with the Germans but many of whom were unskilled laborers, took a bit longerabout 120 years. Good luck folks. says: Born & raised in Miami, traveled to different countries, speak English, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. were in Miami that should be a requirement. says: The one thing that I find painful is when Spanish speakers demand that I speak in Spanish. I would hope contemplating moving here would regard Miami with an open mind instead of blindly listening to the nut that posted this. //]]> says: Hello var l=new Array(); Urban Dictionary: douchebaggin And speak English, IF you choose to live here SPEAK IT!!! Rob for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ document.getElementById('eeEncEmail_qDEF7nI59m').innerHTML = output; Contact him now via: They use the excuse that they are close to and love their family. says: Of course the politically correct responders to the 25 reasons focus on the Latino comments. 21. No in between. How can properties be super expensive when good paying jobs are scarce ???? So they immigrate from countries with a much lower cost of living to ultra-expensive South Florida with a few thousand pesos (a few hundred dollars) then begin a life of back-breaking drugery doing jobs in the swealtering heat that native-born Floridians cannot or will not do. (An extension of the toilet called Cuba). [CDATA[ I am Steven Roberto Dimple From Usa, i am writing this article to thank Dr. Ovia the powerful spell caster that just helped me recently to bring back my Wife that left me for another man for no reason. TCCmusic Just shut your trap. Full //]]> BookReader Hialeah rules is a typical description of doldrums in comparison with other expedite cities. Just bear in mind that to someone whose elevator opens up to a foyer of a double-decker apartment; making sure Winthrop the driver arrives on time without the dog shitting on the rug in the interim looms of larger importance. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) says: Hello every body. says: My name is Lisa miller, from United States. Loved it! } if (l[i].substring(0, 1) == ' ') output += "&#"+unescape(l[i].substring(1))+";"; } They cannot pass comp 101 or lit 101. } AND ALSO HELPED ME GOT BACK MY JOB AND MY MARRIAGE. Car How is Camibrige a sanctuary city? Where are people coming from to go there? email= . Thats how bad the city is. says: All of you people are completely stupid. I am 1/2 Hispanic AND Spanish is my 1st language. for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ No pretty trees, no hills, no mountains, no incredible landscapes. says: Frank R: Do they immigrate or do they ILLEGALLY ENTER and or ILLEGALLY STAY? Stating that 2/3 Of the community or latins are: short, non-punctual, trashy, dumb, alcoholics that dont read or drive properly You should include the rest of the large, diverse, melting pot that is Miami if you wanna be funny. This in turn can develop a new generation that also lacks societal skills like being able to communicate clearly. Woman pop children .. Thats what normal human beings do ! Yall just dont know! 71. Deez Balls //= 0; i=i-1){ When you survived a 10-hour surgery with eight syllables, wherein the validity of your very existence is questioned (I mean to say, it was RISKY), the virtues WITHIN and not WITHOUT take priority. They have latins in government jobs,such as DMV who do not speak English well. says: IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL DOES WHO NEED A GREAT PRIVATE SPELL CASTER.DR. THE ONLY MAN YOU CAN ACTUALLY TRUST ON SPELL IS DR MALAIKA HIS EMAIL IS . var l=new Array(); You fools are boring to hell living from the past telling the old American dollar vs Cuban pesos that happened 50 years ago. THE HELP OF . says: Compared to northern Virginia, Miami might actually seem decent. (7) You want to tie your husband & wife to be yours forever. Once again thank you Great Baba Thank you, thank you. Miami Girls are dumb. Dale! Who knows? //]]>. I know I will hear glad you are coming but thats sad. And I guarantee you that it is more fun and interesting than your 4,500-people little Indiana town Loser! Posted: February 04, 2023. Miami has history ranging from the 16th century and earlier, it has nature, and an amalgamation of different cultures. Brian Its every bit as superficial as LA, and 10 times as ignorant. Evalin Grishem NONE of the native speakers were competent in standard Spanish.]. [CDATA[ 20. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. document.getElementById('eeEncEmail_p7BPcYYT5n').innerHTML = output; I will retire some where up north where the real America is,where the real Americans are. var l=new Array(); In Broward, we have students from 120+ DIFFERENT countries. says: LP, specially is a word. Its not possible to have more than one wardrobe. There are many other groups and pages l[0]='>';l[1]='a';l[2]='/';l[3]='<';l[4]=' 109';l[5]=' 111';l[6]=' 99';l[7]=' 46';l[8]=' 108';l[9]=' 105';l[10]=' 97';l[11]=' 109';l[12]=' 103';l[13]=' 64';l[14]=' 101';l[15]=' 108';l[16]=' 112';l[17]=' 109';l[18]=' 101';l[19]=' 116';l[20]=' 110';l[21]=' 111';l[22]=' 105';l[23]=' 116';l[24]=' 117';l[25]=' 108';l[26]=' 111';l[27]=' 115';l[28]=' 116';l[29]=' 110';l[30]=' 97';l[31]=' 110';l[32]=' 101';l[33]=' 118';l[34]=' 111';l[35]=' 99';l[36]='>';l[37]='\"';l[38]=' 109';l[39]=' 111';l[40]=' 99';l[41]=' 46';l[42]=' 108';l[43]=' 105';l[44]=' 97';l[45]=' 109';l[46]=' 103';l[47]=' 64';l[48]=' 101';l[49]=' 108';l[50]=' 112';l[51]=' 109';l[52]=' 101';l[53]=' 116';l[54]=' 110';l[55]=' 111';l[56]=' 105';l[57]=' 116';l[58]=' 117';l[59]=' 108';l[60]=' 111';l[61]=' 115';l[62]=' 116';l[63]=' 110';l[64]=' 97';l[65]=' 110';l[66]=' 101';l[67]=' 118';l[68]=' 111';l[69]=' 99';l[70]=':';l[71]='o';l[72]='t';l[73]='l';l[74]='i';l[75]='a';l[76]='m';l[77]='\"';l[78]='=';l[79]='f';l[80]='e';l[81]='r';l[82]='h';l[83]='a ';l[84]='<'; says: Well, we were going to move to Miami. How can properties be super expensive when good paying jobs are scarce ???? Of course there are plenty of nice and smart people in Miami, but on the regular day-to-day encounters with individuals (on the street, stores, etc), you realize how ignorant and rude many Miamians are. too many latins who do not speak English,who do not assimilate. What a pity for Miami and other immigrant cities. Miami is, in every sense of the word, a Latin American city. Lol but, let me tell you a couple of things you marginal execrable obese cretin. for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ High crime, medicare and auto insurance fraud have consequences that accrue on other individuals. if (l[i].substring(0, 1) == ' ') output += "&#"+unescape(l[i].substring(1))+";"; You massacred Native Americans who lived here and thought it was perfectly fine to gather the remaining few and give them a tiny piece of land where they were to remain for the rest of time. WebThe Advanced Practice Provider Fellow will complete rotations in a variety of clinical setting located within the Desai Sethi Urology Institute and University of Miami Healthcare System to include both the outpatient and operative settings over a period of approximately 52 weeks. Even while I was going to college in Orlando, Ive converse with far more intelligent people than in Miamithat is in my age/generation. for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ Roberto Dimple Whether it Paris, NYc, LA, Berlin, Moscow, Bogota. Miami Douchebags (8) If you need financial assistance. //]]> Julia Have you obtained at looked at the IQ data for every person in Miami? (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) The beach is gorgeous and I still go very often. 11. The driving reminded me of Puerto Rico, but Miamians are actually more courteous drivers than most of the U.S. cities we have visited. Come on. Its a vicious cycle, I know. Miami has become just another big city littered with crime. Just so everyone knows I actually do stil LIVE in Miami. Douche spotter - Facebook Americans are friendly, speak really loud, very proud about themselves, but even more proud about there blue passport that they like to show at the airport when they make the queue strange as I read that Americans need to pay taxes even when living abroad. Maybe that is a thing that worked out exceedingly well in that culture and vehicle quality. Many years later and numerous immigrant groups later, many of the new Cubans coming over now (my extended family included) are not nearly as hard working since they have only lived under Communist rule with no real drive to accomplish anything. abusive. Seven years, five hurricanes, broad-sided by an Escalade, robbed twice, identity stolen twice, and burned out by the mean-spirited population was enough for me. PHB says: This guy, probably got drunk one night in his Miami vacation and the next day in the morning his ass was burning like fire. He is surrounded with so many awesome, spectacular, magnificent things and cant see them or enjoy. Ghettos @ 15 commonsense The cost of living is outrageous, our priorities as a city are all wrong - sure we have a new stadium but the roads are going to crap and our schools are underfunded. Unless you want to club and do drugs, then its great. This powerful Spiritual Doctor helped me to change the mind of my Mum to like him and also broke the relationship he had with his new fiance. says: Yeah this is really dumb something on this article may be true but then again some arent. or contact him on this number +2349038511070. says: ..because they dont stand out there. Miamians are dumb. (There is a running dispute or joke with Florida locals posting NATIVE on their cars.) Also, as a writer who contributes to Cosmopolitan magazine (yeah, I did some research on you bud) I find it hypocritical that you call Miami people dumb, when you write for one of the nations trashiest magazines. } document.getElementById('eeEncEmail_PPUDcY7Cg4').innerHTML = output; (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) document.getElementById('eeEncEmail_8R2Mzgu5N2').innerHTML = output; Some American cities have pockets where languages other than English are spoken. candra jones MIAMI Life Dreams (9) Herbal care Details: 100% remote work. told me about trying spiritual means to get my husband back and introduced me } Yes there are some folk here who have class and some level of intelligence, and I applaud those who put up with the bullshit. The city is AMAZING! Why dont people use turn signals here? [CDATA[ There are all types of immigrants here..We have legal and illegal. Miamiporra I did want to come there and have spent a ton of time visiting all over Florida including the Rayburns in Islamorada, lol. var l=new Array(); And the stuff about Hispanics is so, so racist. 8. Yes! Jobs ARE hard to find, IF you are uneducated- or have a bachelors in Hospitality and Management or Business. says: Oh, so you think we all are 12 here? says: Because most of the people there are refs.. or raised in a family with a ref mentality. [CDATA[ Allyyou are an ignorant pig. One of the employers called me Bro, during the interview. its racist and really uncomfortable. [CDATA[ Its all about the way you say it Matt also dont worry the ones living negative comments are those who live here and are the ones who contribute in making maimi like hell.Fact being your not the only one who recieved improper comments from them when it comes to articles about miami. $4599 due at signing. else output += unescape(l[i]); And if you venture away from S.Beach/Miami Beach where all the tourists are, you can find some very interesting things to do. I would say big cities in general have less compassion. This Cuban generation (20s-early 40s) that was born here seems to get it much better than the last, and their children will be completely Americanized. In Miami you can find some of the hottest people in the world. OR CALL HIS MOBILE NUMBER +2348157534383. You have a bunch of dumb, low class people who have turned prime beach real estate into a bigger version of an Arkansas Trailer Park. There is an old saying about moving to Florida and getting your first toehold job in Florida: Take half of your pay in sunshine. And Miamis cost of living IS high. The Everglades are bug and mosquito infested swamplands, with nothing to see but a bunch of skinny ugly trees popping out of rank water. Miami is a melting pot of douchebags. No wonder you cant have fun in Miami, you have no friends. @Matt, no not at all. //= 0; i=i-1){ WebGQ recently released its "heavily researched, possibly stereotypey" guide to our nation's "Ivoriest Towers of douchery." // (2) you need a divorce in your relationship. 0-for-2 there, Jules. ld give anything not to feel like this because right now there IS no way for me to move back and I should be appreciating living in McDonough Georgia which is a beautiful area and has the friendliest people on the planet. I cant tell you how many times I hear this from people that I went to elementary, junior high then high school with. In what world does one ethnicity making up 2/3 of a population make for diversity?. else output += unescape(l[i]); var output = ''; But let me tell you something, youre going to need to smarten up before any of these people want to waste their time with someone whose literally looked at Miami through the bottom of a Coke bottle. var l=new Array(); fayed for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ Funny to the point, prior to anyone ever writing articles about Miami, people across the nation had pointed out these same sentiments and theyve only been here a mere week. This guy walks around like he has a chip on his shoulder, but that's probably because he has a Cheeto in his boxer briefs and a mini-pretzel in his brain cavity. says: jose So after considering this important summations is also reasonable to consider the lack of interest of Americanizing and living the real American life. I love Miami and feel good in any place because I love the good of every culture. If youre looking for drugs, then youll find it. Now I think I want to go home with all its issues and problems its still home and I think some of us have to come home especially who have experienced the world can hopefully contribute to making it at least bearable and I think you will see more of us coming back and I think that will be good for the city even with the Love Hate that goes on. Pink roses on your white wine bottle? There arent many book stores in Miami. Miami is the Tropical Latino version of The Jersey Shore. Yes my dear disrespecting Miami sisters and brothers I understand Im being disrespectful to you all but honestly deal with were in America not communist Cuba. >saw author named Meltzer (15) Let people obey my words and do my I thought it wont work but i just tried to give this man a chance and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. We took them to the Keys instead. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called WALTER ALIYAH, she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 48hours, and at the end of her testimony she dropped DR,OBAs E-mail address . I had two women recently flake out on me for a music video I was shooting. To wrap this up, my 2012 Lexus convertible is purchased not leased, i dont speak spanish, and I never plan on moving. Misogyny and homophobia run RAMPANT. Much love to the world, Chris. 1/25. says: Hi, I came from South America asked for my family in a resident status and I always had the idea Miami was a nice city. local news and culture, Kyle Munzenrieder You can find good and bad anywhere. web when she was searching for answers to a similar problem. Everyone who sits behind a steering wheel in the City is a fucking lunatic on a murderous rampage. Newton was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! I notice that he no longer light up when i touch him or kiss him in his neck and his chest cos he really liked it when i did that, he also usually get naked in front of me but when he started seeing that woman he stopped it. Just clubs. // Why Aries And Libra Don't Get Along, Articles M