Volume VII, Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls, June 1942-April 1944, @ 1951 Samuel Eliot Morison. The New Jersey and her sister ships can outgun and outclass any rival platform. Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. Perry Levine USS New Jersey (BB-62), From World War II, Korea, and Vietnam to Museum Ship, by David Doyle, @ 2019 David Doyle, Published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., Altgen, PA. USS New Jersey (BB-62), The Big J Battleship, @ 1996 Turner Publishing Company, Published by Turner Publishing Company, Paducah, KY. U.S. Battleships, An Illustrated Design History, by Norman Friedman @ 1985 United States Naval Institute, Published by the Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD. World War II at Sea, A Global History, by Craig L. Symonds, @ 2018 Craig L. Symonds, Published by Oxford University Press, New York, NY. Report an offensive or inappropriate entry. Xxx. The New Jerseys radar-directed 5-inch guns downed an aircraft in a Japanese night airstrike on March 29. The cycle began again, the teenage seamen performing the same tasks their grandfathers had done forty years before. The Soviet commander hears the sound of ripping linen that announces the passage of the monstrous projectiles, and sees the curtain of dust and rock as the battleships shells obliterate his artillery. These were the first shells fired by the New Jersey in the Vietnamese war. On September 30, 1968, USS New Jersey opened fire the first battleship salvos and 16-inch shells fired since she closed the Korean War in 1953. The New Jerseys remaining single mount 20mm anti-aircraft guns had been removed and were replaced by eight more dual 20mm mounts by the time she sailed for Korea. This was the first time Iowa-class battleships performed their primary function of engaging enemy warships, and proved to be the last, although other opportunities arose in later battles. Thousands of civilians visited her, and 6,000 active and reserve Navy sailors volunteered to serve in her 1,500-man crew. Muster rolls were quarterly lists of enlisted naval personnel attached to each ship, station or activity. It was estimated she saved 100 lives every day she was on station. They captured its capital Seoul and drove the beleaguered South Korean units and reinforcing U.S. forces into the Pusan Perimeter. She was Fifth Fleet flagship during the mid-February raid on the Japanese base at Truk, where she used her guns to sink one enemy ship and join in sinking another. Admiral Ozawa launched a weak airstrike from the decoy Japanese carriers to attract Admiral Halseys attention, but to the Americans it appeared to be just another land-based attack. At broad noon I couldnt see the bow of my ship, 350 feet from the bridge. What it was like on a destroyer one-twentieth the New Jerseys size, I can only imagine.. The ships hull, main guns, and much of its superstructure appear as they did when the New Jersey served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, and the Cold War, making it a fitting museum and memorial to all the conflicts and eras during which it served. During sea trials in Fall 1982, with Secretary Lehman proclaiming, The Battleship Is Back, USS New Jersey fired her Phalanx guns for the first time, as well as her 5-inch guns and 16-inch guns. USS New Jersey sailed back to the Philadelphia Naval Yard and received four more quadruple 40mm guns to augment her anti-aircraft protection. To build the New Jersey required expenditures of approximately $100 million dollars ($1.8 billion in 2020 dollars) and 32,800,000 manhours. Off the Southern California coast on May 10, she became the first surface warship to conduct a successful firing of the Tomahawk Cruise Missile, landing a direct hit on a target over 500 miles away in central Nevada. The heavy powder bags were dropped onto the ramps and rammed behind the shells. had led the successful Southwest Pacific campaign from Guadalcanal up the Solomon Islands. Iowa Class Battleships, Their Design, Weapons; & Equipment, by Robert F. Sumrall, @ 1988 Robert F. Sumrall, Published by US Naval Institute Press, Annapolis MD. Her remaining sixteen twin 20mm mounts were removed, and a Navy librarian removed any books from her library that might be deemed subversive in the McCarthy era. These multideck wooden sailing vessels carried 64 to 140 cannons and were designed to fire broadsides at each other while sailing in a line of battle the dominant form of naval combat from the 17th to the 20th centuries. Registration and communicating with shipmates at Hullnumber.com is FREE FOREVER. Reagan opened by saying: I find myself developing a great respect for the leading lady in these ceremonies. The next day, the New Jersey headed for Ulithi, Pearl Harbor, and Seattle. Navy World Wide Locator | On November 8, 1945, USS New Jersey became the flagship of Admiral John H. Towers, who had helped pioneer naval aviation. Based on that assumption, Kinkaid took all the Seventh Fleets battleships and cruisers south to meet the Admiral Nishimuras force coming through Surigao Strait. 1,200 entries in it, many are from former crew members looking for their old buddies. Halsey and the New Jersey led the fast carriers in airstrikes all over the Philippines, destroying hundreds of aircraft and dozens of warships. Since leaving Pearl Harbor in August, she had been at sea for 85 of 95 days, engaged in near-constant fighting, and steamed 36,185 miles equal to 1 times around the world. The Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial is a living museum with veterans and other volunteers and staff educating thousands of guests every year. Taffy 3 had only three destroyers and four destroyer escorts screening six escort carriers converted merchantmen each having only a dozen obsolescent fighters plus a dozen bombers armed and trained to attack ground troops and submarines rather than surface ships. Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS New Jersey (BB 62), Report an offensive or inappropriate entry, I was part of the the decmission crew. Admiral Gerald Bogan, commander of one of Halseys carrier groups, used TBS to contact the New Jersey and reiterate his night scouting pilots had seen that Admiral Kuritas force was again heading toward San Bernardino Strait and that the Japanese had turned on the straits navigation lights. The battle group commander muses that [w]hen his flagship was built, he was sailing boats in a bathtub. He believes that none of the Soviet ships could possibly survive more than two of his sixteen-inch projectiles, and that the Soviets anti-ship missiles would not be able to damage his ship gravely the New Jersey had upwards of a foot of class B armor plate. The Kirovs group retreats to Russia, and war is averted. Admiral Carney rushed over and grabbed his arm, saying: Stop it! Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957; (National Archives Microfilm Publication T715, 8892 rolls); Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives, Washington, D.C. They usually include portraits of the sailors, officers, and other personnel aboard, accompanied by the individuals surname and naval rate. In June 1945 she was repainted in the horizontal "two-tone" Camouflage Measure 22, which she wore for the rest of the World War II era. With the benefit of the New Jerseys experience, other battleship battle groups were formed as the other Iowa-class battleships were reactivated. The New Jersey then passed through San Bernardino Strait; the same strait through which Japanese battleships fled from the New Jersey in the Battle for Leyte Gulf. When Captain Arleigh Burke, hero of night battles in the Solomons, urged carrier commander Admiral Mitscher to radio Halsey on the New Jersey to warn that Ozawas force was a decoy and to suggest detaching the battleships to stop Kurita, Mitscher responded that if Halsey wants my advice hell ask for it. On the New Jersey, some of Halseys staff expressed similar concerns but declined to wake the exhausted Halsey in the Admirals cabin. Also, in 1982, the New Jerseys interior spaces were reconfigured for greater crew comfort, including new bunks and lockers, air conditioning systems, and other amenities such as a chapel and a TV studio. After fighting fascism, communism, and terrorism, she was decommissioned for the final time in February 1991. At 2022 Admiral Halsey sent a radio telegram from USS New Jersey to Admirals Nimitz and Kinkaid stating he was PROCEEDING NORTH WITH 3 GROUPS TO ATTACK CARRIER FORCE AT DAWN. Nimitz and Kincaid believed this referred only to Halseys three carrier groups and not to Task Force 34, which they again assumed was guarding San Bernardino Strait. USS New Jersey was selected as to participate in the Navys first midshipman training to Europe since 1938. Only USS New Jersey served in the Vietnam War and the conflict in Lebanon, and she served in the Persian Gulf. New Jersey went to the Pacific in early 1944 and conducted her first combat operations in support of the Marshalls invasion. Just aft of the propellers are the two semi-balanced streamlined type rudders with a projected area of 340 square feet each. That day, the New Jersey was ordered to speed 7,042 miles west, arriving off North Korea on April 22. From the New Jersey, Spruance commanded all naval forces in Japanese waters. USS New Jersey (BB-62) - Wikipedia However, the Nixon Administration had begun to reduce American troop levels in favor of Vietnamization, the plan to shift combat duties to the South Vietnamese. Almost seven hundred Japanese planes attacked the fast carriers and invasion fleet, and the giant battleship Yamato and escorts embarked on a one-way attack aimed at Okinawa. On December 24, 1944, the newly-promoted Nimitz flew in from Pearl Harbor and came aboard the New Jersey the first time the five-star flag of a Fleet Admiral was raised over a Navy warship. New Jersey's (BB-62)No. Chevalier. Shame my time on her was so short. USN Ship Camouflage -- Measures 31-32-33, Battleships -- BB - ibiblio Please send any Comments or Questions regarding this site to the webmaster. The New Jersey bombarded Japanese bases and escorted carriers attacking Japanese forces on Pacific islands and the Philippines, Taiwan, China, Indochina, and Japan, including the first major carrier raid on Tokyo. Best time of my life, we did a west-pac and it was great!!! This shaft horsepower is sufficient to produce a speed of 33 knots at normal displacement. The USS New Jersey Battleship Commission sought to bring the ship to northern New Jersey near New York City. UNDERWAY! With no clear target to retaliate against, USS New Jersey could only send some of her Marines, sailors, and doctors ashore to rescue and treat survivors. Organization for Veterans is The USS New Jersey BB-62 Veterans, Inc. The carriers strikes destroyed an estimated 500 planes and reduced Japanese air attacks during the Okinawa landing. Halsey later said he made a mistake in bowing to pressure and turning south. That morning and afternoon, Halseys carriers, guarded by the New Jersey, launched repeated airstrikes against Kuritas force in the Sibuyan Sea, sinking the worlds heaviest battleship Musashi with 19 torpedoes and 17 bombs, and damaging several other ships. In September 1986, armed with nuclear cruise missiles, the New Jerseys battle group transited the Sea of Okhotsk, north of Japan but otherwise surrounded by Soviet territory. Back at Majuro, USS New Jersey again became a flagship during May 1944 for the Pacific Battleship Commander, Admiral Willis Lee. Typhoon Cobra and USS New Jersey were immortalized in Herman Wouks Pulitzer-prize-winning novel The Caine Mutiny, which was made into a movie. I am curious if my father, George M Rozeck was a member of the crew of the USS New Jersey. The New Jersey and six other battleships then formed a battle line that pulverized the Japanese base on Ponape Island in the Carolines on May 1. I point out that the Thanh Hoa bridge was only 12 miles inland, well within the range of the 16-inch guns on the Iowa-class battleships. Moreover, the 16-inch guns would allow the New Jersey to support the troops while out of range of shore batteries that were damaging cruisers firing 8-inch guns. USS New Jersey, which served longer and with greater distinction than any other battleship, now serves as a unparalleled museum and memorial of all of Americas major conflicts from 1943 to 1990. However, she was ordered home for refit via the Philippines and Japan. Her helicopters worked to rescue downed aviators. Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, by Joseph-James Ahern, @ 1997 Joseph-James Ahern, Published by Arcadia Publishing, Charleston, SC. Individuals have had success in locating former and retired military personnel by placing advertisements or reunion notices in military-oriented periodicals or websites. On May 23, 1947, the New Jersey had a 4th birthday bash in Bayonne, New Jersey, attended by New Jersey Governor Alfred Driscoll and former Governor Walter Edge. USS New Jerseys four propeller shafts attach to four driving propellers. The Japanese returned fire but missed. The New Jersey promptly pitched in on May 19, shelling Kansong just above the Parallel to interdict enemy supplies. Victory at Sea, World War II in the Pacific, by James F. Dunnigan & Albert A. Nofi, @ 1995 James F. Dunnigan & Albert A. Nofi, Published by William Morrow & Co., Inc., New York, NY. The New Jersey escorted fast carriers striking Okinawa, Taiwan, and then Luzon. Sent at 0944 on October 25, the radiogram read: TURKEY TROTS TO WATER GG WHERE IS RPT WHERE IS TASK FORCE THIRTY-FOUR RR THE WORLD WONDERS. In his wildly successful 1984 debut novel The Hunt for Red October, the Soviet fleet pursues its newest submarine whose officers are sailing to America to defect. From USS New Jersey, Halsey led the Third Fleets fast carriers, fast battleships, and other frontline combatant ships. Veterans and New Jerseys Governor Christie Todd Whitman watched as the New Jersey transited the Canal for the tenth time in her career. To avoid the weather, Halsey moved the fueling rendezvous south. USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62) Crew Roster. What the hells the matter with you? 24 Mar 1945 : USS Wisconsin bombarded Okinawa, Japan. The attack forced the Combined Fleet to withdraw to bases in the Philippines, and compelled its commander, Admiral Mineichi Koga, to flee in a flying boat that was lost in a typhoon. USS New Jersey Veterans, Inc. Trustees Joseph Azzolina, Jr. Food Circus Supermarkets, Inc. Brian Bauerle Cooper's Ferry Partnership Captain Joseph Benton III McAllister Towing and Transportation Charles Fentress Luke Gordon Sheet Metal Workers Union Local No.19 Honorable Patricia Egan Jones Honorable George Leone, Esq. With the battlelines stabilizing and negotiations beginning, USS New Jersey still alternated between escorting carriers and bombarding the North Korean coast. She was reactivated to fight in the Korean War, and again to fight in the Vietnam War, when she was the worlds only operating battleship. The cause has never been fully explained but the incident called attention to the age of the ships and their guns. US NAVY casualties - list of killed and died by Name, SAAF to SZYMASZEK From August 1944 through January 1945, the New Jersey was Admiral Halsey's first fleet flagship, leading the Navy's main fleet during the Battle of Formosa, the invasions of Peleliu, Leyte, Mindoro, and Luzon, and its sweep through the South China Sea. Wisconsin and Missouri were decommissioned in September 1991 and March 1992, respectively. that was the best duty i ever had.still the greatest warship in the world. With Tirpitz neutralized, the New Jersey was the last U.S. battleship deployed to the North Atlantic during the war. Help| Key items of equipment still operate, including sighting devices for the main battery, the three portside 5-inch batteries and .50 caliber machine gun that can be fired, the ground-breaking analog targeting computer, and missile firing displays. That fleet had started the Central Pacific offensive in November 1943 with liberation of Tarawa and Makin in the Gilbert Islands. On December 7, 1942, the first anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, USS New Jersey was christened by Governor Edisons wife Carolyn Hawkins Edison with a bottle of New Jersey white wine, and Kate Smith sang God Bless America. Launched stern first, the New Jerseys stern slid across the river to touch her namesake state briefly. However, all battleships worldwide were made obsolete by Britains commissioning in 1906 of the all-big-gun, heavily armored, turbine-driven HMS Dreadnought, which had twice their firepower and could reach 21 knots. U.S., Navy Cruise Books, 1918-2009 - Ancestry.com USS Pollux AKS-4 was a Castor-class general stores issue ship commissioned by the U.S. Navy for service in World War II. The WWII-era USS New Jersey was the second Iowa-class battleship completed. Records of Naval Operating Forces: Logbook of the USS Missouri (Record Group 313) Dates: 1945 The collection consists of the logbook, or "deck log" of the USS Missouri during the calendar year of 1945, which includes lists of officers, reports on positions and weather conditions, references to combat, and other information. Because the Philadelphia Yard finished the New Jersey nine months ahead of schedule, freeing up many skilled workers, the Wisconsin ultimately was launched and commissioned before the Missouri even though she had a higher hull number. Moreover, Iowa had suffered a catastrophic explosion while firing its 16-inch guns in April 1989. Like the spotter planes of old, these unmanned aircraft could be launched and recovered from the ship, perform surveillance, acquire targets for the ships guns, and assess damage. At 0215, USS TRIGGER attacks the convoy again, fires three torpedoes and all hit and sink DELAGOA MARU near Tanegashima. Judging Fifty such shells were produced, but it is unknown whether they were deployed on the New Jersey or his sister ships. On August 24, 1944, USS New Jersey left Pearl Harbor carrying Admiral Halsey and his staff. She has a mean draught of 28 feet, 11 inches at a hull load of 45,000 tons, and a full load draught of 37 feet, 9 inches when at a full displacement of 57,540 tons. (The carrier USS Enterprise (CV-6), which the New Jersey frequently escorted, earned 20 battle stars in World War II but sadly was scrapped after the war.) The main radar antenna has been restored to rotate, and systems in the Combat Information Center have been reactivated. During her four-month tour off Vietnam, USS New Jersey fired 5,688 16-inch shells and 14,891 5-inch shells. To buy tickets, visit battleshipnewjersey.org/purchase. On August 1, he made the decision to recommission USS New Jersey for employment in the Pacific Fleet to augment the naval gunfire support force in Southeast Asia. The New Jersey was selected because she was in the best material condition of the four battleships.
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