We teac Mar 6, 2023 - 7:00pm - 617 Masonic Blvd, Jefferson, WI 53549, Mar 6, 2023 - 7:30pm - 226 W. Main Street, Whitewater, WI 53190, Mar 7, 2023 - 7:00pm - 125 S. 5th St., Stoughton, WI 53589, Mar 9, 2023 - 7:00pm - 201 Park St., Oregon, WI 53575, Mar 13, 2023 - 7:00pm - 2322 E. Milwaukee St, Janesville, WI 53545-2145, Mar 13, 2023 - 7:30pm - 301 - 1st Center Ave, Brodhead, WI 53520, Mar 15, 2023 - 7:00pm - 205 N. Water Street, Albany, WI 53502, Mar 15, 2023 - 7:30pm - 229 W. Grand Ave., Beloit, WI 53511, Mar 16, 2023 - 6:30pm - 1613-1/2 10th Street, Monroe, WI 53566-2001, Mar 16, 2023 - 7:00pm - 11313 N State Rd 138, Evansville, WI 53536. Wisconsin News - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel If you are interested in helping the Wisconsin Masonic Foundation continue to preserve the building and serve the community by donating to the Foundation, please contact John Prindle at 608-256-5734. These innovative fire-fighting tools were made possible by a grant from the Wisconsin Masonic Foundation's "Acts of Kindness" program. RSVP: Scott Scharnell, sscharnell@netwurk.net. These guidelines apply to the reuse of articles, figures, charts and photos in the, Apart from Authors use, no material appearing in the, Grand Lodges in the US, Canada, and Mexico, Download Membership or Subscription Forms, JTMS Supplement to the Quarry Project Style Guide, Changes Now In Progress At The Masonic Society. 119, Brat Fry, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., public welcome. Dinner and meeting all had fun, Waterloo provided cake for the meal. Visit www.manawamasoniclodge.org/home/mustang-roundup for more information. The Wisconsin Masonic Journal, 36275 Sunset Drive, Dousman, WI 53118. Brother Scott Pieper receives his Past Master. Non-members (within United States): $15.00 per year, Non-members (mailed outside of the United States): $50.00 (payable in advance), Members: $8.50 per year (included in the Grand Lodge per, Advertising Office Phone/FAX 262-965-3979, Advertising rates upon request. Scottish Rite NMJ USA, The 9th Masonic District in the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. I would suggest that all lodges, do this periodically, it reminds us of our ties, our promises, in the, ing it on command, than just hearing it on the sidelines along the, Communications, the Master kneeling at the altar, and the rest of, the lodge in a triangular formation behind him, with hand to shoul-, nication that we would get the new alternate candidate interview, process up on the Grand Lodge website. Each Freemason practices the three principle tenets: Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, while promoting a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide brotherhood transcending all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences. The Kenosha Lodge #47 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/KenoshaLodge47/ Wisconsin Masonic Journal Thats, the kind of life that philosophers have called a li, Brethren from Wisconsin receiving their 33rd Degree during the Supreme Council meeting in, Milwaukee from left: PGM Scott E. Pedley, Steven Lasure, Pet, Schwartz, Craig Froelich and Lyle Korner. A 50-target Skeet Shoot in morning at TWSA, and a 50-target Sporting Clays in the afternoon at Woods & Meadows hunting preserve in Warrens. The quarterly Journal of The Masonic Society (ISSN 2155-4145) presents articles that enlighten our past, and explore solutions to the challenges facing Freemasonry today. AUGUST 2 Shawano Lodge No. Amazon offers over 100,000 books on leadership. Copy this YouTube linkhttps://yout Crawfish Boil 2023 was a great event. Total value of the property in 1923 was $684,000.
13 Milwaukee Valley Scottish Rite, Teddy Bear Classic Golf Outing, Muskego Lakes Country Club, 14020 Loomis Rd, Muskego. $20 with all proceeds going to Shriners Childrens Hospital Chicago. Masons champion the heroes of our society such as veterans, teachers, police and first responders.Membership in Wisconsin Masonry is growing and getting younger. from It is published monthly except for the. Another great br Brothers,
The best source for news, analysis, sports and features coverage in Madison, Wisconsin and surrounding areas. WISCONSIN MASONIC JOURNAL - NOVEMBER 2018 - PAGE 9 News Events from the Lodges St. John's Lodge Awards Night. Vision:We will be the preeminent fraternity of choice for men of quality and vision who seek personal knowledge, moral growth and leadership development; ultimately improving the individual mason, his community and the world., Mission: To promote personal development by reinforcing moral principles, to assist those suffering unfortunate circumstances, and to foster friendship and cooperation among all people.. 4 Manawa Lodge No. Dedication ofWisconsinMasonicHeritage Center at 2:00 p.m. 7 MasonicBrotherhood Council, Longest Breakfast (Tea) - Joint Worldwide MasonicCelebration, 8:30 a.m. Read More Contact Who is Wisconsin Masonic Journal Headquarters 31 S 3rd Ave, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, 54235, United States Phone Number (920) 743-2596 Website Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. Below is a preview of a documentary that describes more about the Wisconsin Masonic Center and who the Masons are. Year; Issue:pp-pp. 47 and Washburn Masonic Lodge No. Masonry (also known as Freemasonry) is the world's first and largest fraternal organization. In reality, a gourmet is someone who simply enjoys food. Contact the lodge to d Janesville-Western Star #55, in Janesville, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the second and fourth Monday of the month. It's there now and gives the, lodges another way that may help give you a better feeling of confi-, dence that you've done your best to guard the West gate in your, lodge. 19 Beja Shriners motorcycle ride and show. Jefferson County #9, in Jefferson, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the first and third Monday of the month. We need you to accept our conditions to continue browsing. Emessay Notes - Masonic Service Association of North America - MSANA Proceeds go to WisconsinMasonicHeritage Center. Chartered on 06/09/1858 by the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin, Bicknell Lodge #94 F. & A.M. in Brodhead, Wisconsin is part of District #009. Editor at Wisconsin Masonic Journal Oregon Town, Wisconsin, United States 48 connections. Masonic Journal - Freemasons of Wisconsin - yumpu.com Your Acts of Kindness award more than one-hundred annual scholarships, build better communities and save lives every year. Fort Atkinson Supper Club, 211 S. The Official Publication of the Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin, By Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin, Im sitting here as I watch the Packers wi, column and reflecting on how good I feel about Masonry in Wiscon-, sin. The Masonic Information Center (MIC) was founded in 1993 by a grant from the late John J. Robinson, well-known author, speaker, and Mason. No charge, but request food donations for local food pantry. 25 Third Annual Sportsmen's Shoot, Camp Douglas Lodge No. Freemasons are united in the common goal of becoming better men. Ward Nottestad 608-423-3931. $20 for skeet and $20 for sporting clays; pay when you register. Our Lodge will be hosting a table lodge on Monday 2/27. Come out to Lodge and get your Irish on! To submit articles for publication in The Journal, contact the Editor-in-Chief, Michael R. Poll, at editor@themasonicsociety.com, If you are a vendor with products of interest to the North American community of Freemasons, and are interested in advertising in The Journal, contact the Advertising Department directly at ads@themasonicsociety.com. In the Wisconsin Masonic Journal we find it stated that John Wesley, the Founder of Methodism was made a Mason in Downpatrick Lodge #36, in Ireland, on October 30, 1738. Brother Scott Pieper receives his Past Master. Brothers from Kenosha Masonic Lodge No. Through this universal brotherhood, Masons learn to be better husbands, better fathers, better brothers, and better citizens. Included in these programs are help for families of our deployed military, scholarships, support for youth, medical research, children's hospitals, and our Honored Ladies. Master Larry Sperberg will welcome everyone in the Lodge room at 6:30 p.m. followed by a Dedication Ceremony by Grand Master Dennis V. Siewert and the Grand Lodge Officers. Contact the lodge to determine the pur St. John's Lodge #57, in Whitewater, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the first and third Monday of the month. Please do NOT send Paypal payments to the above address! John H. Corscot, Past Grand Master, acted as Grand Master in laying the stone. The annual chili cook-off was a huge success. All Contents copyright 2008-2023 The Masonic Society, Inc. 265. The purposes of the WMCF shall be to engage in any lawful activities within the purposes for which the corporation may be organized under Chapter 181 of the Wisconsin Statutes and to operate exclusively for charitable & educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including but not limited to the solicitation & raising of funds for the construction, stocking, & operation of a Masonic library and museum; and for the restoration, maintenance, operation & preservation of the Wisconsin Masonic Temple of Freemasonry (The Building) located at 301 Wisconsin Ave., Madison, Wisconsin 53703-2107. We believe in the principles of personal responsibility and morality, encouraging each member to practice in his daily life the lessons taught through symbolic ceremonies within the lodge. Thank You. Organ Caper lottery at picnic. Charles E. Whelan, Past Grand Master, delivered the address. We do this out of love and practice it in how we live and through programs we support. wimasons.org - Grand Lodge Web Site Wisconsin Masonic Journal View Monthly News and Events https://members.wisc-freemasonry.org/wisconsin-masonic-journal-on-line/ Scottish Rite Masons - NMJ Northern Masonic Jurisdiction What is Scottish Rite Masonry, Start here scottishritenmj.org Shriners Masons What and who are shriners start here District #009 - Our Lodge Page The meeting, held at 229 W. Grand Ave. in Beloit, WI 53511, starts at 7:30pm. Contact the lodge to determine the purpose Waucoma #90, in Evansville, Wisconsin, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the third Thursday of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. See page 15. bration. 5:30 cocktails, 6:30 dinner. Freemasons find satisfaction in being part of a centuries-old fraternity whose traditions and core values are relevant today, and will endure for centuries to come. Our mission is guided by the enduring and relevant principles of our fraternity: With more than 11,000 members statewide, our fraternity represents the entire spectrum of Wisconsinites. 42. Breakfast will be served in the lower level. acter and the memories held of us that will remain and be our legacy. I was honored in August when the Master of my plural lodge, Lafayette No. The Wisconsin Masonic Journal, Publication Number 011-551 (ISSN No. Contact manawalodge@hotmail.com. Dinner will be served, s Dyslexia Center of Milwaukee. Their families wanted to have a special Join us as we gather to honor Grand Master L. Arby Humphrey and his Lady Cindy at the Greysolon Plaza in Duluth MN. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! The process document gives you the background on the new, approach to the interview process as well as a, The goal is to not mimic questions on the petition, but to better un-, derstand the character of the man that is petitioning to join your, lodge, asking him why he is joining, what he expects to get from. The structure size of the building is 112 feet wide and 182 feet long. RSVP to Brother Robert, Ott at 608-415-2536 no later than Thursday, September 26. able). Wisconsin State Journal - Home - Facebook Anything you may have read or heard about Masonry being a secret society is obviously a myth. 19-22 Wisconsin DeMolay Conclave at Edgewood College. Contact the lodge to determine the pur Twin Cities #61, in Neenah, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the first and third Monday of January, February, March, April, May and June. Join to connect Wisconsin Masonic Journal. RSVP by Aug. 7, to Bro. Wisconsin news, photos, video and investigative reporting from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and JSOnline.com. On September 30, 1925, the dedication of the Madison Masonic Center was headlined in the Wisconsin State Journal. Contact Mom Dorothy Cigale for details at 414-481-1194 or email djcigale@gmail.com 18 Masonic Brotherhood Council Monthly Breakfast, 8:30 a.m., Coffee Makes You Black, 2503 N. Teutonia Ave., Milwaukee. The meeting, held at 5189 N. Harper St. in Mercer, WI 54547, starts at 6:30pm. The Journal features articles by the best-known authors in Freemasonry, and the brethren from the lodge in your neighborhood. The Whence Came You? Podcast, a Masonic podcast with an average global reach of two hundred fifty thousand listens per episode, held a Masonic essay contest in late 2022. Ashlars presented in memory of Davey White Sr. Bro. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. They are automatically granted permission to do the following: Reuse the article in print collections of their own writing; Present a work orally in its entirety; Use an article in a thesis and/or dissertation; Reuse a figure, photo and/or table in future commercial and noncommercial works; Post a copy of the article electronically. John B. Williams Web Page Contact Bro. Over 50 guests came together and enjoyed the brotherhood and comradery of the Hays boys and Henry Palmer Lodges. Lodge No. The meeting, held at 201 Park St. in Oregon, WI 53575, starts at 7:00pm. Taking Service and Assistance Brotherly Love I was blessed to have served on the Service and Assistance Board for over a decade. If you haven't looked at our Facebook page and "Liked" or are following us yet, please do so. How, you answer those questions ought to make you pause and take stock, of what being a Freemason has meant and continues to mean for, When our lives come to a close the honors we, the riches we have acquired in life will not be what defines who we, were as a man in the eyes of others; it will be. Wisconsin Masonic Journal is a company that operates in the Newspapers industry. The Journal of The Masonic Society - The Masonic Society Isnt that a worthwhile investment? The general furnishings cost $68,000. 21. The Journal of The Masonic Society is the only magazine of its kind to do so in the U.S. and Canada. The Wisconsin Masonic Journal -Anewstip Database
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