whats next a russian build up around the baltic straits?or the chinese off tiawan? Build the strongest argument relying on authoritative content, attorney-editor expertise, and industry defining technology. I know Sean but she would certainly Grind Vlad Putin down, Thats true enough, she grinds me down and I accept the science behind climate change!! I cant believe Putin seriously wants to invade Ukraine he would lose far more than he gained. In a hastily arranged trip, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was set to arrive in Kiev last night to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The waters wont be crowded, NOTAMs would clear potential conflict areas fast. Ultimately, the maneuver ends abruptly. In such a febrile atmosphere, the risk of a misunderstanding or unplanned escalation is greater, and Russia could use such an incident as a casus belli. Well the attacks came from Yemen itself as did missiles over night last night they arent coming from Iranian soil. NSM in clear sea lanes, is perfectly suited to keeping enemy at arms length. US coast guard confirms Chinese and Russian warships off Alaska Britain disputed the Russian version of events, with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab calling it "predictably inaccurate". Maybe, but are you disputing the accuracy of my first sentence? His advanced years are often publicly evident in his performance. The NATO Allied Maritime Command is "closely monitoring" Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov, it said in a tweet with a photo of the warship. I think most would agree Trump was a very poor President and Joe Biden has not covered himself in glory. He has set out his demands publicly (Ukraine never to join NATO, EFP troops to withdraw from Poland and the Baltics as a minimum) and he will then withdraw his troops we in the west will not agree to any of that. We will see who is right in a month or two. As to the vaccine mandate, you are aware of the cross US/Canada border restrictions that came into force today that affect 50% or so drivers and the log jams in US west coast ports? So many completely underestimate the complexity and difficulties of achieving the kill chain with Anti ship missiles. Russian Navy Landing Ships Seen Approaching Ukrainian Coast Near Odessa
In comarison with previous pictures those ships are sailing well loaded. JSM is also getting a version of BAes RF receiver, that is one of the primary sensors on the LRASM. Likewise the presence of Nato tripwire forces might just persuade Russian planners to step back. Heavily armed Russian-backed separatists have controlled a swath of eastern Ukraine since 2014 and continue to exchange fire with Ukrainian government forces despite a 2015 ceasefire that ended major hostilities. The conflict in Donbass has killed 15,000 people, Kyiv says. During its 2008 war with Georgia, Russia bristled at U.S. warships operating in the Black Sea, and in April the United States cancelled the deployment of two warships to the area. But more significantly, the conclusion was the Belgrano would have been pummelled by the sheer weight of accurate fire that both Blake and Tiger could put down. Tobias Ellwood said Russian President Vladimir Putin was taking full advantage of a weakened West. No, but it would be interesting to know what Circumstances would trigger that. America last night warned the Kremlin of 'massive consequences' as its top diplomat flew to Europe for last-ditch talks aimed at averting war. Britain said Russia was giving an inaccurate account of the incident. By
Ammunition depots. Ill accept naval power but always is a bit sweeping. The assessment put the number of rebels within Ukraine who are loyal to Moscow at 35,000 and estimated Russia has a further 3,000 military personnel within Kiev's territory. The same Russian warship has since conducted military drills in the Norwegian Sea, the Russian defence ministry announced. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. Russian, US, French and UK warships spotted off south coast by Defence At least they didnt decimate their armed forces like the UK and most of its allies as a result of peace dividend at end of cold war. Biden is standing up to Putin in every way logical. Any commander in defence now has Russian forces to the North, East, South and West; it could all get very tasty. This is a normal response to transiting warships from other nations., Russian amphibious assault flotilla to transit English Channel. Two weeks ago nearly a dozen warships and combat aircraft from Russia's Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets gave a "show of force in the waters off the British and Irish coasts" General . To Decimate is as you put Dave 1 in 10 ,50% is half which is Dimidium, Cheers Tommo my googlefu is poor however, my google translate fu was non-existent , Over the last third of a century the pollies have dimidiumated the British Army . Biden-BIG disappointment. RNs lack of AsUW is a gamble, otherwise why retain harpoon? We are were we are now and it should have never have got to this point. Ireland tells Russia live-fire naval exercise is 'not welcome' It said: "The crew of the frigate 'Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov' conducted an air defense exercise in the Norwegian Sea. Using it just to illustrate how the forward presence of US/Nato forces in Eastern Europe may or may not influence Russian decision making. It is a show of force and plans for a possible invasion. These vessels are more than likely head to Syria to onload stores. LONDON, June 24 (Reuters) - Russia warned Britain on Thursday that it would bomb British naval vessels in the Black Sea if there were any further provocative actions by the British navy off the. Too many journalists sit at their desks googling news instead of getting off their backsides. Morning Sean. The True Reason Why 7 Russian Warships off UK Coast - YouTube The region has been on a knife-edge since the end of last year when Moscow moved as many as 100,000 troops, as well as tanks and missiles, close to the border. Should be a 10 year rule everything gets stored for at least 10 years in case needed. loads of shps. Im Amazed at Germany and Frances response. Some operating virtually continuously for a couple of years or more on a return trip every month. THey may have a go at making life uncomfortable for the US there as well. Purely theoretical, but just imagine Putin had deployed military units to Iraq in 2002/2003 as peacekeepers and to secure WMD. US truckers are heavily non vaccinated. I think Irans aspirations in the region run much deeper than having mild cooperation with Russia. Nope me neither. But then we are talking about a Govt that is all style (and what style that is these days judging by the No.10 makeover) over remote substance and my do those Type 45s look smart and mean when they are out on the water especially when they have a dragon on the bow though Boris would probably add flock wallpaper as camaflage. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken today warnedRussia could attack Ukraine on 'very short notice'during a meeting with UkrainianPresident Volodymyr Zelensky at the American embassy in Kiev. And it will be forthcoming if I am wrong as I hope yours will be in reverse. We should grant him that and make it a reality. We printed something like 45 billion sterling to deal with the pandemic yet fail to commit to proper spending to save our own planet. NATOs multinational battlegroup in Bulgaria reached full operational capability on Wednesday. A pair of those would make a proper mess of todays warships. 'Our strength depends on preserving our unity and that includes unity within Ukraine. Ties between London and Moscow have been on ice since the 2018 poisoning with a Soviet-developed nerve agent known as Novichok of ex-double agent Sergei Skripal, a mole who betrayed hundreds of Russian agents to Britain's MI6 foreign spy service. We live and learn. Plus, RN experience has taught us we use helicopters in the littoral with Stingray, Martlet and Sea Venom, and hunter killer boats for larger warships. And in the Western Military District, a missile regiment armed with S-400 Triumf mobile, surface-to-air missile system conducted electronic launches at a range in Leningrad region. Since then its been regular movements in/out as the Russian military cycled as many as possible through Syria for the experience. https://www.army-technology.com/projects/land-based-future-local-area-air-defence-system-flaads-land/, Is Russia just grandstanding in some effort to remove the economic sanctions? He said the countries were 'united in their resolve' against Russian aggression. The finger of suspicion immediately fell on Russia, although Ukrainian officials said critical infrastructure had not been targeted. Therefore in theory at least for the narrowest Dover-Calais area we could do that. So were Western economies corrupt, going back in time. 'We're now at a stage where Russia could at any point launch an attack in Ukraine, and what Secretary Blinken is going to go do is highlight very clearly there is a diplomatic path forward. The military ship activated its AIS tracker on Wednesday at 10am, making it visible on real-time marine traffic tracker. Whilst we (NATO) wont be firing shots, theres a massive amount that can be done with regards to intelligence and weapon supply that, arguably should have been done a month ago. Several European nations have now moved to bolster Natos military deployment in eastern Europe. During the last 2 years lots of HGV drivers left the profession, as happens every year. All depends on how you define corruption but generally speaking most countries are corrupt at some or all levels us included. And even 2 or 3 Astute boats would give any fleet a serious headache. "If you don't change the course, I'll fire," a heavily accented Russian voice said in English to the British ship. That was due to the unusually large number of landing craft in the Baltic. All vessels travelling through the Bosphorus have to book passage where a Turkish pilot will board to insure safe passage, that includes men of war irrespective of nationality. The Kremlin quickly denied it was preparing a provocation. Whilst the Canada and now Mexico border problems are now very real indeed. In such cluttered close waters, the 4.5 inch is probably the best weapon and only weapon you would need. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. But the virus restrictions have meant few have been trained and tested to replace them. The British destroyer visited the Ukrainian port of Odessa this week, where an agreement was signed for Britain to help upgrade Ukraine's navy. Giving his annual speech to the Royal United Services Institute, the Defence chief said: They are flexing their muscles in our own back yard with an ostentation they have not displayed since the Cold War. I note that you seen to have accepted my comments on the US border debacle. Putin praised the ship's strength as it sailed off on its journey, saying: "The frigate Admiral Gorshkov is embarking on a long sea voyage. The official warned the Kremlin: 'Our message, and that of our allies and partners, is that Russia has two choices: diplomacy and de-escalation, or escalation and massive consequences. Pity we dont have an enormous fleet of attack submarines to take out surface ships. You are right. Global Britain is an illusion. Unfortunately we are in a poor starting position militarily, as is most of NATO if things escalate. Russian warships filmed off coast of Britain as Royal Navy shadows The big question is-could this conflict once started, and if NATO do get involved, be limited to a conventional battle? F35 will also receive SPEAR 3 which also has anti ship capability. "Today, a detachment of ships and support vessels, headed by the large anti-submarine ship Vice-Admiral Kulakov of the Northern Fleet, passed the Pas-de-Calais and continues to move southward in the . Pretty much what their President told them on the TV a couple of days ago. On western side it was concern that with the post Soviet economic collapse theyd end up in very dodgy countries hands. The seven Russian ships - two frigates, three corvettes and two landing ships - were initially tracked by HMS Tyne, an offshore patrol craft.