You can use a Wild Card for any NBHA class you wish to enter proving your age qualifies you for that entry. The length of the race and the distance between the barrels can change, but this is how the barrels are usually set up: 90 feet between barrels 1 and 2, 105 feet between barrels 1 and 3, and score lines Also, its very important to finish the race by the rules and without touching the barrels. ", Download Membership Application (pdf format). NO LATE FEE. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Dress code is required for pictures on Sunday morning. Starfishing In Barrel Racing: What Does It Actually Mean? The CENTRAL 4-D BARREL RACERS organizationhas been formed for the following purposes. A: For local information, contact your state district director. The 4-D format allows horses and riders of varying experience levels and abilities to succeed within an appropriate division, complete with prizes and points. The top 10 fastest combined times on two runs will advance to the short round immediately following the running the 4D Youth on Sunday. Contestants MUST check in with the show office before their run should the posted draw note Must See Office under the horse name. If a contestant is not present when their name is called, they will receive two additional gate calls and will then receive a "no time." Split reins are by far the most versatile type of reins used in western riding,, When award-winning para equestrian Lauren Reischer was born 24 years ago, the Centers for Disease, As things continue to get more expensive, its no surprise that lots of riders have, Everything has raised in price over the last couple years, but we have especially felt, Welcome to Horse Illustrateds weekly installment of the Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week, offered in partnership with the, In the Horse Illustrated podcast Barn Banter episode 4, hosts Susan FriedlandandRaquel Lynn chat with guests Hope Ellis-Ashburn and Leah, Raising a foal is a long-held dream for many horse lovers. I have owned over 50 horses and currently own a small horse farm with 8 horses. Finding the right pieces and fitting them together can be challenging, but ultimately very rewarding. Q: Who do I contact for local NBHA news in my area? 4.3.8 The Novice class will be run with a 3-D format with 1 second splits. (function() { Central 4D Barrel Races . What Are the Average Barrel Racing Times? If you are a barrel racer or if you want to become a barrel racer the NBHA is the association to join. No dress code is required to compete, but is requested. 2112 Montgomery St,Fort Worth, TX, 76107, The National Barrel Horse Association, headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, is the largest barrel racing organization in the world. C. To publish information concerning dates and results of jackpots, association standing, and other information members are interested in. Average is determined on combined times for two days same horse and rider combination. 4.3.2 The Youth class is open to all persons fourteen (14) years of age and younger as of the date of the jackpot or to members fourteen (14) years old at time of membership who are counting attendance toward the Youth class for that season. of each division. Late entries will be drawn from all available numbers. All sanctioned shows must use the NBHA approved payback schedule. 325 - Saturday #1 Futurity 2D, Futurity. A: You may accumulate points in all divisions. We believe it to be fairer and a more just way of leveling the playing field. Failure to answer 3 gate calls in a 60 second time period will result in an Official scratch, no excuses. } Anyone not checking in will be disqualified no exceptions! There is no exact standard. Beau Damon took 2nd place in 4D with a Time of 19.600 in Friday $250 Added 4D Barrel Race (Standard Splits) winning $183.00. Youwill mail a check for a turn out fee of $30 or fees, whichever is less. (High number wins.) Barrels 1 and 2 must be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from the fence and barrel 3 must be at least twenty-five (25) feet from the back fence, and barrels set centered atop the stakes. Carry overs must be indicated before the contestant runs in the 8 & Under. Members may participate in jackpots of any region but may only count points in the region to which they belong. 3.1.1 All activities not covered by these articles and bylaws are not allowed. (218) 464-3859. Learn More . Please note your birthday is based off January 1, 2022 for the NBHA 2023 Youth & Teen World Championships. Divisions are determined by taking the fastest time ran by a horse on a specific track and marking that as "1D," then setting the following divisions by adding set segments of time to the fastest time posted. What Are 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D Times In Barrel Racing? 1D is the group with the fastest horses clocking the best times, 4D is the group with the slowest times. Pay on Horse and Rider Team: OK The standard by which treatment will be measured is that which a reasonable person, informed and experienced in generally accepted equine training and competition procedures would determine to be cruel, abusive, or inhumane. 4.1.1 A minimum of twelve (12) jackpots should be scheduled annually in each region of the association. There are quick turns with high speeds which make for an edge-of-your-seat experience like no other event in equestrian competition today. In the race are able to compete, as professionals with great experience and beginners. 4.5.6 A five (5) second penalty will be assessed for each barrel knocked over. Hi i am trying to get into barrel racing soon. If your district will not be awarding year-end awards there may not be a district fee. Whats the fastest barrel racing time ever? 4.5.4 Stakes should be used to mark the positions of the barrels and the barrels should be seton the inside of the stakes in a clover-leaf pattern. Eligibility to compete for points in NBHA sanctioned events. A: No. The four divisions are then determined by time brackets. I write these articles to help anyone out there if you love this article pin it to your Pinterest or Share on other social media platform. Perhaps youd like to do it without adding a, As a horse owner, you know if your horse is the boss or at the bottom of the pecking order, I sighed as I watched Gander growing smaller in the distance, tail flying and dust clouds rising behind him as, We all love to see our horse enjoying a graze on delicious spring grass. They're usually used in the for sale ads that barrel horses have, hopefully coupled with the average time and it's usually on a standard sized pattern. The sanctioning power of the NBHA helps to improve conditions at existing shows and to upgrade arenas to meet NBHA safety standards and show requirements. Your NBHA District Director will sanction not fewer than 6 and not more than 18 shows in your competition district each year. 4.1.5 Any persons who have entered the race can draw out with a refund up to 3 hours pre-race time. 5.2.4 In the event a contestant has winnings that they do not pick up at the race and request it be mailed, a $3.00 fee will be deducted from the winnings. ); They can enter the Novice class until such time that they are capable of running a 3D youth time. The BARREL HORSE NEWS is a monthly magazine dedicated to our members and the sport of barrel racing. 1.2.2 Membership runs from November 1 through October 31. It goes from fastest to slowest: 1D, 2D, 3D, and 4D. In 1992, the NBHA revolutionized the barrel racing industry by pioneering the divisional format, which allows riders of all skill levels a chance to win money and prizes in barrel racing competition. After midnight of the designated cutoff pre-entry date for any event, the riders fees are considered non-refundable, unless special considerations are deemed appropriate. 6.2.4 At the end of the season, a member will keep points only from the division in which they have the highest standing. All reruns will be the decision of the Arena Director. Riders may carry times over to the Open and must indicate carry overs on the entry form in the appropriate box at the time of entry. Winner Circle Ranch LLC also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. For example, you can win a Wild Card in a Senior Division and use it to enter the Open Division. Carry overs must be indicated in the correct box on the entry form when entering if entering the Youth or Open in addition to the 8 & Under. { 3D 1 second slower than what was recorded as being the quickest. 289 - Saturday #1 JUNIOR Bonus Class 4D (1 second splits), Bonus Class JUNIOR. 4.1.3 Exhibitions, a Youth 3-D (14 & under) class and the Open 4-D class will be offered at CENTRAL 4-D BARREL RACERS jackpots. The Best Benefits of HughesNet for the Home Internet User, How to Maximize Your HughesNet Internet Services, Get the Best AT&T Phone Plan for Your Family, Floor & Decor: How to Choose the Right Flooring for Your Budget, Choose the Perfect Floor & Decor Stone Flooring for Your Home, How to Find Athleta Clothing That Fits You, How to Dress for Maximum Comfort in Athleta Clothing, Update Your Homes Interior Design With Raymour and Flanigan, How to Find Raymour and Flanigan Home Office Furniture. Q: What are the age divisions at the World Championship events? 3.1 Situations Not Covered in Articles and Bylaws. Barrel racing is a type of rodeo racing that is mostly done by women. We look forward to having you all join us as we start our 26th season of "Making Barrel Racing Fun!" . Paying more than the stated places requires approval of the District Director. Our stalls and RV hookups are up and ready to rent, please book at All vet out refunds will be processed approximately within 10 days after the show. JavaScript is disabled. hit barrels) cannot place in the 4D. Members must participate in at least fifty percent (50%) of the scheduled official jackpots in their region in order to attend the association finals and must participate in at least fifty (50%) of the total number of jackpots including the finals (which counts as two jackpots) to be eligible for season awards (ie With 12 regular season point jackpots, you must participate in 6 to qualify for the finals and must participate in 7 to qualify for year-end awards.). A 1D class is a race run by horses and riders with the fastest times. We look forward to having you all join us as we start our 26th season of "Making Barrel Racing Fun! 38th Annual Ogden 8 & Under World Champion Barrel Race, ONLINE ENTRIES close Aug 11th late fee applies, Douglas County Fairgrounds Indoor Arena Castle Rock, CO, Western North Carolina Agricultural Center Fletcher, NC, Texas Rose Spring Kickoff I A Hunter/Jumper Horse Show, $3500 Added Weekend Rockin Tha Clock & Hi Lines and Halos, BRAT Spring Fling Race 9 & 10 Glen Rose March 3-4, BRAT Spring Fling Sat March 4 Race 9 Live Results, BRAT Spring Fling Sun March 5 Race 10 Live Results, Wed Jackpot @ the Expo March 1 2023 Searchable Results, Wed Jackpot @ THE EXPO Feb 22, 2023 Searchable Results, Wed Jackpot @ THE EXPO Feb 15 Searchable Results, 3rd Annual Mardi Gras Barrel Bash Results, 2 Hearts Barrel Racing New Year Celebration Results. The collaborative work of the horse with the rider can make or break your performance on the track as well. If your time was between 19.355 and 20.355 you would be in the fourth division. 3.1.2 All challenges and disputes under the association's articles and bylaws or with decisions made by jackpot judges shall be submitted to the executive committee in writing. What Is ChatGPT? We anticipate confirming the remaining 2 shows in January. })(); Copyright 2023 National Barrel Horse Association. A forum community dedicated to horse owners and enthusiasts. Q: Do I have to ride a registered horse? Postage machine dates DO NOT qualify as postmarks. The 4D barrel racing format means that in the same race we have 4 divisions. Awards will be presented to the average champions in each D based on horse/rider combination. 4.5.2 The standard pattern for setting the barrels at Central 4D Barrel Racers jackpots is: Eighty (80) feet between 1st and 2nd barrel stakes; ninety five (95) feet from barrel 1st and 2nd stakes and the 3rd barrel stake; forty-five (45) feet from the line between the 1st and 2nd barrels and the time score line; and, if the arena allows, forty-five (45) feet from the score line to the gate. To help support the State Championships by raising money for State Awards all NBHA sanctioned shows must charge a minimum $2.00 awards fee with a minimum $1.00 going to the District and a minimum $1.00 going to the State Director for State Championships. 5.2.1 Monies will be split between the divisions of the 4-D class with 35% going to the 1D, 30% to the 2D, 20% to the 3D, and 15% to the 4D. We worked very hard and listened to our members and we will continue to do so and make any changes we need to. In larger arenas a standard rodeo pattern may be set with Ninety (90) feet between barrels 1 and 2; One hundred five (105) feet between barrels 2 and 3 and barrels 1 and 3; Sixty (60) feet from barrels 1 and 2 to score line, and, if the arena allows, forty-five (45) feet from score line to the gate. Each State can elect for higher fees for State and District if approved by the Regional Directors. There are no restrictions regarding how added money is apportioned among classes at a show. A $10.00 fine will be assessed if an exhibition exceed the time limit. Splits will be fastest time +1 sec for 2D, fastest time +2 sec for 3D and fastest time +4 sec for 4D. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Saturday $500 Added 4D Barrel Race (Standard Splits) 1 Division Talia Jaeger Frenchman's Spice Talia Jaeger took 1st place in 1D with a Time of 17.354 in Saturday $500 Added 4D Barrel Race (Standard Splits) winning $631.00 . 4.5.3 In smaller arenas, it is recommended that the pattern be reduced proportionately to the standard barrel pattern with the minimum distances from the arena fence listed in 4.5.2being maintained. A roll of the dice or flip of the coin between contestants tied will handle tie for awards. Late entries will run after all pre-entries. Obviously, the most important thing is how well the horse and rider work together as a team. All levels of riders and horses are welcome and anyone . In a payout, the total jackpotted entry fees are to be divided into: Added money will be divided in the same ratio used above for the entry fees or split evenly among all divisions. Plus, it will help you keep your balance between the barrels and avoid losing time. 6.2.3 Points from seventy-five percent (75%) of the jackpots will be counted toward the final season standings. Our arenas are ready and the ground is prepped, but there are a few things onsite that are still under construction. Individual district and states have the ability to designate their own refund policies. event : evt, (Processing fee are non-refundable). Thank you for coming to see what 377 Arena has to offer, we are excited to share our facility with you as webegin hosting events. Entry Fees - Open - $40, Youth - $25, Novice $15; Senior Sidepot - $25, Exhibs - $5, Proc Fee - $10. A. Q: Do Youth riders have to wear a helmet? If you have won money we need a W9 from you. If your time was between 18.355 and 19.355 you would be in the third division. B. You may enter as many horses as you wish. You must enter both days before your Saturday run to be eligible for the average awards. YOU MUST CONTACT SECRETARY IF YOU'RE TURNING OUT. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Q: Can a Youth rider compete on a stallion? Entry forms for each location will be found on the schedule tab in the info. A contestant may enter an incentive race up to one hour before their run, but preferably at the time they originally enter. 4D Barrel Race 2022 Location , Date & Time Wednesday 2022-09-14 5:30 pm Website @Billings Saddle Club Weather Permitting! A run with penalties will be treated as a "no time. Many of these will be existing open shows and association or club shows where you may already be competing If a team breaks the rules, they will be penalized. Saturday Office opens at 7am Race starts at 8am Pants on Fire Open 4D Barrel Race (.70 second splits) $7,500 added | $85 EF (includes WCBRA fee) Saddles to win-ners in each "D" Pants on Fire Lesters Live Wire 2D Futurity (1-second split . Q: How do I qualify for the NBHA 2023 Youth & Teen World Championship? The second division will have results starting from 18.5 + 0.5 seconds. Once a contestant has entered the competition arena they must maintain a forward motion. Books will close for late entries AFTER THE 1ST HORSE RUNS!!! ", 4.5.7 Contestants should be ready to compete when their name is called. This method allows everyone to equally enjoy the race and gives more opportunities to win it. The 4-D format has become quite popular in barrel racing, thanks in large part to the National Barrel Racing Association (NBHA), but if youre new to the sport or havent shown using the 4-D format, heres how it works: All riders race the pattern, and four division brackets are determined by the overall fastest time. These cutoff dates are stated at the time of online entry and are also always available on the paper entry forms located on the home page of this website. Entry Fees - Open - $40, Youth - $25, Novice $15; Senior Sidepot - $25, Exhibs - $5, Proc Fee - $10. 4.3.6 The Novice class is open to all persons fourteen (14) years of age and younger as of the date of the jackpot or to members fourteen (14) years old at time of membership who are counting attendance toward the Youth/Novice class for that season. Please be aware of equipment and courteous to the workers. You may think that you need to squeeze the maximum speed out of your horse, but it is important for safety and control. 4D 2 seconds slower than the fastest time. Phone Number: 541-684-4623E-mail: info@rideable.orgMailing Address:P.O. It is different for every association, but normally the second division will start with times that are half a second slower than 17 seconds, the third division will start with times that are 1 second slower than 17 seconds, and so on. In barrel racing, "1D", "2D", "3D" and "4D" are terms that denote the first, second, third and fourth divisions. Please contact the office for further details. This format may be due to a large number of participants, or due to the fact that a sufficient number of newcomers or young horses participate in the race or due to some other reasons when it is relevant.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'horsefaqs_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-horsefaqs_com-medrectangle-4-0'); 4D racing is a fun format for a competition and its worth a try even if you are just a beginner. Barrel racing is a popular rodeo event where the horse and a rider should race according to the special pattern around barrels. Q: When does the NBHA season run? Any horse may be used in competition. Checks will be mailed. Should all contestants involved in the tie not be present, the ones present will participate and a staff member will roll for the one(s) not present. Payout 4D format with 12 , 12, 1 splits. Barrel racers have to be light on their feet so they can start running as soon as they leave the starting gate, but also strong enough for when they must maneuver around the barrels. } Splits will be fastest time +1 sec for 2D, fastest time +2 sec for 3D and fastest time +4 sec for 4D. That's odd--I've never heard of having two different classes run in different ways, unless they call one "division format" (meaning the aforementioned splits) and one a "jackpot" (meaning a straight race, only the fastest times place). The horses are specially trained for this event which requires them to know how to stop quickly, turn at high speeds and keep their heads low while still peering ahead into space. 4.4.1 The entry fee for the Open4-D class will be $40 with a minimum of 80% put in the purse. Mail-in entries received by Friday one week prior to event will be published on Thursday evening. callback: cb It is quite possible that you are completely new to barrel racing, or it may just have not yet finished to figure out what the actual 4D barrel racing is. The executive committee of each region must submit a membership address list, jackpot schedule and results, region standings, and other pertinent information to be included in the association newsletter. The members points from other divisions will be dropped allowing lower places to move up. 4.3.3 The Youth class will be run with a 3-D format with 1 second splits. Online entries remain open until 8pm during Main Race. Entry forms can be found on each race tab. OFFICE OPENS AT 11:30AM No trades or re-selling positions on Monday weekly jackpots. If exhibitions open up you are welcome to pay for additional exhibitions. If exhibitions open up you are welcome to pay for additional exhibitions. The fastest record took place at The Ranch in Loveland, Colorado. 5.1.3 In the event that no contestants fall into a particular division, the monies from that division will be split proportionally into the remaining divisions. 2.2 Term and Filling Vacancies on the Executive Committee. The fastest riders make up the first division; riders in the second division are a half second or slower than the overall fastest time; riders in the third division are one second or slower than the overall fastest time; and riders in the fourth division are two seconds or slower than the overall fastest time. A. A. The contestant may finish the pattern, but the horse is not to be trained, schooled or exhibitioned for the remainder of the pattern. To promote the sport of clover-leaf barrel racing. The main thing is for you and your horse to work well together, without putting too much pressure on them or expecting more than what they can handle at their ages/experience levels. Previous article Horse Illustrated 1.3.3 Consumption of alcohol at association jackpots is prohibited. Appropriate action may include official reprimand, fines, loss of points, or expulsion. ONLINE ENTRIES close Aug 11th late fee applies Monies in each division will be divided as follows: 5.2.3 The payoff for each place shall be figured by multiplying the number of entries times the entry fee (less timer charge), adding any added money, and multiplying this total by the percentage for the division times the percentage for the place. Arena Directors decisions are FINAL. Memberships for 2023 will run from November 2022 thru Sept 2023. Sometimes for some reason, races can be held in 5D or even 6D format. Text pre-entries Starting Monday October 3 806-662-1599 (Leslie) Top O Texas Arena 1509 E. Frederic Pampa TX 79065 The race will consists of two long rounds. The places paid are as follows: 5.1.2 In the event that the number of monies to be paid in a division is greater than the number of contestants that fell into that division, The number of monies paid to that division will be adjusted to equal the number of contestants that fell into that division. { Learn More . A well-chosen saddle plays an important role in being comfortable and safe, which is why special saddles exist for this sport. In fact, the system does not change; it just adds another division, usually with the same time interval. A nominal timer fee of $5.00 is recommended. 4d barrel race time splits barrel racing time sheet barrel racing software jackpot barrel race payout rodeo payout calculator 4d barrel race calculator barrel racing prizes 5d payout calculator How to Edit Your PDF Barrel Racing Excel Spreadsheet Online Editing your form online is quite effortless. A decision by the executive committee will determine all discrepancies and will be final.