documents to members and customers on a trusted platform. Guides: Fire Protection Engineering: Research Resources ASTM Compass - YouTube Through ASTM Compass, you get online access to the most up-to-date standards as well as powerful workflow tools to help your organization work smarter. Providing you 24/7 online access to the content developed by ASTMs worldwide network of experts, ASTM Compass Membership Participating Members Cost: $75 Benefits Direct Committee Participation Free Volume Publication Discounts Standardization News Participating Members are individuals who choose to join ASTM International technical committees. from 2000 to present in Taylor & Francis Science and Technology Library. ASTM International is providing no-cost public access to important ASTM standards used in the production and testing of personal protective equipment. ASTM compass Access this database Description The ASTM Digital Library contains 1,500+ books, 16,800+ Journal Articles, and more than 47,000+ papers, chapters and articles from ASTM. Discover a vast collection of industry-leading technical All Rights Reserved. Standards - Research Guides at University of British Columbia For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. If you have access to one or more virtual volumes of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Compass can be a good alternative if you need even more information. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Our 100,000+ Compass customers, including academic and government users, can subscribe to and access your documents without ever leaving the platform. Find out, Copyright 1996 - 2023 ASTM. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Our subscription to Compass contains historical standards. An additional dynamic comparison tool that will enable you to compare the current version with any older available version of a standard, is coming soon. You enjoy: Online - LAN and WAN options are available, contact sales or call +1.877.909.ASTM (2786). In addition, you gain the advantage of the more detailed search refinements now available on the ASTM website, the upgraded learning management system (no additional sign-on needed), and new content including: data series, research reports and the terminology dictionary. Training cannot be shared. Welcome to the ASTM - Association of Swiss Travel Management. Many users will want to retrieve a known document which they have seen cited elsewhere. students who receive information from ASTM International. Review committee reports, technical papers and society news. Compass content options include three broad categories of standards, the Digital Library and training. A spreadsheet view by standard and by account makes it easy to sort your standards data. Participating Members are individuals who choose customers, including academic and government users, can subscribe to and access your ASTM Compass SpecBuilder; Custom Platforms . Your individual subscription determines what you can use. volumes directly from ASTM's network. Virtual Volumes Available through Compass | ASTM Standardization News 1.1 This specification covers commercial hand operated dough divider machines and semiautomatic and automatic, electrically operated, dough divider and rounding machine Filtered search in several languages (Arabic, English, Canadian French, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish). Users can still annotate documents, create working groups with colleagues, and track standards to receive notifications as they are updated. Headquartered in West Conshohocken, United States, ASTM standards are used worldwide . You currently do not have access to any training programs. 7. You currently do not have access to any training programs. standards whenever and wherever you need them. Find out, Copyright 1996 - 2023 ASTM. Reference Radiographs for E192 Investment Steel - ASTM International For instance, someone looking for standards related to a toy box, could uncheck the digital library box, and search only in standards. ASTM CoMpASS Your p ortal for Standards, Testing, Learning & More Quick Reference Guide Thank you for subscribing to ASTM Compass an easy-to-use solution for accessing, managing and sharing technical information organization-wide. Standard Test Method for Carbon Black, PelletedPour Density When you get to the IHS Main Menu page, click on "IHS Standards Expert". Browse all. A number of holograms corresponding to . No need to manually review and compare documents. Discuss and share comments within your group, Track discussions and use balloting system to vote on revisions, and. You'll even be able to link to referenced ASTM documents right from your content. If you're an ASTM International portal customer, Compass is coming soon as your enhanced content platform, if it hasn't already. My Bookmarks, to keep a list of the standards or digital library papers you refer to most; My Groups, to communicate with other Compass users without leaving the platform; The ability to track standards and/or publications shared with you; Customizable alerts for newly approved standards, new work items or both. If you purchase standards, ASTM Compass is for you. You currently do not have access to any training programs. Digital, interactive, secured platform for an easier and faster access to standards.For more information. Method B 90 Stripping TestRubber Part Assembled to One Metal Plate. ASTM Compass: Quick Start Guide: About - Virginia Department of This is just the starting point of what we want to accomplish, she says. At the ASTM we want to be the go to place for anything to do with Business Travel Management in Switzerland. How to download paid international standards free of cost So far, though, the feedback weve received has been really positive and everyone is enjoying the more user-friendly features. Browse all. It's one of the most comprehensive libraries of technical information available in the world. How to Find ASTM Standards using ASTM Compass - YouTube Additional help for Compass subscribers is available from ASTM Support (tel +1.877.909.2786). ASTM International - Membership Find out, Copyright 1996 - 2023 ASTM. All Rights Reserved. You must renew your subscription annually to maintain access to your volume. Access to the latest standards posted weekly to the ASTM website, eliminating the need to Numerical Simulation of Fatigue Behavior of Four Ti - All Rights Reserved. By opening up electronic access to every ASTM standard and other documentation, the platform makes it easy to access this information from anywhere, at any time. Students with a knowledge and understanding of standards have a real advantage over those who do Go to ASTM Compass Adjunct RRE0192 Reference Radiographs for E192 Investment Steel Castings of Aerospace Applications + Active Standard For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. ASTM Compass | ASTM Standardization News content using powerful tools for version comparison and hyperlinking. ASTM defaults to their own citation style, but it also offers examples from major styles such as APA, Chicago and MLA. On the Compass platform, your online volume subscription includes: ASTM Compass - Enterprise Solutions - Products & Services Members strengthen their expertise through This describes the core of ASTM Compass. Access ASTM's Digital Library via ASTM Compass Get online access to the digital edition of every book, paper and journal article ever published by ASTM including more than 1,500+ Manuals and Special Technical Publications, totaling more than 35,600 chapters and papers and more than 17,000 journal articles. With a single sign-on, Compass gives you the tools and functionality of the portal, but with some additions. We've recently made changes to our website. Discover the latest engineering research with ASTM Symposia track and purchase standards published throughout the year. Explore developments in testing and evaluation, materials Combining these 12,000+ standards with 1,500+ books and 47,000+ articles and papers, Compass provides you one of Browse all. For multi-user access and pricing, contact sales here or call 1-877-909-ASTM. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 1931-present. With instant access to content from ASTM, and many other standards organizations, plus robust workflow tools, youll use standards and related information more efficiently than ever. And it's getting better. are struggling with getting content into the right hands and managing the complicated process Standards (with collaboration tools, version comparison (many pdf redlines are now available too) and historical versions), translated standards and third-party content; Digital Library journals, Special Technical Publications, manuals/monographs, Data Series; older versions of the ASTM member magazine from 1911 to 1972, which include many technical papers), and proceedings (ASTM committee reports and technical papers dating from about 1909 to 1965); Digital adjuncts and documents that supplement standards but are not included in their texts due to size, volume, physical makeup or nature; Related materials that technical committees feel need to be included with standards; Research reports, which support the Precision and Bias statements found in standards; Online training courses for construction technicians, petroleum technicians, the environment and more; AASHTO, UOP, ISO and ANSI specifications; and. To search for a standard , enter the letter and number, for instance D2609 , without the year designation. Read the license agreement and click "Yes, I agree with the license." . The values given in parentheses are for information only. Replace all of your existing starting point URLs and links. Two free email services help you stay up-to-date on the latest new standards and journal papers. Our subscription includes historical standards so if the standard has been withdrawn and is no longer active, or if there are historical versions of the current standard, the link to that older standard will be provided. Your set may arrive in multiple shipments over time. Still another gives you the ability to annotate a standard; shareable notes are stamped with author name and date. compass - ASTM International We've recently made changes to our website. ASTM Compass | Rutgers University Libraries Its a year of new beginnings and upgraded digital experiences, and ASTM Compass is no exception. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. All Rights Reserved. This new online collaboration tool will help you develop your internal specifications, test methods and procedures. ASTM Compass is the portal for the ASTM full-text standards, technical engineering reports, journals, manuals, ebooks, and data series. and more. Papers. As a user, you can now see everything youve recently viewed or accessed, whether it was you personally or someone else within your organization, and you can quickly access all your subscriptions directly. the most comprehensive libraries of technical information available in the world. Instantly access any of ASTMs 12,000+ standards, as well as AASHTO, AATCC, API, and UOP We have retained the hardcopy ASTM standards at 5 year intervals in storage. Individual ASTM standards, perhaps around 10% of the total collection, are updated annually. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Get practical, hands-on guidance, data, and detailed technical Just as before, you'll be able to download PDFs of the standards you need or want, but you'll also be able to do more. The volumes can be purchased individually, as a section (at a 25% discount) or as the complete 80+ volume set (at a 50% discount). 488 subscribers This video will show you how to find ASTM Standards using the ASTM Compass database. Home - ASTM - China Site For SEDL customers, whose accounts will transition to Compass over the next several months, Compass adds workflow and productivity tools that give you the ability to: Insert notes in a standard with My Annotations, stamped with author name and date; Use My Bookmarks to keep a linked list of the standards you use most, or the ones you need every so often, whichever you prefer; Communicate with colleagues in your company (who also have Compass) using "My Groups," and email them, without ever leaving Compass, "about info they should notice or share a specific standard that is important to your project. Compass customers will find help online at All Rights Reserved. For questions, comments, or suggestions please contact ASTM Sales | tel +1.877.909.2786 | 8 performance, geotechnical and civil engineering. Below are some examples. To find a standard from one of those groups, locate the right database (below) and note any special instructions for accessing and using the product. PDF ASTM CoMpASS - Oregon In the alphanumeric section of the index, determine which volume of the ASTM set contains the needed standard. Online Subscription via ASTM Compass: Includes access to historical, withdrawn, and redline versions and workflow tools like annotations and version comparisons. Access to the latest standards posted weekly to the ASTM website, eliminating the need to Create task groups to develop your specifications. Within the three categories a subscription may include: Compass also offers several productivity and workflow tools for use with your content. your industry. That has been critical during the last year+ of pandemic-related lockdowns, with many people working remotely. Please click Join Now to read about the benefits of each type of This access remains a differentiating feature of Compass that offers a distinct advantage to ASTM users. Online Subscriptions 24/7 Access to ASTM Content Easy access to ASTM's 12,800+ standards from any location with an Internet connection. Your content will be listed below a larger search box, and additional content you'll want to consider adding will also be shown. If your company has more than one office that use several volumes in the Book of Standards, or you also use content in the Digital Library, Compass can be more a cost-effective option. LibGuides: Standards, Codes, & Specifications: Databases The 80+ volume Annual Book of ASTM Standards contains ASTM's 12,000+ standards and is available in print and Compass will soon include the ASTM SpecBuilder product (there will be an additional cost for the program). Online access to ASTM's 12,000+ standards, as well as AASHTO, AATCC, API, and UOP standards whenever and wherever you need them. And the overall advantages of Compass havent changed. See how videos in Compass work click here. Build a customized ASTM Compass subscription to meet your needs and improve productivity with: Easy access to the standards you choose Tools for adding notes, images, and attachments Sharing functions to help pass on and preserve corporate knowledge Color-coded highlighting that identifies changes to standards ASTM training modules To search topically for ASTM documents, it is probably best to use the Advanced Search option. A proprietary information section will also enable the addition of content specific to your organization such as internal specs and regulations. Browse all. functionality. the You need to be a current student, faculty, or staff in order to access the ASTM standards from outside the library. ASTM Login Informational Members have an interest in ASTM International NBN ISO 7507-2:2023 - You currently do not have access to any training programs. Search Select specific collection from Learn about the current challenges and research related to the ASTM's New and Expanded Compass Platform See the advantages of an online subscription. PDF plus optional support for HTML formats. Method A Rubber Part Assembled Between Two Parallel Metal Plates. The serial number, such as 2609, identifies the standard , and the two digits following the dash show the year of revision. If you have access to one or more virtual volumes of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Compass can be a good alternative if you need even more information. ASTM International is providing no-cost public access to important ASTM standards used in the production and testing of personal protective equipment. Compass will retrieve matches to the search, and will allow retrieval of full text of the current version of the standard. Reference and hyperlink pertinent ASTM standards. Find out, Copyright 1996 - 2023 ASTM. Lawyers in the midst of litigation are often interested in older ASTM standards that were in effect at the time the product was manufactured. ASTM Compass One Platform for all of ASTM Content Learn More About Compass Digital Library Measurement of Fly Ash Particle Size Distribution Using Lensless The frequently asked questions, for example, include "Why is it important that I log in to use Compass?" If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact support (tel +1.877.909.2786) for answers to your questions. Student Members are full-time undergraduate or graduate When you sign in to MyASTM, you'll click on the "Digital Subscriptions" link and be taken directly to your volume (s) on Compass. If you And its getting better. ASTM compass | NC State University Libraries Browse all. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. You currently do not have access to any training programs. This means providing immediate critical content like standards and technical Over 300 ASTM videos have been created by our dedicated team of multimedia professionals. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Saves time and money! Instantly access any of ASTM's 12,000+ standards, as well as AASHTO, AATCC, API, and UOP standards whenever and wherever you need them. Each Compass Point includes the standard publisher, standard number and title, creators contact, date, time plus notes and overlays. Reference sheet pages' text and linked PDFs by Virginia Tech Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Note: ASTM Compass recently moved to a new platform, which changed the URL from to ASTM International is providing no-cost public access to important ASTM standards used in the production and testing of personal protective equipment. AASHTO, AATCC, API: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, American Petroleum Institute. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Plus users can manage, change, and share Data is growing exponentially in engineering and testing. With the version comparison tool, users can Online formats. Log on to and search using the Standards Search option. This format provides immediate online access to the active (most current) standards in a volume. The collection contains ASTM 's 13,000 standards in more than 130 industry areas, symposia and Special Technical Publications (STPs), manuals, monographs, data series, and journals. Add videos to your ASTM Compass subscription today. ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959 USA, Customized ASTM Organizational Member Wall Plaque, Free Listing in ASTM Membership Directory. Compass Points gives smart users the ability to pinpoint important components in standards, building a breadcrumb trail to that source data for multiple purposesits an easy-to-adopt step towards smarter standards. that can go along with it, we can help. Membership with ASTM International offers a wealth of opportunity. Membership. If this is your first time using ASTM Compass, you will be asked to accept a license agreement as shown below. lab, or private business, your goal remains the same to deliver optimal service to your Travel Manager/Buyer - Free Subscription period: 2 years No automatically recurring payments.