Sea Otter - Animal profile, pictures, facts, range map Enter your email and never miss an update. If you look closely at river otters, youll notice that they have short, coarse fur made up of two layers: one for keeping them warm, and another waterproof one outside of that. Many people may not know this, but sea otters are much larger than river otters. Seals have flippers, no visible external ears, and a very small tail. Difference Between Otter And Seal - Pulptastic Seals are larger than otters, weighing a lot more than them and growing much longer. Asian small-clawed otters have relatively short hair that consists of two layers a coarse, waterproof outer coat and a softer, finer layer that is used for warmth. Otters spend the vast majority of their time in the water, and they even sleep in the water. Asian small-clawed otters are just the opposite. This goes both ways! Seals belong to Phocidae, and otters belong to the Mustelidae, so they are not even close to being related. YES! They have dense fur that enables them to keep warm. The average lifespan of a sea otter is twelve to fifteen years in the wild, but the average lifespan of a river otter is only nine to twelve years. In fact, the largest members of the seal species make otters look quite tiny. The dietary preferences and lifespans of river otters and sea otters differ as well. California Sea Lions live an average of 15 to 25 years, however some have lived to 30 years or more in captivity with proper diet and healthcare. While members of both otter subtypes love to swim, the swimming behaviors they engage in are quite distinct. They even have the adorable habit of floating on their backs, even while theyre eating, and have been known to hold hands with each other while sleeping so they dont drift apart from their pals! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. They are comparatively larger in body size. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Male giant otters average 26 to 34 kg (57-75 lbs. To meet the wonderful sloths that call SeaQuest home, book your visit today at any of the following locations: Utah, Las Vegas, Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver, Sacramento, Minneapolis, Connecticut, Lynchburg, New Jersey, and Atlanta. Animals Differences and Comparison for Kids. are about 33 species in this family. As Douglas and colleagues stressed in their preface to Levicks report, though, the behavior [displayed by hooligan males] is clearly not analogous to necrophilia in the human context. That fact can easily be lost when one is appalled by an animal acting out a human taboo. We also share helpful tips and guides on a variety of topics related to animals and nature. W178 CENTEX Centex Charmyland Saru Gorilla Sea Otter Walrus Penguin Otters have long bodies and short legs, while seals have shorter bodies and longer flippers. This inner layer keeps them warm, and the outer layer keeps them waterproof. The marine creatures also serve as fighters of climate change: their main preysea urchinslike to eat kelp, so by keeping the sea urchin population at a sustainable level, they keep kelp forests lush. It may seem obvious, but the best way to tell if youre looking at a river otter or a sea otter is just paying attention to the body of water youre observing! On the other hand, there are 12 different species of river otter found around the world, from the North American river otter to the Japanese river otter to the Asian small-clawed otter. On average, seals are larger than otters. These are the major differences between seals and otters, and their unique qualities become even more prominent when you look closer at these two creatures. Parents can be as bad as siblings. Many of, Crocodiles are among the most terrifying animals of all time. A final difference between a river otter vs sea otter lies in their social behaviors and mating habits. You might not be able to tell by looking at them, but river otters and sea otters have very different fur. In other species, post-hatching battles begin almost immediately. unit 3: personal and business finance grade boundaries. American Oceans, Quick Facts: Bioluminescence & What Causes It. is your #1 source for free information about all types of wildlife and exotic pets. Otters use two layers of dense fur to keep warm when they are submerged in the water, and that is most of their lives. Honor A Loved One's Milestone Or Memory With A Donation In Their Name. Another interesting tidbit about penguins is that 15,000 years ago, they were actually able to tolerate a warming climate. Copyright 2023. Sea otters have a different diet from river otters, given their habitat and saltwater location. Together, we create evidence-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it. Did you know that sea otters mate for life? SeaQuest is committed to protecting our worlds oceans and endangered animals. Only your votes can decide who moves on for a chance at a deep-dive feature story. Thank you for reading! They spend time in the water foraging for mollusks, fish, frogs and crustaceans. Levick recorded these behaviors as aberrations from the norm of nature. There are about 33 species in this family. When they are not in the water, river otters forage the land for food and build burrows or dens for their young. Whereas a female southern sea otter grows up to 50 pounds, a female northern sea otter can weigh up to 70 pounds. St. Patty's is coming Whats the difference between sea otters and river otters? In addition to the sea otter being significantly bigger than the river otter, they also have different mating and parenting habits. Our work is focused on solving some of the greatest threats facing our ocean today. Sea otters typically give birth to only one pup, and care for their young until they become independent around eight months to one year old. A river otter mother usually has between two and three babies, called pups. 8 Fun Date Night Ideas in Salt Lake City. River otter mothers care for their pups until they are between six and twelve months old. Heres a quick snapshot of just some of the otter and seal species size ranges: Asian Small Clawed Otters are the smallest species of otter. The naturalistic fallacy refers to the misguided belief that whatever is natural is good. But this should not be so. Since river otters are much smaller, they are more prone to predators. Shocking behavior isnt the sole province of marine mammals. Hindflippers rotate underneath to allow them to walk on land, Swim underwater using foreflippers like wings of a bird, Move on land by wiggling on belly and keep hindflippers straight out, Swim by steering with foreflippers and powering with hindflippers, All pinnipeds (seals, sea lions and walruses) are protected in U.S. waters under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, according to NOAA. Considered a cousin of the weasel, otters are known for their elongated bodies, webbed feet, and playful antics, particularly their love of sliding down rocks, banks, or waterfalls. Less like Flipper and more like the megalomaniacal King Snorky of The Simpsons, a dolphin has a permanent smile that gives off a decidedly creepy vibe. The marine otter simply lives near the ocean, diving in only to feed. This is primarily due to the difference in habitat, but sea otters and river otters have different diets. Careers, 2023 SeaQuest, All Rights Reserved. Although both seals and otters come in various sizes due to their many species, seals are almost always larger than otters. North American River Otter There are nearly 2,000 different species! These carnivorous mammals inhabit fresh and saltwater rivers. Lets talk more about all of these differences in more detail now. Welcome back to March Sadness, ClimateProgress educational bracket tournament of animals impacted by climate change and other environmental threats. While visiting Adlie penguins rookeries, Levick was shocked by the activities of what he called hooligan cocks. Males accosted and copulated with other males, females that were injured, chicks that had tumbled from their nests, and corpses. As their name suggests, sea otters are adorable mammals that barely leave their saltwater homes. Their swimming mechanisms are also a little different. They give birth on the land. difference between sea otter and penguin. Ground squirrels, hyenas, and lions may eat infants of their own species just for a snack. Otters webbed paws are interesting because sea otters will hold hands with their partners, so they dont drift too far apart from their group. Seals belong to the Phocidae family, and otters belong to the Mustelidae family. One thing many people dont realize is just how much larger sea otters are compared to river otters. Rocky Shores & Arctic Tundra - Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium Dolphins have tried to force themselves on human swimmers, a prospect made all the more terrifying by the fact that they have prehensile penises. We focus on how to be proactive in finding solutions. Terms & Conditions. Although described as the smallest marine mammal this species is quite large as otters go, reaching as much as 80 lbs. Animals Differences and Comparison - This makes people think that it is the same animal. This is especially problematic in Monterey Bay, where there are more male sea otters than females. While sea otters and river otters share many differences, they do share a major similarity - the threats they face in the wild. They average around 2 feet in length and weigh around 10 pounds. If a male cant find a mate because of his youth or inability to chase off competitors, Harris and co-authors suggest, he might search for a female surrogate that may take the form of a young otter or, as in their study, seal pups. An adorable detail about sea otters is the fact that they hold paws when sleeping to avoid drifting away from their familial units. Two out of those three species are now in decline. Sea otters are slow swimmers, while their river-living counterparts are rather agile.