The original design and construction by Rodd Redwing, Indian stunt man and famous fast draw coach for western movie actors. Will fit up to a 5 1/2 Colt SAA. . Original color was saddle tan. AND, . This is the only correct clipped corner replica buckle made and available exclusively from Chisholms Trail. We are offering this badge at an introductory price of$59.95. One holster, gun belt, and buckle. Can be ordered in straight or cross draw. Additional loops are $2 per loop. Lined holster and lined tapered gun belt with Gunfighter stitch and buckle ~ $499.95. He was 36. As low as $224.95 Availability: In stock SKU DOCHOL Check for In-Store Pickup! As shown ~ $334.95 With edge decoration add $10 per piece. For aged& distressed finish add ~ $25 per piece. Author Topic: Found an Interesting Doc Holliday Shoulder Holster Pattern (Read 208 times) Captain Bob Masterson. Popular in Montana during the late 1800s, this billeted gun belt used a round cornered, 1 heel bar buckle. Revolver . (Photo Pending) Correct spur straps with large conchos Coming soon. (IN STOCK) Chisholms Trail made over 30 pieces for this summers blockbuster High Tec western movie of 2011 The photois oneof theholstersordered in Saddle Tan, Western Brown, Chocolate, and Gunfighter Black. Black military cap box for cartridges or bullet loops, dark brown gun belt and nickel clipped corner buckle as worn by Ranger Captain Woodrow Call. With edge groove ~ $149.95, Noah Beery Jr. played the role of Buster a top cowboy on the Red Rivers Texas cattle drive. Myers saddle co. LEATHER HOLSTER, ALL CALIBERS Phone Holster This rig differs from Wyatts normal rig & has three drop loops instead of two. . (Movie Quote: You know what Id do? Please leave a message if we are not there and (Original Photo) Randolph Scotts filmography runs from 1928 to 1962 with over a hundred films, many classic westerns. Johnny Weissmuller played in this role in 1956 as well as Tarzan. With a very minimum front sight there was no worry that it would catch on the bottom. The man with the black suit and clothes must have had experience with this pistol because of its rarity. These are available separately in solid brass or nickel plate. Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. With double edge groove ad $10. Fully lined holster and gun belt ~ $549.95. Toorder the RIGHT hand chess knight alone with attachments soldered to the back specify CH-13. Call Armory Express Outlet 24-7 to build your own custom shoulder holster system. This cannot be avoided and is the only way to make this rig. Doc Holiday Tombstone Movie Accurate Shoulder Holster. - Etsy Clear editor. When we were done and sent the prototype to Kilmer, his answer was It wears like butter. Holster can be made for any barrel length and has a full chest strap. Shane unlined belt with up to six conchos in nickel plated white bronze depending on the belt length and matching buckle. On the back side it said MADE IN USA, not made in China. Our possible North & Judd buckle has a drop back bale (the metal tongue pivots on). It would be worn on the front right of the belt in front of the holster for quick access. Additional loops add $2 per loop. Our version, lined ~ $449.95. I have seen many makers of this pattern but have not been able to find one online anywhere thus far. Your link has been automatically embedded. Our movie production sources indicate that the holster he wore was an original custom Heiser # 714, with a fully tooled belt to match. Can I get a copy of the template as well? He was an innovative hand gun holster designer in the 50s & 60s. This buckle setisavailable individually for other belts- see our buckle button. all incorporated into a pair of leather suspenders . Many TV westerns had the trigger guard exposed. But you are back a ways in the line of "stuff" I'm doing. yes, I guess you could talk me into making another one. Each swivel is connected with genuine antique, domed Mexican, single wing eagle Conchos. PARRIS CLASSIC QUALITY TOYS EST. Comes standard with 18 bullet loops. Doc Holliday | Biography, Tombstone, & Facts | Britannica In this film, the famous gun leather maker Chick Gaylord, who worked with the mysterious Paris Theodore made him a Missouri Skin Tight holster. In the last Raider film the heroine wears a1 1/2 wide, military belt with atwopiece Boys Brigade buckle. (Movie Quote: Why, Johnny Ringo! Manufacturer: Cochise Leather Company. This rig with a nickel concho & leather drop loop ~ $499.95. Prairie style 2 1/2 tapered gun belt with two short Colt Walker holsters and trademark solid brass Chisholms Trail cast Josey Wales brass buckle (we were fortunate enough to be allowed to handle the actual buckle worn in the movie and to cast ourrecreation from this buckle). We have the casting mold of the actual authentic buckle by Chisholms trail in white bronze ~ $49.95. For lining add $49.95 per piece. . Lined ~ add $49.95. Ouradaptation~ $374.95. . Our adaptation ~ $324.95. Actually, last night I finished up the last of the stamping, . With basket weave or full tooling add ~ $49.95. He is buried in the Linwood Pioneer Cemetery which overlooks Glenwood Springs. When disassembled, you will find that this is a two piece holster with the shaft secured to the skirt. For bullet loops add $1 per loop. Unlined holster alone ~ $174.95. Made to fit any size single action. Our adaptation of Ben Wades right hand holster and billeted cartridge belt. Note: Your Remington can be converted to this cartridge gun from There is actually enough room inside for some ammo and a military compass, or a small cell phone. Our adaptation ~ $549.95. . Gun belt, buckle, & two keepers~ $124.95. Our version $349.95, Starred in Two Wagons early silent films then later more westerns with the talkies. Your previous content has been restored. Edges are double stitched and The interior is smooth pebble grain leather to reduce moisture retention, suede crumbs, and reduces wear on the blue finish of the Sharps. Or fastest delivery Nov 17 - 22 . This is the most difficult rig to make of all, In Red River Texas, riding with the worlds favorite Western movie Icon, Matt wearsthisclassic, western style, beige cowboy hat. While we do know that Doc Holliday carried a nickel Colt 1873 revolver, Holster Builder notes that it is unverified if he used his shoulder holster during the infamous gunfight. for a fellow who steps down the road at about 6'3" and 300+ lbs. The belt in the owners collection is lighter than the gun belt. Thicker 7-8 gauge leather in Old Walnut stain, as shown with nickel studs and laced connection on the right side ~$59.95. He wore a traditional Sam Browne belt with size reduced to 1 3/4 for a more comfortable fit. With Deputy Marshal Badge ~ $539.95 For antiquing and distressing as shown in the photo add $49.95 per piece. The belt is a folded money belt style with snake head sewn on billets. Part 1 here: second of a two-part episode. Upload or insert images from URL. Laminated wood handles with solid brass guard. Unlined holster and gun belt ~ $399. . Compare specifications of Cimarron Doc Holliday Thunderer (Sold As Set Only) 45 Long Colt CA4506DOCSET and Comanche - Sgs Import Int Super 45 Long Colt SCP60000. Holster and Cartridge belt set ~ $349.95, Our adaptation of Charlie Princes cross draw holster from the movie, 3:10 to Yuma.Black holster has incise cut flames of hell on front, with hand stitched red thread. Note the wider space. Genuine stag handle D-2 steel, 7 blade Bowie knife with edge grooved sheath ~ $324.95. If you are able to come up with a pattern would you mind sharing it with me? NOTE: All rigs come standard with 18 bullet loops in your caliber. Popular in Montana during the late 1800's, this billeted gun belt used a round cornered, 1 " heel bar buckle. Tapered, basket weave, lined gun belt with deluxe, square engraved, black background buckle ~ $199.95. The gun belt is a One of a Kind, unique smooth side out, non-suede style tapering down to a laced on 1 1/2 tongue. Type: Rifle: Lever Action. As shown ~ $149.95. So, if there was a way I could give you some business and get one from you, that'd be awesome. . Set ~$599.95. The bullet loops, tongue, buckle end are smooth leather, contrasting against the rough out gun belt. This was a new design for the times with a border drop loop and no flap,gun butt to the rear and not to the front. The belt has a tapered tongue and the buckle end is billeted with a sewn on buckle. It is fully lined with 18 bullet loops standard. You can choose smooth or rough side out and the color you desire from the home page. A very few will be made with Sterling Silver conchos ~ $225. The Charro buckle looks like a Chap buckle which has a very tight 1 1/2 space. Like the original, ours does not have an edge groove. Each holster includes a reinforced thumb break, a polyslide sight channel for an easy draw, adjustable tie-down straps to attach to your belt and is fully lined. The set consists of a solid brass buckle, a 1 3/4 belt with a black cap box for cartridges or bullet loops, and a pleasant Slim Jim with a gentle re-curved throat with one line of edge work. This has no meaning to Elam as he struggles to keep order in the rail town many call Hell. Connery did an great acting job portraying this character while using an excellent (WG) Birds Head Webley, holster, gun belt, rifle belt, and ammo pouch. We reverse engineered the satchel shoulder strap from an original pre-WW2 sling. here is the pic of one i made for my sherrifs model ruger vaquero. Loops are more narrow to show off the bullets like the movie. The shoulder gun holster is made of 2 pieces high . . Available in any barrel length for any cowboy gun. He took up gambling and discovered it was much more profitable than dentistry. This concho was created from enhanced photo shots & cast in the USA. The 1 sewn on tongue and buckle ends and are triple scalloped and extend almost to the bullet loops. The first was a rough out 3 wide Buscadero by Andy Anderson with scalloped tongue and buckle ends. For lining add $50 per holster. You must select an option for 'Caliber:'. This stops the loops from tearing and keeps the lead bullet from marking up the suede like a pencil. This method can not rip loose and it keeps the cartridge from scratching the gun belt each time it is inserted or taken out. This pattern took a long time to complete courtesy of Peter Sherayko who provided it for the movie and is the current owner. Dont think we got the words.. Actually not bad, . The belt has a large decorative leaf and vine tooling pattern and the holster has a rail road track roll tooled along the stitch line and on the front. Our version ~ $799.95. Undercover pre-1898 Webley Bull Dog holster~ $124.95. Who can forget his Indian friend Pahoo who carried the shot gun and throwing knife on his back. 1 3/4 gun belt, as in the movie with black roller buckle, two grooved belt loops and no bullet loops, and high ride, toe forward Slim Jim fast draw holster in Chocolate color ~ $349.95. The leather cement will hold your holster in place. For antiquing and distressing as shown in the photo add ~ $49.95. Page 9 of the book Tombstone- The Guns & Gear. Unlined edge groove holster and cartridge belt $399.95 Unlined holster without belt ~ $174.95. Additional loops ~ $2 each ~ $499.95. Original Price 25.61 If you have a Smith & Wesson Model 1917 with a full length 5 1/2 barrel then this holster is for you. Buckle & spear pointed 1 3/4 pant belt ~ $149.95. Never Forget. Devil Anse Hatfield, leader of the Hatfield clan, led a Kentucky West Virginiafeud decades long. I have been after a Doc Holiday shoulder holster for a long time, if you manage to get one could you pass it on please. meet. He wears it with a pair of dark charcoal pinstripe flat front wool trousers with a high rise and plain-hemmed bottoms with a half break over his black leather city boots. Additional loops add $2 per loop. The holster has the highest rake toe forward made by Andy Anderson. The belt had a rare 1 1/4 clipped corner, nickel buckle as well as studs along the top and bottom. However, as a tribute to Yul Brynner and the greatest western of all time we decided to make it. For basket weave or hand floral carving add $49.95 per piece. capturing and printing images, . This special design allowed the gun to be worn on either the right or the left side. As a tribute we will be casting his famous Smith & Wesson model 1917 .45 ACP (N) frame revolver in solid metal from a real pistol. Our version, like the original, with lined holster & gun belt ~$474.95. This stylish three finger, triple lobe, heel bar buckle fits aslightly less than 1 3/4 belt, available inwhite bronze only. Jones carries aS&W Russian top break pistol with a hook on the trigger guardin a single drop loop holster with four bullet loops stitched to it. Triple K #610 Right, 610 Left, & 111 - Circa 1890 Western Holsters and Conquistador Double Drop Belt Rig. As used by our favorite movie Icon. ~ $59.95. Additional unlined holster ~ $149.95. He is able to get replacement tear drop or the full (D) ring levers. An exact replica of the one in the movie worn by Doc Holliday. A very special thanks to Bob Arganbright for input on the pattern and floral tooling layout. The holster is a single wide drop loop with the Colt Single Action settled deeply in side. After studying this gun rig, we noticed that the gun belt and holster were totally different than any rig he had worn before or after. Strap * Floral Carving or Stamping * Add to cart SKU: doc-holiday-holster Categories: Shoulder Holsters, Western (10% off), Sale Price 18.62 which is pretty light. Note the checkered grips like in the series! For distressing add $20 (abrasion after antiquing). Rig adapted from the one worn byBlonde in thein his Spaghetti Westerns. The color was gunfighter black. Can order one or two sets like in the movie. Look closely at one of the TV series segments and you will see this unique addition. The rig doesn't look tooled to me, but maybe just some border stamping. but that really isn't very close to the real thing. Includes patterns for different makes and styles of guns: Holster A fits: COLT: Detective Special, Agent, Cobra; SMITH & WESSON: Models 36, 37, 38, 60; CHARTER ARMS: Bulldog; Most other small frame revolvers. One with diamond pattern checkered walnut grips and the other with genuine mother of pearl. He collaborated with Andy Anderson in making this rig. In 1955, Colts were difficult to obtain so for yearsthe Marshal used a Great Western Single Action replica with plastic stag grips. From 1935 to 1991 Stewart made a total of 98 films that you could get immersed in. (Price Increase coming soon- order now), 3 1/2 wide cartridge belt for big bullets. The holster has edge stamping. Holster and pant belt with special buckle $324.95. Our flap holster version~ $124.95. Looks good Dwight. This unlined, all leather, edge grooved belt is 2 wide tapering down to 1 at the tongue and buckle ends, using the correct Brass Garrison buckle. Set ~ $349.95. For antiquing and distressing add $25 per piece. sinpac, I too would appreciate a template thanks!! We are constantly adding new products, check it out! I would like a template Looks like a nice pattern. Matching belt available (P.O.R.). Thisepic 1946 movie, released in 1948, was about our ancestor Jesse Chisholm. Roy(Indy) was a naturalist, intrepid explorer, bone digger, hunter, writer, self- promoter, and sometime director of the American Museum of Natural History, he was the closest thing to Indyin the real world. ~ $499.95. Also available in 1 1/2. Toms holster has a wide olive pattern skirt and single tall drop loop. Additional loops $2 ea. These are desired collectors items and very rare. The holster will fit a 4 3/4 or 5 1/2 Colt SAA and has a sterling silver drop loop with several inlaid pieces of turquoise. He was more well known as Yancy in another TV series. These are available separately in solid brass or nickel plate. (Folded Smooth Side Out Leather Money Belt) Many Western fans feel this 1956 film was the best he ever made. The lined gun belt is 3 wide with large Snake head billets that have decorative (X) lacing on them. As shown ~ $499.95. He said that it was originally across the holster but he did not like it there and buckled it around the belt and it soon became his trademark. Nimschke style engraved 1 3/4 nickel Santa Fe buckles. Some of the finest cowboy shoot outs ever staged take place in this film. On the same 1876 canvas covered cartridge belt, Rafe wears a 5 1/2 triple drop loop, tooled, cross draw holster for his Ivory handled 1872 Colt Open Top pistol. Belt as shown ~ $99.95. . This was a difficult pattern to obtain and is faithful to the original. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. They will be produced in limited quantity. On a trip he was passing through El Paso, Texas and stopped at the S.D. Toe forward style is also available. For bullet loops add $1 per loop. Doc's Guns - Doc Holliday Live! Our rig will be worn by The Outlaw in the film. (Photo Pending) Frank Morgans unlined double black rig. 1. The Doc Holliday Shoulder Holster is an exact replica of the one in the movie worn by Doc Holliday. Carefully designed for fast draw through several revisions. Doc Holliday - Tombstone, Death & OK Corral - Biography . According to a several Hollywood holster makers for the movies,personal notes and drawings this rig was assembled by Rodd Redwing,famous native American actor, stunt man, & fast draw coach. Original Price 100.04 One cowboy wanted to add a cross draw holster without a skirt. (Photo of original) The firstNational Fast Draw champion in 1955 and through1957 was Dee Woolem. For a 12 barrel please add $20. Frank plays the evil gun man working for the rail road. Want to know more? For floral carving add $49.95. Antique silver color with pin back ~ $39.95. (Click on this photo for larger view) This is Chisholms Trails first Buscadero holster. Vins rig was made by Andy Anderson who also made Blondies rig in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. The holster is toe forwardcarried ona straight belt with gunfighter stitching and no notch to hold the holster in place, or bullet loops. Find out more in our Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. I think I pretty much got the shoulder holster figured out. . He doesnt kill people; he executes them.), In this 2003 western movie, Samuel Jones plays a grandfatherwhohas been living with the Indians. Occasionally, centered in the back were six bullet loops, or six sets of suede (X) lacing- your choice. . Each holster wet formed using one of the guns actually owned by Billy the Kid. He was paired with two other gun fighters, including Woody Strode. Research reveals that officers were required to provide their own gun leather based on specific patterns so a tremendous variety of colors and slight variations occur in originals. ~ $99.95 with edge groove. With two holsters ~ $699.95, D-2 steel Bowie knife with genuine stag handle, and gunfighter stitch sheath to match the rig ~ $274.95, Behold a rider on a pale horse.The preacherpicks up a gun once againin this great western. The color is Cowboy Brown. Doc Holiday Shoulder Holster Pattern By internetcowboy, December 19, 2019 in Patterns and Templates Reply to this topic Start new topic 1 2 3 Next Page 1 of 3 Report post Posted December 19, 2019 Does anyone have or know where I could obtain a shoulder holster pattern for a uberti / ruger birdhead 45LC. The federal rig doc holiday shoulder holster provides resistance to scuffs, abrasions and moisture. We made this one for a seven inch in Walnut with a color contrast Saddle Tan gun belt. If you think Jakes bracelet is bad then check out the Outlaws gun rig. Do not trust pant or belt size. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. Many people say, "Doc Holliday styled holster," and your right it's just not it. Doc Holliday rig - CAS City (Original Museum Photo on left)(IN STOCK) Dont be fooled by others selling an incorrect replica of the badge , worn bythe Dodge City Marshal for most of his20 years on the TV series. This rig hadsix bullet loops on both the tongue and buckle ends. We can fit this to any Single Action for you.The buckle is one of our own L.D. For antiquing and distressing add $40 per piece. It has aretension screw and the original continued to hold up perfectly under tough action movie conditions. Unlined set with edge groove ~ $449.95. Two styles- Brass ~ $39.95, or commercially nickel plated ~ $49.95. From 1942 to 1997, Mitchum played in 110 movies, many were westerns with all of the big cowboy stars. Cimarron Doc Holliday Thunderer (Sold As Set Only) 45 Long Colt It has an identical nickel, square cornered garrison buckle that is a replica of the correct North & Judd anchor style worn in the movie. Unlined, edge grooved 1 3/4 gun belt with heel bar buckle ~ $149.95.