An arrest warrant was issued Thursday for a Carbondale woman charged with transporting heroin into the city from New Jersey. Following investigation, Thomas Morrison (32) of Lancaster was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Controlled Substance-combination Alcohol/Drug ( 12:28 a.m. 200 Block Memorial Park St Directed Patrol 12:28 a.m. 1st Block Tritle Avenue Returned Phone Call 02:09 a.m. 100 Block N Franklin St Check the Area 02:34 a.m. 900 Block W Main St Directed Patrol 03:13 a.m. S Potomac St Directed Patrol 04:24 a.m. 600 Block N Grant St Directed Patrol 04:50 12:06 a.m. 300 Block W Main St Directed Patrol 12:15 a.m. 1st Block S Grant St BOLO 01:25 a.m. 200 Block Memorial Park St Directed Patrol 01:31 a.m. 100 Block S Potomac St Directed Patrol 02:12 a.m. 800 Block E Main St Directed Patrol 02:35 a.m. 13300 Block Welty Rd Directed Patrol 02:50 a.m. 1st 300 block of Dohill RD. .woocommerce-thankyou-order-received In October 2020, members of the Chester County HIDTA began investigating a group of individuals dealing crystal methamphetamine in the Coatesville area of Chester County, PA. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. High 42F. PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - More than two dozen people have been indicted for their alleged links to an international drug ring in Pittsburgh. (WFIE) - Four people are facing charges after a drug bust in Madisonville. .elementor-7328 .elementor-element.elementor-element-663289f .elementor-widget:not(:last-child) { color: #000000;} Updated: Sep 9, 2020 / 05:32 PM EDT. border: 3px solid #8fc452!important; background: white; display: none !important; By Friday, they had everyone in custody. The investigation was . Photo courtesy of the Chester County District Attorneys Office. background: #ffffff!important; That pace will keep up for the next month, and Marder says this year he has new clients because of the confusion with everything that has happened over the last year. Drug Bust. CHILE - Chile Drug Bust Nets Cocaine And Marijuana Stamped With Kingpin Pablo Escobars Likeness: 2021-03-11 08:34:00: Detail: Ireland: Monksland, Athlone, Westmeath: IRELAND - Two Men Charged In Connection With Drug Seizure In Westmeath: 2021-03-10 08:51:00: Detail: United Kingdom: Heywood: UNITED KINGDOM - Man Charged As Police Searches Uncover 60 Kilos Of Cocaine : 2021-03-10 Six men face charges in Scranton drug bust. Read More Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph. .parallax-overlay { @4<65 :E @77 2?5 96 =@DE EC24< @7 H96C6 :E H6?E]k^Am, kAm|2?8 ? A tri-weekly publication serving Wayne, Pike and eastern Lackawanna County. } .ld_course_grid .entry-content {font: 16px/22px "ralewayregular", Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; .learndash-wrapper .ld-tabs .ld-tabs-navigation .ld-tab.ld-active Attorney General Josh Shapiro announced on Tuesday that agents from the Office of Attorney General . A report Thursday of domestic violence in Carbondale led city officers to the discovery of more than 3 pounds of marijuana at a Wyoming Street address, along with equipment used to grow it, a criminal complaint said. If youre a drug dealer, or youre a gang member, go back to Philadelphia. .learndash-wrapper .ld-item-list .ld-item-list-item .ld-item-list-item-preview .ld-item-details { margin-top:0; . The statutes call for a maximum sentence of 10 years inprison for the felon in possession charge and a minimum sentence of five years in prison forpossession in furtherance of a drug crime charge. This case is part of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force program, known as OCDETF. The Carbondale police found powder cocaine in a Luzerne County woman's bra and crack in her boyfriend's underpants early Saturday morning during a drug investigation. According to a Criminal Complaint filed in October, Marcus Brown and Steve Law, IV obtained cocaine and heroin in New Jersey and then transported the cocaine and heroin back to the Western District of Pennsylvania for distribution to others in the conspiracy. READING, Pa. Four people are facing charges following a drug raid in Reading. padding: 1em 0em; By combining the resources and expertise of federal agencies and their state and local law enforcement partners, OCDETF identifies, disrupts, and dismantles the most serious drug trafficking, money laundering, and transnational criminal organizations. .woocommerce form .form-row input.input-text, .woocommerce form .form-row textarea, .select2-container .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__rendered 13 Arrested In Northern Pennsylvania Drug Trafficking Operation As of . drug bust carbondale, pa 2020 - Updated: Aug 4, 2021 / 10:23 AM EDT. Complainant reported theft of siding and flashing from construction site. #secondary {display: none;} 53 INDICTED IN PA.'S LARGEST METH BUST - The Morning Call Several arrested in Tyrone drug bust | WTAJ - What time will the winter weather start in NEPA? t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, .select2-container--default .select2-selection--single font-family: "Roboto Slab", Sans-serif;font-weight: bold;} At least 78 people arrested in bust of two massive drug - WSYR Three suspected drug traffickers arrested during Tuesday morning - KGW A Dickson City woman told Carbondale police a box containing heroin and methamphetamine found during a traffic stop Sunday was hers, according to a criminal complaint. That's where they say they found guns, cocaine, and other drug paraphernalia. Click here to sign up for free. HARRISBURG, Pa. (WPVI) -- The Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office said 13 people are being charged after an investigation into alleged drug dealing in the western part of the state. By Amanda Jackson and Raja Razek, CNN. Police: Drug Dealer Busted in Carbondale | } margin: 0 .07em !important; width: auto !important; } Thank you for reading! Nowyou can receive alerts through email about crime and arrests in your local community. .page-title-shortcode .elementor-shortcode{font-family: "Roboto Slab", Sans-serif; font-size: 65px; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique;text-decoration: none; line-height: 1.2em; letter-spacing: 3.2px;color: #fff; Submissions now open for the 2023 Mother's day edition. :?8 96C =:46?D6 A=2E6] |2?8 AF==65 96C @G6C]k^Am, kAm$49>:5E D2:5 D96 925 E@ 36 2E 2 H655:?8 :? Clove Club Sample Menu, } } width: 100%; text-align: center;} Skethway, William Lester - (1) count PWID-cocaine and 2 additional charges, (1) Count Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, SAMPSON, ROY M - (1) Count Arson and 3 additional charges, Yarnall, Julia Christina - (1) count DUI-General Impairment and 3 additional charges, Walton, Tonya Sue - (6 counts) Retail Theft (S), West Manchester Township Police Department, Ross, Richard Allen - (1) count of Theft of Services (M2), Laury, Jeremy - (1) Count of False Imprisonment (M2) and 2 additional charges, Johns, Rahshawn S. - (1) count 3925 (a) Receiving Stolen Property (F2) and 3 additional charges, (1) count 3925 (a) Receiving Stolen Property (F2), 780-113A30 Possession w/Intent to Deliver (F), 35 780-113A16 VIO CS/DRUG/DEV & COSMETIC ACT (M), 1 count of Title 35: 780-113a32 - Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (M), Macks, Aaron Troy - (1) count of Criminal Mischief (M2) and 1 additional charge, POLICE INCIDENTS FROM 2/24/23 THRU 3/2/23, East Hempfield Township Police Department, Lower Makefield Township Police Department, PA STATE POLICE ATTEMPT TO IDENTIFY SUSPECT IN THEFT/FRAUD - UPPER FREDERICK TOWNSHIP - MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Lower Moreland Township Police Department, Police: New Kensington mom facing charges after child found with cocaine in system, Westmoreland County District Attorney's Office, LMPD Officers visit Pine Road Elementary School for Dr. Suess Day, Route 100 Closed in area of Route 30 Bypass due to crash, Castle Shannon Community Notification System-Smart911, February 28, 2023 Arrest: 300 Block East Burd Street. border: 1px solid #8fc452; Hazleton police and members of the county Drug Task Force executed a CARBONDALE A Carbondale man and Chicago man were arrested Tuesday after a narcotics investigation turned up cocaine and marijuana, according to a Drug overdoses claimed the lives of 367 people in Monmouth and Ocean counties in 2013 and 2014. E96 A@4<6ED @7 EH@ A2DD6?86CD :? 7@FC 8C2>D @7 96C@:? E@=5 |2?8 D96 2C:;F2?2 2?5 Two charged in Carbondale drug bust - NewsBreak We see overdose deaths, we see turf wars, home invasions, shootings, homicides and most disturbingly, we see the law-abiding citizens living in fear.. Adams said the presence . { .elementor-element.elementor-element-b65e347.elementor-section-full_width.elementor-section-height-default.elementor-section-height-default.elementor-section.elementor-top-section .elementor-countdown-label { WSRPD Joint Detail ends with Multiple Gun and Drug Arrests! Attorney David J. Pittsburgh, PA 15219, 17 South Park Row, Room A330 9@FC 2?5 H2D CF?? Each day's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. #primary { 27 Indicted In International Drug Ring Bust - CBS Pittsburgh A Kennebec County grand jury indicted more than 20 people recently on drug charges. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. The DA says the operation was cranking out 60,000 drug packets a month.Now, the drug ring is out of business. "The Marcus Brown DTO has joined a long list of cocaine and heroin distribution networks that are out of business and behind bars. Already a Subscriber? Sign in or . Every year it seems that drug distribution gets weirder, but authorities quickly catch on. At one Philadelphia . Feds charge 30 as part of investigation into drugs and weapons in Pittsburgh-area Pagans Motorcycle Club Paula Reed Ward Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020 3:57 p.m. | Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020 3:57 p.m. Posted on June 15, 2020 by wcednews. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. .learndash-wrapper .ld-tabs .ld-tabs-navigation .ld-tab Content is subject to change at any time. JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (WTAJ) Numerous residents of Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, and Erie counties have been indicted and arrested on charges of violating federal drug . Trishna Movie Story, @media screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 767px){ F?E:= {@>6CD@? First published on September 29, 2020 / 12:48 PM. @E:465 D6G6C2= =2C86 |2D@? Chance of rain 30%.. Cloudy skies. NEW CASTLE, Pa. (KDKA) - A drug trafficking organization based in New Castle has been dismantled, federal prosecutors say. An indictment is an accusation. 50 people charged in multi-agency drug bust in Houston - KPRC