Are you suggesting that KDP would be run better if it was only open to US citizens!? Mr. Layton, I too just yesterday, received a request from NRM (Kevin Wilson). Whether they will ask for more money is unknown. Are they out of their minds? Of course, not every publishing company is a vanity press, and there are plenty of legitimate ways to get your writing into the world. Yeah they make these responses on the internet so that others reading this will see it as them working and still have somewhat of a good reputation. Seriously? The guy gave me some mumbo jumbo and never answered the question. Are You Curious. I was really excited at first then suddenly my feet got cold and old saying come thru my mind. Is TCK Publishing legit for a new author? - Quora Certainly, they are in business to make money by presenting authors what looks like a favorable deal. It is a published work of yours, and will add to your portfolio as an author. Anyone here with experience publishing with Ukiyoto? Our reach is from coast to coast with some international distribution. Frustrating who to trust. If it sounds real good it more likely RUN the other way! It was interesting to read what all the authors had to say about New Readers. New Authors Beware of Scam Agents and Publishing Sharks Tell them that if they want more money youll have to see at least enough royalties to cover you costs so far, otherwise theyll keep asking for more money! Cons:Difficult to get published, and royalties can be quite low. I too have been contacted by New Reader, with talk of a screen play and a film deal. I have two projects ongoing with New Reader Magazine and I will give the results once available, and this will shut up everyone that has any doubts, I stopped dealing with book publishing companies especially XLibris, because thats a scam, they charge you a fortune for marketing and the royalties are a joke, at least in the Hollywood industry theres way more money, everyone be patient that I will give the results soon, thank you Manny Pelaez. Turner Publishing key technologies used on the website. I was contacted by New Reader Magazine. They found a book of mine already out there, (self published) and I am in London and they called me from New York. Headquartered in Nashville, TN & operating since 1984, Turner currently publishes 5,000 titles. ** total_quantity ** | ** unit_price ** / ** unit_measure **, Bookstores, Libraries (Wholesale Purchasers), Keylight Books:Fiction titles that are adaptable for film, TV, and streaming, Wiley: Turner publishes under the Wiley name, with permission, for over 1,000 acquired titles, Hunter House: Health, Wellness & Sexuality Titles, Ancestry: Genealogy (acquired assets of the book division of, Fieldstone Alliance: Business Books for Non-profits (acquired assets of Fieldstone Alliance), Basic Health Publications: Titles on Health and Wellness, Iroquois Press: Fiction and Literature imprint, Specific Titles formerly published by Cumberland House Press*. They say youll get your money back, but they might no longer be in business when you go looking for the money and you may need to hire a lawyer to try to get the money. My curiosity piqued, I dug a little closer. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Uncovering the Truth about Vanity Publishers Dont make that mistake. They said there was companies already interested in making my book into a film but they needed a script or treatment. It is when the publisher finally asks you to pay a considerable amount of money up front to publish your book. They promised me my book would be taken up by a well known publishing house once it was found to be editorally sound. It was all a fraud. Xlibris s part of Author Solutions and has been flagged on AlLis list of publishers to avoid for a very long time. RR got a job as a news paper reporter right out of high school. Wow. Eons ago when I first started my writing career, I, too, received a letter from an agent who wanted to represent me. But I read in the intetnet that they too are scascammed Has anyone been contacted by Archway? Wanted to market my book and so decided to give it a go. I too got the same information but my quoted price was $17,500 to promote my book. I didnt get the Dances with Wolves bit. So we go back to my first question; would these people have been the same great literary success stories in this present day? Its so risky. ALLi's definition of a vanity press is a publishing service that engages in misleading or, in the worst cases, outright deceptive practices, with the intention not of bringing books to readers but of extracting as much money as possible from the authors. The biggest and most important differences between a vanity press and self-publishing is that with a vanity press, the author assumes all the risk, gives up the rights to their work, and pays outrageous fees for often low-quality services they could manage or do on their own. To solve your concern, we would like you to send an email to finance(at) and/or to legal(at) And to top it all off, you cant even re-publish your book with another publisher, or on your own via self-publishing, because the vanity publisher now owns the publication rights to your book. Authors fall for this because they might not be aware of the ease of using a print on demand company. What is your best phone number ? I already get this from my publisher, VirtualBookworm, whom I highly recommend as an ethical, affordable, and reliable self-publisher. But I doubt that will be the case. I found the offer too low. The company is in the top 101 independent publishing companies in the U.S. as compiled by and has been named five times to Publishers Weekly's Fastest Growing Publishers List. Also, NRM doesnt guarantee any sales. He did say that he understands my concern and that hed be happy to read my book if I sent him a copy. Thankfully, most have closed down these expensive pseudo-self-publishing services now. The prestige of getting picked up by a major publisher might seem appealing, but there are a lot of downsides to this publishing path. So nine out of ten times, if a publisher asks you to pay to be published, it is a vanity press. [4] Vantage had charged authors between $3,000-$20,000 per book title; the lawyer for the . I have submitted 3 poetries to SilentSpark press, out of which they updated me with SMS, that one of them has been accepted. In the past, anything else was considered a vanity press, but with the rise of the indie publishing boom, the traditional/vanity press line has blurred. Self-publishing is generally free. Unfortunately, it's really hard to tell the difference between a hybrid publisher and a vanity press. Do you have any references or complaints about Peter Anderson of Beacon Book Agency? They have honed the art of the sales pitch to a fine edge, and they know exactly what buttons to push to appeal to a novice author's hopes and insecurities. The Pitfalls of Vanity Press Publishing - One Author to Another Turner Publishing Inc. - About Us "Vanity publishing" or "subsidy publishing" describes an arrangement by which a publisher (a "vanity press" or "subsidy publisher") creates bound copies of books for authors for a fee. Tor/Forge has also become the leading modern publisher of American westerns. They started out by saying my share of the partnership would be $4000, yet the contract asks for $4600. Beware the names Christian Smith, Kelly Smith, and Trixie Jean. Did anyone follow through with their contract? Vanity Publishers: Self Publishing Companies to Avoid I like all that, I just don't like the model. I called her back and talked to her, but I have a hearing problem and so have difficulty understanding people with accents. And why was I given a fake Netflix contract! I was not impressed and I dont plan to give them $4100. One of the fastest growing publishing companies is Callisto Media who approach writers and commission books on various subjects. Basically, Ukiyoto appears to make most of their money from the author, not from sales of the author's book. It refers to the author, the author who is not looking at publishing as a profit driven business (which it is) but as some kind of vehicle for their personal dreams of recognition. Keep up the great work. I then looked at their website and then did an internet serach for reviews of the company and up popped the Just Publishing Advice page with all of these comments. Hi, just wondering if anyone had heard of a new independent publishing house called Cranthorpe Millner? Vanity/Subsidy Publishers - Sfwa 20 Top Traditional Publishers Accepting Unsolicited Manuscripts A hybrid publisher must pay better royalty rates than a traditional publisher. There are many good vanity publishing companies, but there are just as many disreputable ones. Olympia Publishers Review: Here's What You Need To Know! I keep getting unsolicited requests to submit my manuscript. Yet, the lack of information Im finding is concerning, not to mention the spelling errors and lack of spacing in some of the sentences of the contract. They were interested in one of my books (I have 16, with two publishers, 90% ebook sales) and wanted to get it into bookstores. Turner ebooks are available through the Apple ibookstore, Amazon Kindle, and the Barnes & Noble nook. Well, they suck! No matter what promise a vanity publishing press makes, they are likely to make it by finding your pain points and targeting them with persuasive marketing. DO NOT pay for book promotion and marketing services packages. Its a shame that so many companies are now preying on individuals who dream of having a best-selling book. Years later when I was the coordinator for a local writing conference, I received a letter from an agent who was willing to come for free to talk and mingle. As I imagine she is reworking her scam under another name, I would avoid any publishing company with thoughts in their name, just to be safe. Hey Im currently being published by Cranthorpe Millner. DO NOT enter immediately into an agreement with a publisher. I just got a message that the radio talk show Rebuilding Your Life Radio with Susan Sherayko have invited me to a radio interview for a book that I had published.