And then we'd do it through the lawyers. It, (Photo of Shirley; Shirley, Zachary and David; photos of Shirley and Zachary). Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father sounds like the kind of movie I would never want to see, which is why it took me so long to actually see it. Dear Zachary has been announced as the first film to launch the newly formed MSNBC Films division of MSNBC. I knew, exactly what my son looked at before he died. You know? Mr. BAGBY: Oh, yeah. (Shears; photo of Shirley, Zachary and Shears; Shears walking), Mr. SHEARS: Suddenly everything rushes into you, and you realize that she, did murder Andrew. Dear Zachary is now available on DVD! But a few weeks later, she showed up in Pennsylvania, unexpected, for the wedding of one of his friends. USA | Canada | UK, Original poster artwork by Evan B. Harris, Proceeds from this film benefit the Dr. Bagby Scholarship and the Dr. Andrew Bagby and son Zachary Bursary, Watch this short film to see the quest to complete Dear Zachary and amend Canadian bail law. Schultz quotes the brother of Hae Min Lee, the victim of the murder at the center of the first season of Serial, responding, on Reddit, to the surge of interest in the case: I wont be answering any questions because . And in the meantime, without that crucial piece of evidence to charge her with Andrew's murder, Shirley Turner quietly left US soil and returned home to Newfoundland. Because she didnt know love either. KATE: I knew exactly what my son looked at before he died. They watched the legal proceedings grind, infuriating and slow. Unidentified Woman #10: (Kate holding Zachary) Zachary. And so he set out to collect the memories of Andrew's family and giant circle of friends. Coverage from the 2023 Canada Winter Games, VIDEO: Your daily elite-sports highlight package, Making Canada Better: Atlantic Canadians striving for change, 2023 SaltWire Network. How do you represent anguish of that magnitude without turning it into a Greek tragedy? After Newfoundland woman killed their son and grandson - SaltWire Our SaltWire team is always watching out for the place we call home. Kurt Kuennes 2008 documentary, Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father, deserves a second look, especially in light of the recent popularity of true-crime programs like Serial and Making a Murderer., Photograph courtesy Oscilloscope Pictures / Everett. Mr. SIMPSON: You don't need to go out with a woman because you can't think you can do better. Sometimes, if you are paying attentionclose attentionyou can see it coming, even if only barely. Here's Why 'Dear Zachary' Is The Most Upsetting Documentary Ever Made A Kate Bagby is an Advisory Member at Mothers Against Murder based in Los Altos, California. Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) That you aren't trying to take my place. And then, November 2001, Andrew Bagby was shot dead in a state park not far from the hospital in which the young doctor was a resident, and his devoted parents all but lost the will to live. Purchase the album on: Amazon (Physical CD) iTunes Amazon MP3, DAVID BAGBY'S "DANCE WITH THE DEVIL" RETURNS TO PAPERBACK AND E-BOOK, After four years of being out of print, David Bagby's book "Dance with the Devil" (Andrew Bagby's father's powerful memoir of the events depicted in "Dear Zachary") is finally available in paperback and e-book. The legal system helped her kill Zachary. Do you feel all right about putting, MORRISON: Safe and warm inside the Bagby house, as the gales of a, Newfoundland winter raged outside, the inevitable happened. David Bagby Obituary (1957 - 2022) - Statesville, NC - My Web Times This is without a doubt one of the most profound, touching and moving films I have ever watched." When he returned to the States, Shirley showed up soon after. Nobody drives 16 hours after you've just broken up with them.' And she followed Andrew to St. John's. Cpl. David was a . Authorities later determined his former lover Dr. Shirley Turner,. He was in, Mr. SHEARS: I would cook supper sometimes when she wasn't around. The Hornet was just back from patrolling . It didn't clue in, MORRISON: T.J. says while he was touched that she'd shown up at, the hospital, he was also a little surprised. David and Kate Bagby channeled their grief & anguish into changing some Canadian laws. (David speaking to reporters; Kate speaking to reporters; David on radio show; "Dear Zachary" poster; Kurt editing video; photo of Andrew; photo of Zachary; Mr. KUENNE: I almost gave up making this film when you were, killed. In January, the film was nominated for Best Documentary by both the Chicago Film Critics Association and the Online Film Critics Society, who also nominated writer/director/composer Kurt Kuenne for Breakthrough Filmmaker of 2008. MORRISON: In Kurt Kuenne's documentary, Clark Simpson, one of Andrew's close friends at the hospital, remembers that November morning just two weeks later when Shirley surprised Andrew again. GARDNER: (Audio recording) Yeah. David and Kate Bagby know all about the unlikely power of love funneled through rage. None of his friends liked Turner because she was often inappropriate and even harassed one of Bagbys exes and just generally appeared to be an incredibly unstable, crude, and unlikeable personbasically Bagby's exact opposite. Shirley and Zachary, then 13 months old, had been staying with the couple. In the course of the next two yearsas Turners extradition process dragged on, as Bagbys parents moved from California to Newfoundland to fight for custody of the baby, and as the case eventually took an even more terrible turnthe film came to be about those events as well. Its best to watch Kuennes documentary without too much background, but the basic setup is this: On November 6, 2001, Andrew Bagbys body was found, shot five times, in a park near Latrobe, Pennsylvania, where Bagby lived. I never really convinced myself that she, could--that she would hurt Zachary. I mean, we would never, disagree with her or fight with her about anything unless there was real. Andrew, despite his obvious abilities, was turned down by every medical school in the country. Dear Zachary has been acquired for theatrical release and DVD distribution by the newly formed Oscilloscope Pictures, and will be released in New York on October 31st, and in Los Angeles and Chicago on November 7th. `You gave me a lovely son, and now it's over.'. Some of, those frames even at the dollar stores will say--there'll be little sayings on, Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) if you want to say `Mommy and Daddy' on a. frame and stick a picture of me and Andrew in it, I don't know. -, "A 10 out of 10. Oh my god. MORRISON: Zachary Andrew Turner, the son of murder victim Andrew, Bagby and his accused killer Shirley Turner, was born on July 18th 2002, eight, months after the young doctor's murder. Dear Zachary was then voted the #3 audience favorite of the festival by viewer ballot, out of the 172 distinguished documentaries screening at Hot Docs. Mr. SIMPSON: And he said, `I'm going to need to catch up with you, and we're going to have to do some serious talking.' MORRISON: There might have been a particular reason for this. Mr. KURT KUENNE (Director): I decided to go on the road to interview people, because I thought, you know, he's never going to have a wedding. HOUSE OF COMMONS UNANIMOUSLY PASSES BILL C-464. They had to be nice to Turner, to keep her mellow, and not fight with her. And that's when it all hit the fan, I guess. Cpl. If you were waiting to find out where exactly the comfort was in this litany of suffering, it is in Bagbys parents. MORRISON: Shirley Turner, also a doctor in training, was 12 years older than Andrew, twice divorced, a mother of three. With that powerful, evidence, Shirley Turner was formally charged with Andrew's murder and, arrested by Newfoundland police. Did. He's a little bleary eyed, but. We need each other, have each other to get through this, added David. The Bagbys couldn't have been happier, particularly since. Dear Zachary recently won the Sigma Delta Chi Award for Best Documentary of 2008 from the Society of Professional Journalists. (Shirley and Zachary at birthday party; birthday party), KATE: He didn't want to open presents, you know, he wanted to get, down. Click HERE for ticket information. Complicating things further, she soon announced that she was pregnant with Bagbys child. Shortly after his death, she fled to Canada and settled back in St. Johns. MORRISON: But as Kurt made his way around the globe, his tribute materialized into something far bigger, and much darker, than anyone could have imagined. Mr. BAGBY: (Talking in group) This is about making public exactly what, MORRISON: The Bagbys' public outrage had some results. If you were to dream up the perfect set of parents, it would be Kate and David Bagby. 'Dear Zachary' Is A Greek Tragedy Come To Life | Defector MORRISON: Andrew Bagby. It will have its television premiere on MSNBC this fall following a theatrical release that is currently in negotiations and expected to be announced in the coming weeks. keep him safe, which they feared was about to become even more difficult. Why? It turns out Shirley Jane Turner is pregnant. David Bagby's book, Dance With the Devil, is a good read. I got to put on the record the fact that I would like a much stronger bill, said David. (Youll never guess who showed up on my doorstep, one of Bagbys friends recalls him saying. MORRISON: A couple of hours later, there was another knock at the, Mr. BAGBY: Told us what happened. Kate & David Bagby will now be called as witnesses before the committee, the bill will be revised and strengthened, and eventually brought back into the House and Senate for a vote. MORRISON: I never know what to think about these feelings that people get. MORRISON: Shirley, meanwhile, seemed to be preparing for her, extradition, and perhaps she was looking for a way to exclude the Bagbys from. Ad Choices. We send a huge thanks to MP Scott Andrews, his assistant Ken Carter, MP Peter Stoffer, Senator Tommy Banks, his assistant Thrse Gauthier, Gord McIntosh and all those in Parliament who have seen across party lines and supported this bill to honor Andrew & Zachary and help prevent a recurrence of our story. would now have to be something else, a visual letter to Andrew's baby. because it's hard to get off Newfoundland. Unidentified Man #25: I love them very much. MORRISON: But Shirley would make it tough for Andrew to do that. 7:30 I'll be at your house.'. The bill now moves to the Senate where it is expected to be embraced in a similar fashion. But the tributes Kuenne collected remain the spine of the movie, alternating throughout with exposition of the murder and its aftermath. Mr. BAGBY: The police didn't give us very much information, but they started. And now it's just. There won't be any question about whether she can hurt, MORRISON: Coming up, as David Bagby wrestles with these terrible. Djing. Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Walmart, DIGITAL
Subscribe here. Our 100 journalists strive to inform and improve our East Coast communities by delivering impartial, high-impact, local journalism that provokes thought and action. I got to see what happens to the bastard who did this. (Driving through rainy street; correctional facility sign; Andrew; Kurt, Unidentified Woman #8: They would drive two hours to the jail. There won't be any question about, whether she can hurt him. After Newfoundland woman killed their son and grandson, California Creating stronger communities. After Canadian mother killed herself and their only grandchild, U.S She would never go away. David Bagby wrote Dance with the Devil: A Memoir of Murder and Loss, a best-seller in Canada in 2007, about his family's ordeal. It also recently won Best Documentary at the Orlando Film Festival and the Audience Award at the St. Louis International Film Festival. Amazon | B&N It stays so close to Bagby and to the people who loved him that theres never any question that its their side of the story being recounted. Very, very serious. How else do you represent almost virtually the same crime happening back to back despite the hindsight in between? Dr. Andrew David Bagby (1973-2001) - Find a Grave Memorial Turner, the daughter of a U.S. serviceman and a woman from St. Anthony, met Andrew while they were attending medical school at Memorial University in St. Johns. Kate says everything seemed to be going smoothly, until here. I mean, the best man is really the groom.