Happy birthday, my beloved son, who has provided me nothing but joy from the day he was born. I strive to be the best for you! May this day bring forth all the good that you give. We never were nervous before you arrived. Every day, make your bed. Of fact, what he meant was that you should learn from other peoples mistakes rather than make your own. Happy birthday to the child who tested my patience. But you also wish he could stay young indefinitely, yet he matures in the blink of an eye. Happy birthday darling [mention the name of the son]. Happy birthday, son. Son, although its just the two of us, remember that Im always there for you, and my only wish is to see you grow up to be a good man. We have full faith that you will come back home, and when you do, we will welcome you with open arms. Columbus police announced . Remember when you were learning to ride a bicycle? But know that I want the very best for you. (or anything else youve been calling him since he was born, so long as its loving). You stole my heart from the moment you were born. P.S. Today marks the one-year anniversary of your birth. It never changes. Happy birthday! Stay on the straight and narrow. I love you! Writing Letters, A Birthday Tradition. Allow me to wish you once again a very beautiful birthday. Remember that we are not going to give up on you, and you are always welcome to talk to us anytime you want. Thank you for bringing me along! 9. My lovely boy, you are developing up far too quickly. To do the right thing is often the right choice, no matter how much it costs or what you have to give up in the short term. But son, you have to understand our side too. Dear Luca, Happy Birthday, honey! I knew that day and I know now that I was put on this Earth to be your Mommy. A Letter To My Son: Reflections On A Journey When Steve Jobs passed away I, along with millions of others, watched his Stamford 2005 Commencement Address on YouTube. My mother said to me quietly, "Honey, I think you are the prettiest girl here." I really believe that. Your presence was very short, but your memories with us were something we could not get over from. Happy birthday! I can still sense the excitement as I heard the nurse say. Happy birthday, son. And I'm so glad we did. Id like to wrap you up in a bubble and protect you forever, but somehow I have to learn to let you learn on your own. This letter could be mine to my firstborn. You enjoy throwing balls, opening and closing items (such as books! For us, you will always be our little angel who can warm any heart with your smile and laughter. Thank you for sharing this. So many blessings and love for you! I know you are both anxious and excited about attending college. 13. You have grown up to be a fine man, and I cant be more proud. May God grant you all that youve ever dreamed of and more. These Three Words Describe Me in The Best Way. A love letter for your sons birthday to remind him how much you love him. This will be a memory he will cherish for the rest of his life, and it will make you both smile from ear to ear for years to come. Your father and I came from a low-income family. You are loved through every hard decision. I literally have no idea what I would do without you. Today is a very special day for you your birthday! You always surprised us as a kid. When you walk in obedience to God and do as He asks, you just never know who He will use you to bless. Well, I cant wait for my fishing partner. Happy birthday! Subject- Happy 3rd birthday to my sons letter. A Birthday Letter to My Son on His 5th Birthday - Good Life Detroit As you are officially a man now, Im writing to you to let you know a few things that I believe would help you, for they definitely helped me. And no doubt it's nice to be self-confident. As a thank you for all those sleepless nights I had when you were a baby, I think I'll repay the favor with drumming lessons in your living room. This post wrecked me! Letter to My Son on His 16th Birthday - Family Bucketeers We hope you like the gift. I feel like it has been 17 weeks, but now you are almost an adult. This is your last birthday before you are officially an adult. I thank God for blessing me with such a lovely son as you. When that time comes I want you to recall the time you volunteered in Spain for two weeks when you were just 13 years old. I should be the one getting presents today. Son, you know your dad and I love you and will always be your loving parents, no matter what. Thats why Im sharing with you an open letter to my teenage son. Dont worry, weve rounded up some of the best birthday messages to share with your son. I love you. Everyone makes mistakes. Youre my first chance to let other people see the heart that beats outside of my chest. I've learned the hard way that failing to show up at a major event is one of the most common reasons relationships break down. With every single day, I realize how fortunate I am to be your mother. I write this, knowing that I need an outlet, and if I cannot tell whats in my heart to my own son, I cannot tell it to anyone. If you need to go far, far away to pursue your dreams, then do it.My mother didn't bat an eye when, shortly after college, I told her I wanted to take my savings of $2,000 and move to Central America to try and become a foreign correspondent. Do well and achieve your endeavors with flying colors. Im astounded at how much youve changed and yet how much youve remained the same in your nine years of existence. Heres to a lifetime of laughter. You have this great ability to recognize when anything is bothering me since it is then that you begin talking in languages that make me laugh out loud. You talked my ear off and told your brother all of the things that he needed to do (because youve always been a leader). Youre like this self-sufficient little man who doesnt need me anymore. With that in mind, here are some explanations, but mostly my hopes for you as you enjoy and struggle through these wonderful teenage years. It is usually not about you.As you grow older, don't worry so much about looking a certain way. Dad used to say this all the time. You'll learn over time that most things that may seem absolutely outrageous in the moment are quickly forgotten. At the age of 18, the boy returned home and saw in his bedroom a letter. Being a postgraduate in Human Resources from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, she Infographic: Things To Consider When Writing A Letter For Son. When you were born, I knew that youd grow into a strong and special young man. His 17 years of professional experience also includes scientific research in family emotional and relational processes and its effect on psychological Shikha is a writer-turned-associate editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Read these real-life tips. 30+ Birthday Wishes for Son Turning 14 | 14th Birthday Wishes A Letter to My Son on His Birthday - Finding Cooper's Voice Cheers to another birthday! . I t is your birthday tomorrow. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Thanks for the reminders to love more and worry less. I believe every mom with more than one child can relate. No jail time for woman who admitted having sex with 13-year-old, having You will finish school in a few years, and when you grow up, you will look back at the teenage years with a sense of satisfaction. Sometimes a beautiful letter is worth all the presents in the world, so check out this Letter to my son on his birthday, and give yours a souvenir he will be able to read and reread for years and years to come. Remember that I am strict with you at times because I want you to become the best version of yourself. It will take you far. So, with all the love in my heart, here is an open letter to my firstborn. We are one of those kinds of parents who are going through the same feelings. An Open Letter to My Teenage Son - Just Homemaking Youve worked hard for this, and you deserve all the success. Look back. I know how hard it is for you to grow up without a father figure in your life, but I take comfort in the fact that you have a good heart. Life can turn on a dime. Yahu Palacios-Gonzalez. Laughed into the World: A Letter to My Son on His 13th Birthday To be there to comfort, encourage and reassure you. All the best, and train hard. The boy asks his father, "Dad, will I die?" This time my father was silent. I'd lay hands on each part of your body, naming it aloud. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The 16-year-old boy accused of accidentally shooting and killing a 15-year-old last month in Reardan is being charged as an adult, but that could change. I promise that I just want the best for you. I know your 2nd year of life is going to be as much of a blockbuster hit as your first. You are all I didnt know I needed or wanted. Your dad and I will not be there to tell you what is wrong and what is right each day. And who keeps on sharing with me his emotions and feelings, through kisses, hugs, and I love you moms. Happy birthday! Life can turn on a dime.My grandparents, your great-grandparents, died instantly in a car accident so I speak from experience. I write this letter to both you and your sister, as to me, you are both mirror images of each other. It gives me immense happiness and satisfaction that youll be able to impact several lives in your professionthe ever-giving person that you have always been. Thank you for making it a reality. Happy birthday, son! When your daddy first held you in his arms, I remember him telling me, "This big man is going to make us all proud one day." Our community is going to be proud of you. Happy birthday! I remember when you were 3 and we were having a pretty rough day. A Letter to My Son and Life Lessons for Him to Follow - Baby Chick I will be here to throw you a rope if you need one. You soon learned even the regions of your brain, the organs in your torso, and your seven chakras." So begins a touching letter written by a mother to her 17-year-old son in the midst of these . My heartfelt sympathies go out to you and your family. A Pandemic Letter to My 17-Year-Old Son | DailyGood Happy birthday to the coolest and most confident kid Ive ever known! You learn about love by taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Have the best birthday ever, because you are the best. Both of us share a passion for travel, the more exotic the better. With all my LOVE, Mommy. There is no greater love than the love I have for you. I love you infinitely, more than words could explain., Your email address will not be published. The stuff in life that gets in the way are just distractions to keep us from Jesus, and precious Firstborn, please dont be distracted. I cant wait to celebrate with you today. The individual standing next to you has the same God-given rights as you. We know youll continue to make us proud as always. Thank you for teaching me valuable things that have helped me grow as a person. What I wouldn't give right now to hear my mom say those words to me again. Remember all the things that your father taught you. Dear Jacob: An Open Letter to My 15 Year Old Son 12. Happy birthday. Wishing you nothing but the best today and always! Be grateful and tell your loved ones you love them -- every chance you get. I love to see how you have grown in these years. At any rate, happy birthday, son! I've now known you for 2,922 days and I love you more each morning and each evening as I put you to sleep. You have to take each day as it comes and work hard at reaching the highest level. I was alone in my apartment, but in just one hour, I would have enough of the relentless waves of discomfort and call your father to ask him to drive me to the hospital. When you make Him the center, you will be blessed, son. Your value has been set. Even as a kid, you would always carry a football with you, and we always told each other that we would let you live your dreams and take up any profession you like. Your birthday will always be remembered as the happiest day of my life. I am so very blessed to have you in my life. For any parents, there is no one else endearing and darer than their kids. Manage Settings I looked outside and the sun was shining, so I thought I would take you for a walk. Im sure youd rather prefer to be scolded by me than by someone else. You must ensure to keep it simple and write it by yourself. I know you are such a little boy and cannot read this letter still now. ), climbing, crinkling paper, and removing all of the wipes from your wipe packets. When I yelled at you this afternoon, it was for your own good. Some of them will be on your side until the next stage. My dearest son, age with adequate grace. Especially since you still whine like a baby! You have grown up exactly the way we wanted you to, a strong, independent man. As you make a wish, dont forget to give thanks to the man above for all of your blessings. You need to work hard to earn every penny. You are loved through every smile, every song, every dance move. When I look at you, I see a remarkable man who doesnt let anything get in the way of his dreams. This is one of the hardest things that we have to ever write to you. Happy birthday! Be a good husband, and continue to be a great human being. But now, you have been a whole box of joy! When you were born, you weighed a whopping 8lb. 100 Best Birthday Wishes for Your Daughter, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Happy birthday! I know that it will be many years before you understand just how much you have been given in life. That was such a vivid memory for me. I hope you come to feel the same way about Kaila one day. A day you always positively look forward to, that much hasn't changed since you were little. Eight is Enough. I hope and pray that in the midst of all the mistakes Ive made and all that I havent done right, that you will see that love really does cover a multitude of sins. Twelve years old. Because if its a special day for you, it also is for me. Well, you know very well that I am not good with words. You are a star and I wish I could take every needle and test for you, but I can't. Seven. To My 17 Year Old Self : To My Daughter Letter - Our Family Lifestyle Anyway, Kiddo, I just wanted to let you know that I think the world of you and not just because you are my son. Subject- Letter from mother to son on his birthday. Know that the love I bear you is stronger than everything and that you have fulfilled me as a mom. May God bless you with all the desires of your heart today. And I will never stop taking care of you. Wishing you the best birthday! So, forgive me if this comes out as bland. A Letter To My Son: Reflections On A Journey | Raising the Curtain His birthday is a beautiful occasion to write him a real letter. My prayer is that you remain the kind-hearted person youve always been. Don't hold a grudge.There have been times when I've been slow to forgive, and it's nearly destroyed some pretty important relationships. I am wondering what cake to buy for your birthday. Its such a joy and privilege watching you raise your children. His pesky "little" sister is a sassy teenager herself, at 14. I desperately want this for you. Attitude is a small thing that makes a very big difference.The older I get, the more convinced I am that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. So Son, I gave you my . 5. You coming in to lick the batter (chocolate more often than not) and to help finalize it, though I always managed to keep the final surprise a mistery until the end. Do you remember what I gave you for your birthday? Make an effort to be humble and rich; glory and life flow from having humility and fear of the Lord. Dear Kye, Well. I took your attitude personally and felt hurt by it. From your thoughtfulness to your bright smile, you are truly one of a kind.