This is the tour you came so far for ! Magdalena Bay | Travel Blog It is a place for fly anglers not in search of banner day after banner day, but in search of unique, memorable events. We have in-shore mangrove fishing and off-shore, deep-sea pelagic fishing in the Pacific. On other trips, he had watched dozens of marlin finning on the surface as they cruised slowly downsea. from La Ventana around the waters off Cabo San Lucas and all the way up the Pacific Coast to Magdalena Bay - Wherever the fishing action is best. We plan to send out a few more exploratory trips and may start running panga fishing there before the season is over. Additional non-fishing guests may also be added to your room. Its easy to keep pace with fins. 4. I can deal with anything at all to get to the great fishing, but here the trip is simple, the place is fantastic, and the fishing is utterly ridiculous. The grounds we fish at are completely loaded with Wahoo, Dorado, Tuna . Most panga fleets participate throughout the whale watching season (which usually lasts into April) at San Ignacio Lagoon and Magdalena BayLopez Mateos and Puerto San Carlos. ADIOS LA PAZ CARNAVALE 2018! If you are coming from a cruise ship we meet you at the Loreto Marina. Infante stuck a Daiwa Saltiga lever-drag reel in my face. Show map . Whale watching in Mexico's Magdalena Bay | Audley Travel The sea lions also were feeding on the bait when they werent nipping at the stripeys or growling at us. The local panga fishermen are mad as h*ll that the sardine and marlin are getting fished out illegally with up to 14 large industrial size boats going out of Magdalena Bay every night, each boat harvesting 100 - 200 tons of fish. Its easy to understand that the more remote a location is, the less fishing pressure it receives. full service galley A/C. Thanks guys! Also whats the best way from Loreto to Lopez mateos. Approx. The fishing they have done over the past 30 years is enough to amaze any fishermen with days on the water around hidden tuna pens that are unimaginable fishing. We spotted the frigate birds working the surface; when we got close, we could see the marlin in hot pursuit. Engines start at USD 8500.00 for a two stroke E Tec, or USD 9500.00 for a four stroke Yamaha. Magdalena Bay Properties; Fishing Calendar; Booking Calendar; Contact Us; SPA; ADVENTURES; YACHT SERVICES; LOCATED IN SMALL FISHING VILLAGE OF LOPEZ MATEOS AND LORETO "Olivia" 22 LA PAZ PANGA . But its a short season, and for many locals, the whale-watching jobs end far too soon. Get Up Close With Wildlife in Mexico's Magdalena Bay - Travel The Blue Water fishery is the stuff of legends, the heart of which is an area known as the Ridge. Sun protective clothing and hat. All rights reserved. Copyright 2023 Marlin Magazine. Our next trip: October 20-25, 2022. That's our story! It brings in some of the cleanest waters, fresh nutrients, and exotic fishing catch. Next year, Im going to track down the center-console guys and book a few days of fishing to go along with the diving. Get the Most Wahoo Possible in One Fishing Trip The food is true Mexican cuisine with a varied and customized choice of meals that is included with your stay. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. From Cabo, its an 18-hour trip at a fuel-saving 9 knots. 202/642-6386) has been leading whale-watching experiences. Bright blue silence. Incredible Striped Marlin Action in Magdalena Bay, Mexico MagBay Sportfishing Charters in Baja, California, Mexico. Over summer 2021, weve caught a whole lot of, Well, we have delayed our Mag Bay fishing reports once again, and for that we apologize. Most of the striped marlin are between 80 and 125 pounds; rarely will you see one surpassing 150 pounds, making them perfect fish for light tackle or the fly rod. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Then, quiet. Striped marlin are not easy to tease to the boat to begin with, and the ones at the bank seem to be well-fed and a bit more jitteryprobably because of the number of boats that chase them around. It is not an easy sport by nature, and when you add an environment that is full of opportunity, yet as challenging as the sport itself, then flyfishing goes beyond sport and into crazy worlds where fish light up, cannon balls get lodged into rocks, and anglers can feel their heart and hands charge with anticipation. A series of sea mounts, pinnacles and banks, such as the Thetis and Potatoe Banks, hold huge concentrations of fish in the fall and spring as the species make their annual migrations. Calle Puerto La Paz 40, Bahia Magdalena, 23740 Magdalena Bay, B.C.S., Mexico. This is familiar; this pull, this need to clear my line rapidly. But we had a great morning with yellowfin tuna small to maybe 20 pounds and skipjack. Next season there will be a fleet of 25-35 Boston Whalers and perfect American built accommodations available in MagBay. Its not an easy task to release a 60 lbs wahoofrom a popper on a spinning rod. His captain, Chip Shafer, runs Smiths custom 64-foot Bayliss Old Reliable from Costa Rica or Guatemala up to Cabo San Lucas in September, and they usually stay through December. Combination packages mixing cruiser, panga, kayak or beach fishing; Large groups and Seminars; Activities that include snorkeling, scuba diving, whale watching, kayaking, four wheelers, eco-touring and horseback riding . On one day last year, they raised 143 marlin and released 50, all on fly tackle. The currents here, as well as the volume of tidal flats, make navigating treacherous for the inexperienced. Its possible to get diesel fuel in Mag Bay, but they bring it to you by panga; its more economical and safer to just keep your cruising speed low and complete the entire trip on one load. Mag Bay is about the size of San Francisco Bay, and the largest villages in the area are Puerto San Carlospopulation: 5,500and Lopez Mateos, which are a bit rustic to say the least. Magdalena Bay - SLC Name Toby Boat Name 36' ProKat Aug 31, 2018 #11 . Im on! His ten-weight is buckled in a perfect inverse curve to his smile. 1. Best time to visit. Captain G, for example, starting driving a fishing panga 42 years ago when he was 12 years old. Magdalena Bay Whales - Your Adventure Our Passion . Hi, no Wahoo never come inside the bay. What was the point? he said. This experience leads to an appreciation that goes beyond the norm, beyond expectation, and certainly beyond fishing trip.. I could hear shouting across the waves, as other kayak anglers, rods bent over hard, were pulled in various directions. Within the massive bay, miles of mangroves, beaches, channels, sandbars and islets offer chances for snook, roosterfish, golden trevally, Colorado snapper, barred pargo, white seabass, yellowtail, halibut, corvina and more. I pushed up the lever drag on the Daiwa Saltiga and came tight immediately. This is not a gentle bonefish lodge or an idyllic river with mountain backdrops. If there are five marlin attacking the bait, there are 20 or more slowly swimming beneath it. What makes the Magdalena Bay offshore fishing so astonishing is a convergence of conditions that occur in the fall. The marlin pulled me through and over large bait balls, with frigate birds wheeling just overhead. Magdalena Bay - Success Sport Fishing CABO PANGA FISHING--This tasty wahoo-dorado combo came aboard the Cabo San Lucas charter panga Cheer's for anglers Renee Shattuck and Miguel Hernandez, on a day that also produced 11 more dorado and a sailfish with Capt. Marco proudly operates Magdalena Bay Whales, but he may be in need of a name-change soon, as it seems flyfishing might play a more major role in his business. The closer the big fish get to the bait, the brighter they get with excitement. Wed jump in and the bait would quickly dash over to see if our boat offered any protectionwhich it didntthen they would take off again. Its just not that common like the sea of cortez cities and up north. There is no dependable water source in the region, which has greatly restricted development; there are also no big-boat marinas, very few hotels and a minimal supply of reliable fuel. Call us today for more information or to book your trip (619)483-7315. Published August 28, 2017. Hands down, it is my absolute favorite fishing destination and the crew, boats, and service provided just make it so much fun. Smith designed the boat specifically for long-range trips: 2,300 gallons of fuel, two generators, two watermakers, and backups for pretty much everything. The shoreline is home to hundreds of mangrove-lined channels and is a sight to behold. Magdalena Bay , 2/8/2023, National Geographic Sea Bird. We have two well-equipped sport fishing boats, as well as multiple pangas (covered or non-covered), depending on where you want to go and what you want to catch. Nick answers my next question in the affirmative: Yes, John, thats a coyote trying to drag a giant snook into the mangroves. I never fished Mag Bay, but I want to soon. It quickly became evident that in Mag Bay, everything is far away. 3 Days Fishing Pro Cat 36 5 Nights Lodge, 3 Days Fishing Cape Horn 28 5 Nights Lodge. The return trip took us perhaps 20 additional minutes when the wheel bearings in the old trailer failed halfway across the sand. The Life of Ryan. Marco and a few locals have begun taking experienced free-divers to the marlin grounds, where they pay to swim near the baitballs found offshore here in the fall. There were marlin everywhere, not just on the bait balls. Today, BD has grown into the leading digital media platform for all things saltwater fishing, bringing our large and passionate community the best and most authentic fishing information in the form of fishing reports, fishing gear reviews, fishing recipes, saltwater fishing articles, tackle tips and more from coast to coast. Behind me, Ricardo lets out a soft whistle that sounds just like a distant coyote. Casting into feeding blitzes is common in these inshore waters. Subscribe here to get the latest updates news on all things fishing and hunting right to your inbox, Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. The bite for three hours was as hot as it gets for three anglers fishing a seamount 75 miles off Costa Rica. View map . Many are also reminiscent of North America. Offshore vs. Inshore Fishing in Cabo San Lucas: Which is Right for You? E: You have contacted us immediately after booking with all the details of the other deal There is nowhere else like it on Earthyou just have to figure out how to get there. It may not display this or other websites correctly. In addition, Loreto's waters are home to other species like snapper and seabass, all year long. Magdalena Bay Whales - Your Adventure Our Passion . We're hoping to fish for Wahoo. Call or email us for pricing on other customized options. . Bluewater in front of the bay holds striped marlin shredding bait and the occasional leader with their bills. Waterbottle. Throughout the years, many offered insights, stories and shared details about some of their favorite Magdalena Bay fishing holes: Gene . It lasted for several hours, then suddenly everything stopped. The boats that overnighted at the bank reported 30-plus releases a day. For more details on trip rules, cancellation and travel insurance visit our, Roundtrip professional ground transfers from and to the Loreto airport. his Lodge was built nearly 30 years ago by some well respected Americans with a vision for fishing in Mag Bay that was far ahead of the time. Panga 23 Recreational Pleasure Refined Polished inner liner Under $17,000.00 + engine, includes global shipping. Close to 100 miles of mangrove-lined channels and shoreline encircle the area, and where the mangroves stop, the desert takes over. Magdalena Bay, or Baha Magdalena in Spanish, is a 50 km long bay, and about 200 km of lagoons and channels on the Pacific side of the Baja California Sur, in the municipality of Comond. ith time one of the founders unfortunately passed and the remaining owners decided to partner up to open up the lodge to some lucky tourists. Fishing the two broad bay mouths through which the Pacific ebbs and floods is not to be missed, either, as long as a kayakero is prepared to pedal hard against strong currents. 5) Clients board the kayaks at the fishing grounds with full bait tank. Bahia Santa Maria and Magdalena Bay - MV Miss Miranda Light jacket or sweater. modifications. The result is a living, moving ball of fish, with marlin and often sea lions in pursuit. From about 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., fishing 35 or so miles off Mag Bays southern entrance in Baja California, Mexico, four kayakeros released nine striped marlin. . But there is more to Magdalena Bay than the sardine run. Be Sure to Check Out MAG BAY LURES with MAG BAY LODGE which is where we stayed and who organized this whole beautiful trip for us! If you find your deal on another fishing website at a lower rate, contact ourcustomer careteam. Each winter, adventurous tourists come to meet and touch grey whales that have come en masse to get their offspring through the first few months of life. The bay itself is as vast as it can get and has a feeling of wilderness. 11 min read. This past su. Kids: $200.00 $179.00. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Like most destination fisheries, there are a range of optionsfrom dirtbagging yourself down there and putting your money toward boats and guides, to going with all-inclusive, airport-to-airport services. During our inshore days, we managed to catch many species fishing different areas in the bay. Filter results by: Price per Day. Magdalena Bay wahoo fishing in consistent fall bite; One month too long? - Loreto Forum - Tripadvisor 10%. The other deal is subject to the same booking conditions youve opted for with Magdalena Bay. The extraordinary display of so many striped marlin crisscrossing and on the hunt for prey was mesmerizing. They claim that they could have caught more, but everyone got tired of rigging up flies! Most of the sport-fishing boats that hit Mag Bay come from Cabo and run the 170 or so nautical miles north. The Charms of a Desert Island: Isla Magdalena - Baja Bound Insurance So we hop out of the panga and begin casting a variety of sinking lines and Clousers into colliding currents. Bathroom and snack stop along the way. Magdalena Bay fishing area weather was partly cloudy in the high-70s, with water temperatures at 67 to 73 degrees. From October to December of each year, gigantic bait balls congregate miles off the coast of the bay, creating one of the most amazing shows the Pacific Ocean has to offer. There would be no stand-up fighting harnesses on this day; big-game angling from a kayak is all about arms and back, and the drag of the kayak. The diving is great! Full services of our Adventure Consultants. These places in the bluewater world are teaming with life, and they showcase the dance on a daily basis between apex predators like billfish, sea lions, and anglers. 1-2 Day Whale Watching Tours Magdalena Bay - Sea Kayak Adventures Fly Fishing Packages - Baja Flyfishing Company The Baja Flyfishing Co. LLC offers a variety of guided fly fishing, spin fishing and light tackle off shore packages as well as guided beach and kayak fishing. Cancn's up there somewhere. Also, whats a good time (month) to fish Mag Bay? My head snaps around to locate it. In the morning, the bait schools were bigger and were running together as a group, rather than trying to hide in a ball. Day 1 - The tour departs at 6am from our office in the Cabo San Lucas Marina. Or, you could be left shaking your head at the fish-filled mayhem that can turn on at any moment. Guided Beach, includes fly fishing guide, UTV rental, all fly fishing equipment and lunch: $575. You are using an out of date browser. Magdalena Bay Whales (Puerto San Carlos) - Tripadvisor 60'x17' 1,250 gallon fuel capacity. Fish Tour | Mag Bay Tours I grabbed it, pushed off from the panga and pedaled hard as I free-spooled away from my lively 7-inch mackerel. Our contact during the booking process was Marco: he was flexible with our requests about .