Lawyers | Maryland Courts Maryland Judiciarys comprehensive, secure information database for Maryland lawyers. The Maryland Judiciary provides this information as a public service. Calvert County. The Attorney Grievance Commission was established in 1975 to oversee the discipline of Maryland attorneys and review the conduct of attorneys to determine the need for alternatives to discipline. 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway Suite 300 Annapolis, Maryland 21401 PHONE: 410-514-7051 Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Attorney Grievance Commission and Office of Bar Counsel Attorney Grievance Commission The Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland Announces the January 31, 2023 Resignation of Lydia E. Lawless as Bar Counsel MSBA exists to support and lead Maryland's lawyers in our pursuit of justice, professionalism, and service to the public. For just $35, the Virginia Lawyer Referral Service will help you find a lawyer with an up to 30-minute consultation to help you determine your next steps. Pages - default A reprimand issued by the Commission is public and open to inspection pursuant to Md. For more information, or to determine if an attorney has been reinstated, please contact the Attorney Grievance Commission at (410) 514-7051. raise your profile. The Commission, through the Office of Bar Counsel, seeks to encourage and promote the ethical practice of law and the highest standards of professionalism by members of the Bar. Annapolis, Maryland 21401 PHONE: 410-514-7051 Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Attorney Grievance Commission and Office of Bar Counsel Maryland Attorneys -Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure FY 2006 to Present The Maryland Judiciary provides this information as a public service. Baltimore City (410) 539-3112. MARYLAND Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Suite 300 Annapolis, MD 21401 . The actions which Bar Counsel or the peer review panels may recommend to the Commission include dismissal of a complaint (with or without a letter of cautionary advice or a letter of admonition) in accordance with Md. Rules 19-721, 19-722 or 19-723. Board of Bar Overseers and Office General Counsel | Massachusetts BBO Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. Enter a partial or full first name to reduce the number of matches. Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Please enter a legal issue and/or a location, Begin typing to search, use arrow This listing is an index of all attorneys who have been admitted to the bar in the State of Maryland. How do I get a Certificate of Good Standing? Find information you need in the left menu. Researching Attorney Discipline - FindLaw How do I go on inactive status or return to active status? DC Bar - Home Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. of Lawyer Regulation, The Florida Bar, Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Hawaii, Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission, Disciplinary Commission, Indiana Supreme Court, Attorney Disciplinary Board, Iowa Supreme Court, Office of the Disciplinary Administrator, Supreme Court of Kansas, Office of Bar Counsel, Kentucky Bar Association, Louisiana Office of the Disciplinary Counsel, Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland, Minnesota Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility, The Disciplinary Process, Mississippi State Bar, Attorney Discipline System, New Hampshire Supreme Court, Office of Attorney Ethics, Supreme Court of New Jersey, The Disciplinary Board of the New Mexico Supreme Court, Disciplinary Board, Supreme Court of North Dakota, Oklahoma Bar Association Attorney Complaints, Office of Disciplinary Counsel, Ohio Supreme Court, Disciplinary Counsel's Office, Oregon State Bar, Disciplinary Board, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Disciplinary Board, Supreme Court of Rhode Island, South Carolina Office of Disciplinary Counsel, South Dakota State Bar Disciplinary Board, Board of Professional Responsibility, Supreme Court of Tennessee, Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel, State Bar of Texas, Consumer Assistance Program, Utah State Bar, Professional Responsibility Board, Supreme Court of Vermont, Virginia State Bar Professional Regulation System, Office of Disciplinary Counsel, Washington State Bar, Ethical Violations Complaints, Wyoming State Bar. Toggle Mobile Menu. Attorney Search | Maryland Courts Terms of Use/Disclaimer. Log in now with AIS to update your contact information or complete your annual compliance requirements. If so, the organization will discipline the attorney as appropriate. Lawyer Search - Do not send your only certified copy because we keep what you send to us for the Court's records. Phone (617) 728-8700. Attorney Information System (AIS) | Maryland Courts The matter is then transmitted back to the Supreme Court for oral argument and final disposition. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Linda H. Lamone, Chair of the Attorney Grievance Commission said, On behalf of the Commission, I want to thank Lydia for her leadership and unrelenting dedication to the Commissions mission of protecting the public. The Office of Bar Counsel investigates and, where indicated, prosecutes attorneys whose conduct violates the Maryland Attorneys Rules of Professional Conduct as well as those engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. Information contained in this listing is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. If you are unsure of the spelling, click the "similar last names" check box. Caroline County (410) 479-2570. Attorney Information System (AIS) | Maryland Courts Attorneys licensed to practice in Maryland are identified by their names. Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. For more detailed information, see theClient Protection Fund's FAQs. Any attorney whose status is listed as "active" is considered in good standing and is authorized to practice law. It also supervises the inactive status of lawyers and monitors nonmembers of the Maryland Bar who practice in Maryland. Who should I contact? Attorney Disciplinary Proceedings for the State of Maryland Requirements relating to maintaining current contact information. Generally a member is eligible for reappointment immediately following the expiration of a full three-year term. In carrying out their functions of evaluating complaints and enforcing ethical standards for lawyers, the Commission and Bar Counsel strive for fairness and equity. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Commission are designated by the Court. Do not include abbreviations such as Jr. and Sr. in the last name field. If you don't know which state to search, Avvo is a good place to start, because you can search by lawyer name across all states. The data is refreshed regularly and changes made in AIS should appear within approximately one hour. Improving the legal system and empowering lawyers to achieve success. Maryland Attorneys -Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure FY 2006 The Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland is dedicated to protecting the public and maintaining the integrity of the legal profession. Search here. Petitions for Disciplinary or Remedial Action are filed by Bar Counsel in the Supreme Court of Maryland. Although many states furnish their attorneys with "bar numbers," Maryland has not adopted this practice. Assistive Listening:BrowseAloud / ReachDeck Toolbar, Hon. To learn more about the Commission and Office of Bar Counsel and their responsibilities, browse through our web pages. Any lawyer admitted in Maryland is subject to the Court of Appeals disciplinary process and authority regardless of the geographical location of where the conduct takes place. . Bar Counsel also reviews notifications of overdrafts on attorney escrow accounts. The Office of Disciplinary Counsel cannot represent you, give you any legal advice, or change the outcome of a court decision. I know that my successor will find ways to continue to improve upon the important work of the office and am grateful for having had the privilege of serving the Commission and the people of Maryland.. Annapolis, Maryland 21401 PHONE: 410-514-7051 Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Attorney Grievance Commission and Office of Bar Counsel About The Attorney Grievance Commission was established in 1975 to oversee the discipline of Maryland attorneys and review the conduct of attorneys to determine the need for alternatives to discipline. Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission - Origin & Functions You may have failed to notify the court of the change. In carrying out their functions of evaluating complaints and enforcing ethical standards for lawyers, the Commission and Bar Counsel strive for fairness and equity. Find a list of Lawyer Disciplinary Agencies in the United States that can suspend or disbar attorneys for misconduct. Some attorneys who have been disciplined are no longer eligible to practice law. All rights reserved. You may consult the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center to obtain information about legal representation by calling their Legal Information Help Line at 202-626-3499. Member Benefits Our Courses For Lawyers Legal Ethics Washington Lawyer Certificates and Forms Register for CLE Courses Legal Research (Fastcase) View All For the Public Free Legal Help Legal Resources Hire a Lawyer Resolve Lawyer Dispute Clients' Security Fund View All Bar Counsel also reviews notifications of overdrafts on attorney escrow accounts. Maryland State Bar Association | Bar Association Directory Terms of Use/Disclaimer, Listing of Commission Members and staff in the Office of Bar Counsel. The Commission will begin its search for a new Bar Counsel shortly. One-third of that number are non-attorney residents and two-thirds are attorneys who maintain offices for the practice of law within that circuit. The Office of Bar Counsel investigates and, where indicated, prosecutes attorneys whose conduct violates the Maryland Attorneys Rules of Professional Conduct as well as those engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. The MSBA's mission is to provide attorneys and law students with opportunities to develop professionally, network, and be active in the community . Changes made to AIS may not appear immediately on this list. Allegany County. If you are unable to find a name you are searching for, or if you have questions about the listing, please contact the Supreme Court of Maryland's Clerk's Office at 410-260-1500. All rights reserved. To go on inactive status, you will need to file an affidavit of inactive/retired status and pay past dues. I am confident that I brought a fresh perspective to the role of Bar Counsel and that I have accomplished the goals that I set for myself and the office, said Lawless. Search Jobs. 321 North Clark St. Chicago, IL 60610. Search, Browse Law The Maryland Judiciary provides this information as a public service. Contact Us. Minnesota Lawyer Public Decision Search. Terms of Use/Disclaimer. Terms of Use/Disclaimer, Attorney Code/Address Change (District Court Only). Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. 99 High Street, 2nd floor. The Office of Disciplinary Counsel cannot refer you to an attorney. Attorney Grievance Commission | Maryland Courts Publicly accessible information for individual attorneys can be obtained using the "Look Up an Attorney" function above. Attorneys Disbarred for Professional Misconduct - Attorney Grievance Lawyer Bankruptcy Lawyers; All rights reserved. Attorney Discipline News . Attorney Grievance defense attorney specializes in defending lawyers in disciplinary proceedings before the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission and the D.C. Bar's Board on Professional Responsibility involving professional misconduct, legal ethics, disbarment, suspensions of law licenses, petitions for disciplinary action, reprimands and sanctions for unethical conduct. Search for lawyers licensed to practice in Minnesota to determine whether they have been publicly disciplined or placed on disability status. The Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania collects and maintains various information on all attorneys admitted to practice in the Commonwealth. Rule 19-737. Contact us. All rights reserved. The Commission meets monthly, receives reports on receipts and expenditures, disciplinary statistics, the flow of complaints at all stages within the disciplinary process and it reviews personnel performance. Membership . Center for Professional Responsibility. Attorneys who do not have any disciplinary action against them can obtain a Certificate of Good Standing from the Supreme Court of Maryland. Peer review panels hold informal meetings with Bar Counsel, the complainant and the attorney and recommend action to the Commission, which it may approve or disapprove. Search for a Maryland Attorney For a complete listing of all attorneys who have been admitted to the bar in the State of Maryland, please visit the Maryland attorney listing site. I know that my successor will find ways to continue to improve upon the important work of the office and am grateful for having had the privilege of serving the Commission and the people of Maryland.. The Virginia State Bar can help you access a lawyer's information, search their disciplinary records, and find a lawyer that's right for you. The list includes attorneys authorized to practice, as well as those who may no longer be authorized to practice because they are on inactive/retired status, are serving as judges, or because of a disciplinary or administrative action that affects their eligibility to practice. You should never hire an attorney who is not currently eligible to practice law in your state. Search. The Maryland Judiciary provides this information as a public service. Copyright 2023, Thomson Reuters. James K. Bredar, Chief Judge | Catherine M. Stavlas, Clerk of Court. Phone number on search results pages. Lawyer license status changes will not be reflected until the following business day. Pay your Client Protection Fund assessment and file pro bono and IOLTA reporting. All rights reserved. Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. Attorney Disciplinary Proceedings in Maryland - Step Three and Four and For a complete listing of all attorneys who have been admitted to the bar in the State of Maryland, please visit the Maryland attorney listing site. Change of address information must be reported to the Client Protection Fund at 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Suite 350, Annapolis, MD 21401, or you may fax the information to the Fund at 410-897-0555. Who should I contact to change my name on the official "roll of attorneys"? Administrative Order 2020-8: Live Streams of Hearing Committee Proceedings ; Administrative Order 2020-7: In-Person Proceedings are Postponed Until Further Notice, Oral Arguments and Hearings to be Held by Zoom Videoconference . Keep in mind that a lawyer could have been disciplined in any state in which he or she ever practiced. PDF SANCTIONS AND ACTIONS AFFECTING LICENSURE (FY 2021) - Information contained in this listing is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. PDF Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure (Fy 2022) Search results are limited to 100 matches. Linda H. Lamone, Chair of the Attorney Grievance Commission said, On behalf of the Commission, I want to thank Lydia for her leadership and unrelenting dedication to the Commissions mission of protecting the public. ORIGIN & FUNCTIONS. The purpose of the disciplinary system is to protect the public, the courts, and the legal profession from attorneys who do not meet their ethical responsibilities. Created byFindLaw's team of legal writers and editors To learn more about the Commission and Office of Bar Counsel and their responsibilities, browse through our web pages. During her tenure, Lydia has made substantial improvements to the Office of Bar Counsel, all for the betterment of the people of Maryland. The Commission will announce details of its search for Lawless replacement in the coming weeks. The following state links will help you learn whether an attorney is currently eligible to practice law or has been disciplined in the past. You should take into account any previous discipline taken and the circumstances surrounding the discipline. The Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland today announced that, on January 31, 2023, Lydia E. Lawless submitted her resignation from her position as Bar Counsel, effective March 17, 2023. Where do I file my pro bono report? The Attorney Grievance Commission oversees the conduct of both Maryland attorneys and nonmembers of the Maryland Bar who engage in the practice of law in the State. Search results are limited to 100 matches. Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) | Serving, connecting, and Does Maryland issue bar numbers to new attorneys? Need a Lawyer? Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. Baltimore County (410) 337-9100. List of Directories of Lawyers in Each State Bar - Lawyer Legion NOTE: A Certificate of Good Standing should not be confused with a Certificate of Status for businesses, which is available through the Department of Assessments and Taxation. AKPAN, Zionne - Indefinite Suspension by Consent on May 11, 2021, effective July 10, 2021, for failing to safekeep funds in an attorney trust account, engaging in conduct that is prejudicial to Look Up Attorney If you are unable to find a name you are searching for, or if you have questions about the listing, please contact the Supreme Court of Maryland's Clerk's Office at 410-260-1500. All rights reserved. "The good news is that Maryland is one of the few states to inject. Supreme Court of Maryland If so, the organization will discipline the attorney as appropriate. For instructions on filing both reports, see Attorney Reporting Requirements. The Respondent subsequently applied for reinstatement to the Bar and made knowing and intentional misrepresentations in her petition for reinstatement, in her response to Bar Counsel's objection to her petition for reinstatement, and in correspondence with Bar Counsel. Find more Maryland Lawyers Lawyers - Claim and update full profiles for free! Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. Register with AIS To return to active status, you must give written notice to the trustees and pay the current fiscal year's assessment. Firms, Center for Professional Responsibility, Alabama State Bar, Attorney Grievances, Alaska Bar Association, Lawyer Discipline Process, State Bar of Arizona, Office of the Committee on Professional Conduct, Arkansas Judiciary, Attorney Discipline System, State Bar of California, District of Columbia Office of Bar Counsel, Dept. The U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information; nor does it control or guarantee the on-going availability, maintenance, or security of these Internet sites. Search for a Maryland Attorney For a complete listing of all attorneys who have been admitted to the bar in the State of Maryland, please visit the Maryland attorney listing site. Report Fraud, Waste and Abuse to the Office of Legislative Audit Fraud Hotline. Partial names can be entered. First Name: If you've changed your name at any point in your career (i.e. For confidential, toll-free help, contact the Lawyer Assistance Program: 1-888-388-5459. The Commission, through the Office of Bar Counsel, seeks to encourage and promote the ethical practice of law and the highest standards of professionalism by members of the Bar. keys to navigate, use enter to select, Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. Find Attorney Discipline Cases | NJ Courts The pages you visit will include information about oral argument schedules, appellate opinions, unreported appellate opinions and other areas of interest. MSBA Member Directory - Maryland State Bar Association - MSBA Put your request in writing and send it to: National Lawyer Regulatory Data Bank. This is also true for any other court where an attorney is admitted. Annapolis, Maryland February 6, 2023. Find out more about the Attorney Information System (AIS) and register. Those activities include the investigation of possible misconduct, the prosecution of disciplinary proceedings, the review of escrow account overdrafts, the investigation of unauthorized practice of law and the investigation of petitions for reinstatement. Administrative Order 2020-8: Live Streams of Hearing Committee Proceedings ; Administrative Order 2020-7: In-Person Proceedings are Postponed Until Further Notice, Oral Arguments and Hearings to be Held by Zoom Videoconference . This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Maryland Board of Physicians | 4201 Patterson Avenue | Baltimore, MD 21215. Consent to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing, Electronic Document Submission System (EDSS).