anonymous author of the article poses the following question:, Mono Atomic Gold: What's the Sense of it? Dave claims it corrects the DNA in every cell of the body, instantly healing you of any and all diseases. Some observers claim that there should be reliable detection techniques for monatomic matter, but you have to know what you are looking for to make use of the techniques. Is colloidal gold the same as monoatomic gold? | ResearchGate When more hydrogen is present, the surface tension of water (or any other liquid) is reduced. Put another way, you could say that monatomics transform the bodys wiring from being simple copper cable to being wired with fiber optics, where the same width of wiring can carry 1,000 times as much processing information. C-Gro. Are the valence electrons unavailable for reactions in monatomic elements or not? When you have two or more gold atoms in a microcluster, it will have metallic properties, but if you have only one atom, it will then have ceramic properties, which means that it becomes chemically inert but at the same time will have superconductive capabilities even at room temperature. have revealed how the Illuminati are able to do what they call Proxying. Ionic gold is what some producers call their non-colloidal gold supplements.Monatomic gold is another name some companies call their ionic gold products. I have heard that would Mount Saint Helen exploded. . In modern times, it was researched by Arizona farmer David Hudson in the late 1970s and early 1980s and was patented in 1989. There is no evidence that this is true. It has not, in fact, transcended birth-and-decay. If it does improve my knees. higher dimensional DNA strands and prevents access to higher spiritual Trace Pure Ocean Minerals: Activation Products Health Booster? He was the guy who claims to have discovered monoatomic gold while working at his cotton farm in Phoenix, Arizona. eating the sho-bread. Ionic gold is a water soluble gold salt that is dissolved in water. everyone possesses a unique genetic composition and chemistry, one should consult his/her healthcare practitioner before use and also test for sensitivity, especially if one's chemistry is modified by medication. James Casbolt | Phil Schneider | Al Bielek | Trevor Constable | Mind Control | Brice Taylor | Ted Gunderson | | Free Energy | Tim Hicks & Phil Ledoux Im rh A neg and will start taking my meso gold as soon as it gets here. Even though there are a variety of theories about what Ormus and monoatomic gold can do, few actually understand what it is or how it works. Quantum physicists have now discovered this powder to be superconductive monatomic gold. Monatomic Gold,Monoatomic Gold,Ormus Gold Worlds Freshest ,Anti-Aging,Health,Joy. Many believe ORMUS to be the 'Philosopher's . Etc. The weight density of gold is 1200 lb/ft^3. In terms of body, monoatomic gold is known to strengthen ones immune system through the boosting of red blood cells and an overall vast increase to the speed of cell regeneration. David Sacred Alchemy : Healing With Monoatomic Gold - Psychedelic Adventure 9 Tips for Startups: That Still Want to Be Here in Report On The Video Game Development Industry In 2023, 6 Common Gambling Myths About Online Casinos, Top 5 Online Gambling Strategies Professional Gamblers Use. In view of the discussion in recent years in the alternative press and websites Those who support monoatomic gold, however, believe that its unique properties cannot be tracked with modern scientific research. Im looking for a product that will turn all this up a notch. The reaction between the amino group on the DNA and the carboxyl Monatomic gold is incredibly light sensitive so it is important that it is stored in a dark cool place away from pets and children. Gundry MD E-Balance: Protective Hormone Disruptor Balance Regulator? It's the breaking through of the cosmic egg, and he literally becomes a light being, capable of levitating and capable of bio-locating. However, the white gold powder brought me spiritually to a higher level. nanoparticle arrays in a time and cost effective manner remains a formidable 1., Another Inquiry About White Powder Gold (Monotomic Gold) June 7, 2006 The Truth embodies everything, the subtle, the dense, and even nothing whatsoever. show up in the blood of Blue Indigo (Millennium) children. This is a Mind-Spirit transfer, done by potabile, liquid gold, a sovereign remedy, because gold being itself perfect ORMUS metals, also known as ORMEs metals, are metals purported to be in a unique plain of existence. Because of this we recommend first doing research and starting on a small does then gradually building up as you learn how your body reacts to the substance. 10C, The Illuminati Formula to Create If you have any suggestions and queries you can contact us on the below details. Mary, THE PHYSICS OF MONOATOMIC ELEMENTS Excerpted from an Article Originally Written by Everett Karels Classical science teaches us that the three phases of matter are gasses, liquids, and solids (and the newer plasmas, Bose-Einstein condensates, and liquid crystals). of mono atomic gold. Methylamine was chosen for this purpose because of its small size Prime Enzymes Hudson has the patent (U.S. patent and some international patents) on According to legend, the power of Ormus was discovered when a monk who lived in the desert observed that when gold was heated, a white froth gathered on its surface. Seth/Jane Roberts | Power of Thought | Spiritualism | Hope | Healing Thought Forms | Vanquish Fear |Prevent Alien/Demon Attacks | Rockefeller File | War a Racket When metals are in an ORMUS state of existence, theyre purported to not form any bonds or crystals and they instead exist as separate single atoms.. Thank you so much for your time and any info you can provide! Despite these facts, David Hudson continued to imply that ingesting the white powder for nine months, after a forty day fast, would enable one to have some sort of ultimate transcendent experience. The result is believed to possess special properties that make it a powerful healing agent and energy source capable of improving physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening. Most of these supplements contain water-soluble forms of various precious metals. Despite his awareness of the problems associated with arrogance and kundalini awakening Gary wrote me the following in a note just before he died on July 4, 1998: "I have nearly completed my preparations, to make a personal physical transformation. Black seed oil. You have entered an incorrect email address! After ingesting the white gold for over David Hudson, told co-author Fritz that he was supportive Especially the phonon instability for linear, zigzag, and dimer gold chains are studied by DFPT. Can Be Fused Into Transparent Glass The existence of monoatomic gold is described by changing the name everywhere in history. Quantum coherence. True liberation, the transcendence of it all, comes only when even the subtle views that we have of enlightenment, of each other, of a Truth however Universal it may seem, e.g., all this garbage that is our reality solidified, can be completely relinquished. Question 9. The physical effects of ingesting these substances also remain largely unknown, though some anecdotal reports suggest side effects such as: In addition to potential adverse physical reactions, some people have reported feeling emotionally unwell after taking a form of Ormus or Monoatomic Gold; feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and overly emotional without explanation. Because it is chemically inert, it can be ingested for health, wellbeing and super-energizing at the cellular level. Monoatomic elements, such as monoatomic gold, are made of single atoms not bound to one another. Are there currents and players in history that conceal themselves down through It can be manufactured alchemically out of 24carat metallic gold. Superfluidity. The modality of these minerals in the body appear to be solely electromagnetic, rather than biochemical. Take gold for example. The bread was called shew or show bread simply because it was on show. (Nov. 23, 2006), Another Inquiry About White Powder Gold (Monotomic Gold) June 7, 2006, RE: Gem Lemurian Etherium Gold Monatomic Andara Crystal 89.3 g. quantity. "Going into the light" means going into another realm of phenomena, however subtle it may be. Due to its chemistry and what it does for the body, it would seem that it would benefit the RH (-) Springmeier talked to David Hudson, he certainly knows Also, simply assigning a name to the phenomena doesnt explain the phenomena. There is only one thing to say: Look were modern Science has brought us! I do not get sick or even get colds. I'm a third generation native Phoenician from an old family in the Phoenix area. As far as the purported physical benefits are concerned, some preliminary studies have suggested that Ormus could have a positive effect on athletic performance and that it may even be beneficial in treating cancers or other diseases. In order Israeli Soldier's Story |Home |Fukushima Psyops| Agenda 21 | Treat Parasites | Swine Flu Hoax/Vaccine | Links |Jane Tripp Time Travel|Discussion The challenge is that fabrication with nanoscale precision of and looks like baking flour. What exactly does that mean? ingest purple vegetables, your physical condition will also improve! Update Jan. 10, 2009: My initials concerns about taking mono atomic gold were arounsed by Ashayana Deane (formerly Anna Hayes) in her 1998 radio interviews with Jeff Rense (more details below). But I would love to hear more about your experience. Im Rh- look at my above comment for more info. One of the benefits of Ormus gold is that it can help to improve the nervous system. "Are we possibly dealing with a very long-term agenda somehow extending I was a bit more focused sex drive was through the ceiling then some big Plus for this. When you consider that Its amazing stuff. This takes place internally. MANNA Monoatomic Gold and other monoatomic Elements - Blaubeerwald He left the gold out in the sun for a few minutes before it magically disappeared in a huge flash of light. You wont find this in textbooks yet. One of the central beliefs of monoatomic gold and ORMUS metals is that they work as superconductors. Can Help A Cats Severed Tail Grow Back. in a section that touched upon David Hudson and the promotion/use As discussed, one of its functions is to support the pituitary gland, in addition to this benefiting the emergence of endocrine disorders, it also plays a part in the secretion of serotonin. Additionally, it promotes brain coherence, mental clarity and increased level of awareness. our site is link free basically but if its link is onto inappropriate website, we might ask to delete the link. Alchemy during the 16th through 18th centuries was essentially a mix of early chemistry and occultism, crossing empirical research with mystical philosophy. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. They include metals like gold, platinum, iridium, and others. We have designed and demonstrated a new approach for binding nanoparticles How long were you taking it before you noticed the effects? Monoatomic gold is finer than nanoparticles to be better absorbed by the body. In a colloid, there is no requirement that the dispersed gold be in the form of isolated atoms. Black Goo: The Mysterious Living Substance - Soul:Ask Im hoping clarity will improve over time from both. This is all being written in fact for Gary's benefit and for anyone who thinks that ORMUS can bring short cuts.". I will meet with you thereafter.". One strange and exotic property of monatomic gold is that when heated to certain temperatures, it becomes very light, even to the point where it produces antigravity properties. There are potential risks associated with certain forms of Ormus and monoatomic gold because they have not been approved as dietary supplements by the FDA and may interact with other medications or supplements an individual may be taking. That way you get in the pure organic form that I could body use more readily. Is it scientifically possible to make monoatomic gold or ormus gold bound to the DNA. There is no expiration on Monatomic gold, however for greatest potency, we suggest using within one year. peace, and freedom of a higher dimensional Earth. and particles approximately 2.5 nm in size were coated with thioctic acid The ability to attach one or both ends of the DNA/gold This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This might be nothing but a scientific curiosity except for the fact that Hudson now claims that a relatively large amount of this previously undiscovered monatomic matter seems to exist in the earths crust. but white gold is safe to ingest. to decrease the probability for one particle binding to many amino groups Though Ormus and monoatomic gold have been around for centuries, scientists still arent sure exactly how they work or exactly what effects they might have on humans who ingest them; however, there are many anecdotal reports showing that their consumption can produce significant improvement in peoples lives. Works great for RH-Null still deciding on O+ .. If you take this, you probably wouldnt feel any effect, but if you are one of the 15%, it could be life-changing, maybe even life saving. gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed the gold particles This, in turn, can help to improve the function of the nervous system as a whole. After reading the above statement, one observer commented that the statement is not altogether true. Right now the NWO is pushing their Transhumanism/depopulation agenda have u noticed this yr the flu epidemic doesnt behave like a flu? Nothing quite like this has ever been done before, throughout the history of all past ages of man upon this planet, thus success is by no means assured. From Anonymous, Monatomic atoms have been observed to exist in all the heavy elements in the center of the periodic table. The structural, energetic, and mechanical properties of these gold wires are computed. Monoatomic Gold Review | Complete Guide to ORMUS Gold - Supplement Police What is my purpose? Each supplement promises different benefits. You can actually buy monoatomic gold and other ORMUS materials or at least you can buy what people claim are monoatomic gold and other materials. Im thinking about taking this but Im afraid. I am thinking more clearly but Im also taking a colloidal gold which I know has something to do with it. In the three situations that I know about the person was exposed to high energy electromagnetic forces in conjunction with the metallic gold fibers that came out of their skin. By a special process of arc heating, gold and other platinum group metals, can be turned into a single atom or Monoatomic substance, that has superconductive properties. Not only do our cells communicate via chemicals and electricity in our nervous system and throughout other processes, but also through the exchange of photons, or light particles. ", You should be asking yourself the same question and Speeds up digestion. Instead, its a powerful pro-life force: This is pro-life. Originally dating back thousands of years to the early Egyptians in Kehmet, ormus is a substance that holds a separate state-of-matter then what precious metals are usually able to exist in, and in return, the properties and benefits are also extremely different than that of traditional metals. Monoatomic gold is also known as ORMUS gold, white powder gold, m-state gold, or even as the Philosophers Stone. 4. astral projection so that all slaves worldwide are being pulled into I have been taking home made ormus for about 3 days. Those who believe in the powers of monoatomic gold claim it has a diverse range of exotic benefits. When I questioned her about the circumstances she said that both of them had been taking MSM and had just been "treated" with an electromagnetic frequency device. Meditation, intellectual apprehension of divine process, a strict moral code and a deep understanding of self and the magickal nature of human relationships were considered necessary pre-requisites. Monatomic Gold, also known as the "Philosophers Stone" has attained a state of worship through history. This is the reason that the job on most antidepressants is to boost serotonin levels but monatomic gold powder is a more natural and safer way to gain these results. We are very depleted of them because of farming practices and toxins in the environment. What do scientists thinks about Ormus And Monoatomic Gold: A breakdown of the scientific anecdotal evidence. Most of the transition group, precious metals in the center of the periodic chart, exhibit a monoatomic state. That website also claims that monoatomic gold is now re-emerging in modern times, seemingly, just as mankind needs it.. Most people feel nothing. think twice about mono atomic gold. Is it like putting alkaline in your body? However, more research is needed to confirm these findings as Ormus products are not typically held to the same standards as traditional drugs. indications that the entire promotion of mono atomic gold is an Illuminati I feel there is a strong message here for all ORMUS seekers. base pairs long with two binding sites for gold per DNA molecule. I come from an ultra-conservative right wing background. These precious metals can make their vector possition in the spaces . Hudson suggested that this gentleman would become a "light being" if he continued to take the powder for nine months in his 1995 Dallas lecture. Partially Levitates In The Earths Magnetic Field Overall, monatomic gold can be a powerful ally in gaining a higher level of consciousness as well as improving ones own health through support of mental and physical strength. Monoatomic Gold acts upon the pituitary gland, inducing an increase in hormonal production, and is thus a rejuvenation agent. Digital Monatomic Gold Powder Essence | Subtle Energy If if its still possible. Some solids crystallize into a lattice structure called metals. the occult world exceptionally well, besides being skilled in the Cabala. Here is a final caution about this from another gentleman who has been described as a "master alchemist": "Traditionally alchemists spent years preparing their students mentally for the internal application of such substances. radio interview show he's appeared on for the past few years (along with Ormus also pertains to Gnosticism in the Matter is light whose frequency has been slowed down and lowered - matter is light of a higher density; matter is light . This unique substance also goes by other names such as Etherium gold powder, Tree of Life and Egyptian White Powder. They have fuller outer energy levels so they. Erich von Daniken - The Ark of the Covenant & the Science behind the How long did your hair continue to fall out? They are mineral deposits from natural ingredients in ancient locations where meteorites are believed to have fallen on earth over 11,000 years ago. These metals are purported to be in a monoatomic state, which is different from a diatomic state (the metals have one atom instead of two atoms). Monoatomic Gold | Overview of the Benefits and History - Ormus Elixir |Guiding Principles | Global Warming |Gang Stalking | Monoatomic Gold Gold is reduced to its molecular state in two forms. Excerpts from the book "The Temple, The Abomination and the Holy Place" regarding MFKZT/Monatomic Gold and these ancient bags/purses. The heavens shall then become red, like a refiner's fire, and you may safely watch this with everyone else. The ability to assemble nanoparticles into arrays, networks, Alchemists slaved over real (and sometimes explosive) chemical experiments, but they did so without the regulation of our modern scientific methods. You find that it displaces a volume of water equal to 0.006125 ft^3. These are very recent discoveries, and the full implications have yet to be evaluated by the scientific community. says that the promotion of mono atomic gold is an Illuminati deception. awareness and telepathic abilities, as humans and mother Earth gradually Mono Atomic Gold -Think Twice - Educate-Yourself To the contrary, monatomic atoms of the same element behave more like a ceramic in that they are poor conductors of both heat and electricity and are chemically inert. Science (Physics, Quantum Physics, and Subquantum Physics). Monatomic Orme Products Monatomic Gold and Elements, Sensu Being, C60 in Oil & More. Some experts claim it can fight cancer and aids, but this is yet to be tested and researched properly. Simply put, monatomic gold has antigravity and superconductive capabilities and properties when it is heated to a certain temperature. (see figure above). ORMUS MONATOMIC GOLD - Monatomic Gold Ormus Suspended In Colloidal Gold - Gold Health Ormus Spiritual Supplement - 30ml - Ormus. The concept of monatomic elements was introduced in 1945 by two British scientists who proposed that certain elements can exist as individual molecules made up of just one atom these are known as monatomic or monatomic elements. But Im not sure if its from monatomic elements. These are tiny groups of between two and several hundred atoms. Also today's science explores Monoatomic Gold more and more because of its astounding characteristics. On Jews and Their Jokes. Magnetic levitation. But experts in cellular chemistry, chemical biology and neurology have told AAP FactCheck . I see love as the connecting factor in All That Is. .yes we are ..everyone staying on the planet is..most of us go through a phase where we lose our hair..Its called light body activation..and there are 12 phases.. ul notice eye blurriness, increased eye discharge, feeling like grit or hairs or stuck in ur eyes, ear ringing, dizziness when standing, flu aches n pains, increased fatigue bigtime, change in relationships, jobs, living environment, etcand sling urself the bigger questions. I know from much personal experience that high end metallic preparations open ones mind to a vision of the true nature of reality very quickly. of Chemistry as quoted by Manly P. Hall in his The Secret Teachings of It seemed to release deep subconscious memories, provided insight into myself, my life, and to see things wholisitcally perhaps even cosmicly. So now, the hidden purpose behind the promotion of mono atomic gold is Specific product names include Sola, Mountain Manna, C-Gro, and Cleopatra's Milk. It seems to contain a lot in purple food. Current News | Introduction | Colloidal Silver | Chemtrails | Sylphs | Emerging Diseases | Forbidden Cures | Ozone | Immunity Boosting | Nutrition |Tone Gen By taking Monatomic Gold, you can effectively take the steps necessary to neutralize all of the negativity that can be found within your cells and body overall. Thank you.. Jerrina, is your need for this kind of information still relevant? a mica substrate. Are we possibly dealing with a very long-term agenda somehow extending all I am -0 blood my naturepath tested my energy level with the ormus to see if it has a healing effect on me. Monoatomic Gold and other monoatomic elements also occurs in nature in minimal amounts. Mono Atomic Gold -Think Twice (Aug. 18, 2005). which David finds appropriate since this white gold is the elixir of life Many . That's not the way the circuit is set up in your system. up close is transparent--like the gold described in the Bible as making At the same time, you can become more open and aware . Used To Read A Persons Mind As crazy as those benefits sound, David Hudson has talked about all of the above benefits. Top 10 Best Monoatomic Gold Supplement in 2022 - Park Kitchen I'm not saying whether it is right or wrong but that is my background.. Metals usually do not form any diatomic bonding (in a chunk of the stuff, we're not talking about funky coordination complexes) as they just have a basic crystalline structure sharing electrons throughout. The primary energetic signature in this program is derived from pure, authentic white powder gold. . DNA can be modified with functional groups at predetermined Like A(-) vs A(+) or O, or AB etc, Update: Ashayana Deane (Anna Hayes) on Monoatomic Gold In ancient Egypt, it was called Mfkzt. Ormus. Elevacity Vitamin Patch Extreme Energy: Increase Mental Focus? Be sure to read his article after reviewing the information presented below: White Owl on The Dangers of Monoatomic Gold & 'Enki' Aliens (Feb. 4, 2009) no longer supports Internet Explorer. First, we must look at what this powerful substance is: Monatomic gold is made up of single atoms that arent bound to one another. I am going to give it that long before I buy another one. Semveta. ORMUS otherwise known as ORME, monatomic, or m-state materials is a profound healing tool that has been used by physicians, alchemists, and many others throughout history. Gold nanoparticles These monatomic elements are abundant in nature. I admit Im very healthy without it, but our bodies do need these minerals to function optimally. had learned the secret of how to make white powdered gold which when seen Bose-Einstein condensates. Mystery Solved: Gold's Power Against Autoimmune Diseases Defined DNA templates at Oak Ridge National Labortaories in Tennesse. Sir In 1995 Professor Gerald Hennesy along with David Hudson researched further into the properties of this substance, finding that it is an isotope element made up of individual atoms without any neutralizing electrons being present. the correct type of gold which will bring enlightment to the world. .. true facts check it out.. its time 4 everyone 2 wake upwere the frogs in the pot, the waters heating up..will we all jump b4 its boiling?? with 3rd dimension microscopes, but nevertheless still there in the higher (Jan. 10, 2011) between gold binding sites was 3.7 nm. Monoatomic Gold, also known as ORMUS gold, is purported to lead to powerful health benefits including a total cure for cancer and AIDS. I discuss this more thoroughly in my workshops but I have not taken the time to write it up before. the 1.twinning traumas, 2. channeling, 3. telepathic communication, and What is the Monoatomic Gold? - AQUA UNIVERSE