My wife and I visited Mostar as part of a day trip from Dubrovnik. Your email address will not be published. Almost as legendary as the bridge itself is a photo of jumpers jumping from a 27-meter high bridge into the crystal water of the icy Neretva River. After getting the go ahead by the dive club, we headed up to the bridge. Mostar was even named after the bridge keepers (mostari). A Canadian girl had joined us from one of the other hostels. What To Pack For Turkey Thank you for sharing. speckle park bull sales 2021 847-461-9794; mostar bridge jump injuries. Growing in confidence, I began explaining tootherpeople that if I had found someone else to jump with, I would have. When driving through Bosnia Herzegovina, one of the best things you can do is the Mostar Bridge jump! The small Bosnian city of Mostar attracts thousands of adventure travelers annually thanks to its natural beauty and the world-famous Stari Most (Old Bridge) which provides extreme sports enthusiasts with a perfect platform for BASE jumping. Theres a lot of excitement around people jumping, so expect to see dozens of people with their phones and cameras out, ready to record you! When we arrived back up, a large crowd of spectators had gathered. Being a symbol for the town and for the whole of Bosnia, as soon as the war was over there were meticulous plans to rebuild it exactly the same as it was before the war, right down to the smallest detail. Next, I had to step off the edge. This bridge, just like the Old Town, is under the protection of UNESCO, and is often cited as one of the most beautiful bridges in the world. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The Mostar Bridge was a very famous and historical bridge before its destruction in 1993 during the war in Bosnia and Hercegovina (part of the former Yugoslavia). They dive club will take you to a spot a hundred metres downstream from the Stari Most where a ~10m platform is set up. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Once you stand there over the barrier, you must relax and take your time. Mostarski Ikari Diving Club has been officially operating since the end of the war in 1995. The Stari Most and adjoining areas are a valuable historical, cultural and architectural treasure to the world worth preserving, and fortunately, this was recognized by UNESCO, and they took action. One of the reasons I gotten myself into this situation is because of this guy, I was going to make sure I had as many witnesses as possible, him included. Terribly unsafe. Travel + Leisure magazine may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Zac ess He recalls his beginnings, when he was five or six and began to jump from, two or three meters high cliffs, and this height increased over the years. She compressed/fractured 3 vertebrate. There are bullet-ridden and bombed out buildings right next to modern and updated buildings. September 5, 2017 at 1:19 am. Stari Most (lit. Thanks. As straight as possible. After a few minutes, a small guy came to the front, climbed over the railings and launched himself into the air. Divers plunge from 79-foot Bosnian bridge in centuries-old tradition Mostar Bridge Jump Is Jumping Worth It? I don't normally do a lot of research on travel destinations before I arrive, but before arriving in Mostar I was aware of the Stari Most bridge jump for two reasons. Sure, theres always a chance you could hurt yourself with a slightly dodgy landing, but the whole team is there on hand to jump in and help you. And thats when I launched myself off the side of the bridge into the river below. Mostar Bridge Jump Guide (From Someone Who Jumped) - Chasing the Donkey As we mentioned, dont try to jump off the bridge without permission. I'm 70 years of age, in good shape and there's still one scary moment to do. I am ready physically and mentally. Its what Im looking at in my profile pic. Evlija Celebija, a traveller and a writer during the Ottoman Empire, was the first to write about it in 1664. I stayed non-committal. I wanted to enjoy it, to feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins, but with the river hurtling towards me at a startling rate and my arms and legs all over the place, all I could think was, this is going to hurt.. I want to jump it. mostar bridge jump injuries - Old Bridge) is a rebuilt 16th-century Ottoman bridge in the city of Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina that crosses the river Neretva and connects the two parts of the city. With the help of UNESCO, Mostar Bridge was rebuilt in 2004, stone by stone and according to the original architecture. Yes, do. According to the preliminary results of the 2013 Census of Population, Mostar is inhabited by 113,169 . ? It costs 20 Euros to sign up for the bridge jumping into the water and an additional 10 Euros for your practice jumps from a smaller 10-meter platform. The Stari Most really is one of the sites you must absolutely visit when traveling through the Balkans. During the summertime, the diving club members take turns in jumping off the bridge for money. Risk of injuries is high, and even higher when the water level of Neretva River is at its lowest during the summer. The bridge, which spans the Neretva River, marks the center of the Mostar Old City. Sadly, the original Stari Grad Mostar bridge was destroyed in the Bosnian War in 1993. Thank goodness you didn't hurt yourself! Is this safe? who plays elias in queen of the south; tickets for the concession golf tournament; family doctors accepting new patients near me; greater moncton home builders Answer 1 of 5: I've seen some reports that there is a certification course for tourists to jump in Mostar. Youll then need to do a few practice jumps. A smaller Ottoman-era stone-arch bridge named Kriva cuprija, the Crooked Bridge, crosses one of the tributaries of Neretva just a stone throw away from the Old Bridge. Thankfully I very quickly got my shit together and remembered the advicefrom the 'instructor'. The bridge after reconstruction. What happens now is, one at a time, you cross over the wall of the bridge and stand looking out over the water. But as long as you jump, as theyve instructed, youll be fine. The Little Donkey absolutely loved the bridge, and we decided to sit at one of the little cafes overlooking the bridge and observe it in all its glory. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Spectators gather on the bridge and by the river in anticipation of the guy promising to jump from the top of Stari Most into the cold river. In June 1992, the Serbs destroyed all other bridges in Mostar but Stari Most, leaving it as the only gateway across Neretva. According to, the Mostari Diving Club charges tourists 25 euros for their first jump, but once theyve successfully completed a dive, theyre free to dive again free of charge for life. Then I hit the water. In the Bosnian parts of Mostar, around 60-70% of houses were totally destroyed or badly damaged. Men So what makes the Old Bridge of Mostar so unique? One of the best things to see in Mostar are the bridge divers. Famous for the old bridge of Mostar "Stari Most", which spans the river Neretva, and for the daring bridge jumper, countless visitors flock to visit this charming town. This timeI am regaling the tale of That Time I Jumped of That Bridge in Mostar. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa:, +441291570953 Explore, Travel and dive the world with the African and Oriental Travel Company - African and Oriental Diving Company As a part of 1990 Croat-Bosniak conflict, the Old Bridge of Mostar was bombed down by the Croat troops in 1993. Crazy locals claim that boy is not worth of girlfriend or job without having the balls to jump off Stari Most. What To Pack For Albania You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. i've been to Mostar before and walked the bridge. My first reaction after stepping was to wiggle my legs back and forth, a bit like a little kid does when jumping into a swimming pool. Nice weather for the occasion. He will give you lots of tips that are extremely useful if you want to avoiddislocating a limb. More is required if the diving club instructor isnt convinced. As I was having lunch I saw a crowd gathering on the bridge. America Rebuilds II: Return to Ground Zero . Mostar Bridge - PBS They will ask you to jump a few times until you get the technique correct. I strongly recommend taking a train from Sarajevo to Mostar, as its among the most scenic train travels in the world. Igor came running down to the river to meet me; You are no horse! I hope you can fit it in though - it's such an amazing experience! Literally and figuratively. amazing blog. The best traditional restaurant in Mostar according to our inspection is FoodHouse on the western bank of Neretva, appr. Celebrate it by going out for a couple of beers afterwards. Mostar Bridge, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina - At least four deadly accidents are reported since 2012, along with countless serious injuries. Bosnia and Herzegovina Tourism . Looking in control. Just go and speak to one of those guys; tell them you want to do the Mostar Bridge jump, dont be shy; they are very friendly and helpful. In the evening haze, legends and ghost stories come alive. The alarm turned on in Mostar, because there are no younger generations. If you arrive there during a busy time of day, then you likely wont even need to visit the office. That would have made it difficult to bail out without losing face. MOSTAR, Bosnia-Herzegovina For more than three decades Semir Kazazic-Miro has been leaping from a bridge and plunging 70 feet into the ice-cold, fast-flowing waters of the Neretva River below. But, getting a bridge to span the banks of the Neretva River in the 14 th Century was difficult; previous rope and suspension designs failed, which impeded Mostar's growth. He didn't stick the landing and dislocated his arm. Such as you leaning forward too much and hitting your face/stomach as you enter the water. His students later designed the Blue Mosque in Istanbul and helped to create Taj Mahal. Swim to the shore, where diving club members are already waiting for you, ready to help you out of the cold water. It was 30 minutes? Solo Travel Destination: Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina The Old Bridge stood for 427 years, until it was destroyed on 9 November 1993 by Croatian Defence Council during the Croat-Bosniak War. I've seen videos of people jump of it and read stories. Local tradition says that a 16-year-old boy must jump from the bridge as a right of passage, but more importantly, it is said that the boys life will be a complete failure if he doesnt jump. mostar bridge jump injuries. The jump costs 35 (10 for the training and 25 for the Old Bridge jump). Members who are knowledgeable about this destination and volunteer their time to answer travelers' questions. When I hit the water my legs ended up somewhere over my head and as someone that is not particularly flexible, muscles were stretched in ways they are not meant to go! I say this because he wasn't dead. more, Bosnia and Herzegovina Destination Experts. Old Bridge Area of the Old City of Mostar was declared as Unesco World Heritage Site in 2005. You must hit water properly to avoid injuries: thats what the training is all about. Learn how your comment data is processed. Over the course of the next threedays, I didn't meet any other travellers that were planning on jumping. Youve jumped the Old Bridge in Mostar! This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. One thing is for sure; everyone must pay a visit to Mostar and walk across the UNESCO-inscribed Mostar Bridge and experience it for themselves. Even the local diving club is named Mostarski Ikari. Left hand could be tucked in a little more. Then make sure you Pin it! They say that only the most skilled and best trained should jump, and that certainly wasnt me. I read that for 25eu you can pay the diving club and they will train u for a bit and stuff. Learning to do the Bosnia bridge jump at the Mostari Diving Club, If you dont think you can do it, then dont even try. As soon as he said this, I knewI would either have to jump the following day or never show my face again in Mostar. The tradition of jumping off the bridge in Mostar began in 1664. Yeah, it can be really bad. If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? Growing in confidence, I began explaining to other people that if . She wasn't paralysed or anything, but she certainly fucked up the next few months of her life. He possessesthe physique and importantly, the courageousness, of the average man. In a stunning setting such as Mostar, you can see why travellers flock from the four corners of the world just to see this spectacle. We managed to preserve the tradition and this is one of the most beautiful news from the city, even though only bad news are constantly coming from here. After nine years of labor, the Old Bridge of Mostar was finally completed in 1566. At least one of the Mostar bridge jumping deaths was caused by heart attack: the contrast between a hot summer day and nearly freezing water can take its toll even for a healthy person. How can you say no to that? The bridge was originally a wooden bridge but around 1557 Suleiman the Magnificent ordered constructions so the old bridge would be replaced with a stone bridge by the architectural work of Mimar Hayruddin. I'm not too sure I'd do it again though - I think once was enough for me! The art of bridge diving is entertaining to watch, so why not to support a diver and the club. Jumping from the Stari Most - Last year, he broke his finger at the competition and hurt his wrist, but he did not even think about giving up and still won the first place in such a condition. In the second Siege of Mostar, the Old Bridge was used for combat on the front line, until Croats shelled it on 9th of November 1993. My legs were thrown up over my head once I hit the water. Many tourists have also had a change of hearts before seeing the bridge and standing up there looking down: 24-28 meters doesnt sound like much, but it looks daunting for sure. Ironically, it was a war that finally destroyed this symbol of peace. Primarily because neither Hamish nor Andyare athletes. Once youve perfected your technique, theyll take you back up to the bridge for the actual jump. What does that mean? In the aftermaths of war, Mostar was credited as the most heavily destroyed city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. But if you want to do the jump yourself, well, heres everything I learned from my experience. The Mostar Bridge was built in 1557 by architect Mimar Hajrudin, a disciple of Sinan, the father of classic Ottoman architecture. Wild Wild Basch There are rocks and branches beneath the bridge and currents can be strong. Sinan was the chief Ottoman architect of Suleyman the Magnificent. Despite its gentle appearance from afar, be aware that the bridge is a little slippery and has an incline, so be prepared and wear appropriate footwear. But lets dig deeper into the history and tragic legends of Stari Most! The national plates, which consist of sausages and grilled meat, come at around 15-20 KM (7,50-10 ) and easily quench the hunger of two. Narrow alleys of El Carmen host a weird mix: subcultures and street art, orange gardens, old mansions, and the most iconic sights of the city. Local ikari know the art of bridge jumping and the risks. Safe for tourists to jump the bridge in Mostar, Re: Safe for tourists to jump the bridge in Mostar, Get answers to your questions about Bosnia and Herzegovina, Last Minute Hotels in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Browse all 4,226 Bosnia and Herzegovina topics , how to check if you have any bans on your Bosnian passport, International Phones or SIM Cards for Balkan Peninsula, The Guardian: Staggering scenery and beautiful towns. Solicitar ms informacin: 310-2409701 | mostar bridge jump injuries Please make sure that the water level is high enough before planning your bridge jump. If youve heard about the ghosts of Mostar, please share the stories in the comments below! Make sure someone takes photos of you Unfortunately I didnt get the best photos of me doing it and Im gutted about that. soooooo not worth potential injury. beautiful view on mostar city with old bridge, mosque and ancient buildings on neretva river in bosnia and herzegovina - mostar stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images During the civil war in the former Yugoslavia 1991-1995 the city of Mostar which was part Croat part Moslem was divided in two.The moslem east. Its also a great place to take a photo of the divers in action. Now, this is not something you should decide to do willy-nilly because the waters are dangerous, and many people have been injured or even killed by merely choosing to try it for themselves. Is This the World's Most Picturesque High Dive? - The New York Times The Old Bridge of Mostar has been an essential part of Mostars history right from the beginning. The plunge is about 78 feet from the top of the arched bridge to the incredibly cold waters below. Not long! In Australia, we achieve this by attempting to rapidly drink a 1.4L yard glass of beer while surrounded by friends and family. The old bridge was over 400 years old but was destroyed during the Bosnian war in 1993. The first Siege of Mostar was fought in 1992; the second Siege of Mostar lasted from 1993 to 1994. I had to wait a few moments for Mike to get out of the water. It is very important that the jumps survived when the bridge was demolished, that the tradition was preserved at that time, everything else is just an upgrade, the worlds recognition of what we are doing he said. The tradition of jumping off the bridge in Mostar began in 1664. The Stari Most defines the city of Mostar. Well, it means you can return any time you want and jump again for free! mostar bridge jump injuries - This is definitely something that not everyone knows about. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Every diver has been recorded in a ledger for posterity. mostar bridge jump injuries - Los Feliz Ledger These guys are experienced jumpers and divers and will jump a few times each day once they get enough interest (and donations) from passers-by. For more information, please see our mushie (2) And can I use a gopro when jumping. 456th Traditional Mostar Bridge Jumps Held in Bosnia and Herzegovina We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. Here a list of things to do in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, as discussed above, the jump itself isnt that dangerous. Mostar Bridge Photographic Prints for Sale | Redbubble