Amends Executive Order 2022-06 and establishes that all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, shall continue to be required to wear a face covering (1) where federally required; (2) in congregate facilities such as correctional facilities and homeless shelters; and (3) in healthcare settings. Employees who believe that they have been retaliated against for opposing unlawful discrimination can file or amend a charge using the, The federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 protects private sector employees who raise safety and health concerns with their employer or a government agency. Days before the SAFE-T Act was set to take effect, a Kankakee County judge ruled that the portion of the SAFE-T Act that ends cash bail in Illinois is unconstitutional. Exemptions to all Tiers and Phases include free exercise of religion, emergency functions, and governmental functions. Federal employment laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), also protect employees from discrimination and harassment. CANNABIS IDENTIFICATION CARDS Suspends the requirement that a medical or adult use cannabis cultivation center agent must have a completed background check when applying for an agent identification card. HB 226: Allows students to choose whether to submit their ACT/SAT score when applying to Illinois . Employers should not implement or keep in place any bonus or incentive payments for work attendance that could encourage employees to work while sick or, alternately, any disciplinary programs that penalize employees for taking time off. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. Illinois Coronavirus Updates: New Vaccine Rules Begin for Some This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. Non-essential retail stores may fulfill online and telephonic orders through pick-up outside the store or delivery. M.C.C.1-24. The amendment to the state constitution to guarantee government employees the right to organize and collectively bargain over terms of employment. As Welch's first year as House speaker comes to a close, new requirements for schools, state ethics rules, criminal justice and animal ownership are among the 296 laws taking effect Jan. 1, according to a list prepared by Senate Democrats. Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. Also delineates the principal public health restrictions and mitigations for Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Phase 4. Yes. However, the positivity rate has continued to significantly increase in these regions. SCHOOL SAFETY Schools must take specific measures to ensure the safety of students and schools, including investigating the occurrence of cases, close contacts, and symptomatic individuals. REGIONS 5, 7, AND 8 TIER 2 MITIGATIONS Region 5 (Southern Illinois) has been under Tier 1 of the state's resurgence mitigation plan since October 22 and Region 7 (Will and Kankakee counties) and Region 8 (Kane and DuPage counties) since October 23, after seeing a 7-day rolling average test positivity rate of 8 percent or above for three consecutive days. This Executive Order supersedes EO 2021-24 and EO 2021-25. IDPH filed emergency rulemakings currently in effect related to the COVID-19 pandemic for the following Parts, all of which became effective February 14, 2022 for a maximum of 150 days: Hospital Licensing Requirements, 77 Ill. Adm. Code 250 Statutory Authority: Hospital Licensing Act [210 ILCS 85] REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through August 21, 2021. You shouldn't be on the hook for tickets when your car gets stolen. To better protect survivors, this law allows anyone to file for a protective order at any time by email or online in addition to the in-person option. Hundreds of new laws coming to Illinois Jan. 1, 2022 | WGN-TV The IHRA prohibits an employer from retaliating against an employee who opposes unlawful discrimination or harassment (e.g., filing a charge or complaint; testifying, assisting or participating in an investigation, proceeding or hearing; or requesting a reasonable accommodation). The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) have also published guidelines and requirements for employers to follow in order to maintain a safe workplace during the pandemic. REGION 5 MITIGATIONS Region 5 has reported three consecutive days of a test positivity rate of 8 percent or higher. Suspends classroom training for private security and fingerprint vendors, as any training can be conducted online. Laws and Regulations - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through October 16, 2021. Such protected concerted activity generally includes employees talking to one another about working conditions or workplace safety, or engaging in actions, such as petitions or walkouts, to try to improve safety conditions. Employers are prohibited, by the IHRA and federal law, from treating employees differently based on race or national origin. No. All employers are required to: DCEO has provided additional COVID-19 guidance for businesses, workers and residents on its website, Reissues previous Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic through December 9, 2022. HB 02589: Expands the use and reimbursement of dispensing opioid antagonists to prevent overdose deaths and improves treatment services for substance use disorders. Tier 3 Mitigations aim to limit gatherings and encourage people to stay home to the greatest extent possible, while allowing most industries to continue operating at significantly reduced levels. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through April 3, 2021. More than 180 new laws are set to take effect on January 1, 2023, covering a range of issues big and small that affect Illinoisans. All state, county, and local law enforcement officers are instructed to cease enforcement of orders of eviction for residential premises. The following are recommended prevention strategies that recognize that while the state of Illinois has made substantial progress in . SB 01577: Public school students shall be granted up to five days of excused absences for mental or behavioral health, with no medical note required. All non-essential business and operations must cease, aside from Minimum Basic Operations. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are implemented for Region 7 (Will and Kankakee counties) and Region 8 (Kane and DuPage counties), for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos and for all workplaces, effective October 23, 2020. According to the Kankakee County State's Attorney, the ruling means the pre-trial release and bail reforms will not. REGION 7 MITIGATIONS Region 7 has reported three consecutive days of a test positivity rate of 8 percent or higher. REGIONS 4 AND 10 MITIGATIONS Region 4, the Metro East, has had a 7-day rolling average test positivity rate of 8 percent or above for three consecutive days. REGIONS 9 MITIGATIONS Region 9, Lake and McHenry counties, has reported three consecutive days of a test positivity rate of 8 percent or higher. REGION 1 TIER 2 MITIGATIONS Mitigation measures were initially implemented in Region 1 on October 3, 2020. When maintaining a 6-foot social distance may not always be possible, visitors should be encouraged to wear face coverings; and. Employees who believe they have been retaliated against may file a, The Illinois Occupational Safety and Health Act of 2015 protects state and local government employees who raise safety and health concerns with their employer or a government agency. Illinois reported 735 new COVID cases and 0 related deaths Monday as statewide seven-day test positivity dropped to 1.5%. CIVIL PROCEDURE Suspends sections in the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure that permit the service of a garnishment summons, wage deduction summons, or a citation to discover assets on a consumer debtor or consumer garnishee. Schools no longer can crack down on nonwhite hairstyles, and they must do more to protect children from sexual misconduct. Yes. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. A complete list of all new Illinois laws taking effect next year can be found here. This supersedes EO 2020-38. SB 02122: Provides that statements provided by minors are inadmissible as evidence if obtained using deceptive practices. HB 562, dubbed the "FOID Modernization Act," offers automatic gun license renewals for applicants who submit fingerprints, allows state agencies to share existing fingerprint databases, increases background check requirements for private gun transfers, allows for the development of future electronic gun license, establishes a stolen gun database and a new state police FOID revocation enforcement fund, among other things. To encourage Illinoisans to support the state economy, this law reduces vehicle registration fees for cars and small trucks if they are manufactured in Illinois. Other potential accommodations could include moving the employees workstation to a less crowded or better ventilated area or re-examining job duties to minimize interaction with other coworkers or members of the public. Illinois reports 3,348 new COVID-19 . It will increase $1 per hour every year until it reaches $15 an hour. 2022 Clay County Final Multiplier Announced. HB 168 amends the Humane Care for Animals Act by allowing judges to order that a person be forbidden from owning or having possession of any other animal if they have been convicted of any two of the following three crimes: animals for entertainment, dog fighting or aggravated cruelty. To report a possible COVID-19 outbreak, or if you have a concern that your workplace is not following public health rules regarding face coverings and/or capacity limits, please contact your local health department. All state agencies must submit annual reports showing how they have worked to increase the diversity of their workforce. WHEREAS, on October 14, 2022, considering the expected continuing spread of COVID-19 and the ongoing health and economic impacts that will be felt over the coming month by people across the State, I declared all counties in the State of Illinois as a disaster area; and, SB 539 includes amendments to Illinois Governmental Ethics Act and the Lobbyist Registration Act touted as ethics reforms by members of the Democratic Party's legislative supermajority . PUA payments are available for claimants who lost work due to specific COVID-19 related reasons provided for in the federal law beginning the week of February 2, 2020. HEALTH CARE FACILITIES, PROFESSIONALS, AND VOLUNTEERS Defines healthcare facilities, health care professionals and health care volunteers. Illinois An example of an employee symptom screening form can be found on IDPHs website. BRIDGE PHASE - Safely expands activities for businesses and organizations that were limited during prior mitigation phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. Employers should not assume that an older employee, or an employee with an underlying health condition, is in need of special protection or accommodation. Employees in all of these situations may be entitled to paid time off under their employers existing leave program as well as under the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), public law 116-127, or a local paid sick leave ordinance. It will soon be a new year, and that means that new laws are set to go into effect, with nearly 300. The order aligns with the latest CDC guidance and rescinds emergency rules requiring face masks for fully vaccinated individuals. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS Reissues Executive Orders 2020-03 through 2020-31, extending most provisions through May 29, 2020. Laws that take effect in 2022: From minimum wage hikes to a ban - CNN HB 376, also known as the Teaching Equitable Asian American History Act, requires that all public elementary and high schools must include a unit that teaches the contributions of Asian American communities and individuals to the history of the United States and the Midwest, including the arts, science, politics and civil rights. SB 00564: Requires schools to include contributions by Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhists and any other collective community of faith that helped shape America in history curriculums. Guidance regarding the ADA and the COVID-19 pandemic issued by the EEOC is available here. This year, the minimum wage will increase to $12 per hour. SUSPENDS PROVISIONS IN THE ILLINOIS SCHOOL CODE Suspends requirements on the administration of assessments, school terms, and the calculation of daily pupil attendance. Gatherings of 50 or more people are prohibited, including fitness centers, private clubs, and theaters. Employers are responsible for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace and there is nothing in Illinois or federal law that prohibits an employer from requiring a doctors note or COVID-19 test before an employee returns to work. HB 00376: Requires every elementary and high school to add a unit of instruction on the events and contributions of Asian Americans in Illinois and the U.S. HB 00709: Requires the Department of Human Services to educate immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and other non-residents of their rights under the U.S. Constitution and Illinois law. SB 01600: Requires restaurants and truck stops to provide employees with training in the recognition of human trafficking, and protocols for reporting observed human trafficking to proper authorities. Suspends the provision that no license of a funeral director intern shall be renewed more than twice and suspends the requirement that the transportation of deceased human remains must be under the immediate direct supervision of a licensee. SB 00672: No-compete clauses will be banned for individuals making less than $75,000 per year. Amends Executive Order 2022-06 and establishes that all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, shall continue to be required to wear a face covering (1) where federally required; (2) in congregate facilities such as correctional facilities and homeless shelters; and (3) in healthcare settings. Find your nearest vaccination location at. It also will prevent the legislature from enacting a so-called right-to-work law, should it undergo a shift to the right, that would allow workers covered by union contracts to not pay dues. Reissues previous Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic through January 6, 2023. SB 01596: Committing a crime against a person because of their actual or perceived citizenship or immigration status will now be considered a hate crime in the state of Illinois. SB 2122 amends the Juvenile Court Act to make confessions to crimes committed by people 17 and younger inadmissible in court whenever a law enforcement officer knowingly engaged in deception. This guidance is intended to help both employers and employees educate themselves about minimum required workplace safety requirements, as well as best practices to promote a safe and well-functioning workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to provide guidance on some frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and the workplace. SB 1846 amends the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to establish a requirement that the default beverage for kids' meals at restaurants is unsweetened water, juice or milk. Nearly 300 new laws will take effect in Illinois at the start of the new year. Prominently post the guidance from IDPH and the Office of the Illinois Attorney General regarding workplace safety during the COVID-19 emergency. WARNING: Site will be down from 8-12PM CT. INFORMATION: is a great site to visit. Instead, a verbal attestation documented by the State constitutes a valid signature. Health and safety laws apply to all employees, regardless of immigration status. HB 395 changes the Ivory Ban Act into the Animal Parts and Products Ban Act. Amends a few previous executive orders, such as EO-2020-07, in-person meeting requirements, and EO 2020-40, the resumption of limited in-person instruction at schools. It adds 16 additional endangered or threatened species to the list of animals whose parts are illegal to buy, sell or import, including giraffes, narwhals, pangolins, sharks and walruses, among others. Executive Order 2022-11 (HTML) English Arabic New Laws Taking Effect in 2022 Impact Employers, Employees SPRINGFIELD - As we prepare for the new year, employers and employees should be aware of new laws taking effect January 1st, as well as those already in effect due to action by the General Assembly and signature of Governor JB Pritzker. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Grant Accountability and Transparency (GATA). Suspends requiring the director of any State facility in custody of an unclaimed cadaver to donate the cadaver to a qualified medical science institution for the advancement of medical science, for cadavers testing positive for COVID-19. The offices will not conduct in-person transactions from Jan. 3 through Jan. 17, 2022, though online services will remain open on the Illinois Secretary of State website, officials said. Reissues and amends previous executive orders through May 28, 2022. The EEOC has issued guidance stating that due to the acknowledgment of COVID-19 community spread by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local public health authorities, employers may take employees temperatures. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) announces that it is providing a one-time bulk shipment of 1 million over-the-counter (OTC) COVID-19 rapid antigen tests to K-12 public school districts outside of Chicago for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. It also requires counties with populations above 250,000 to offer the option of a remote hearing. HB 03217: Amends numerous state statutes by deleting the use of Haitian or Negro and instead including terms such as Black or African-American.. HB 00122: Ends early termination fees for customers of telephone, cellphone, television, internet, energy, medical alert system or water services who die before the end of their contracts. HB 00155 and HB 00310: Provides that SNAP and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infant and Childrens Programs may use their benefits to purchase menstrual hygiene products. An individual temporarily laid off in this situation can qualify for benefits if the individual is available for and actively seeking work. This guidance includes recommendations for all types of businesses and venues, customers, and employees in order to help maintain healthy environments and operations, as well as lower the risk of COVID-19 spread. New Illinois Laws For 2022 Include First-In-Nation Legislation Bills taking effect next month create new rules for school districts, limit police from lying to children and establish a. Statewide, the minimum wage increases by $1 to $12 per hour as part of a measure approved in 2019,. Provides the authority for the governor to sign additional executive orders to extend the Stay at Home order. Housing providers will also not be held liable for injuries caused by a pet on their properties. All employees are entitled to their promised wages for all hours of work performed, regardless of immigration status. MARRIAGE LICENSES To obtain a marriage license, couples may appear before the county clerk and conduct a marriage ceremony using two-way audio-video communication technology, if certain conditions are met. According to both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, the laws include everything from excused mental. This Termination will be implemented on May 23, 2022, to enable the Department of Homeland . Yes. Also new to Illinois schools in 2022, a law prohibiting rules regarding hairstyles such as braids and. Also new to Illinois schools in 2022, a law prohibiting rules regarding hairstyles such as braids and twists. It shall not be construed to apply to domestic support obligations or relieving a debtor of any liability. If there is prior guidance that implies different standards from these Tier 3 Mitigations, the more restrictive standards apply. HB 572 amends the Sales Finance Agency Act to invalidate any financing, retail installment contract or loan for the purchase of a cat or a dog. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are implemented for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos and for all workplaces, effective November 2, 2020. The order expands the use of available emergency relief dollars for Illinois utility customers currently at risk of service disconnections following the end of the winter moratorium, and maximizes the number of households eligible for relief. ILLINOIS INSURANCE CODE Suspends certain provisions in the Illinois Insurance Code that require in-person education and/or exams within a certain time frame in order to maintain or obtain a professional insurance license. HB 0020: Repeals the registration fee for Gold Star license plates for surviving spouses or parents of vets who died in war or peace time. Press Release - Thursday, March 02, 2023. In the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, suspends the time period for designated students, applicants, and employees to have their fingerprints collected electronically. The IHRA and federal law prohibit employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of a disability or perceived disability. Hundreds of new laws coming to Illinois Jan. 1, 2022 - FOX 2 Any bids received by a school district for construction purposes may be communicated and accepted electronically. ATM thieves use glue and 'tap' function to drain accounts at Chase, Downstate judge rules assault weapons ban violates state constitution, Tom Sizemore dead at 61 after suffering brain aneurysm. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. DAYCARE CENTER STAFF VACCINE MANDATE - Daycare center staff statewide are required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine if they have not done so already. PHASE THREE REOPENING Safely and conscientiously resumes activities that were paused due to COVID-19. Extends the suspension of on-site learning in K-12 schools, with schools transitioning from Act of God Days to Remote Learning Days. The change permits the creation of five cultural districts every year and a total of 15 at any given time. As a result, only three new laws took effect at the start of 2021 down from over 250 the prior year. The new wage will be $12 an hour. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS (IDOC) Suspends the allowable time period for furloughs and the phrase for a period of time not to exceed 14 days. The phrase to obtain medical, psychiatric or psychological services when adequate services are not otherwise available shall be suspended and furloughs for medical, psychiatric or psychological purposes shall be allowed. Employees who believe they have been retaliated against may want to consider consulting with an attorney. SB 02530: Requires wireless providers to provide call location information concerning the device of a user upon request of local law enforcement or public safety answering points. To ensure senior citizens are saving their money, this law reduces the vehicle registration fee for seniors from $24 to $10. BBB shares top scams of 2022 . All Rights Reserved. SB 00968: Requires all health insurance plans, the Public Aid Code and public health benefits in Illinois to provide coverage for medically-necessary pancreatic cancer screening. Dozens of other states have similar laws on the books. HB 3914, the Positive Action Act, requires the director of the Central Management Services Department to strive to identify and modify laws and policies that make it harder for minorities and marginalized people to get state jobs. As with other medical information, employers must maintain the confidentiality of employee temperatures and any other symptoms. New bill proposes unvaccinated Illinois COVID patients pay out of In response, additional public health restrictions and mitigations are instituted for Regions 5, 7, and 8, such as a tighter gathering cap of 10 individuals rather than 25 and new table caps of six rather than 10 at restaurants and bars. 71.40 no longer necessary. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through May 1, 2021. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are instituted for the Metro East region, comprised of Bond, Clinton, Madison, Monroe, Randolph, St. Clair, and Washington Counties for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, and gaming and casinos. Voters passed the workers' rights amendment in the 2022 election; what does that mean for Illinois? That led to the passage of a budget, temporary changes to election procedures and little else as Pritzker set pandemic policies through a series of executive orders. Reissues previous Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic through November 14, 2022. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. In order to qualify, an area must show that the area is at risk of losing its cultural identity due to COVID-19, displacement or gentrification, that it has had a history of economic disinvestment and that there is strong community support for the designation, which is aimed at promoting economic development, entrepreneurship and growth without also generating displacement or expanding inequality. The law restores sick days to school staff who had to take time off due to COVID-related reasons during the 2021-2022 school year and provides paid leave in the future.