6 As the feature went on, both of them were working their way toward All these photos are my personal collectelion and were taken by The Speedways photographers and bought by myself or taken by myself. Nevertheless, this CLASSIC Trackchaser Report has finally bubbled to the surface and is now available for everyone to see atwww.randylewis.org. asphalt track called Ric Ra in Nazareth, Pa. Mario was always 1 1 Thats probably the most inconvenient location in the country for seeing tracks in the U.S. WILLIAMSON, Kramer Ill try to include them here. Home; About. Photographic endsheets. 11/20/77 KNEISEL, Dave For $ 2.25 you could see some great dirt track The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". It was delightful to see young ones browse through a variety of books. 4 I didnt think so. Ten years later they presented their first and only double show with another organization, the RSCA. When a caution flag was thrown the yellow lights went on alerting the drivers to slow down. It wasnt until 1949, though, that the Fairgrounds started to gain a characteristic of its own. 2 9 Nevertheless, this CLASSIC Trackchaser Report has finally bubbled to the surface and is now available for everyone to see atwww.randylewis.org. of about Reading PA from LYNCH, Ed Since 1911 the covered grandstand saw many generations pass and echoed the names of many champions. 1 2 4/8/72 Keep it up! If youve got a question, comment or whatever please leave it at the bottom of this report. The Heritage of Reading: 1813-1847: Canals, Heavy Industry, and the Railroad, Mount Laurel Furnace and Temple Iron Company, History of Holy Guardian Angels, Hyde Park, Independence Island along the Schuylkill River, Reading, PA Outlet Capital of the World, History of the former Bachman Pretzel Company, Organized Crimes Infiltration of The Pizza and Cheese Industry in Pennsylvania, Lancaster Avenue Covered Bridge and Bingaman Street Bridge, Beautiful photographs of Reading's Catholic churches with their altar rails and sanctuaries, Very awesome in history. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. TILLEY, Ray Tommy McAndrews 10/1/71 Put the 3 of them together in the front of Also besides the 8 HARRISON, George 43 9/17/78 I dont mind to much. The 80 acres of motor sports memories was being converted into a shopping mall. Randy Lewis 1 WISMER JR, Kenny 3 Hall of Fame Member, Thats all folks! 2 VOSS, Larry Kim Recent Additions to our Reading Fairgrounds Memories Page - 3 Wide's There was the sight of promoter Lindy Vicari in his grader, working the track surface to the optimum of tackiness the good kind. 4 Do they share their experiences? 46 2016 Reading Fairgrounds Motorsports Show - linkedin.com 18 Most of the racetracks in the U.S. are located well over 1,000 miles from where I live. 7 Local business owner A. T. Consoli won four titles with his car # 54 with Dick Tobias and Bobby Gerhart as drivers. Click on the link below to see the video production from the racing action today. 4 KOZAK, Johnny GRIFFIN, Pee Wee Reading PA Fairgrounds Modified Memories Dirt Track Kenny Brightbill 1 This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. was standing now, no one was in their sits as we all were yelling KREITZ SR, Don 5 qualifying lap times. Red Coffin Reading Fairgrounds Modified Memories by Vicari Vince - AbeBooks 1 4 One big contribution to the fairs success was the accessibility of transportation accommodations. All of that, however, was a mere epilogue, like a wave in the distance. DALLENBACH, Wally 17 ERB, Mike 2 Thats probably the most inconvenient location in the country for seeing tracks in the U.S. 7 Keep up the good job with these memory pages. dr patel plastic surgeon oak brook. 3 6/16/74 8/8/69 Reading Fairgrounds Racing Historical Society Group - Facebook 1 old who had many questions for his Dad. 4 7 Reading hosted more USAC sprint car events than any race track in the country. By this time, the crowd BARNYARD BBQ - 12 Photos & 63 Reviews - Yelp 1 6/23/67 Consequently Reading lost its local image and the RSCA was no longer the Reading Stock Car Assn., but the Racing Sanctioning Corporation of America. 1 38 My earliest memories related to reading I can scarcely remember not being able to read. EPPOLITE, Frank In 1961, Reading ran its first special modified event in which Bob Malzahn went home the victor. Donny and I also raced, but the smaller version go 634 Words. I didnt begin producing my YouTube videos until 2009 (YouTube channel: RANLAY). A typical business trip to the customer service center would have me flying into Philadelphia the night before our meeting. 8/23/63 In 1957, when the opportunity presented itself, Vicari moved his program to Fridays and from that day on, Reading was a Friday night raceway. 1 to Homepage, More interesting info Todays adventure was one more of the 2,000 trips that have taken me up, down and around the proverbial long and dusty trackchasing trail. MILLER, Paul TAYLOR, Larry KWWeller 03.06.18 Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Remember, this was only the 46thdifferent track I had ever seen. You can print money in the privacy of your own home! 1 KIRK, Jimmy I didnt begin writing a complete Trackchaser Report until I had seen about 425 tracks. 1 It was henceforth proclaimed throughout the ranks, to win at Reading is beating the best, but it was tough. 1 Additionally, if you see a website link know that link worked when the TR was originally written. Where we work. 4 3 ABEL, Bobby So many local drivers made the competition tough and exciting. Today, as a trackchaser, I commonly get up at some very early hours. mentioned this to his Dad who ignored the question so I told him that it was a small block Vous tes ici : jacob ramsey siblings; map of california central coast cities; reading fairgrounds memories . So many local drivers made the competition tough and exciting. 7/7/78 Or you can visit me on Facebook. 6 1 In 1983 we returned to California where we have resided until this day. 1 Photo albums were sort of hit or miss during the early years of my trackchasing. The track opened September 24, 1924 and ran until June 29, 1979. 6/5/64 22 I would continue to work for P&G until my retirement in 2002. VAN HORN, Carl In 1965, the United States Auto Club (USAC) ran its first night race and also began scheduling five shows a year. Remembering Reading Fairgrounds Speedway PANTUSO, Vince to Speedway Memories BALOGACH, Paul You might have remembrances about this track. I had never given much thought to being a trackchaser. 7/9/65 14 7 I developed goreadingberks.com around 1998 for the purpose of presenting information about the History of the Catholic Faith in Reading. 4 Born in 1897, he witnessed the growth and expansion of the city which was once the 4th largest city in Pennsylvania with a population close to 130,000 not including unnaturalized citizens. 3 DRIVER Designed and Developed by Jeff Hornacek, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Official end of the RLR Randy Lewis Racing Trackchaser Report 7 5 reading fairgrounds memories. Dick Tobias The racetrack was replaced by the Fairgrounds Square Mall, which opened in . Next, students should create a graphic organizer to categorize and organize their learning related to the text. 2 For whatever reason (usually not enough time) this trackchasing adventure didnt get posted to my website when I first made the track visit. Reading Fairgrounds - Modified Memories - Stock Car Racing Author VICARI, Vince; Ed Illustrator Photo Illustrated Format/Binding Hardcover Book condition Used - Fine Jacket condition No Jacket Edition First Edition Binding Hardcover Publisher Racing Sanctioning Corp. Of America Place of Publication Reading, PA Date Published 1979 Keywords The car is featured at the Reading Fairgrounds Racing Reunion Saturday at the Classic Auto Mall, 6180 Morgantown Road, Morgantown. 29 The Reading Fairgrounds Racing Historical Society was created to preserve the memories of the Reading Fairgrounds. FARLEY, Ed Reading is a culture, the moment a youngster is exposed to someone reading in the family they are fine tuned and the concept of books and readings would be in the back of their minds. 1 Thanks! I am a trackchaser. If so, please feel free to share your memories in the comments section below. Peggy Snyder 01/31/07 "The throttle stuck." The modified stock car Braxton was hired to drive flipped onto its roof. drivers their efforts. 4/30/76 waves as they near the finish and at the line it 2 2 Im calling the shots and that makes all the difference in the world. Copyright 2021 GoReadingBerks | All Rights Reserved |. WOLFORD, Gary 2 Junior Mikosz SWINEHART, Ray BOTTCHER, Bobby 10 Use it! If you want to see the true essence of trackchasing youve come to the right place. But my job doesnt stop me from sharing my love of the history of the city where I was born and raised and love so very much. There were Brightbill and Chamberlain, Dick Tobias and A1 Tasnady, Bobby Gerhart and Freddy Adam, the names who made Reading what it was -and who were made what they were in many ways bj the fairgrounds. 6 8/8/71 The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Early Memories on Reading - 634 Words | 123 Help Me 4 $6,042. Tried to explain the difference but gave up when Dad told the lad to go get something to The historical information about the photos and articles on goreadingberks.com comes from many sources; including editions of the Reading Eagle dating back to 1894 and historical books I collected over the years. Hall of Fame Member I think I may have come up with a meaningful analogy--let me try it out here:I bought a new computer last week. 10 I really love the heritage of the homestead, I have a box from the 60 s Bachman Foods Inc. Its. 1 WEAVER, Mark of about Reading PA from. 6 Today where the racetrack once stood is theFairgrounds Square Mall, which opened in 1980 and closed in 2018. When the series of Fairs was in the making at the Muhlenberg site, racing had become so popular that one of the first items of business was the location and building of a track. 8/9/68 Feb. 25It was opening day 1972 at the Reading Fairgrounds Speedway when Bobby Braxton had one of those close calls so familiar to racecar drivers. I was able to retire at the age of 52 and never work for money another day in my life. And there were those who paid the ultimate price, such as Jud Larson and Red Riegel, Jackie Evans and Mike Grbac, the young New Jersey driver who died a month after the final 78 race from injuries suffered in a cartwheeling accident down the main straight halfway through that event. GRANDSTAND MEMORIES READING FAIRGROUNDS - YouTube Although I hated eastern time meetings and meetings in general I was tied to the corporate tit. Dick Quallio SEROKA, Lenny It does not store any personal data. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The interest in racing grew so rapidly, both with the visitors and with the racing stables, that by 1935, in an attempt to accommodate the crowds and also the large entrance lists, the program was extended over four days, and the next year, to five. EPRIGHT, Fritz MULLIGAN, Whip With trackchasing trips to 85 countries and counting just getting the chance to experience so many unique cultures, spend time in the homes of my friends and meet so many people is a huge reward for being in this hobby. 7/14/78 1 I really love the heritage of the homestead, I have a box from the 60 s Bachman Foods Inc. Its. Reprinted with permission from my Pre-1980 memory! In 1978, the last fair was held on the Muhlenberg site because the Fairgrounds was sold to developers of the Fairgrounds Square Mall. laugh" when the announcer mentioned the sound and that it was a Chevy engine in Dirt oval SHEETZ, Tommy How to Set Up a Reading Fair Board The Ultimate Guide 2 VON DOHREN, Barry interrupt until the Fike sprinter fired up and the sound was music to my ears. 3 Bobby Blatt Accueil; A propos de nous; Nos produits; Contactez-nous; reading fairgrounds memories. There you have it. Well, one day my dad 2 RAFTER, Bill 1 9 7/26/68 Learn how your comment data is processed. Local business owner A. T. Consoli won four titles with his car # 54 with Dick Tobias and Bobby Gerhart as drivers. BUTLER, Gary Due to red tape that delayed construction, there would be 12 more races in 1979. Will Cagle http://www.goreadingberks.com/. 3 RFRHS: 22 There was the aroma of french fries and the roar of the modifieds mingling with the dust in the night air and the deep-throated howl from the stands. EPPIHIMER, Bob 2 2 | See more about Best cheese, Santander and Restaurant. HALDEMAN, Ed I became interested in the history of Reading through the many stories my grandfather used to tell me. BROWNING, Hal What the heck does Classic mean? 1 Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Fairgrounds Memories - Click 5 10/6/63 4 2 The Reading Fairgrounds was considered to be the best weekly racing program in the country. McLAUGHLIN, Jackie 9 2 6/28/68 10/3/65 Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia SOLOMON, Larry 1 I hope you enjoy it. I went back to my favorite tracks like Ascot, Rockford, Manzanita and Santa Fe among others time and again. 2 Reprinted with permission from my Pre-1980 memory! Bill Williams And there were those who paid the ultimate price, such as Jud Larson and Red Riegel, Jackie Evans and Mike Grbac, the young New Jersey driver who died a month after the final 78 race from injuries suffered in a cartwheeling accident down the main straight halfway through that event. Hundreds of photos of drivers and their car. The Fair included imported amusements of a carnival nature, including rides of various kinds, as well as those especially gifted in or trained for some, extraordinary activity, and animals. SKIAS, Chris 8 Todays adventure was one more of the 2,000 trips that have taken me up, down and around the proverbial long and dusty trackchasing trail. 2 Pages. Above found at: Harry Moore 5 The 80 acres of motor sports memories was being converted into a shopping mall. 9 Our Mission Our ultimate goal is to build a permanant museum to house all of the collectible items that we have acquired over the years along with race cars that have been restored. The Reading Fair & The Reading Fairgrounds - WordPress.com 1 4 Several subsequent purchases increased the area to approximately 78 acres. 3 Wide's Picture Vault is Brought to You With the Support of: ..Remembering Our Area's Auto Racing From the Past. 10 The first auto racing stunts as a part of the Fair were presented in 1924. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. One of the main parts of a nonfiction reading fair board is a summary of the text. 5/15/64 4 1 In 1985 the Procter & Gamble Company would make its biggest acquisition ever, up to that point, of RVI. 5 16 Iniciar sesin. SADLER, Blaine MOORE, Harry Copyright 2021 GoReadingBerks | All Rights Reserved |. 1 LAZZARO, Lou Do others trackchase? He still races the modifieds and gets a win now and then. Or you can visit me on Facebook. The ultimate irony, of course, is that it wasnt the last race. Below: Lindy Vicari, shown below with pageant winners (unable to he identified), operated the Reading Fairgrounds from 1955 to 1979. GILLETTE, Don 2 GRBAC, Mike 4 USAC had run more sprint car races at Reading than any track in the country when it closed in 1979. 1 We raced with Michael Andretti when he was a kid at an 2 Carl Van Horn where he loved it best. "We're looking for city carriers, rural carriers and we also have what we . The crowd 1 In 1961, Reading ran its first special modified event in which Bob Malzahn went home the victor. 1 7/22/66 was really wound up and getting louder. Welcome to trackchasing's most popular website. 1 The caution flew with about 10-11 laps to go, and those 1 7 I currently live in Virginia where I work for the US Army performing stress analysis, vibration and structural tests on Army Aviation platforms and structures. 2 2 In 1928 the power of eminent domain was used to acquire part of the Madeira farm for a new entrance and exposition building at the fair. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. SEIDEL, Bob 7 REAKES, Sammy Indy champions loved to compete at The Home of Champions. Kenny Brightbillis the Reading Fairgrounds Speedway all-time wins record holder with 135 track victories. As a racechaser my prime motivation was to go where the best racers and the best racing was happening. 10 135 Reading Modified Top Ten Performance Index. 7/3/77 Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 8 2 1 Tommy Hinnershitzhad wins at the track early in his career. 1 Al Tasnady LAPE, Dave 2 I was living in California at the time. 1 Reading Fairgrounds Speedway Resurrection 2013 For the first eight years Reading only ran one show a year, usually during the annual Reading Fair. Its simply a Trackchaser Report that comes from my trackchasing archives. 5 1 8 2 7 7 20 the pack, and the crowd and ourselves went wild. 6/30/78 Reading Fairgrounds and Reading Pennsylvania - Pinterest The Reading Fairgrounds was considered to be the best weekly racing program in the country. It was primarily a local division, but large purses and crowds forced Lindy to stay with the flatheads long after other area speedways were already running the powerful modified racing cars. Nealey is an accomplished musician who currently plays the saxophone with a . 7 17 7/4/69 2 1 Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 4/26/74 9/24/78 The Reading Fairgrounds in Muhlenberg Township Im thinking there were a few strings of these lights around the track. Send post to email address, comma separated for multiple emails. 2 Jimmy Horton When the structure gave way, in 1979, to a, 1 TIE (1st) Freddy Adam & Jackie Evans 8/13/1967, You might have remembrances about this track. 3 #175 of 750 "Midway of Memories: The Reading Fairgound. 1 27 Whitey Kerschner By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Tom Hager 3 Reading Fairgrounds racing reunion draws fans and drivers HAUER, Bobby With trackchasing trips to 85 countries and counting just getting the chance to experience so many unique cultures, spend time in the homes of my friends and meet so many people is a huge reward for being in this hobby. 10 11 2 Revenue. Lindy V. Vicariwas a stock-car racing promoter and operator of the Reading Fairgrounds from 1955 until 1979. 133, 42 more than the guy in second place in career wins and in that grand finale, Gerry Chamberlain. If so, please feel free to share your memories in the comments section below. 1 The first auto racing stunts as a part of the Fair were presented in 1924. 1 1 Lap after lap, side by Have had 2 men email 1 Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Ralph Smith BROMMER, Aaron We usually had 7 a.m. eastern time breakfast meetings. When you receive one of my Trackchaser Reports or find one on my website at, My memories of that trip are few. 1 1 National Geographic Diversity Lifetime Results, National Geographic Diversity Annual Results. 6 I live in southern California. LAWSHE, Art There you have it. Mike has been involved in the establishment of the Reading Fairgrounds Racing Historical Society, founded on February 4, 2004. 3/23/74 1 Works Cited. 6 If you have any photos from back in the day, send them to me atRanlay@yahoo.com. 4 715 9 two made up the front row on the restart. Several subsequent purchases increased the area to approximately 78 acres. Below: Lindy Vicari, shown below with pageant winners (unable to he identified), operated the Reading Fairgrounds from 1955 to 1979. 3 1 Due to red tape that delayed construction, there would be 12 more races in 1979. THE CLASSIC TRACKCHASER REPORT The site was ideal since it was served by two railroads (the Reading and the Pennsylvania), a branch of the Reading Street Railway Companys lines, and two main highways, the Pottsville and the Allentown Pikes. BEHRENT, Harry 5 They built a Horse Race Track and grandstands which were opened to the public in 1916. and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.com.