(ROLM CBX) (DTMF *#357), RO? MEDICAL SUPPLIES? - NOW 114.8 PL ? Or, navigate to another city or town within King County, to view the local police frequencies. To host community meeting regarding parks the June 1 meeting will be a chance community! (BASE DOESNT TRANSMIT PL) *PSE, KON949 *US WEST 1708 E. PIKE ST. KOM949 VOICE ID, Kinder Morgan terminal Harbor Island *only channel*, Woodland Park Zoo Channel 6 - Info Technology simplex working, 1*5* 1#5#=RPTR OFF WESTERN TELECOMM INC. (NOW GTE?) 9:05 a.m., 15000 block of NE 66th Place: Redmond Police responded to the report of a car prowl at a local residence. (STILL IN USE 5-98) (LINK TG 1744), Seattle Fire Battalion 2 Training Channel, Seattle Fire Battalion 3 Training Channel, Seattle Fire Battalion 4 Training Channel, Seattle Fire Battalion 5 Training Channel, Seattle Fire Battalion 6 Training Channel, Seattle Fire Battalion 7 Training Channel, Seattle Fire Battalion 1 Training Channel, Seattle Police PEO (Parking Enforcement Officers), Seattle Police EOC (Emergency Operations Center), UW PD Support (formerly Medical Center Security? Scanner Frequencies by county and Radio Frequency Reference for police, ems, and fire departments in West Virginia.. Home: Police Agencies by County: Municipal Agencies: . The most accurate method is searching via the Internet. 5 Private Ambulances. Volunteer Opportunities at Redmond Community Court. If you don't have a scanner with the ZIP code scanning function, finding this data might be find in another way. Middletown, Ri Obituaries, To compare other fingerprint and live scan locations nearby, visit Redmond Fingerprinting . Redmond Scanner Frequencies (Deschutes County OR) Editors frequently monitor and verify these . Do not hang up the phone once you realize you accidentally dialed 911. The Uniden Bearcat Handheld Scanner is the best police scanner of the bunch, with a great reputation, reliable performance, and a whole wealth of convenient features. (CATERING?) Scanner Frequencies Most models give you the option of scanning for frequencies as well as listening to known frequencies. No longer patched 453.525, Boeing Renton - Composite Repair (Factory), Metro Transit Coordinator-1 Fallback Group, Metro Transit Coordinator-2 Fallback Group, Metro Transit Coordinator-3 Fallback Group, Metro Transit Coordinator-4 Fallback Group, Metro Transit Coordinator-5 Fallback Group, Metro Transit Coordinator-6 Fallback Group, Metro Transit Coordinator-7 Fallback Group, Metro Transit Coordinator-8 Fallback Group, Metro Transit Coordinator-9 Fallback Group, Metro Transit Coordinator-10 Fallback Group, Metro Transit Coordinator-11 Fallback Group, Boeing Renton - Shipping/Receiving/Transportation, Boeing Renton - Crane Maintenance (4-21) (Factory), Harborview Hsp Admin (Unknown units calling it TAC on 1/19/09), Kent SD Secondary (poss 1A: School Admin & E), Kent SD Transportation Channel B (School Com? "Details of this investigation were forwarded to the Deschutes County District Attorney's Office and Oregon . Arrest and police records are public records and as such are available for public request from different government agencies including Oregon state, county, and local police departments . 82 *METROCALL (BELLEVUE), *RMK COMMUNICATIONS, ch.117 *CONTACT COMMUNICATIONS (SEATTLE), *MEGAMESSAGE, (VIACOMS OLD RPTR) ch.1 (XMTR ON MT. Sisters. A listing of resources for information on crime and statistics. PROBABLY SEATTLE DISPOSAL, US WEST PAGING ch. Detect police activity and stay ticket-free in Oregon with these police radar detectors. They are entering information into the computer, assigning an officer to your emergency, and relaying correct information to that officer. - English, http://www.ci.redmond.or.us/internet/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=250&Itemid=316. This is often easier said than done depending upon the situation. However, you never want to jeopardize your safety. Redmond, WA crime, fire and public safety news and events, police & fire department updates 4 King County Businesses. If found, simply connect your scanner to your PC and have the police frequency database updated. King County, Washington (WA) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency WPD__86, PORT OF SEATTLE TERMINAL 5 SECURITY SUPERVISOR, PORT OF SEATTLE TERMINAL 5 MAINT/REPAIR PARTS, Vigor Shipyard Harbor Island- EMS, Fire and Security primary, WRIGHT-RUNSTAD SECURITY @ WA MUTUAL TOWER (D262/316/431/730), PORT OF SEATTLE TERMINAL 5 CRANE MAINTENANCE, INTERMITTENT CARRIER S1 DWNTOWN SEA *WESTLAKE CENTER, SEATTLE CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE - ENGINEERING, *PORT OF SEATTLE, *NATIONAL GUARDIAN SECURITY, Nucor Steel West Seattle- Poss Channel 10, Target - Kent East Hill (Unknown which channel, possibly 3), 1001 4TH AVE PLAZA BUILDING - WINDOW WASHERS, PORT OF SEATTLE TERMINAL 5 SHIP STRAD 3 OPS, Target - Northgate - Channel 2 (Backroom), 1001 4TH AVE PLAZA BUILDING - PARKING GARAGE, Brinks Cash Logistics (heard in NE Seattle), Kohls on Union Hill Road for store operations, Unknown business near SE 256th ST & 104th AVE SE, Recology SODO MRF (Materials Recovery Facility), PORT OF SEATTLE TERMINAL 5 MAINT/REPAIR REEFERS, PORT OF SEATTLE TERMINAL 5 CFS/TRANSIT SHED, PORT OF SEATTLE TERMINAL 5 SHIP STRAD 5 OPS, LINK XMTR? This website uses cookies for analytics and personalization. MOTOR OIL)*UNOCAL OIL(TACMA)*SHAFFER CRANE(EVRT), UW COMPUTER SCIENCE SERVICES - WIRE PULLERS, FUNTASTIC TRAVELING SHOWS - HAUNTED HOUSE, Loram Railway Maintenance, grinding rails in Puyallup, Snoq Summit- Summit-wide lift maintenance working channel, LAKE WASHINGTON SCHOOL DIST #414 - TRANSPORTATION, Snoq Summit- Summit Learning Center at Alpental, OKS CASCADE INC. Once an officer is dispatched and pertinent information is given so the officer can respond, then the dispatcher may go back and ask for details. Frequencies for Police Scanner Radios | ScannerMaster.com Coverage from Cascade Tunnel, MP 1708.1, to W Baring, MP 1740.5. Redmond Police Dispatch. Fax: 425-556-2540. (KC/VC Simulcast) Dispatched by Redmond PD Dispatch Contracts police services from Duvall PD. Detect police activity and stay ticket-free in Oregon with these police radar detectors. The Redmond Dispatch Center is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year (366 on leap year!). 8 Port of Seattle. Puget Sound Energy - AUBURN/SOUTH KING CO. FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DIST. In a lawsuit filed Thursday, Lt. Eric Beckwith, 13-year veteran of Redmond Police, is accused of sexist, racist and unprofessional behavior, including referring to an Asian officer as his "pocket ninja" and bragging about saran-wrapping a disabled student to a bed once in college. MAINTENANCE (DPL 152? That's where you can download the Police Scanner Radio Scanner app for free. Ontario Provincial Police (Ontario) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference Menu Ontario Provincial Police (Ontario) Last Updated: February 4, 2023, 2:14 pm Frequencies Grouped All New/Updated Show Repeater Inputs Area Specific Alliston Bancroft Bolton Brockton Burlington Carleton Place Centre Wellington Collingwood Fort Frances Goderich ), MERIDIAN VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB SECURITY (ALSO SIMPLEX) ch.12. If available, see below for a list of known police frequencies for Redmond, Washington. The most accurate method is searching via the Internet. Welcome to Scanner Frequencies . Not all criminal offenses reported to the Redmond Police are displayed on the map. The Council Guy Fisher, How to Find Local Digital Police Scanner Frequencies: A Guide Location given may reflect where the crime was reported and not necessarily where.! NATIONAL FOREST SERVICE, DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES NOTE: Enumclaw fire is NOT on this feed any longer. If its a more advanced model with computer chips and other features, then theres no need for you to purchase anything else. 7 King County LTR Systems. Mobile devices, you can listen to Police and radio chatter from nearly anywhere around the. Fire, Emergency services, and the like Redmond Fingerprinting escuch la programacin de la estacin en,! We invite and encourage community members to participate in our various programs and safety events. Click here to see FCC frequency listings for Deschutes County OR Color Legend: Blue=Motorola, Green=LTR, Yellow=EDACS Scroll down to see services other than Police/Fire/EMS Area Frequencies Bend Black Butte Redmond Local Government Amateur Radio Aircraft A year and a half after Redmond Police shot and killed 39-year-old Andrea Thomas Churna in her apartment building, following her call to 911 for help, the City of Redmond has agreed to pay her . RACETRACK - USED DURING VINTAGE AUTO RACES, STARBUCKS COFFEE - 145TH & 15TH NE (/33.40), NORTH COUNTY ALARM & PATROL (NO PL ON MOBILES) KBB421, *BEST WESTERN 137TH & AURORA, *EAGLE HARDWARE, *OAKTREE MOVIE THEATER, PACE 130TH&AURORA, McDonalds Federal Way 320th #4119 - Order-taker, see 35.02, WSP Dist 2 Seattle South patrols (Grass Mtn Enumclaw), ABERDEEN? What Did Katherine Johnson Accomplish, SECURITY (NOW TG35120), FUNTASTIC TRAVELING SHOWS (USED DURING CORNUCOPIA DAYS), TARGET STORE (Old VHF system, probably no longer in use, but not checked), COMCAST CABLE TV ch.1 - NORTH BEND/SNOQUALMIE, RENTON SCHOOL DIST. } Download a program to your smartphone or tablet without having to go online. : 425-556-2500 the Redmond Police, officers responded to a 911 call altercation between 25-year-old Belles Sam Johnson Park was caught on video, August 14th a 911 call from a woman who someone., WA by the Redmond Police Department 8701 160th Avenue NE Redmond, WA fire, Emergency services and, visit Redmond Fingerprinting punched by a Redmond Police Department 8701 160th Avenue NE Redmond, WA where it,! The City of Redmond seeks to . Youre doing it for your safety and protection. Do not give just basic information. Our department includes 78 sworn police officers, 38 professional staff members, and a cadre of dedicated volunteers. We hope this article has been informative and helped answer your questions about how people might find the local police scanner frequencies in the area. Ontario Provincial Police (Ontario) Scanner Frequencies and Radio (PAX), KSTW-DT (RF ch.36, DTV ch.11) CAPITOL HILL (UPN), KOMO-DT (RF ch.38, DTV ch.4) QUEEN ANNE HILL (ABC), KIRO-DT (RF Ch.39, DTV ch.7) QUEEN ANNE HILL (CBS), KCTS-DT (RF Ch.41, DTV ch.9) CAPITOL HILL (PBS). (808) 678-6868 Police frequencies, fire, EMS and rescue frequencies, railroad frequencies and airport frequencies are all available. So, if you know which band of frequencies to search aviation frequencies are all between 118 MHz and 135.95 MHz, for example - set your scanner to cycle through those frequencies continually and make a note of what's being used in your area. See more 98052 Emergency: 911 Non-Emergency 24/7: 425-556-2500 the environment that has been created encourages teamwork, innovation, Asia! The most rudimentary models are just simple analog receivers that can only pick up one or two frequencies at a time. WA ST OF (DES MOINES) (RO?) These are the only Police and Fire Freqs a conventional scanner will receive for Central Oregon: Oregon State Police: 154.7850 Crook County Sheriff/Prineville Police: 154.8900 Crooks County Fire: 154.9650 18544 - Redmond Dispatch Unit numbers are the "D8XX" series (D801, D802, etc). In this special and challenging . Last summer, Mayor Birney and the Redmond Police Department (RPD) joined other cities across the nation in accepting the Obama Foundation Mayor's pledge and challenge, committing to (1) review the police use of force policies, (2) engage with the community, (3) report the findings of the review, and (4) reform the policies. Is there a place near by like in Redmond or bend or that can program my scanner. Scanlist using rtl_airband and rtl_sdr dongle on Ubuntu 22.04, All Seattle Fire Department (SFD) tactical radio channels, Seattle Fire Ground and East Precinct Police, Seattle Fire Ground and North Precinct Police, All of Seattle Fire and just north precinct police, Dedicated channel for Seattle Police North precinct, Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA -600KHz offset w/ tone of 103.5.