Return of the Jedi. for fans of Star Wars. Pre-order the , Wars: Return of the Jedi 40th Anniversary Pops! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Note: the audio in the deleted scene just had some guy off-camera reading the Emperors lines; I was about to scrap it because of that, but I found that there is actually a recording of Ian McDiarmid saying the lines! Star Wars - Return of the Jedi: Possessed | Forums Cut the second time Luke says Lando. Perhaps the next scene "Move the fleet to the far side of endor" could now be moved to the place where the Emperor arrival scene originally was? Its more of a surprise, and thats the end of it. Darthrush has turned the black sheep of the original trilogy into a masterpiece on par with the other two movies. This fanedit improves Return of the Jedi by mercilessly trimming down the Ewoks, streamlining the third act in addition to a reassortment of the scene order, improving Han's character and chopping out all of the goofy/distracting moments of the movie. Its now a darker ending to the star wars trilogy. Parent company is Walt Disney Studios. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi - The edit does present various really good solutions to some of the superficial problems plaguing the movie - or, in other words, a lot of the fat is trimmed and the experience is a more enjoyable for it. Removed the beak from the sarlacc. Removed Obi-Wans line, "from a certain point of view. Man, I hate that line. Having satiated my restlessness with the Star Wars prequels, I wanted to put together a custom 'Special Edition' of the original trilogy to place on my shelf alongside the original, theatrical versions (currently represented by Harmy's Despecialized Editions). Funko Fair 2023: Calling all STAR WARS fans! This fan edit trims the final installment of the Star Wars saga into a more economical, focused chapter by removing as much as possible from story elements that dont support the primary narrative of Lukes journey to redeem his father. Star Wars Fan Edits and Other Projects - Original Trilogy I will say, however, unlike Adywan, I will not be putting Yub-Nub back in to ROTJ sorry, not sorry. I have no idea where to begin with this one, as I have no knowledge on how to do this. Now, this slickly edited version of the explosive end for the evil Galactic Empire in the Battle of Endor, as depicted in 1983's Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, gives us a. April 2020 Donation Drive Update & PrizeAnnouncement! The worst SE additions have been removed, while the ones which are fine or enhance the film are left in. Return. Of. The. Jedi. Despecialized. Edition. V 2.5. Deleted Scenes What with the Yoda and the Han and that Leia costume. I would someday like to replace this footage. Ive always thought that Han sounded childish calling Jabba a slimy piece of worm-ridden filth. So I took it out and replaced it with something more adult. . was originally created and run by boon23. I replaced all the sound effects (fireworks, cheering, etc.) A hybrid cut of Return of the Jedi using the Blu-Ray release and Harmy's Despecialized Edition (in AVCHD). 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' Fan Edit Gives the Saga the Epic Really interested in how the audio plays out. HOW it should've been. Im trying to figure out how to get surround working in my editor, but its a work-in-progress (as is this project)! It means that, if you can look past its technical flaws (namely the fact that I dont know how to do much in the special effects department), then its a fun watch. I certainly like the nostalgia of the unaltered films, but its not for my fanedit. Star Wars Doubles Down On Lucas' ROTJ Boba Fett Change - ScreenRant (Secondary source is the OTD version of ROTJ, partially restored to the theatrical version.). Return of the Jedi with the Vader/Luke in a cave deleted scene put back in. I like that she just has this short of shock on her face. When the Death Star fires, I made it sound cooler. Because in the original film, Luke goes to Degobah, they go in different directions; however, that has changed in my fanedit. Several brief cuts between C-3PO and Jabba and his minions. If the following strikes you as esoteric, I invite you to peruse the forums of Looking forward, fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Episode VIII in the saga, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which premieres on December 15 and features the return of Mark Hamill as Luke. An illustration of a magnifying glass. . The difference with such a project is that, I admit, not all of the changes made here are flawless. I slowed it down a little so that the laser beams begin to line up before the primary ignition is fired. Copyright 2023 Moved the scene of the Emperor arriving on the Death Star. video. Slowed down the newly added Yoda line, and it sounds SO much better. Everything was really great! on February 6, 2021. Its a very long process though. While I did release an AVCHD 720p version all the footage was upconverted from SD. Review by Christian Scott Back April 9, 2011 @ 6:45 am, Star Wars - Episode VI: Return of the Jedi: Dan Edit, Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi. I need some help trying to make it blend with the rest of Yodas lines. This turned out pretty neat but is definitely not as seamless as Id like it to look. SOURCES: Disney+ version (with color correction) Despecialized edition. but still would like feedback on the list of changes. The humor in this film has been pruned, though a great deal of humor has been retained. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 40th Anniversary Funko Pops! - Star Wars Darthrush has truly done god's work here. I put it at this point in the movie to separate the time it would take for Luke to arrive on Tatooine. It was a five second shot that didnt really need to happen. To be honest, I never had a problem with this scene but apparently some people did. And I dislike this movie. The issue will be written by Stephanie Phillips, illustrated by lvaro Lpez, and published by Marvel Comics on May 3, 2023 . New title crawl. I think it helps pick up the speed a bit. For more information, please see our Finally mention in there that a new Death Star is under construction. The changes made to his character in this edit are intended to allow him to remain somewhat threatening, at least up until Kylo Ren takes over as Supreme Leader toward the end. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Episode VI) Rating: PG. Literally any shot that someone could say, Aww, theyre so cute, has been cut out. This Return of the Jedi fan edit might be the ultimate version, still waiting on that download link pretty please. Trimmed the shield generator explosion. The music that accompanies it serves as a beautiful close to the series. Obviously, Adywan has powers and access to tools that few of us have. Regarding Vader's added "Noooo" at the end of ROTJ, I knew this would be a topic of conversation. George Lucas made some changes and additions to Boba Fett's storyline in Return of the Jedi's Special Edition, and Star Wars is now supporting them. Over-saturated . 61,237 members have started 23,064 topics with 1,144,025 posts since March 10, 2003. I dont think anyone will complain about this change. Star Wars Weekends - Wikipedia Funko Fair 2023: Calling all STAR WARS fans! . Fan Casting Paul Brooke as Malakili in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Thanks a lot. Heavy Star Wars takes the existing action and adventure, trimming away unnecessary story/action/bad acting, and replaces the soundtrack with Rock music! So, going back to the original film, I didnt really like the family photo feel for the final shot of ROTJ, so I replaced it. 4/5: Adywan All of the crazy contraptions and methods they use to attack the Imperial armies on Endor have been stripped out. The closest Ive found to what I liked was The Spence Edit. Its an older fanedit, but its pretty well done and really helps move ROTJ along. While Q2's edit doesn't replace the original, it's a fine complement. Return of the Jedi - Lando 1 | Wookieepedia | Fandom Based in Brooklyn, New York, New York Times bestselling author Charles Soule is a writer of novels (graphic and otherwise), comics, screenplays and stories of all types. I went ahead and removed Vader's telepathic convo with Luke based on the re-shuffling of the Emperor's Arrival scene to be earlier, as you recommended. I first learned about this line with the release of the long-lost Laserdisc footage] that was recovered awhile back! The Death Star prepares to fire on Endor per Jerjerrod, but falls short. I wanted the revelation of Leia as Lukes sister to be a little more of a mystery (especially now that Ive moved this scene so early into the film). He drives me insane. Originally, I included Vader talking to Luke through the Force, but it didnt flow as well as I would have liked. Pre-order the Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 40th Anniversary Pops! STAR. "What the Special Editions should have been!". Disintegrated protocol droid is still there, however. I personally would have liked to see another nip or two (looking at you blinks), these are minor quibbles. Im thinking about something like this. When reading the cutlist, I did expect an improvement, but just a milder one. Star Wars - Return of the Jedi - The Dan Edit: Daneditor: LINK: Upscaled: 28/08/2022: The Phantom Menace: Lone Gungan Edition: Daneditor: LINK: Upscaled: 29/08/2022: P2 - A . Explaining Every Edit in My "Revenge of the Sith Extended Edition" Fan I had to cut the scene into three parts to have it flow properly: Its neat to see the thought process behind Jerjerrod making the decision to destroy his own troops, but I can understand why they took it out to begin with. Then when Obi-Wan appears, cut the line "Why didn't you tell me" because we now know why. Maybe even both jump to lightspeed. I'll give it another shot and see how I like it. [12] 1983: In May, Return of the Jedi was theatrically released. Sorry Im late in sharing this from Facebook, I missed it! Most are in chronological order. With that said, thank you to everyone here. I havent decided on if its done well enough here. The five second scene where a bunch of Banthas are walking through the desert. I've left the special edition mostly intact, and have only changed the most grievous of alterations to the Blu-Ray release. I have always really liked this scene and would love to keep it. That said, again I wish I knew how to restore footage, because there are SO MANY SCRATCHES AND HAIRS on the film that make it look out of place when compared to the pristine Blu-ray footage just a scene beforehand. STAR WARS Return of the Jedi- Qui-Gon Jinn Force Ghost Edit PM me for further details. After seeing the Force Awakens teaser trailer I had a renewed interest in the OT (I've come to the conclusion that the PT is beyond saving for me). Well done! / Sign up for Verge Deals to get deals on products we've tested sent to your inbox daily. I don't see why it should be removed. Empire has begun rebuilding its You can donate to the supply fund for Adywan's continued work on this project by donating via Paypal using using the button below. for of . Cookie Notice Star Wars Club Join New Post. I honestly don't remember downloading it and don't think I ever watched it. Please consider releasing a version WITH the Rancor and WITHOUT the 'Nooooo' in it. All Rights Reserved. The Mandalorian season 3: Mando, Baby Yoda return for Star Wars comfort Already know you that which you need." Luke answers, "Then I am a Jedi." Yoda replies, "Oh! Thanks for the suggestions. Return of the Jedi: Dan Edit | Page 4 | Forums The first hour feels largely unnecessary, with the bloated Jabbas palace sequence feeling like filler, and then of course, theres the infamous Ewoks. 1. Replaced celebration music with the ending of the Luke and Leia" theme. As Wedge & Lando begin to attack the power generator, the Death Star prepares to fire at Endor on Jerjerrods orders, but fails upon its destruction. I'm surprised the rancor scene resonates with people so much (certainly more than it did with me). there is actually a recording of Ian McDiarmid saying the lines! It is not for sale, and no one can ever make money on it. The only curse words in all of Star Wars (that I remember) were in A New Hope, so Ive added one here and made Han step up his game. This is my go-to version of RotJ. With that said, I really which it was higher quality, because it doesnt look that great with all the film grain and scratches. looking fwd to seeing this! My work on The Ziggy Edit of Return of the Jedi is something Ive wanted to do for a long time and Im so glad I get to share my progress on it with each of you. This is something I think should have been done a long time ago. Leia talks about memories with her mother and the cheesy ending remains (with Sebastian Shaw's ghost). When it comes to the Star Wars movies, I consider episodes 4 and 5 to be nearly untouchable masterpieces. ultimate weapon, the DEATH Good call on that. Removed anything that make the Ewoks appear "cute. I wish I could do more here, but I can only work within my means. There has been some debate as to whether this is still canon, but it absolutely was (and may still be) that Anakin did, in fact, become one with the Force following his death and that, in the funeral pyre scene, it is only Vaders armor that Luke burns. Luke cave scene, through escape from Tatooine. Not a whole lot, but little things to escalate the tension between Jabba, Leia, Luke, etc. I just wanted to get this scene over with and get to un-freezing Han. Most of the subtitles are the same. LUCASFILM - 321 Photos & 20 Reviews - 1 Letterman Dr, San - Yelp Copyright 2022 was originally created and run by boon23. While its valuable in that it shows these two characters reconnecting for the first time since The Empire Strikes Back, it really slows things down. As I mentioned above, this is a conceptual fanedit. Maybe some equalizing or audio filters or something. If there's enough interest in keeping it, maybe I'll just do both. Re-cut Han & Landos farewell. Only thing I'd change is slow down the video/audio when Yoda says "Obi-Wan wouldve told you long ago had I let him." Just listen to how awesome this is it is the classic Force theme, played more grand and beautiful than ever played in the entire saga. I did not want to edit this. What a costume. Star Wars: Abridged is meant to tell the Skywalker saga as succinctly as possible, taking all nine films and cutting them down to three. I also added Sebastian Shaw at the end, although Im not anti-Hayden Christensen and wouldnt mind him being there either. You must log in or register to reply here. The primary audio source is the 1997 Special Edition theatrical DTS audio. MAIN EDITS: Shorter Jabba fiasco (less cheese); less ewok cheesiness; no cheesy celebration or young Anakin force ghost at end; ended movie at older Anakin's funeral pyre. This is a list of nearly everything I've altered in my fanedit of Return of the Jedi. As a result, ROTJ has been something Ive wanted to see a good fanedit of for a long time. Faneditor Name: Q2 Original Movie Title: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi Genre: Science Fiction Franchise: Star Wars Fanedit Type: Special Projects Original Release Date: 1983 Original Running Time: 135 Fanedit Release Date: July 2012 Fanedit Running Time: 135 Available in HD? I don't have a favorite song, a favorite book, a. But you know what I love even more? To remove the most offensive elements of the SE and try different improvements than what LFL made. Ive always thought the classic Death Star Motif should be used in conjunction with the Death Star. Return of the Jedi - Emperor Palpatine 1 | Wookieepedia | Fandom As always, comments and suggestions are welcomed. Star Wars is a difficult franchise to love these days. Faneditor Name: darthrush Original Movie Title: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi Genre: Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction Franchise: Star Wars Fanedit Type: FanFix Original Release Date: 1983 Original Running Time: 136 Fanedit Release Date: February 2017 Fanedit Running Time: 118 Time Cut: 18 Available in HD? Put a Ring On It (A New Hope, Return of the Jedi). Ive left the actual Rebel reunion scene in silence however, which I think is actually a little more powerful. Most of this is accomplished and done well. Seems like there are some great ideas here. A casual fan may not have even noticed that anything changed, which in this case is a sign of a good edit. Years before fans said George Lucas ruined Star Wars with The Phantom Menace, they were berating him for ruining Star Wars in a whole different way with Special Editions of Episodes IV, V, and VI that infamously added unnecessary CGI, changed dialogue, and reworked entire scenes. The pan up into the stars at the end of the film doesnt look all that great. I hate that whole conversation. I don't know why any of my edits are not listed in the main Fanedit list, but still. Donation Drive Update and New ANH:R HDClip. It is the third in a series of radio dramatizations of the original Star Wars trilogy. It also helps to keep things flowing along in an otherwise slow intro. conflicted Luke Skywalker has I'll have a copy uploaded later this week of the project in its current state, but I'll be uploading a final copy once the project is closer to completion (following everyone's input). Instead, I took the pan up from the Vader funeral pyre scene, and Photoshopped it to remove the fireworks and blend the sky with the stars found in the end credits. I decided to watch RotJ, which like many folks, has always felt like a let down and a missed opportunity. Not a whole lot to say here, other than it seemed childish. Not every cringe moment is cut (kind of depends on how much you like Boba Fett) but enough of them to be a major improvement. If you want something more radical, go to Spencebut if you want a version of ROTJ that is both good and true to the original film, I recommend. RETURN OF A NEW EMPIRE: A Star Wars Fan Film - YouTube During this time, Lukes friends I was hoping mostly that the Ewoks had been cut down quite considerably, but unfortunately not as much as I'd hoped. Feminist criticism explained through Return Of The Jedi Removed the reunion scene between Han and Chewie. I won't go into them in detail as I'm not an editor and they've been well documented by the other reviewers. What with the Yoda and the Han and that Leia costume. Watch on Adywan is now working on finishing his hugely ambitious edit of The Empire Strikes Back before moving on to Return of The Jedi and finally going back and releasing an 720p version of A New Hope Revisited (HD ANH only became available 80% of the way into his edit).