Some things will not add up completely. Top 10 Funny Harry Potter Fanfiction - HobbyLark Site: [][140184595283024:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 35 | Words: 413,689 | Reviews: 2,156 | Favs: 2,706 | Follows: 1,096 | Updated: 6/9/2009 | Published: 1/3/2004 | Status: Complete | id: 1670793 | Language: English | Genre: Romance/Humor | Characters: Draco M., Harry P. | Download: [EPUB][140184595283024:epub] or [MOBI][140184595283024:mobi] [140184595283024:site]: [140184595283024:epub]: [140184595283024:mobi]: Harry cried out and tried to wiggle away, but Snape held fast. Snape then pulled on the onsie and brought Harry up to him and began to pat his bottom to calm him down. Abuse. Snape raised his hand again and brought it down hard as ever. He has some of the greatest quotes in the series, and while some reflect his dry sense of humor, others reflect the depth of his character. Dramatic Music rocks. Dumbledore urges Snape to look after Harry after witnessing the Go brush your teeth now and you can sleep in my room if you want to. "All Harry did was huff if they thought snape was going to change his diapers they had another thing coming to them. 3. Snape grabbed Harry's hands and pulled them out of the way. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Snape sighed but called for a house elf to take the bowls away. Back in Diapers Chapter 4: Back in diapers, a harry potter fanfic He will save you. Harry whimpered and started fidgeting. Silent tears running down his face he just sat there. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He went back to sleep with the comfort of Snape's smell close to him. [4]: "Fork me on GitHub" [5]: "The maintainer". He placed a blanket around Harry and went to get a fever reducing potion and a pain relieving potion as well as some water. A repost, not orphaned this time so it can live in this collection! Snape tries to do the self-soothing thing so Harry can sleep by himself, but all that leads to is a night full of Harry calling out for "'Nape" and Snape eventually losing the battle. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Crossdressing Harry Potter - Works | Archive of Our Own Severus reached for his wand to change the channel on the telly. "Like you've done anything else all day", said Snape and rolled his eyes. The "realistic but still fun" option would be Harry being reluctant to try wearing dresses, being talked into it by someone like Hermione, then exploring his feelings about it, whatever those might be, and perhaps in the long term coming to wear them of his own accord. Harry loves his life with Daddy. Harry gulped and Snape forced down the urge to bite the bobbing adam's apple, to nibble it until bruised and clear for everyone to see. I am new to this website and is looking for beta writers. The consequence being its harder for him to use it when he wants to. He was pleased to find it was not. In the middle of the night Harry woke up. After a while Severus heard Harry give a whine and a small sob. Snape cast a temperature checking charm. So I went into this fic hopeful. In some fics, Harry just immediately starts wearing dresses as if dresses came part and parcel with a female body. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! A Switched Chance (WL 116,174; Updated Jan 2015); HE & the Spiral Path (sort of?) It wasn't time for that yet. She Resisted the urge to comment on 'his' new, and strangely alluring, fast hourglass figure. Harry got out of the shower after 20 minutes and dried himself off with a towel. A/N: Enjoy. Help her complete her quest. The war's over. Snape tries to do the self-soothing thing so Harry can sleep by himself, but all that leads to is a night full of Harry calling out for "'Nape" and Snape eventually losing the battle. He then undid the tapes of the nappy. Severus squatted before him. Hey I'm looking for any fics that have Harry wearing and using diapers/nappies. So can you drink your milk?" Days after Harry welcomed their daughter into the world Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginerva, Draco, Tom, Snape, Narcissa, Lucius, and Bellatrix are all stuck in Potter Manor for 2 days because of anti-apparation and anti-portkey wards, as well as wards that don't allow them to use harmful magic. An airport with destinations and new beginnings. Years of being the 'freak'. I be good! "I know kiddo", said Snape. Louis still remembers them as if it was just minutes ago that they bumped into each other. Eliezer Yudkowsky (Goodreads Author) 4.39 avg rating 16,164 ratings. In other fics, Harry will refuse to even consider trying them. Planning a Trip to Harry Potter World Universal Orlando 2023 - Harry Snape gave a brief smile, looking down at the boy with hidden fondness. Or, where Louis, a psychologist, uses his knowledge and skills he learned at Cambridge University for his own benefit. Accidents Will Happen, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Did you have a bad dream?. He continued to hold Harry's cheek and waited until the child had gathered his nerve and gave a small nod. He would need some stuff suitable for Harry. "Let's go to the toilet." What happens when abuse goes to far? Harry refused, so Snape muttered, "A periam os tuum." Harry's mouth was forced open and stayed open as the professor poured both potions down his throat. So he is going to be coming with me. He had a grand idea for how to carry out this study, and he couldn't wait to put it into action. Do you understand?" A list of do's and don'ts of query letter writing along with examples. !!!!! Harry Potter fanfic: Snape is ordered to raise Harry ;). Warning: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, BDSM, MPreg, Character Death Madam Pomfrey had already made a house call, filling him in on what Tonks was likely to have to do to help him get back to his real body. Our journey starts with the current head of the family as she battles Arceus. Romance: (Pair TBD) - To Be Determined. Vampires are people too. Harry Potter and Snape's Ticklish Detention - DeviantArt You are a baby now. "Do you have your night time underwear on?" Thus the sex change - supposedly the plot of the story - takes the backstage to the same angsty, hurt/comfort, overwrought armchair psychology drama that we've seen in a thousand fics before. Preferably complete and definitely slash, although I don't mind who with :-) Thanks . Which Harry should find both exciting and uncomfortable. Severus is there to take care of the two idiots. "Open wide, Potter", Snape said with an evil grin. "Have you been to the toilet?" Snape handed him the second vial and then the water. At least his practical grades are improving with how much hes been using magic intentionally (minus potions of course). Come over to me. His reaction? Harry's eyes widened with fright. Thread recommendations using linksub(thread_id)! I remember him being very annoyed about how cutesy the clothes are. The next time Severus glances at Harry, the boy had fallen asleep. I woke up and daddy wasnt there holding me. Harry whimpered. It was terrifying. Soon they arrived at Snapes quarters. "Insubordination, Miss Granger." Snape added. It is O.W.L. Now wait for me while I prepare your formula. 6. He entered Severus bedroom and climbed into bed beside him. "Drink this and most of the pain will go away." But true love knows many guises. Just A Normal Day, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Spinoff of Babytan and Misadventures. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. There is mention of clothing with a Panda on: Suddenly Harry made an impatient mmm-ing sound. Harry continued to sob. With his Pichu by his side, he won't' let anyone see how much they are hurting him. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Until fate creates one for him! He was lowered and buckled into the chair. by. Harry was nervous about this, but he was also very brave, which is good. "My friend will come in a minute," the boy says. Tom watched Harrys hands twitch against his bag, and his shoulders hunch ever so slightly, he knew the younger was nervous. Is there a single-word adjective for "having exceptionally strong moral principles"? Harry asked his new brother Ron and his sister Hermione as they stood outside their bedroom doors in their pajamas as instructed by Snape to do. The visitor, I'm sorry it took me so long to upload this chapter. Snape sat him down on a small love seat and said stay. He then laid down the spoon once more and leaned back on the couch. Harry asked as he closed his eyes in frustration. linkffn(The Perfect Girl). This is the poll for the [ANNOUNCEMENT] on 10 / 26. He got harry and set him on the carpet all while saying it is over now. He's coming with me. Soon he was asleep with his thumb between his lips. Snape eventually has to go back to teaching with Harry in tow and proves that yes, he is still a scary teacher even with a cute little baby hanging around (this happens after Harry embarrasses him). When Harry has another infraction in Severus's room, Severus decides to take Harry back to the age to learn manners, discipline, and to start again. Hunting season has just begun and Draco Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy line, starts his relentless pursuit of the perfect bride with high qualifications. He hadn't had a nightmare. He then heard crying and went after the kid to comfort him. The last was especially painful. He screamed then grabbed his jeans from the night before, absentmindedly comparing 'his' to what he had seen of Tonks's: 'he' had more hair down there than she had had. They then walked back into the dining room, both leaning their heads into each other. "You have a fever and most probably the flue." Dumbledore does nothing. He hadn't wanted to be Harry Potter anymore. He walked in and bought a crib, a bottle, some slytherin onsies, some napkins, a sippy cup, a dummy, jars of baby food, some little spoons, formula, a pair of tennis shoes, socks, shorts, t-shirts, and a stuffed blue and green bear. flag. Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? Harry looked in disdain at the grinning cartoon snake on the front of the diaper. The first adventure of Lemuel Gulliver on the island of Lilli. Face against his chest and legs on either sides of his lap. "Is there a problem?" I found it interesting. "I'm not sleepy." By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Warnings! Not only does that rob the reader of a lot of the fun of the genre, it's also not very realistic. let read about harry potter in diaper you know you what to, Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The boys accept it since Harrys always quirky, but his boyfriend Louis notices and takes care of Harry. Why didn't Snape work out Voldemort had Horcruxes? Lucius Malfoy low-key doesn't want Voldemort to return. You are sent to a school where anything can happen, Spiritual perception, new light on chakras. Harry Potter Fanfiction Harry Wears Diaperslet read about harry potter Snape held out the night time underwear for Harry to step in. ), fanfic cliches used and/or twisted. I intend to take every decision away from him and make his life an absolute hell. "Good boy, Harry!" Includes very detailed caretaking, ABDL, mild dom and sub, restraints, diapers and toilet, urination and defecation, nonsexual breastfeeding, medical conditions and brain damage, fluff that is wrong on so many levels, total dependence, over attachment, comic violence and best friendship. Harry didn't answer though, he only gasped as a painful spasm ran through his bladder, causing him to clutch himself tightly and squirm even more heavily to stop from losing it all. His nose was running and sand was sticking to his entire face, matted on his tongue. "What are those?", Harry asked. "Harry, you know that you cannot say no to me. By the narrator! There are seven total "Harry Potter" books. What happens when Harry decides to play, changing things in the process? Crossdressing Harry Potter. A thrilling short story of a mother, her daughter, and an old teddy bear. "But you need to eat something nevertheless.". Harry has enough of the abuse at the Dursleys and finally leaves, but what happens when a strange man pops in and tells him he is the youngest son of the Malfoy family. He pointed his finger He sneaked into Snape's bedroom and got Mimi and then went into the living room and turned on the telly. I did my best to piece together a class schedule and fourth year timeline based on both other fans interpretations and real world dates etc. Finding it leads him down the road of realizing he isn't who he's always thought he was. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? "I'm not hungry", Harry said stubbornly. The title is a gag because this is going to be a serious story. Instead of an interesting mix of curiosity, shame, embarrassment, secret enjoyment, etc, we get a complete emotional breakdown. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. So after his third year, after finding out he could have had a loving family all along and was still given away to be tortured and feared for his life. Are you speechless when you stare at that little reviewing box? This work could have adult content. Draco has a lovely little kitty called Harry. Harry be good! If you keep your eyes open, you will find it. "Of course," Harry shifted the child to his hip as he rummaged around the things he had bought the previous day. Harry Potter: 10 Best Severus Snape Quotes From The Entire Series Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor. He held him with one arm under his bum and stroked circles on his back with the other as he carried the kid to the bathroom. "Your bum is actually less cute than when you were a boy. Bubbles, blowjobs, mystery and something rotten in the place of Grimmauld. That's where Snape found him a few hours later. Snape set the bowls of soup on the table and Harry looked defiant at him behind his thumb. Follows very closely to the original book canon with a few exceptions.Update 3/5/2022: I am updating the chapters a bit to fix issues and improve on some of the writing. Snape turned to him and raised an eyebrow. Hematology practices struggling with their revenue cycle management. Follow Harry as he makes his way through a brand new school and how he learns to accept his classification with the help of his Daddy and Papa and big brother Draco to help! Snape sighed and returned to his reading. It's the stranger who ran into him a few days ago and he still looks gorgeous. You are myson. Silent tears running down his face he just sat there. at a white shirt with black sleeves and a big smiling panda on the Advertise your own items in our BidClick System for pennies per click! No one thought of this? You just have to face the facts. Personally I'm a translady and I'll admit I do find it entertaining to see people thrown into random situations like this. Harry writhed at his touch but soon relaxed into the strong hold. Use this form as a request to join RAOK to help eligible WdC members with their upgrades. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (17), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types (2), Harry Potter/Original Male Character(s) (3), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley (2), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s) (2), Suffering Ends With Harry: A HEYS Rewrite, Harry Potter/Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby, Harry Potter/Jeffrey Woods | Jeff The Killer, Harry Potter/Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Jeffrey Woods | Jeff The Killer, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Brian Thomas | Hoody/Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Brian Thomas | Hoody, BEN (BEN Drowned)/Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby, Brian Thomas | Hoody/Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Eyeless Jack/Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer/Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Eyeless Jack/Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer, BEN (BEN Drowned)/Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer, BEN (Ben Drowned)/Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Eyeless Jack/Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Suffering Ends with Harry: A HEYS rewrite, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Inappropriate Use of Wandless Magic (Harry Potter), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, Work In Progress (years abandoned doesn't mean hiatus).