In fact, none of us knew that we weren't supposed to be on it for longer than A certain amount of time yet we also all know that these doctors push it and push it and when you're done with the opioid addiction they push it some more with "pain control." Very quickly did we learn that it was a lie. My mother didnt ask for any of this. Well imagine my surprise when I find out that this crisis of mine is actually a nationwide epidemic. Prior to starting suboxone I never even had cavities. I can't say that I regret taking Suboxone because it truly saved my life. I now have had to have all top teeth pulled and now I have a denture in place. Although Im sure there are some hot shot lawyers I cant afford to save my life to find a way around it. To help FDA track safety issues with medicines, we urge patients and health care professionals to report side effects involving buprenorphine or other medicines to the FDA MedWatch program, using the information in the Contact FDA box at the bottom of the page. No withdrawals! I don't know what I'm going to do. I was never warned. Likely [Show More]I had a full set of X-rays taken about 6 months apart (changed dentists and insurance) and started Suboxone (Belbuca) right around the first set of X-rays. Toothache here and there and I hate 2 root canals didnt think anything of it. I only have 7 left on the bottom and I keep infection. So much I had even told my husband that I didn't understand why 4 yrs after addiction my teeth were going to sh!t but not during addiction and that I must finally be paying for all that I had done before.Over the past several months I have been going through the process of getting all my teeth removed. I have four teeth remaining on my lowers, and they are also beyond repair. Now I stuck at 32 with no teeth and cant afford to get them fix. I've been on Suboxone since 2009 my teeth cause me great pain physically and mentally, it's caused break ups depression social anxiety, I never touched crack or anything that would cause this problem, what do I do? Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. Then fight to get. In and out of rehabs nothing really worked for me until Suboxone. So anyone saying just brush your teeth bro needs to get out. In 10 years I've never once had a medical provider tell me about the potential dental problems caused by this medication. I have dentures of course but I'm 45. Some cases specifically mentioned involvement of 11 to 12 or more teeth, as well as all teeth in 11 cases. Patients taking the drug should also make sure to have regular dental checkups while taking buprenorphine and to notify their doctor and dentist immediately if they experience problems with their teeth and gums. Ive been taking suboxone for like 14 yrs and never was told about the effect on my teeth. Two cracked and one in the FRONT, popped out and caught it in my hand. These serious dental problems have been reported even in patients with no history of dental issues, so refer them to a dentist as soon as possible after starting transmucosal buprenorphine. I feel like I'm wearing those vampire teeth we used to play with as kids. Then fill out their form, which they won't respond to, but it is the only way they track these "adverse effect" Then report if you are clinically depressed from losing your teeth and your looks. My teeth are literally breaking off, crumbling and rotting! I don't know what I'm going to do. At the very least Big Pharma should be paying for all of our dental care. I need help. My teeth are literally breaking off, crumbling and rotting! Nearly all of my once perfect teeth have cavities that the dentists won't even work on due to the damage done by the buprenorphine. Lawyers review cases nationwide. After getting on subs with in the first 2 years my teeth literally was starting to crumble. Smoking and chewing tobacco are two of the most common causes. My husband is a disabled vetera[Show More]I filled out the paperwork for the lawsuit. I already suffered with major depression before my teeth were destroyed and now it's substantially worse. The constant agony. I never had a single cavity until age 39, and Im only 45. This medication that was supposed to help me get off painkillers due to car accidents, has done nothing but ruin my life and take the one thing that was most important to me, my teeth. Im a vet tech and I do not make even close to enough to cover that. I even tried mitigating the problem with prescription dry mouth gel once I realized what was happening, no help. I would appreciate help holding someone responsible for this. Someone should be responsible for the damage, bc we can not afford to fix our teeth properly. Unfortunately this is the only dental care that is even remotely affordable. An official website of the United States government. I lost 3 teeth. Reported events include cavities/tooth decay, including rampant caries; dental abscesses/infection; tooth erosion; fillings falling out; and, in some cases, total tooth loss. Im curious if people on the pills feel this phenomenon too. Oh no! In my 20s-30s not normal. I had beautiful teeth before I started this medication and I never had any dental issues either until I started suboxone. I doubt it, thats like being able to sue Toyota because it is possible to get into a car accident. Of the 305 cases, 113 mentioned two or more teeth were affected. Never in my life did i even have a cavity my smile was my pride. Its devastating absolutely devastating to lose your teeth this young after having a beautiful smile. When taking your buprenorphine medicine and after it is completely dissolved, take a large sip of water, swish it gently around your teeth and gums, and swallow. I had a full set of X-rays taken about 6 months apart (changed dentists and insurance) and started Suboxone (Belbuca) right around the first set of X-rays. At the very least Big Pharma should be paying for all of our dental care. My top teeth were implants from a wreck I had as a teenager. How can I get new safety information on medicines Im prescribing or taking? I had surgery which caused complications and was put on a very high mg of pain meds by my Dr. Separating this drug effect from that of the previous drugs that resulted in the suboxone Rx is likely impossible. Looking to see if there is a suboxone class action for dental problems. People start taking suboxone to get off of opioids, and then become dependent upon the suboxone. I was spending $400 a month early on. According to the alert, the FDA is already aware of over 300 cases of dental problems, of which 131 have been classified as serious. Side effects of the Gardasil HPV vaccine have been linked to reports of serious and debilitating autoimmune injuries. My husband had to have his whole bottom pulled last year. It saved my life. Maybe if you can prove somehow that it eats away at your teeth within hours or some shit rofl. Switched to Subzolv bc of the nodding a[Show More]Started taking Suboxone in 2009 (orange octagons) when they were first released in Alabama for 2-3yrs its was an "all natural" with ZERO side effects. I just found out this morning that this medicine (suboxone/ generic buprenorphine films and pills) is very bad for teeth. Been on buprenorphine since 2010. I have to have implants on three and more are messed up. They should be held accountable. With all of that being said. Something HAS TO BE DONE!! She was not counseled to swish water or wait an hour after taking to brush teeth. Id love to hear from others , I was on drugs for almost 10 years and never had any problems with my teeth until I started taking suboxen now all my teeth are rotting breaking apart and I can't afford to fix them.the pain is unbearable sometimes. I am originally fro[Show More]I have taken Subutex/Suboxone for about 15 years as an off label prescription for pain. Likely 4 root canals still coming. Im a single mom to a child with autism on a fixed income so to say it has been hard is an understatement. The above article says 300 have suffered tooth loss. I have photos of my smile before starting Buprenorphine and current photos.. disgusting! Patients using the medication to treat opioid use disorder can take extra steps to reduce the risk of dental problems, the FDA indicates. I have lost 2 teeth and have broken 3 others, as well as had other dental emergencies. I am told it will cost me at least $5,000 just to ge[Show More]I have been on suboxone since 2014. The cost of fixing my teeth is in the tens of thousands of dollars. Suboxone Class Action Lawsuit There have been more than thirty complaints filed with the FDA regarding suboxone film exposure. I was NEVER EVER told this could happen, etc or I would have never agreed to this medication. Literally. I'm down to soft food only, and eve[Show More]I began taking suboxone in 2007, I have never taken more than a 1/4 of a strip at a time, I have lost all the top molars on one side of my mouth, 2 on the other, all the teeth along my gum line are black, and the only 2 teeth I have left that fit together and can chew with, are completely hollowed out and I'm unable to chew anything hot, cold, or crunchy at all. I have permanent infection in my jaw/gums that just won't go away even after finishing antibiotics. She trusted her provider to have her best interest at heart and was lied to. I can't afford insurance I've had bone loss so dentures aren't working for my top. If you were to look at our photos From then till now, it would not look like two people who were Free from opioid addiction; living a normal and healthy lifestyle. Its devastating absolutely devastating to lose your teeth this young after having a beautiful smile. *The cases were reported to the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database. I was never warned about tooth loss. Many cases were reported by health care professionals and provided documentation of extensive dental adverse events. Ive tried to get help with dentures but have no money. It's embarrassing and has caused a serious problem in my overall quality of life! Suboxone Settlement | Federal Trade Commission Buprenorphine was approved in 2002 as a tablet to be administered under the tongue to treat OUD. They inhibit saliva production causing dry mouth (especially while you are sleeping) which is horrible for teeth. This is not only a travesty for those of us who have legitimate pain but also a conspiracy on the part of the clinics and drug manufacturers to get you onto a drug that's cheaper for them to distribute. mental health. I just found out this morning that this medicine (suboxone/ generic buprenorphine films and pills) is very bad for teeth. I am having the last four teeth removed from my uppers on 4/22/22, as they are beyond repair. Im afraid to eat half the time because I am scared my teeth will break or fall out because of how they feel. Had I known this maybe I would've chose a different front medication or just make sure I could afford having more dental chec[Show More]Just in a few years I have been taking this medication I've had multiple teeth pulled my front tooth crack and almost every tooth has decay in it. Now Im 33, and I'm getting full bottom dental implants. I would have gone a different route if I would have been told that this medication would[Show More]I had perfect teeth. There was no warning label there never is on anything or a side affect on your paper that went this far I only have one tooth to chew on now. So many of us are in the same situation. I was given Suboxone so I could stop taking pain medication for an injury. Never smoked meth or crack. Ive been on suboxone 4 years and have had to get all my teeth removed, 2 dental surgeries, and am in the process of getting dentures or denture implants. Two cracked and one in the FRONT, popped out and caught it in my hand. Same for weight. Now I have gaps where my teeth used to be, and also broken teeth that fall out in chunks. I work remotely now, because I'm so embarrassed! I had dentures at the age 32. I had perfect teeth. I was vibrant, outgoing, and happy person. I have taken Subutex/Suboxone for about 15 years as an off label prescription for pain. So much I had even told my husband that I didn't understand why 4 yrs after addiction my teeth were going to sh!t but not during addiction and that I must finally be paying for all that I had done before.Over the past several months I have been going through the process of getting all my teeth removed. Very quickly did we learn that it was a lie. I have been on suboxone for 4 years, i didn't have dental problems until I started, iam only 39 yrs old, now everyone of mine has tooth decay or broken and missing and it is so hard to be able to afford getting them fixed. It can help sustain recovery and prevent or reduce opioid overdose. I have had to apply for a grant in order to get them. Its absolutely heartbreaking I cry because I used to have a beautiful smile. Im only 37 and am completely toothless and have paid over $3000 for dental work and still have lots more to go. Counsel them that after the medicine has completely dissolved in the oral mucosa, to gently rinse their teeth and gums with water and then swallow. I have been on This medication for 8 years. I literally had near perfect teeth and now I'm missing 4 that literally just disintegrated n fell out and 2 more that are about halfway gone at this point. At the very least Big Pharma should be paying for all of our dental care. I lost 3 teeth. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. In and out of rehabs nothing really worked for me until Suboxone. My other teeth are starting to rot and have holes literally in them. Dental caries and periodontal disease among people who use drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis. They actually said to leave it under your tongue as long as possible. Anyone knows how long it will take? No ONE once told me this COULD happen!!!!!! Buprenorphine medicines are an important tool to treat opioid use disorder (OUD). Do I have a valid lawsuit against the makers of suboxone or my - Avvo On Suboxone, in EXCRUCIATING PAIN, Dentist doesn't know what - MedHelp 4 years later here I sit I had chalked it up to putting my body thru too much over the years never a medication that was meant to save my life- my teeth are rottting. My mother has chronic back/neck pain secondary to genetics as well as old injuries. The embarrassment and shame I feel is unbearable!! But tooth decay can be prevented with a few simple adjustments. My husband had to have his whole bottom pulled last year, and had to get a denture bc they ate his teeth up so bad! I just assumed it was because of my past life style and it's just finally catching up to me which maybe that is part of it. Medications affected by the warning include Zubsolv, manufactured by Orexo, and Suboclade manufactured by Indivior. My confidence is gone. Shes. Im so heartbroken. I never had any dental issues until I started suboxone and no one informed me that this could be a side effect. My heart breaks as she can only eat certain foods and has to stay away from others. The buprenorphine medicines that are associated with dental problems are tablets and films dissolved under the tongue or placed against the inside of the cheek. I had perfect teeth before going on methadone and subs, never a single cavity. It was a very upsetting time since I could not find the culprit, thus I made sure to pay even more attention to my teeth and followed an excellent oral health regimenwithout success. I had no cavities, perfect white teeth for the last 25 years. Can I sue the makers of suboxone for total teeth decay? After getting on subs with in the first 2 years my teeth literally was starting to crumble. I never had any problems with my teeth until I started taking this medication. My mother took belbuca for 10 months and now has had to have numerous teeth pulled and replaced by implants, in addition to gum infections, and oral including tongue infections. I've been on suboxone films for 5 years and was not warned. Like the other comments I to have been on this medication for a couple of years know before my teeth were ok and now I have only four teeth left my doctor brought this to my attention about this medication causing tooth decay and rotting teeth it blew me away to here this I can't afford dentures if I would of knew this I may not have started using it I think there should be compensation for de[Show More]Like the other comments I to have been on this medication for a couple of years know before my teeth were ok and now I have only four teeth left my doctor brought this to my attention about this medication causing tooth decay and rotting teeth it blew me away to here this I can't afford dentures if I would of knew this I may not have started using it I think there should be compensation for dental cost and are lively hood I can't eat anything with out hurting.