"[18] Kyle Smith, for the New York Post, gave the film 4.5 stars, calling it an "invaluable learning experience. What were your thoughts when the number did not come up? /T1_1 20 0 R It took a little while to get the money straightened for this green light and 80 percent of the teachers voted for that agreement. " YR0^hC#mlj'@]Gc2x}SVvP[sL,yD1-ut |c,{CG1 BRZEZINSKI: Randi, really quickly. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or in-store pick-up BEGIN VIDEO CLIP: NAKIA: I grew up in the public school system. Andrew O'Hehir of Salon wrote a negative review of the film, writing that while there's "a great deal that's appealing," there's also "as much in this movie that is downright baffling. Where does the union take some responsibility in this? NAKIA: She felt it wasn't fair that other children were being picked and she was just as smart as they were and why not her. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Guggenheim, Davis. And systems that actually help create continuous improvement. It seems to me, Davis, that you done get -- teachers don't get evaluated like every other business. Many of them. SCARBOROUGH: Why would you spend a million dollars to defeat a mayor? Waiting for "Superman" - Wikipedia I actually don't -- I think we could continue one city at a time. But do you think Michelle Rhee was trying to improve the performance of the teachers in her district, was she trying to make the schools better? You know, in Washington, D.C., under Mayor Fenty who arguably I think is the most courageous politician we have on these education reform issues, we did everything, arguably, that people wanted to see. /GS0 18 0 R There was, as Geoff said, a sense that failure was tolerable, as opposed to a focus on success. NAKIA: The schools in my area don't measure up as far as the reading is concerned, the math is concerned. I said mommy wanted you to stay in your school and she finished my sentence. I want to hear what some of those steps are, specific ones. A good education, therefore, is not ruled out by poverty, uneducated parents or crime and drug-infested neighborhoods. SCARBOROUGH: The nation's capital. Waiting for 'Superman' (2010) | Watch Free Documentaries Online WEINGARTEN: The issue in terms of education is there's no turning back on reform in education in Washington, D.C. Our union is committed to it. 3 0 obj WEINGARTEN: Let me get to both of these issues, let me see if I can conflate them. stream BRZEZINSKI: On Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m. from this very stage, General Colin Powell and his wife on "MORNING JOE." 8 0 obj Yes, there should be fairness. I want to say something about what John just said. 6 0 obj Everyone in this room is feeling something powerful tonight. This is where the work gets tough, because innovation, this is about innovation. /Producer (Python PDF Library \055 http\072\057\057pybrary\056net\057pyPdf\057) /Font << /CropBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] Throughout the documentary, different aspects of the American public education system are examined. BRZEZINSKI: They were underperforming it. SCARBOROUGH: What we hear, Randi, morning after morning after morning from progressives, from conservatives, from Republicans, from Democrats, from independents, seems to be the same thing. We're feeling a real sense of commitment. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] /Properties << Web2010. Judith and Jose have decided to enter Daisy into the Kipp lottery. WebWaiting for Superman/Transcript. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageC ] By the time they finish eighth grade, they will have doubled their math and reading scores. These are your schools, your communities. What if I made a movie that gets people to care about other peoples children and fight for other people's children as much I fight for mine. I mean, from my perspective, it really seemed like what was scary to people was this idea of beginning to differentiate folks. She was a teacher in Indianapolis. What's going on here? A reminder for everyone, coming up right after this program, MSNBC will re-air that teacher town hall that was hosted by Brian Williams, that's from 9:00 to 11:00 Eastern Time, right here on MSNBC. If I have kids, I don't want kids to be in this environment. But that isn't something that can't be, you know, worked out. /Pages 1 0 R That was teachers talking to each other and talking to the world about what teachers needed. Educ 300: Education Reform, Past and Present, an undergraduate course with Professor Jack Dougherty at Trinity College, Hartford CT. David GuggenheimsWaiting for Supermanlooks at how theAmerican public school system is failing its students and displays how reformers have attempted to solve this problem. You get to the nation's capital, the nation's capital, only 16 percent of students are proficient in math. We'll come back and continue this. And while our guests enter the stage, let's show you a little clip of the movie, because "Waiting For Superman" is about our system, but what really gets to you in this movie is the individual stories of each child. LEGEND: Yes. endobj 1. /T1_1 20 0 R DAISYS FATHER: Come on, Daisy, cross your fingers. First, I loved that town hall today. GUGGENHEIM: Whats really -- people -- when I hear this conversation, I want to bring it back to parents. One of the things we were thinking about, we were covering songs from the civil rights era, from the '60s and '70s and people who fought for justice and equality. /MC0 28 0 R They were the right things for kids but they made the adults incredibly uncomfortable. << endobj Now, a couple of years ago, an independent group called Ed Sector actually surveyed a whole bunch of teachers and asked teachers the question about whether they needed or wanted a union. We as a country have to get together and have a conversation like this and say how do we let every kid win? The film recognizes how the American public plays an important role in helping to accomplish the reform goal of making American public schools great. Waiting For Superman The issue is we have to all do this together with good contracts, with all of us on the same side, getting to help good teachers, getting supportive principals, getting a curriculum and the wrap-around services that Geoff does that cradle to college service. So we're going to differentiate and we're going to recognize and reward the highest performing teachers and we're going to look at the lowest performing teachers and we're going to remove them from the system. I think the point of departure between Michelle and I may be that I see, just like in Finland and Singapore and other places, that we need to all actually work together, focused on instruction, focused on how we help people do the best jobs they can and then -- BRZEZINSKI: Wasnt that what she was doing? (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ANTHONY: I want to go to college, get an education. So people keep talking about accountability just in terms of firing teachers but what I think people need to understand is how accountability allows you to unleash teacher passion by setting on fire all the teachers in the school because you're allowed to give them the freedom to teach the way they see fit. Statistical comparisons are made between the different types of primary or secondary educational institutions available: state school, private school, and charter school. RHEE: Yes, that's right. You talked about evaluations like every other business. By showing its audience that even charter schools close their doors to some students, which them forces these students to attendfailing public schools, the video illustrates howthere are still flaws to the American public school system and challenges that need to be addressed. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: To come see, geography and love, thats it. When they hear this back and forth, there's the sense of like, you know what, put my head in the sand, take care of my own kids because this debate has been going on for generations. /T1_1 20 0 R /TrimBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] Be the first to contribute. I said that's right, but that was mommy's choice to put you in that school. KENNY: We catch them up to basic level and we accelerate them to proficient. Documentary on Americas Public School System - The New SCARBOROUGH: All right, Davis, Davis, you said at the beginning you didn't want to get involved in this project. By Stephen Holden. BRZEZINSKI: When we come back, we'll be joined -- SCARBOROUGH: One thing we do agree on -- BRZEZINSKI: We have to go. SCARBOROUGH: I tell you what, that was the part of the movie where Daisy, you saw her crossing her fingers and write physically got nauseated. SCARBOROUGH: Hes like Chuck Yager of the classroom. (END VIDEO CLIP) BRZEZINSKI: And there are kids that don't make it. It's not about charter schools. He wrote "Shine," the theme song for "Waiting For Superman." BRZEZINSKI: No. "[13] Variety characterized the film's production quality as "deserving every superlative" and felt that "the film is never less than buoyant, thanks largely to the dedicated and effective teachers on whom Guggenheim focuses. /Contents [ 39 0 R 40 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R 43 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R ] BRZEZINSKI: Exactly. /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] >> So look, all of us on this stage, whether it's Geoffrey or Michelle or Davis, myself, the two of you, we all care passionately about the children. SCARBOROUGH: Right. KENNY: Now studying Shakespeare, passing the regions in physics, passing the regions in chemistry, 100 percent in U.S. history across the board, all of them are going to go to college. documentary When you hear, well, I get paid whether or not you learn or not, it sticks with you. PG. I know you have to say your side of this and this is hard for all of us. >> But this is the issue that I think Ive been hearing that I just want to get clear. We can't wait and talk about this another seven, eight, ten years. /T1_0 24 0 R What happened there? 100 percent of the kids pass the science regions. I actually have teachers in my family who really think is this is a terrific movie because it exposes for them how complicated it is, how important it is to get great teachers in the classroom and what a difference they can make. LEGEND: Well, it's been quite a learning experience because I get to meet great educators. "[7] On Metacritic it has a score of 81% based on reviews from 31 critics, indicating "universal acclaim". /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] BRZEZINSKI: Thank you. /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] Randi said something that was fascinating. You cannot say we want more resources to go to kids when in fact in this city, Joel Klein is spilling $100 million a year to pay for teachers you saw it in the movie, who aren't actually teaching.