Did the show sacrifice its potential just for fan service? Lizzy (Caitlin Gerard) and Isaac. Thank you so much for the recap! 7. 2 eps later, all's forgiven! I so needed this recap to make sense of the endingare they both alive and getting a chance at love? And Jinsung and Hee Sung were talking about the memorial for Soo. The time travel element helps give this novel a satisfying conclusion. Wah anywhy was a great drama plus the acting was awesome X3. Young is not a character I will pretend to understand through and through, lol. The use of soft-focus lens didn't seem to mesh well with the story-telling part. Now the shot focuses, and we see that its definitely Soo dressed as a waiter. I know that doesn't tell you anything helpful about the book, except maybe to know that it is not a novel that lets go of you easily. I had watched NG but do not remember how the drama ended but I will remember every details about TWTWB. I think it was the best one we could get. Whether it really hurt you as much as it hurt me when you were lying. It took some time for me to grasp the numerous characters and the history taking place. Boss Man is hosting the game, and announces the grand prize - seven million dollars. Sad. I dont want to admit it, but I cant be a better person. I wished they would have saved time there, and showed us what happened after OS was stabbed, instead of letting us speculate on what happened. I would've found them to be highly problematic in any case, but the fact that that this was a Noh Hee Kyung drama deepened my disappointment exponentially. Sure the show wasn't perfect but it did give us a happy ending which both characters deserved. Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2019. Young's hair, everyone's fantastic health etc. }); After Lewis' death, Dawn decided to get Edith away from Edie and the curse that had taken over the . That is, until another couple, Emma (Julia Goldani Telles) and Gideon Harper (Dylan McTee), move into a cabin nearby. After watching the last ep, even though we got the happy ending, I felt that it was a frustrating journey. Personally, I feel that they died and met in the afterlifeonly because the whole Jinsung stabbing Soo scene hinted that he had killed himjust the way it was executed and by the end he fell to the ground like a dying person. Even if she survives the stab wound from the scissors, which is bleeding profusely, she most likely slowly descends into madness before long. Now, with Gideon gone and Emma and Isaac dead, Izzy is well and truly alone, with no hope of anyone coming to look for her. Like you, I didn't understand why she couldn't have that conversation with OS when she was having her tea and he was there (right there), and she had already shared her questions with him. And with just an "I'm sorry". @ jenn, you're right. But, to be perfectly honest, I wasn't thinking about her hair at all this episode, haha. From the moment author Amy Harmon saw Lough Gill, the lake that figures prominently in this heart-wrenching novel, she felt a deep connection. The Wind Rises Ending Explained: One's Dream Is Death For Many Soo chaotic and rushed and nonsensical. She and Joe decide to take their kids and run. Kim Sung Cheol will reportedly replace Yoo Ah In for the second season of "Hellbound" News - Mar 2, 2023. Stop playing with my emotions! We have to keep in mind you can survive these things and it's not completely out there. The court generally issues all of its decisions by the end of June before going on a summer break. This film follows the story of two couples as they start living in the unpopulated area of New Mexico. Can she see? I even watched the rerun on the weekends. But it doesn't make sense. Then, again I don't believe Young would make up such an elaborate story for herself (even in a dream) to "blind" herself from his death. But the young couple is clearly not a happy one. The Wind is an American Supernatural film that follows elements of horror and mystery in the Wild West. May 20, 2021; yats chipotle alexio recipe; workplace accident prevention strategies . On a shallow note, I loved most of OS's wardrobe, especially the orange coat he wore at the beginning of this episode, it looked good on him. But I thought her extreme trust issues were well shown so I bought her character as a whole. But, no matter what flaws this drama has, I have to admit that I do LOVE this drama. Could you tell me exactly what it is about the ending that eluded you? But its time to let bygones be bygones and say farewell to Winter. I loved how Kim Bum's character broke out of his loyalty and had that crazed, red rimmed look after he stabbed Oh Soobut then..wha.? Try again. There are several strong hints for the audience to draw this conclusion before the movie confirms it. So my expectation was that in TWTWB, we would end up at least being able to understand all of the main characters. but the 'open' ending is so well done, that whenever, however I feel, I could say, ok, Soo is dead or ok, this is a happy ending. Some people reasoned that the blurry scenes are from Young's perspective, but these blurry scenes seem to occur only around Oh Soo. But I can't deny how much I enjoyed looking at these ridiculously good-looking couple. It's even weirder cuz 2 eps ago lawyer ahjussi was angrily throwing her out asking her if she's human and all and then hey! SAME HERE! An inspiring exploration of a setting seldom found in historical fiction, is a heartfelt, beautifully written journey through time, history, and love. How is that brushed away? But after watching the episode for myself and listening to the dialogue, it's obvious that Soo is alive. His stern expression did make me think he matured a bit. Good play, Soo. From what I understand, a feeble attempt at killing yourself like Young did is not a suicide attempt, but a cry for help/attention. Ill miss it so much :D. I wanted to clear some things up for you, because I also had my doubts about whether Soo died or not at first. I wonder what it will be? Granted, some things started to not make sense towards the end, but NOTHING about this show makes me think the director or writer became lazy and gave up along the way. It was written with such depth and heartfelt feeling and I became so involved in the lives of Eoin, Anne and Thomas and many others too. It is also in the mind of the person a VIABLE solution to their problem. And this is what happening to me now. Thomas saves her. Soon after the funeral, Lizzys husband Isaac, along with Gideon, leaves to get supplies for the winter and report the deaths, saying he will be back in a few days. The Three Possible The Thing Endings, Explained That said, I've never had a brain tumor killing me. The Wind Ending Explained: What Really Happened With Lizzy? Does this item contain quality or formatting issues? Link's Awakening might not be as plot-heavy and narrative-driven as say a game like Breath of the Wild, but there are still some deep plot elements that make this game as memorable as anything else. Over the years, the two have traveled extensively, sometimes for Anne to do research for her current book. Which brings another question: what happened then to the money OS won (since he left it there and he was knifed/left for dead later)? WHY WOULD YOU KILL HIM!? So any drama that shows someone trying to kill someone will probably involve a knife. That Winter, The Wind Blows Episode 16 (FINALE) - Y C . C O M I cant understand how you couldnt even make an excuse. , Publication date Hence, the murder is committed in the spur of the moment. So if we get a time leap, then we're also fast forwarding the course of the disease but why is Young's vision clearer? Yep! (And you'll realize how much we need one another in order to overcome our internal obstacles.) Indeed, I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it this way. Does this item contain inappropriate content? It is a stunning work of fiction interwoven with true historical events, combining the magical and the real. 'Wind River' is Overwritten, but Has a Crazy-Powerful Ending - Vulture But it the Fukai as a natural ecosystem isnt right. I don't think anyone will be able to wrap their head around why Jin Sung did that. I loved churches the way I loved cemeteries and books. I wanted to say "Congrats on getting past that time in your life!" Beautiful settings and looks, characters with deep scars and flaws. When you were gone and I couldnt see you, the hardest part was that I still missed you. With TWtWB's both leads had their stories wrapped up fairly well and the story-fail was in a secondary line that, in the end, didn't actually affect much. But it could be Minions shady-lookin dude guarding them, which means its a good thing. It looks like the writer got tired after a few episodes and, especially in the end, realized there were things to be told, so they had to be smashed to fit into the general picture. I think Wind is about (kid) Naruto's past and how he needed to power through people's preconceptions of him to achieve his goal of Hokage "Cultivate your hunger before you idealize.Motivate your anger to make them all realize.Climbing the mountain, never coming down.Break into the contents, never falling down" This segment is describing his anger and sadness motivating him further- climbing . Even then it wouldnt matter, since Boss Man wanted him dead, but why? I didn't have a problem with Soo not taking the $$ though! You will receive a link to create a new password via email. I really liked the beginning (episode 8 was definitely the climax of happiness for me) but then we dove into melo land which culminated in a LOT of crying in the last episode. Ah, so maybe shes making plans for the future since she wants to have a future now. You have to make Jin-sung want to blame Soo and they just didn't do that at all. xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page Anne learns that Garvagh Glebe is one of the properties she inherited from Eoin. I could feel the discomfort of the clothing, the confusion of being in a new place and time, and see the world as if I was reading in 3D. She comments that if it weren't for the destruction of the tall rock . Oh soo waited for Oh young to recover (6 months). That scene jump from cafe to that path lined with cherry blossom trees was so abrupt and strange, kind of like how it would happen in dreams. Marienne (Tati Gabrielle), Joe's library crush, discovers in the finale that her terrible ex, Ryan (Scott Michael Foster) has been killed by a mugger. I still think this would have made for a interesting -if somehow predictable- conflict. And the "softy" villain wasn't so much a softy as an audience fave. Soo calls Mi-ra to say hes on his way, but still, shouldnt he stay to make sure Jin-sung gets out of there? They seemed to have resorted back to their just friends status although Sung was still very much in love with her still. Dreaming should be kissing already or running while laughing, no real people will talk and if everything was all a dream then why not the director chose to have that scene be with Oh young and Oh soo only and no other people will be part of it and no other thing will included. Isnt it hard when you cant look into the eyes of someone you love? Young asks. Not Soo asks her if she cant see, and she responds by asking if hes ever met a blind person. Now he knows, and knowing is half the battle. Instantly getting an ominous feeling from the books, Lizzy soon discovers a small booklet among them titled Demons of the Prairie. Seeing her with the booklet, Isaac berates her for scaring herself and leaves the house. He is the same person Vusi takes a bribe from at the film's beginning. Heartbroken at his death, she travels to his childhood home to spread his ashes. Now, I just can't watch JIS without thinking "he did a porn movie" Cause that's what it is. She falls into the water and ends up at Garvagh Glebe, the home where Eoin grew up. We can theorize that he had to heal and hide for a bit from Boss Man, and that he was fine as long as he could keep a distant eye on Young. Door to Tomorrow | The World God Only Knows Wiki | Fandom ", so many times during the last 2 episodes. But after actually watching it, I'm 100% sure they're both alive. "But the wind and water know all the earth's secrets. , Enhanced typesetting The more she tries to unravel her familys past, the more entangled she becomes. Like what were they trying to achieve with that effect? I like that about this director/writer pair. Well , some missing point that we need to understand OY is not only blind but psychologically is not stable. But, as much as I hate to say it, having seen dramas of hers like Goodbye Solo or More Beautiful Than a Flower, I can't help but feel that she's sold a part of her soul to write TWTWB (which was far more commercially successful). SHK, you are being kissed by JIS! The blurry images say no. At the end of the twentieth century, it became the general theory. (Dude, where were you when your boss was driving on pain killers?). argh~). I have loved the history of Ireland for a long time and even visited the West Coast in Connemara last year to try and acquire a picture in my mind and heart of this magnificent country. Anne Gallagher is in the home of her grandfather, Eoin Gallagher, in 2001 as he is dying. Notes from the translator. To be honest, I was relieved when you wrote that you felt conflicted about the finale and the last few episodes. NHK stay true to the japanese drama, so the stabbing scene is actually in the jdrma version too, so I don't think they just copied nice guy, maybe it's the other way around. Just like Young, this show grew and developed until about halfway, when it started losing its momentum, getting more secretive, and reverting to bad old habits. It may have lost itself in its own mesmerizing cinematography at times, but I thoroughly enjoyed the visual experience. The ending seems to be pushed/could be better, yes. : Which is why I thought her admission that she wasn't really looking to die made sense and was happy she realized and admitted that. Its no surprise that Soo lived, since every character in this show (aside from poor Moo-chul), displayed a knack for healing without a scratch. Sigh! A single white feather drifts out of the sky and lands on the well-traveled sneaker of Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks), a modest man with a big story to tell. I'll bet Young cut the short way across her arm too, rather than the long way, which would again be what you would do if you actually wanted to die. it took 6 months for chemo and recovery. She needed her since Soo was not in her daily life. Santiago tells the wind that love can empower it to do anything. By the time we reach its denouement . Which might be realistic. There was realism to that. No matter how beautiful, awe-inspiring, or unexpected an AI-generated artwork is, we cannot currently call it creative because we cannot - yet - assign agency to machines, writes Dustin Stokes and Elliot Samuel Paul. Anyways, thanks for such wonderful recaps. I really think they needed another episode to really work the ending right. If you've just watched the credits roll and are still reeling from the revelations and changes, then . Well done. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT. It's what sets this drama apart from the movie version which was a neat package in itself but i felt the drama extended and explored and fleshed out the characters on a deeper level that made me - with the exception of Sec Wang (whatthehell show- she made her blind, i don't care how well she can cook)- connect with the narration as a whole. Agreed. Once there, overcome by grief and memories of her grandfather, Anne finds herself pulled back into time to the 1920s -- a tumultuous time period in Ireland during its fight for independence, which she had researched and read about extensively as a writer back in 2001 but never dreamed that she would experience firsthand. Is it possible that Lizzy has actually been experiencing intense hallucinations brought on by her grief, isolation, and other outside influences? I found some recaps confusing but not the show itself. We've all seen Jin Sung take a beating and give one and I have no doubt he would have caused some serious damage. Boss Man is hosting the game, and announces the grand prize seven million dollars. : No one told her Soo was dead. Wind explained - Homepage - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Jennifer/Huck takes refuge at the culling station and is able to help nurse Dennis' wound when they return. and then she comes and "finds" him meaning her surgery must not have worked out and she died. Godzilla vs. Kong Ending Explained: Who Wins? - IGN No payoff with Denna Ambrose The secret in the Archives his music career the Chandrian his university studies with Fella With sympathy or naming. One thing I'm going to disagree with you on Heads is the sentiment of Young's suicide attempt being "merely" a cry for attention, because that's what all suicide attempts are. Were Boss Man's minions watching to make sure OS had been killed? And when her heart gets caught between two different times, its nearly impossible to see her way clear. Its interesting to note that, apart from possibly being tricked by the evil entity to murder both Emma and Isaac, Lizzy also had real-life motives to cause them harm. I think soo is alive:) eith regards to yhe "blurred" background.. i noticed that too yet i understand it this way :) young can't see clearly.. shes not totally blind, the background is actually her vision (that's my take) the first time she saw soo after a year when he was on his bike i noticed it's blurred so i thought maybe it was young's vision and i confirmed it when young visited yhe restaurant she cant see him that clear but she can see him :). He lived like a dog, and died like a dog, she laments, though shes not willing to let Soo comfort her as she tells him that he wont be needed at Moo-chuls cremation. I've watched it happen in quite a few dramas. Because, it was so sweet but then it was so BLURRY! But then Id be asking for realism, and that is not what this show was selling. Ur comments cracked me up!!! Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2023. : It is only 16 episodes. As she tries to free herself from the bed, Isaac attempts to stop her and gets stabbed in the process. and yeah. Get help and learn more about the design. On one hand, there are a number of physical manifestations of this alleged demon. Im glad he grew as a person, but since when did Growth = Passivity? But he interacts with too many people and objects to be a ghost or a memory. To find out more about Amy, visit her at www.authoramyharmon.com. It was only in the last episode where the drama hinted at how he likes to cook. I dunno ! I was surprised. That scene left me really perplexed because I would have liked to have known what happened (considering how long OS seemed to have been on the ground and he seemed dead. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. Moo Chul? GRRRR!! The male protagonist is a con-man in some sorts. Like you say, she made Young blind! And with that, all the players get gambling, while Young spends a restless night at the hospital window with the winter wind blowing. The forces haunting her are so diabolical and sadistic that they torment her in a way that nobody believes her. What the Wind Knows grants a shift in perspective, allowing readers to realize what is important has always been important. Enemy is a film that's expertly subdued by both Villeneuve's direction and Gyllenhaal's duality in his performances. There are some other very real plot developments that will help to further interpret the film's ending. Also, um. While that is the climactic action of the story, the film's final moments give even more context to what came before. The average scores when I downloaded this book place it up with The Help and Eleanor Oliphant and that is very misleading imho. But to me what he did made sense for the character. Also, I don't know what it is but there are those moment in the last episode where I know the show wants me to cry and be emotionally touched but it just didn't do it for me, specifically when Jin Sung stabbed Soo. She knew little of her familys history, and Ireland has such a complex, turbulent past. Like Heads said, there are other ways to say you miss someone. I can see just enough to see that youre very good looking, she adds. If not, its a bad thing. "What the Wind Knows" is less sex heavy, more passionate romance wise, and the plot line is more intense. Ill try to remember the good times, and Ill be sure to remember that through you, I discovered Jo In-sung. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we dont use a simple average. Matthew Weiner knows the power of an ambiguous ending. When he was taking MCW's character to sell her into sex slavery he was really taking her to sell into sex slavery. That "happy" ending felt so contrived for me. I need you next to me. if not it's a freaking truck not an attack ninja -- your family can flee so what the hell are you doing?) In that case then, why stab him in the first place? A call to Hee-sun affirms that Boss Man isnt lying, and Jin-sung looks devastated as the mean old geezer slides him a knife. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. If the stories are gone, then the people are gone too. Soo stays vigilant at Youngs bedside until she wakes and realizes hes there with her. 6. I applaud his professionalism, knowing that this is his first time to have sex scenes. *sighs* I need the (halmeoni) from Goodbye Solo to comfort me right now, so disappointed am I in the finale and in the drama as a whole. Why wouldnt I want to love her when I started out that way?) I made the mistake to watch Frozen flower since everybody was talking about it. Is art created by a computer an example of that computer's creativity? His care for Anne shows the type of love every woman should aspire to find. i don't think dreaming would be like that. The title is "Gu Family Book" which is why I expected there's some kind of journey to find said book or even the appearance of it. That is permanent and altered the scope of her life, but yet even at the end they are asking her to come back into Young's life. : "I must not be crazy, it is not all in my head" I thought. As she dumps the ashes, a fog rolls into the landscape. If it'd been left with Soo on a bicycle, then I'd have leaned towards him being dead. Directed by Charlie McDowell ( The One I Love ), with a screenplay from Andrew Kevin Walker and Justin Lader, Windfall stars Jason Segel as a nameless manquite literally credited as "Nobody"who. Just like the one guy says, "Soo was willing to forget pride". The camera clearly focused on him, when he was on the ground, stabbed, after the flashabck he had his eyes were wide open for like seconds. I for one liked the ending. But his words also remind us that behind the clouds, the sun is always still shining. . But I definitely agree that first, Young is alive. For the most part, the drama did follow its story logic and the characters it created. In the end, the suicide attempt didnt even put her out for a night, and she was completely fine by morning. In fact, it's degenerative. Because now just isnt a good time? I love reading your insightful, witty and humorous recaps. Really, there are other ways to say you miss someone. But I'm just so thankful. It really did feel very Kdrama-like to separate the characters for the sake of separating them? At first, I thought it might be too boring (it's the opposite of TWTWB in terms of its lack of slickness and heightened intensity), and frankly, I couldn't imagine myself getting terribly invested in most of the characters. He looks relieved as he shakes his bracelet to let her know its him. He acted very well there, too. I think Soo is gonna be on my list of favorite characters. It's so dang pretty to look at that I almost forget that it doesn't make sense. Yes, we do get a happy ending but it felt completely unsatisfying and made me feel so disappointed. Link's Awakening ending spoilers: The Wind Fish and why it - Polygon In short: In the ending of Link's Awakening, upon waking the Windfish, Link saves three of the four real characters (the Windfish, Link, and Marin), while Nakura (the ghost) succumbs to the storm and cannot be saved. , Screen Reader Almost the ending: Yay! Am I suppose to just forget all that? They could have done the movie with only half of them. She wakes up to find herself tied to the bed with Isaac sitting across from her. What the Wind Knows - amazon.com And then sit there and cry about it while he dies in front of you. The ending made my heart swell and my eyes swim with tears - just try to read this one without shedding a tear or two. He then calls on the might of Triton, the Grecian God of the Sea and son . The show was very beautiful to look at. Because she chatted and interacted with him. Which begs the question: who was the better at conning? True. There, overcome with memories of the man she adored and consumed by a history she never knew, she is pulled into another time. I HONESTLY dont know where to start on how much this book meant to me! This is one drama that defies logic. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); , File size They talked about making Jin-sung betray his friend, but the way they chose to do it didn't make any sense whatsoever. Fans of Outlander will treasure this book. Olivia Hawker, author of The Ragged Edge of Night, With masterful and enchanting storytelling, Amy Harmon weaves a tale of epic love, alternating between the present and war-torn Ireland in 1921 like a seasoned historian. By the end, I was amazed at how, for virtually every character, NHK had managed to show the good, the bad, the ugly and the more beautiful than a flower. Back to Episode 16, starting from the scene that needs explanations. However, she seems to be lost in a hallucination of her earlier days, when her husband refused to believe her about the presence of an ominous entity. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.