One way to gain acceptance from the local population after making contact is to discuss the similarities between your religions. What is the best way to prepare food in a survival situation? (Select all that apply), It helps them to anticipate your actions and intentions should you become isolated Details the methods and procedures you intend to use to communicate with recovery forces Your evasion intentions and key recovery information. Keep clean, When using a visual signal to support your recovery efforts, guidelines to follow include. Which of the following are used to control bleeding? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Continuously learning about your captivity environment and the captor is known as ___________________. This task activates the execution portion of the PR system. If captured, you must give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to your comrades. Why are personnel always authorized to escape? the ban message. Their goal is to_______________________________________. One way to gain acceptance from the local population after making contact is to discuss the similarities between your religions. The two types of reporting isolating events are observer-reported and media reporting. When are personnel always authorized to escape when - Course Hero I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. Sere 100.2 ARMY PRE-TEST 1 SEP 2022 LATEST EXAM SOLUTION WITH A GRADED What are some de-escalation strategies personnel can use to discourage captor violence? This helps to show you are peaceful and mean no harm.False (correct)9) Identify some posture and resistance constants of an effective resistance posture. 13) When are personnel ALWAYS authorized to escape? The senior eligible military member assumes command over captives from all U.S. Military Departments. During a direct action recovery, you should pick up a weapon and assist the recovery team. help you regain control over your life. John H Elliott - Empires Of The Atlantic World.pdf What is a signaling site criterion? -Directing the captors attention to a fellow captive for interrogation. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.Article III (correct)5) The Code of Conduct describes your basic responsibilities and obligations from isolation to captivity resolution.True (correct)7) The Code of Conduct ____________ for military members when isolated or held against their will by entities hostile to the U.S.describes basic responsibilities and obligations (correct)8) One way to gain acceptance from the local population after making contact is to discuss the similarities between your religions. USAJOBS - Job Announcement This is an example of__________ under article IV of the Code of Conduct. Tactical hand-held radio transceivers, cell phones, satellite phones, and personal locator beacons (PLBs) are devices you could use for electronic communication. Provide the innocent circumstances leading to capture When in physical or mortal danger the personnel is always authorized to escape. When Are Personnel Always Authorized to Escape (Select all that apply)Carefully place small, dry kindling over the burning tinder (correct)Use a platform (correct)Prepare adequate amounts of tinder, kindling, and fuel (correct)34) In the event of isolation during operations other than war, the reasons to delay contact with legitimate authorities include: (Select all that apply)Contact friendly forces (correct)Gain situational awareness (correct)35) What are the goals of using a disguise? Site hidden from potential enemy observation and ground fire. (Select all that apply) The area is large enough for you and your equipment (correct) The area is large enough to stand in Sufficient materials are available for constructing a shelter (correct) Provides natural protection from environment, hazards, and threats (correct), 13) The three basic food sources during isolation are packed rations, animals and insects, and plants. The area is large enough for you and your equipment. Name Email Website. -DD Form 1833 Isolated Personnel Report (ISOPREP), What are de-escalation strategies personnel can use to discourage captor violence.-Be conscious of your body language-maintain a low profile, Which evasion aids can assist you with making contact with the local population? A signaling site is defined as any site, based on your situation that enhances signaling efforts and the likelihood for the signal to be detected by friendly forces. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. 13) When are personnel ALWAYS authorized to escape? To which article of the Code of Conduct does the following statement refer? Log in for more information. The term personnel is also sometimes shortened to personnel department, which is another name for human resources or employment office. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Their goal is to_______________________________________. (Select all that apply), While in captivity you should avoid the following topics when interacting with the media: (Select all that apply), -Making statements that might bring harm to other captives. Comment. Article I Article II Article III (correct) Article IV Article V Article VI, 10) Resistance is a BATTLE OF WITS with your captor. innocence (correct) knowledge confidence arrogance, 23) Actions to take when capture is imminent include. If you have a job, you are probably treated as personnel for management. Be conscious of your body language (correct) Maintain a low profile (correct), Carefully place small, dry kindling over the burning tinder (correct) Prepare adequate amounts of tinder, kindling, and fuel (correct) Use a platform (correct). How Do I Answer The CISSP Exam Questions? SERE 100.2 PRE TEST - Quizzes Studymoose CITI Ethics, Responsible Conduct, RCR, Law, HTH And IRB Answers, Music Appreciation Flashcards (Midterm) Answers, California Firearm Safety Certificate Test Answer, The Tragedy of Macbeth Act 1 Selection Test Answer Key, Chapter 11 Chemical Reactions Test Answer Key, Freuds Stages of Psychosexual Development. 8. emdjay23. Which of the following are criteria for selecting a shelter site? TRUE or FALSE: The senior ranking military member should never take command of all prisoners, in all captivity situations, to ensure survivability. How much longer should the Sun remain in its stable phase? . Which of the following are procedures for the proper use of clothing? I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy. question. New answers. A: AR 350-30. 36 selecting a signaling site and putting your signal The three basic food sources during isolation are packed rations, animals and insects, and plants. During the 1920s and 1930s, the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) adopted an ethos which required soldiers to fight to the death rather than surrender. (Select all that apply), What are some techniques you can use to help cope with the psychological effects of captivity? VHA HCPs do not include remote workers who only infrequently enter VHA locations. Part of that duty includes planning for post escape evasion and recovery. When are personnel ALWAYS authorized to escape? Doing Washington's Bidding: Australia's Treatment of Daniel Duggan 13. fight What type of medicine do you put on a burn? Copyright 2023 Wisdom-Advices | All rights reserved. question. Fire Security (correct) Rest Food and water, 16) Which evasion aids can assist you with making contact with the local population? What is the acronym for the actions you should take to gain and maintain your situational awareness? 36) Selecting a signaling site and putting your signal in a suitable location is critical. This is an example of _____________ under Article IV of the Code of Conduct. The traditional chain of command roles and responsibilities continue in all captivity environments. -Site hidden from potential enemy observation and ground fire-Recovery possible from/near site-Sufficient materials for signal constructionDuring a direct action recovery, you should pick up a weapon and assist the recovery team. this would happen after 40 minutes to 1 hour of playing. (Select all that apply), Selecting a signaling site and putting your signal in a suitable location is critical. The Evasion Plan of Action (EPA) provides recovery forces the following information should you become isolated. When are personnel ALWAYS authorized to escape? False True (correct), 31) Should your captors provide an opportunity to communicate using written, oral, or video means, you should: Provide proof of life (correct) Be nice to the captors to improve your treatment Not provide information regarding physical condition Organize to meet captives needs, 32) Selecting a signaling site and putting your signal in a suitable location is critical. A signaling site is defined as any site, based on your situation that enhances signaling efforts and the likelihood for the signal to be detected by friendly forces. Can a senior member take command in a hostage situation? Score 1 User: What are some de-escalation strategies personnel can use to discourage captor violence? When the food provided isn't to U.S. standards interrogations (correct)When facing harsh When in physical or mortal danger After one month of captivity in Peacetime Governmental Detention (PGD) 14) The two types of reporting isolating events are observer-reportedand media reporting. This would only happen when I was going to achieve level 10 and I finished my evac out the mission. The senior eligible military member assumes command over captives from all US Military Departments. Which of the following are criteria for selecting a shelter site? (Select all that apply). when are personnel always authorized to escape? Preparation of a "Just in Case" letter Preparing family members for the media attention they may encounter should you become isolated Preparation of estate planning documents (i.e., will, power of attorney, policies, etc.). SERE 100.2 - 5 When does a senior ranking member take command? I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. Resistance is a BATTLE OF WITS with your captor. To which article of the Code of Conduct does the following statement refer? What is Not a Physical Security Measure for Your Home, What Form is Used to Record End-of-Day Security Checks, What is Not a Commonly Used Endpoint Security Technique, How Can You Integrate IAM With Data Centers Security, when are personnel always authorized to escape, When Opening and Closing a Security Container, Complete the Blank, Which Protocol Adds Security to Remote Connections. When in physical or mortal danger (correct) What evasion aid is tailored to cover an individual operational area, combining standard navigation charts and maps with evasion and survival information? (Select all that apply), Identify elements of Article II of the Code of Conduct. - ANS IS 1.Leave evidence of presence at capture point 2.Sanitize personal or sensitive materials 3.Try to retain your personal cell phone When are personnel ALWAYS authorized to escape? 3.1.1[e] system access is limited to processes acting on behalf of authorized users. When the food provided isn't to U.S. standards When in physical or mortal danger (correct) After one month of captivity in Peacetime Governmental Detention (PGD) When facing harsh interrogations, 26) You should attempt to provide proof of life during any audio or video recording or written documents? Ctrl+F (Cmd+F) will help you a lot when searching through such a large set of questions. When are personnel ALWAYS authorized to escape? Personnel is ALWAYS authorized to escape: When in physical or mortal danger. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. What evasion aid is tailored to cover an individual operational area, combining standard navigation charts and maps with evasion and survival information? What is Personnel Security The discipline of assessing conduct, integrity, judgment, loyalty, reliability, and consistency to duties and responsibilities requires trustworthiness. When are personnel always authorized to escape?? - cellular phone, survival radio, and personal locator beacon on your ___________________ prior to deploying or mission execution. Unlike a wartime situation, where the senior ranking member takes command of all prisoners, in a hostage situation, the most capable member must take command to ensure survivability. Your health and welfare (correct) A verifiable date (correct) You and your fellow captives identities (correct). Which of the following are criteria for selecting a shelter site? 26. difficult (Select all that apply). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Share. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Purifying with a commercial micro filter This Article will provide you the complete questions and answers for SERE 100.2, SERE 100.2 (IF you pass the pretest you don't take the rest of the course). What are the two types of reporting isolating events? False True (correct), 6) One way to gain acceptance from the local population after making contact is to discuss the similarities between your religions. 5. friendly SERE 100.2 Level A SERE Education and Training in Support of the Code (Select all that apply). The senior eligible military member assumes command over captives from all US Military Departments. 9) When are personnel ALWAYS authorized to escape? 16) The Code of Conduct is your moral guide from isolation to captivity resolution. The traditional chain of command roles and responsibilities continue in all captivity environments. Nate Dogg - Your Woman Has Just Been Sighted (Promo CDS) (2002) (FLAC (Select all that apply), coordinate your interactions with the media Which of the following techniques can be used to resist interrogation? Selecting a signaling site and putting your signal in a suitable location is critical. Tell us about it through the REPORT button at the bottom of the page. The Evasion Plan of Action (EPA) provides recovery forces the following information should you become isolated. Ensure you record data about your communication devices, i.e. (Select all that apply), Leave evidence of presence at capture point. The two types of reporting isolating events are observer-reported and media reporting. True (? Located in the heart of the West Coast's Emerald City, our downtown Seattle hotel places you minutes away from iconic sites like Pike Place Market, the Space Needle, and the . 17. strong point The three basic food sources during isolation are packed rations, animals and insects, and plants. (Select all that apply), Apply direct pressure The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". (Select all that apply), Carefully place small, dry kindling over the burning tinder Use a platform Prepare adequate amounts of tinder, kindling, and fuel, What are some methods to purify water? Repair clothing as necessary (Select all that apply) [Remediation Accessed :N]Bounce back (correct)Stall (correct)Control emotions (correct)Respond quickly, When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, the Geneva Conventions, requires, but does not prohibit, you from identifying yourself to your captors. The Code of Conduct explains your duty to escape and aid others to escape. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. 4 When confronted with capture medical personnel and chaplains may resort to aggressive action and the? I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. 201 - Client not authorized What is this? - elitepvpers False (correct) True, 7) Upon your release, a DoD Public Affairs Officer (PAO) will be available to help you. Identify steps in building a fire. The Role of the Immune System and Immune Escape in Head and Neck Cancer. An effective memory tool that can assist you with using situational awareness during an isolating event is the acronym PAID-E, which stands for perceive, ______________, interpret, decide, and execute. -The area is large enough for you and your equipment-Provides natural protection from environment, hazards, and threats-Sufficient materials are available for constructing a shelter. During the Meiji period the Japanese government adopted western policies towards POWs, and few of the Japanese personnel who surrendered . Criteria for selecting a shelter site? | (Select all that apply), Be conscious of your body language Maintain a low profile. Comment. When in physical or mortal danger The three basic food sources during isolation are packed rations, animals and insects, and plants. User: What are some de-escalation strategies personnel can use to discourage captor violence? [Remediation Accessed :N]Principle IPrinciple II (correct)Principle IIIPrinciple IV, What are some de escalation strategies personnel can use to discourage captor violence. Across See answer (1) Best Answer. Sufficient materials for signal construction (correct) Site hidden from potential enemy observation and ground fire (correct) Recovery possible from/near site (correct). The three basic food sources during isolation are packed rations, animals and insects, and plants. When are personnel ALWAYS authorized to escape? I've lost 3 accounts to this. Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. The mysterious ailment known as "Havana syndrome" did not result from the actions of a foreign adversary, according to an intelligence report that shatters a long-disputed theory that hundreds of U.S. personnel were targeted and sickened by a clandestine enemy wielding energy waves as a weapon. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". This is an example of _____________ under Article IV of the Code of Conduct. Article III Identify steps in building a fire. 3.1.1[a] authorized users are identified. How did the American colonies actually win the war and gain their Independence from Britain? Sanitize personal or sensitive materials (correct) Try to retain your personal cell phone (correct) Leave evidence of presence at capture point (correct). 40) When are personnel ALWAYS authorized to escape? - Answers Personnel in any companies are always allowed to escape when they encountered unexpected and unplanned unsafe condition in their workplace. The two types of reporting isolating events are observer-reported and media reporting. You should limit your communication with the captor to which of the following? When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. [Remediation Accessed :N]Principle IPrinciple IIPrinciple III Principle IV (correct), Identify some posture and resistance constants of an effective resistance posture. - Answer - ~Your evasion intentions and key recovery information ~Ensure you detail the factors concerning the methods and procedures you intend to use to communicate with recovery forces ~It helps them to anticipate your actions and intentions should you become isolated The Code of Conduct is your moral guide from isolation to captivity resolution . Which Code of Conduct article articulates the emotional connection between the service member and the concept of sacrifice, as a requirement for honorable military service? I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. Know about, What is Not a Commonly Used Endpoint Security Technique, Thanks for reading this article, When Are Personnel Always Authorized to Escape? If captured, you must give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to your comrades. Identify some posture and resistance constants of an effective resistance posture. Should you become a prisoner of war the Geneva Conventions requires but Your evasion intentions and key recovery information (correct) It helps them to anticipate your actions and intentions should you become isolated (correct) Ensure you detail the factors concerning the methods and procedures you intend to use to communicate with recovery forces (correct). When in physical or mortal danger The Evasion Plan of Action (EPA) provides recovery forces the following information should you become isolated. When confronted with capture medical personnel and chaplains may resort to aggressive action and the? (Select all that apply), Apply direct pressure Elevate and immobilize Use a tourniquet. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. What does SCORE stand for? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Personnel Protection Program establishes the standards, norms, and guidelines on which personnel safety qualification assessments are based. Limiting the amount of personal information available to others includes reducing your ______________ footprint, and personal information items not required for your operational mission such as credit cards and other identifiable items in your wallet or purse. Asked 4 hours 1 minute ago|2/3/2023 8:44:27 PM.