Coming Soon, Regal I am a master diver, you hear that? I don't even listen to it. And once you do fall in lovethat obsessive sort of love, that all-consuming love, where two people cant stand to be apart from each other for even a momenthow are you supposed to let a love like that pass you by?, If you want to be rich, never give up. I fucked up so bad. Patrick Denham: Pick up the phone and start dialing! What? Jordan Belfort: [after shipwreck] 3 2 1, let's fuck! Mark Hanna: It's not like Look. With Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Matthew McConaughey. Good! Because if I do decide to cooperate I might only looking at four short years. You had to deal with the Golf Course people too! We grew up together, and she grew up hot, you know. So, Bay Ridge, that's near Staten Island, right? Stratton Broker in a Bowtie: That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my fucking life! Do I Do I I jerk off? His eyes seem to be a little bit odd, don't they? Brad: And act as if you are already a tremendous success, and as sure as I stand here today - you will become successful., You dont choose who you fall in love with, do you? The wolf of Wall Street they call me! Coming Soon. "Fuck this, shit that. Eventually Ben married her, which was pretty amazing, considering she blew every single guy in the office. I've already talked to the lawyer. This is the greatest company in the world! I dont care whose birthday it is. Donnie Azoff, Its business. Hey Paulie, what's up? Jordan Belfort: Naomi Lapaglia: Drama, After 15 years in storage, the lemmons had developed a delayed fuse. Gotta pump those numbers up. They were usually struggling young models or exceptionally beautiful college girls in desperate need of tuition or designer clothing, and for a few thousand dollars they would do almost anything imaginable, either to you or to each other. Is she like a first cousin, or is she Donnie Azoff: Nicholas the Butler: Trust me, okay? They're not gonna dial themselves. An I.P.O. [All at once] This is Captain Ted Beecham aboard the yacht Naomi! I myself, I jerk off at least twice a day. Mark Hanna, Implosions are ugly. It's not on the elemental chart. And any fines that I have to pay wouldn't be due until after I've served my term, so we'd still have plenty of money leftover. We don't give two shits about how technology works, 'cause all we care about is getting fucking RICH! You gotta stay relaxed. Theyre gonna need to send in the national guard or fucking swat team, cause I aint going nowhere! Jordan Belfort, I am not gonna die sober! Jordan Belfort: Jordan Belfort: It'll also help your fingers dial faster. Because, at least as a rich man, when I have to face my problems, I show up in the back of the limo, wearing a $2000 suit and a $40,000 gold fuckin' watch. It was the sort of silence shared by two people who're comfortable enough not to force a conversation ahead of its logical progression. Donnie Azoff: That's why we at Stratton Oakmont pride ourselves on being the best. Number one rule of Wall Street. I was born too - too early. I'm not putting words in your mouth or nothing, but you just said that everybody wants to get rich. Everyone wants to get rich. Drugs. Sides? Brad: Chester Ming: I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich! Jordan Belfort, I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich! Jordan Belfort, If anyone over here thinks Im superficial or materialistic, go get a job at McDonalds because thats where you belong. Jordan Belfort, But before you depart this room full of winners, I want you to take a good look at the person next to you. I've never been a fan of the bush, to be honest. Don't watch with family, seriously. You're gonna knock whose fucking teeth in? If anyone's gonna fuck my cousin, it's gonna be me. You don't love me anymore, huh? Robbie Feinberg ('Pinhead'): Jesus Christ. Patrick Denham: Out of respect. Donnie Azoff, Look, man a lot of having a kid or whatever takes risk, whether youre fuckin cousins or not, you know Donnie Azoff, Well, basically, you know, if the kid was retarded I would I would, you know, drive it up to the country and just like, you know, open the door and let it say Youre free now! You know? Absolutely fucking not. Where's my kiss? Go to a trading floor on Wall Street. Jordan Belfort, OK, first rule of Wall Street Nobody and I dont care if youre Warren Buffet or Jimmy Buffet nobody knows if a stocks going up, down or f-ing sideways, least of all stockbrokers. And you know what else? Jordan Belfort: Jordan Belfort: On a daily basis I consume enough drugs to sedate Manhattan, Long Island, and Queens for a month. But there's a big chance, right? Don't you fucking Duchess me! There was this one time I was selling pot to this Amish dude. That's right, I forgot. Coming Soon. It was a hefty sum, $5 million, and in truth it had little to do with setting them up. See. 55 Best The Wolf Of Wall Street Quotes - Succeed Feed It had nothing to fucking do with me. Donnie Azoff: Jesus Christ. The Origin Of Matthew McConaughey's Wolf Of Wall Street Chant - ScreenRant I'm not talking about Buddhists or Amish. Look, it's a figure of fucking speech, just give me the fucking Donnie Azoff: In point of fact, The Wolf of Wall Street: WOLF OF WALL STREET:Wolf of wallstreet: Wolf of wall st {wolf of wall street}:by Jordan Belfort. The Wolf of Wall Street is one of the most iconic films of the 21st century Credit: Alamy. Jordan Belfort: Welcome back. It is perhaps the best thing I've seen in the last six months. Jordan Belfort: I Ain't Going Anywhere! But I needn't have been. Trust me. Mark Hanna: Naomi Lapaglia: They cure cancer? Its not on the elemental chart. Why don't you do me a favor. I can't untie you! Jordan Belfort: Get those fucking ludes! Tootski?Follow me for tootski right? I think you have a fuckin' drug problem. Act as if you have unmatched experience and then people will follow your advice. Yet Jordan Belfort: Is your landlord ready to evict you? Jordan Belfort: Didn't take long for people to start abusing ludes, of course, and in 1982 the U.S. government "Schedule 1'd" them, along with the rest of the world. You wanna know what money sounds like? I ask them to judge me on my losers, because I have so few. Jordan Belfort: Twice a day. In 1987, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) takes an entry-level job at a Wall Street brokerage firm. Naomi Lapaglia: I didn't even want to bring it up. Daddy's really sorry about what he said in the other room. Jordan Belfort: So, I presume you're Italian. Coming Soon. I'm pretty fucking sure. and the Without you, theyre just worthless hunks of plastic. It recounts Belfort's perspective on his career as a stockbroker in New York City and how his firm, Stratton Oakmont, engaged in rampant . Think about it. Jordan Belfort: Enjoy! Jordan Belfort: No one's gonna fucking die! Jordan Belfort: the wolf of wall street 123 GIFs. I mean, who the fuck wanted to live there? I don't love you anymore, Jordan! Manny Riskin: Copyright Fandango. No, I'm not fucking letting you near my kids! Naomi Lapaglia: In fact, you never did anything wrong in the first place. Naomi Lapaglia: $430,000 in one month, Jordy. Naomi Lapaglia: No, I don't wanna implode, sir. The reason for the call today, John, is something just came across my desk, John. [stands up tall, smiling] 'Wolf of Wall Street' Estate Listed for $10 Million: Photos - Insider Mark Hanna: And from now on, it's gonna be nothing but short, short skirts around the house. Give him time. All very acidic above-the-shoulders mustard shit. One day, you will do it right. I started this website because I wanted to help people like you to maximize their potential and achieve their dreams. fucking digits. Does it even matter to you that I just had that driving range sodded with Bermuda grass, Jordan, and now you fucking wrecked it! Its not fucking real. Mark Hanna, Gotta pump those numbers up. Good luck on that subway ride home to your miserable, ugly fucking wives. Jordan Belfort: I'm gonna have Heidi lick some caviar off my balls in the meantime. Mr. Hanna, you're able to do drugs during the day and then still function, still do your job? I don't wanna die, Jordan! Right there? They're bald - they're bald from the eyebrows down. Jordan, it's fucking good, right? Jordan Belfort: That is fucked up! Do I jerk off? This is not a tip, this is a prescription. John: Get the ludes downstairs! Brace yourself for an outrageous true story from legendary. Yeah, my wife yeah, my wife is my cousin or whatever. [flashes to Jordan having sex with Naomi] I'm the Founder of and I truly appreciate you taking the time to read my posts and being apart of the Succeed Feed community. Error rating book. , and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes. Jordan Belfort: This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. Come on, baby. You gotta feed the geese to keep the blood flowing. Jordan Belfort: Are people looting and raping? Her pussy was like heroin to me. And all my friends are trying to fuck her, you know, and Im not gonna let one of these assholes fuck my cousin. Donnie Azoff: Jordan Belfort: [Pretends to walk away, but suddenly turns back]. Because sometime in the not-so-distant future, you're gonna be pulling up at a red light, in your beat-up old fucking Pinto, and that person's gonna be pulling up right alongside you in their brand new Porsche. Its never landed. Does daddy get a kiss from both of his little girls, huh? Their fathers are douchebags, just like their fathers before them. The Wolf of Wall Street has many lessons to learn from and brings to light something very real and raw in society, how even those with the best of intentions can fall prey to negative influences. From movie lovers to businessmen alike The Wolf of Wall Street is arguably one of the most iconic films of the 21st century. I called him Rugrat because of his piece of shit hairpiece. Read critic reviews. Shit about you and your cousin or something like that. And in the case of the telephone, it's up to each and every one of you, my highly-trained Strattonites. Jordan Belfort: I finished my paperwork and I was, just had a couple minutes. The True Story Behind The Wolf of Wall Street Movie - Collider You hear me? Required fields are marked *. Donnie Azoff: You're a lying piece of shit! I take Quaaludes 10-15 times a day for my "back pain", Adderall to stay focused, Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out, cocaine to wake me back up again, and morphine Well, because it's awesome. I want you to come for me like it's the last fucking time. My fucking warriors, who will not hang up the phone till their client either buys. Righto, Jean, that'll be great Cheerio! Patrick Denham: And once you do fall in lovethat obsessive sort of love, that all-consuming love, where two people cant stand to be apart from each other for even a momenthow are you supposed to let a love like that pass you by? Jordan Belfort. Jordan Belfort: Jordan Belfort: Brad, show them how it's done. The 5 By 5 Rule To Reduce Stress, Anxiety And Worry, The 5 Minute Rule Become Emotionally Invincible, The Curse Of Knowledge: How To Avoid Sabotaging Your Success, Fear-setting: Why you should define your fears instead of your goals, Top 5 Lessons Learned After She Read 500 Self-Help Books, Revealed: How 50 Cent Made Millions With Vitamin Water, Top 10 Business Tips From Billionaire Carlos Slim Hel, 69 Larry Page Quotes To Be A Successful Entrepreneur, 49 Successful Millionaire And Billionaire College Dropouts, Rocky Balboa Motivational Speech By Sylvester Stallone, Walt Disney Was Fired & Rejected 300 Times Failure To Success, Limiting Beliefs: How To Identify And Overcome Them, 77 Frank Zappa Quotes On Life, Government & Music, 101 Vince Lombardi Quotes To Win The Game Of Life, 78 Abraham Maslow Quotes To Max Out Your Potential, 37 Rosa Parks Quotes To Stand Up For Your Freedom, 87 Best George Carlin Quotes On Education, Politics & Life, 31 NoFap Benefits That Will Change Your Life, How Complaining Physically Rewires Your Brain For Negativity, Anxiety & Depression, 11 Simple Self-Esteem Boosters That Will Change Your Life, I Am Enough A Simple Habit That Will Change Your Life, 15 Reasons Why You Should Stop Watching Porn. Because at least as a rich man, when I have to face my problems, I show up in the back of a limo, wearing a $2,000 suit and a $40,000 gold fucking watch! Jordan Belfort, See those little black boxes? Look at this! But, you drink enough and you drink a lot and it'll get you fucked up? Sell me that pen. You be ferocious! All you have to do today is pick up that phone and speak the words that I have taught you. Naomi Lapaglia: Thank God. Donnie Azoff: Naomi Lapaglia: Naomi Lapaglia: If you sell $10,000 worth of this stock, I will personally give you a blowjob for free. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. This is Brad, and Brad is the guy I really wanted. Jordan Belfort: I couldn't believe how these guys talked to each other! You know those guys who got like the beard with, like, no mustache or some bullshit? Naomi Lapaglia: Every time! Jordan Belfort, When you live your life by poor standards, you inflict damage on everyone who crosses your path, especially those you love. Jordan Belfort, I believe in total immersion, if you want to be rich, you have to program your mind to be rich. Max Belfort: It'll keep you sharp between the ears. You're gonna be seeing an awful lot of this around the house. Jordan Belfort: Jordan Belfort: Donnie Azoff: Donnie Azoff: Married people can't have friends? [laughing] What the fuck is that kid doing? I fucking hate you, Jordan! Naomi Lapaglia: Jordan Belfort: So I was sellin' them shit, but the way I looked at it, the money was better off in my pocket. Naomi Lapaglia: People tend to give up. [in thoughts] What are these sides? Leave your emotions at the door. Jordan Belfort, The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you cant achieve it. Jordan Belfort, 97% of the people who quit too soon are employed by the 3% who didnt. Jordan Belfort, Hard work beats talent. Act as if you're a wealthy man, rich already, and then you'll surely become rich. Jordan Belfort: She's a classy lady. Jordan Belfort: Share the best GIFs now >>> That'd scare the shit out of me, buddy. The Wolf Of Wall Street: 10 Best Donnie Azoff Quotes, Ranked Fuck you! Wake up, you piece of shit! Not to mention countless dollars. Captain Ted Beecham: I'm not a scientist; I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. [narration] Jordan Belfort: Exactly. Jordan Belfort: No way, baby, no! One fucking day. Naomi Lapaglia: Jordan Belfort: Oh, hey! What the fuck are you talking about? Say hi to Rocco and Rocco! Holy fuck, you did just say that. Donnie Azoff: I'll do four grand. Good, pick up the phone and start dialing! Put the fucking car in the park, you dumb fucking idiot! Alden Kupferberg: Sell me this pen! And I choose rich every fucking time. It's like playing a game of chess with your own life. Cause I cant keep track of your professions honey! Daddy shouldn't waste his time. There could be. [holding his child] A real wolf pit, which is exactly how I liked it. New world. Jordan Belfort: Like, Run free! You know? Donnie Azoff, There was this one time I was selling pot to this Amish dude. Some of these girls, you should see them. My fucking warriors, who will not hang up the phone until their client either buys *or fucking dies!*. Yeah, like Buddhists. 9 famous Wolf of Wall Street quotes | The US Sun Okay? Want me to come for you? When you get really good at it, youll fucking be stroking and youll be thinking about money. Mark Hanna, Her father is the brother of my mom. Mommy, have you ever noticed anything odd about Mr. If you don't do it, the stress of this job, it'll make you explode. The Wolf Of Wall Street earned five Oscar . He's got a gun, you fucking idiot! I got this non-alcoholic shit Jordan Belfort: Well isn't that just fucking convenient for you! BOOK I, inside the restaurant young Strattonites carried on their time-honored tradition of acting like packs of untamed wolves., [Aunt] Patricia smiled, and we walked in silence for a while. Implosions are ugly. Donnie Azoff: Don't you fucking dare! Don't fucking dare throw that fucking water at me. Jordan Belfort: No, everything's fine. Jordan Belfort: I'm really happy for you. Jordan Belfort: My wife, Naomi, the Duchess of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. You're gonna miss it! [gets a wire] That'd be 40,000 shares, John. Oh, hey. Stratton Oakmont Commercial: there's some very awkward but funny, laugh out loud, moments that i'm still thinking about and laughing to myself over long after viewing. I've done a lot of bad shit, I'm going to hell! In 1987, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) takes an entry-level job at a Wall Street brokerage firm. People tend to give up. [Approaches the guy] Or worse yet, I've seen this happen, implode. Which is why you should pick up 5000 shares . Whats inspirational about Belforts story is actually how he was able to recover from his fall from grace. But he didn't go along with us. Many weren't happy with the ending, though it was a very accurate representation of this day and time, and falls in line with typical Scorsese films. Jordan Belfort: Fuzzy Bear over there? Captain Ted Beecham: My killers, my killers who will not take no for an answer. Babe, I spoke to the lawyers again today. There's no nobility in poverty. Mayday! I mean, when she married me she knew what she was getting into, didnt she? Jean Jacques Saurel: I mean like, you married your cousin or some stupid shit. 25 grand to the first cocksucker to nail the bulls-eye! Cocaine and hookers, my friend. Give yourself no choice but to succeed. The Wolf of Wall Street - Rotten Tomatoes He's a Boy Scout! Go on. Yeah, yeah I jerk off. They're called telephones. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. Let the consequences of failure become so dire and so unthinkable that youll have no choice but to do whatever it takes to succeed., The easiest way to make money is -create something of such value that everybody wants and go out and give and create value, the money comes automatically., I've got the guts to die. No it's not like that. Or maybe manipulate events are the more appropriate words. How the fuck else are you supposed to do this job? Risk is what keeps us young, isn't it, darling? They were drunk on youth, fueled by greed, and higher than kites., Vn ca bn l g? You be telephone fucking terrorists! Jordan Belfort: Pop off to the bathroom, work one out any time you can. They all want something for nothing. Explains you. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 62. . Does your girlfriend think you're a fucking worthless loser? Jordan Belfort: I love you. Jordan Belfort: Naomi Lapaglia: It took 90 minutes for these fuckers to kick in but once they did, *pow. Donnie Azoff: Money talks and bullshit takes the bus. Bald as as China doll. Look! Because they said eventually everyone's going to have to give information on this case so at the end of the day it might not even be a factor. I would, you know, drive it up to the country and just like, you know, open the door and let it say "You're free now!" Don't you dare throw that fucking water on me! But pretty soon, somebody figured out that if you resisted the urge to sleep for just fifteen minutes, you got a pretty kick-ass high from it. picks her up. What are all the little fuckheads doing while you're here? You have to excuse my friend. So I, you know, used the cousin thing as like like an in with her. 75 Best The Wolf of Wall Street Quotes from the Iconic Movie Oh my God! So It's Wolf of Wall Street, But for Learning How to Pick Up Girls [in narration]