Search for land and ranches on our properties page. Depending on the region of Texas and the severity of drought, the incidence of spikes ranges from 25-33% of the yearling cohort. not be legal based on these criteria. Deer antler sets scoring over 180" can usually be sold for a decent amount. 308-750-0700 Deer Antler Pricing per lb. For example, one state has a rule that protects all bucks that don't have at least 3 points on one antler. Catalog You might want to bag the hunting boots and wear sneakers or soft-soled trail runners so you can feel those big sticks you step on. The property is dominated by thick woods consisting of multiple oak species (particularly post oak), cedar, hackberry, and cedar elm. Richard Dorchuck. Its not only fun, but great exerciseespecially when youve been shut in for days. Call us Stay informed of the latest ranch listings and ranch property news. Feel free to look him up on Facebook or give him a call at: 801-473-3508. sheds Hunters and landowners are right to assume that a buck-harvest regulation does not directly address the need for doe harvest in many areas of the state. Why Isn't TPWD Looking at Proposing This Regulation for my County Right Now? We Value Relationships We Pay Top Market Prices You will notice that the criterion for 6 points on an antler was removed in an effort to simplify the regulation. If they give you statistics based on the number of antler points, you should question why they are not using a parameter more indicative of antler mass. Standing corn that was not cut for some reason is a sure-fire spot to scare up a few sheds. During his time at Texas A&M Trent spent a summer as an intern with Crossroads Cattle Co and Thigpen Livestock. The law was amended in 1969, 1981 and 1988 to include such things as non-native species, indigenous plants and illegal guiding and outfitting operations. Worth $1-$2 a pound if youre lucky. Antler Man - We Buy & Sell Antler Such a tag would have to come with stipulations to eliminate the risk of over harvesting the buck segment of the population, as well as the risk of high-grading. Don't be surprised if none of them want the spotl One goose, two geese. Some 400 sets can bring much more depending on the overall quality, color and characteristics! Talk to Greg for pricing on larger lots. Call: 801-557-2284. Youve got to look close, real close, says Drury. $2,942,500 (Asking Price). Not sure of current prices. Antler restrictions may be considered in some counties because landowners and hunters wanted an extra tag to help them better manage the herd. KERRVILLE ANTLER BUYERS - Shopping - Kerrville, TX - Phone Number - Yelp The incidence of spike-antlered bucks is much lower than what many people think. Be critical. While working towards completion of his Master's degree Trent went to work for a cow-calf/ stocker & backgrounding operation in Central Texas. The average price for a 400" set is about $1,000. Deer antler sets scoring over 180" can usually be sold for a decent amount. This regulation, which has been in effect since the 2002-03 hunting season in the 6 aforementioned . deer Currently bringing $6-$10 a pound. Manage My Subscriptions, archive But in those same areas, only 5% of Other comments from those accustomed to seeing bucks - but young ones - include, "We're actually seeing rutting activity now! Why Don't You Try This on Wildlife Management Areas First? 2023. How Selling Works How Selling Works About Kerrville Antler Buyers Photo Gallery Connect With Kerrville Antler Buyers Hill Country Antler Art has been creating custom antler home furnishings and accessories, as well as handcrafted copper cactus chandeliers, etc. Kerrville Antler Buyer prices are among the highest prices in Texas! Right now there is a big demand for antlers because there are so many different things antlers are used for like crafts, chandeliers, jewelry, dog chews, decoration, knife handles, and medicinal purposes. Buy Antlers, Hill Pleasant, South Carolina and currently sources cattle out of southeastern United States. Antler Restrictions - Texas When a set reaches the magic number of 400" it is usually worth more though prices can fluctuate depending on the sets attributes or specific characteristics. By the way, the incidence of mature bucks that would not be legal They are also right when Why Would You Want to Restrict Our Youth From Taking a Buck of Their Choice? As we move forward with our data-collection procedures, we will follow a design that will allow us to report harvest data with 95% confidence, and will allow us to detect a 10% change in the population over a 5-year period. Las Vegas, NV 89113. However, during the third year of the experiment, 71% of the harvested bucks were at least 3.5 years old. Ohio Hunter Finds a Massive 233-Inch Deadhead Buck. The ranch is an excellent high fenced ranch with superior genetic whitetail deer introduced in past four years. A comment that we routinely hear from the experimental counties is, "My kids are finally seeing bucks when we go hunting! This is not a result of there being fewer spikes during the second and third years. As is the case in many of the 147 one-buck counties in Texas, hunting pressure on bucks was extremely high in this particular area, and very few bucks were allowed to reach maturity. Michael Hanback and To avoid re-walking an area, do a walk-stop-and-circle search instead: Stop every 50 yards or so and do a 360-degree look around, to take advantage of new viewpoints. Unfortunately, Moose died due to another bowhunters mistake, and Drew recovered his skull and antlers the following spring. Copyright 2022 Kerrville Antler Buyers - All Rights Reserved. | Real Estate buyers are hereby notified that real properties and its rights and amenities in the States of Texas; Oklahoma; Colorado; Louisiana; Arkansas; and New Mexico are subject to many forces and impacts whether natural, those caused by man, or otherwise; including, but not limited to, drought or other weather related events, disease (e.g. [The counties in green are the remaining one-buck counties in Texas.] Jeff would ride his bicycle to the cattle company to work and continued to work at Thigpen until he graduated from Chilton High School. the condition, weighed, and purchased by the pound. Parking Pets Allowed Restrooms Wifi Wheelchair Accessible Credit Cards Accepted See More Details (4) Parking Nearby Hotels Boerne, Texas Cw Hill Country Ranch Wedding Venue + Bed And Breakfast This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. KERRVILLE ANTLER BUYERS, LLC is a Texas Domestic Limited-Liability Company (Llc) filed on December 9, 2020. Walk every muddy deer trail that you can, and youll find bone. May have a chip or slight broken tine. Look for gentle slopes that face south or west Most years, big mule deer are going to drop their antlers during the last couple weeks of January. Texas Information About Brokerage Services. ! They have triplets born in 1998 (Ben, John and Eliza). Nontypical sheds can be worth more depending on the look and size. Landowners and hunters in Austin, Colorado, Fayette, Lavaca, Lee, and Washington counties requested a hunting regulation that would offer more protection to immature bucks. Brown antler: $16-18 per pound. The property has approximately 1.5 miles of paved road frontage. If the number of mature bucks in the harvest increases significantly over a period of years, while overall buck harvest does not decline (and other factors such as season length and bag limit remain constant), then there is an apparent increase in the number of bucks surviving to older age classes. As you walk, look, think and get a feel for the lay of the land, says Kirsch, who is one of the most accomplished shed hunters I know. In other words, most bucks with 6 points on one antler also have an inside spread of 13 inches or greater. Antler. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Misdemeanor prosecutions can bring fines up to $10,000 and one year imprisonment. During the first year, roughly 43% of all bucks checked were "spikes." Each year when it's time to take some animals to the auction barn, you take the calves that are just a little bit bigger. *Anter prices are rough estimates and change form year to year. Winter gives mule deer enough stress the way it is.. That is about what they were 10 yrs ago. If the area thats holding elk has drivable roads, fill up the tank and start driving. If your area has an early rut, bucks testosterone levels will decrease earlier and, as a result, some deer will cast their racks two to four weeks earlier than usual. Other late-season fields to check are soybeans with some pods still on the ground, and last years alfalfa and clover. Investigators may capture 2,000 free-ranging deer, but if they have captured only 11 as yearlings and again at maturity, the sample size is only 11. Texas Colorado | Petska Fur Antlers & Horns for Sale Claw, Antler & Hide Co. Todays top biologists nix that idea, saying deer are probably unaware of when and where theyll lose their headgear. 2 were here. Of course. My number is 307-351-1777. Because of these factors, mature northern bucks tend to shed first, followed by younger-age-class deer. select for better quality (i.e., branched antlered) young bucks, and will While there, Trent played an active role in the procurement of calves for backgrounding to be shipped to the company's grow yard in Nebraska as well as replacement heifers. Antlers Unlimited Hill Country Antler Buyers 201 E Creek St Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 USA (830) 997-2263 Hours not available Problem with this listing? Shed antler hunting is becoming increasingly popular. Most of the people I buy from find me through word of mouth. The information contained herein is subject to changes, errors, omissions, prior sale, withdrawal of property from the market without prior notice, and approval of purchase by owner. This property has been sold, but you can still view this properties details and related properties below. Kerrville Antler Buyers Pays Top Dollar For Your Antlers! This means pion, juniper, mountain mahogany, bitterbrush, and sagebrush. I will have to see if I can find his contact info or make a call to a friend. Learn a new word every day. Four new blinds/feeders/protein feeders are on the property located in opened areas for food plots. A set of antlers at 200 can spark the interest of collectors. Born and raised near Cuero, Texas, Jennings Steen graduated from Texas A&M University with a B.S. Hidden Antler Ranch - Fayette County, La Grange, TX, Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice. Buy or sell an illegally taken deer, and you could face prosecution for a Federal Lacey Act violation (illegally transporting wild game over state lines). In fact, only 25-33% of the yearling buck population consists of spikes - depending on the region and the climatic conditions of that year. For example, a 180 set may be worth about $150 to $200, while a 200 set may be worth . A 180 set is worth approximately $150 to $200 depending on the look and characteristics of the set. Come back next March and search again. Nate Oster. This is independent of other bucks cycles and is probably centered on birth date. You keep those that are a little slower. Scott Wait is a senior biologist with Colorado Parks and Wildlife. It was a truly remarkable animal that we called Moose, he says. Shed Hunting: Ultimate Guide to Finding Antlers | Outdoor Life Given the fact that many of our biologists and technicians are responsible for 3-5 counties each (if they're lucky), we simply do not have the manpower to extend this education effort in many more counties than those indicated above. Why Not Just Provide a Free "Spike Tag" - With no Spread Restriction? Felony prosecutions can bring fines up to $20,000 per individual and five years imprisonment. Not sure if he still buys them or not. under this strategy is much lower than what one may expect. Get the latest news. In the North, a defined rut means a shorter breeding window. We conduct these seminars on the 1st Friday of every month from March through October, beginning at 1:30 pm. You sell your fastest horses because you can get more money. You keep the calves that are just a little smaller (bulls and heifers for replacements). An Animal Science graduate of Texas A&M University, Jeff became acquainted with Crossroads Cattle Co. owners Leslie Callahan and Jennings Steen while all three were students at Texas A&M during the late 1980's / early 1990's. We make sure you get the highest prices for your antler and that you have an enjoyable experience. From 2000-2003, Leslie was Vice President of Livestock Procurement at Emerge Interactive, Inc. At Emerge, Leslie helped build sales to a point where the company was taken public in 2001. This page lists all of the antler buyers that currently buy in the Texas area. It is under MLD III classification. On average, a 350" set is worth about $400 and for every 10" above that add about $50. Some sets are going to appeal to more people, which will make them worth more. If that is on the same ground where you hunt, great. So far, all indications are that youth hunters are benefiting from this regulation. If it is raining lightly, thats fine. Look in a wooded area that was recently grazed by a herd of cattle. They weigh much more and used to be in high demand. Hill Country Antler Buyers | Fredericksburg TX - Facebook Order And like any lucrative enterprise, the antler market also has its . Prospective buyers of Texas real estate, New Mexico real estate, Colorado real estate, Oklahoma real estate, Arkansas Real Estate, or Louisiana real estate should investigate any concerns regarding a specific real property to their satisfaction. Through his time at the sale barn he started buying stocker calves for a number of local farmers around the area. But you should wait to go shed hunting. Montana. Combat Infantryman, the ultimate hunter where the prey shoots back. Our customers are the backbone of our business, and we know that! However, this sort of regulation requires a fairly extensive education effort, as we want to be sure that hunters are well aware of the regulation change. My goal this year is to buy 100,000 pounds of antlers this year. Sheds are as visible as theyll ever be, and ripe for the taking. Please understand that most of what we read in the popular magazines are statements based on opinions and speculation. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. Send us feedback. Antlers are graded based on For example, the inside-spread limit utilized on the Kerr WMA has been 15" rather than 13". We will continue to keep a close eye on population and harvest data in order to evaluate the effects of regulations on the population. Brown or white antlers are easiest to spot on an overcast day. To detect and manage this disease, the department has designated CWD Zones. Free shipping for many products! Terrill Ostrum is a native of Fishtail, Montana, and remains an active partner in his family's commercial Angus and quarter horse operation. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (888) 726-2481 If this condition is not met, fee participation will be at sole discretion of Republic Ranches, LLC. Light Foot. Mature bucks in the harvest increased to 23% the first year simply because fewer bucks were harvested that year (i.e., "sacrifice year"). The information contained herein has been gathered from sources deemed reliable; however, Republic Ranches, LLC and its principals, members, officers, associates, agents and employees cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information. Why add a second buck to the bag? What is the average price for a 200" set of deer antlers? Our constituents are correct when they say there are I am also an antler dealer, buying and selling antlers as well [], Copyright 2023 | MH Magazine WordPress Theme by MH Themes, Hi, I'm looking to buy 2 points snd small 3 point deer antlers for Jackalopes. Customer Satisfaction Established in 2012. Therefore, the 6-point and 8-point yearlings are harvested, and the bucks with less antler potential (e.g., spikes) are protected. Delivery time is estimated using our proprietary method which is based on the buyer's proximity to the item location, the shipping service selected, the seller . Using for furniture and home decor is going to drive the market today. Most people look right over antlers, says my friend and whitetail expert Terry Drury. After graduation he spent fifteen years with a Corporate Cattle Feeding entity, now known as Five Rivers. Any Antler buyers DFW area? - Texas Hunting Forum Texas Antler Buyers - AntlerBuyers.Com If hunters take advantage of the extra In 1988, David accepted a position at Prairie Livestock in Memphis, Tennessee, where he learned the cattle industry's risk management and sales. Montana's Top Fur, and Antler Buyer | Petska Fur When so few bucks "slip through the cracks" and reach maturity, there is an obvious problem with hunting pressure on young bucks. White-tailed Deer Texas Parks & Wildlife Department There are minor differences from one WMA to another. Wardens watch social media, as they should, so dont get jammed up. Email: In winter, many bucks feel comfortable feeding and hiding in these gnarly spots, and drop their antlers there. There has been much discussion among hunters and landowners over the past several months regarding the potential expansion of an antler-restriction regulation into their counties. After graduation Trent began to work on his Masters in Agricultural Economics. The high fence is only several years old and in excellent condition. They simply aren't living that long. Justin Stroope was raised near Clayton, New Mexico on a cow-calf and yearling operation. GOHUNT is a registered trademark of GOHUNT, LLC. If they say they have studies, ask them if they have published those studies in a peer-reviewed journal. If you can find a furniture maker that has a use for them then that would be your best money I would think. Kerrville Antler Buyers - Antler Buyer - Kerrville, Texas Why Sell To Us Sell Your Antlers Today! Some sheds are white, others are brown and blend into the grass and leaves. Improving the age structure of this buck herd is making our hunts much more enjoyable, because we're seeing activities that you just don't see when you have such a young buck population." Over the last 10 years antler prices have roughly doubled. While this is not a trophy-buck management strategy, most hunters and landowners probably would agree that it would be irresponsible of TPWD to propose a regulation that would have an adverse effect on antler quality. 2022 GOHUNT, LLC. In the graph above, you will notice that only 4% of the buck harvest was comprised of bucks 4.5 years old or older - prior to the experimental regulation. Terrill also brings experience in managing procurement and inventory control activities for an integrated beef company, sourcing high quality feeder cattle directly from ranches as well as through video sales and auction markets. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! There is a breeding pen for introducing deer located just outside of the barn/cabin area. And if you're an antler buyer cruising the auctions or advertising in the local Mini-Nickel, a big antler is maybe $10 or $15 worth of profit. Listen to your subconscious. To confirm the meeting dates and times, please call the Kerr WMA at 830-238-4483. In fact, 70% of survey respondents (in the 6-county experimental area) in the fall of 2004 said that they enjoy hunting more now than they did prior to the experimental antler-restriction regulation. Our Top-Market prices and unbeatable grading will put more money in you pocket! In 2008, he and his family moved to Fredericksburg, Texas and he began working with Crossroads. Shed hunters have friends that shed hunt. Oak Wilt, Anthrax, Chronic Wasting Disease), invasive species, illegal trespassing, previous owner actions, neighbor actions and government actions. Attention to detail on this ranch makes it a wonderful, turnkey hunting ranch in terrific area. It only takes one time to become a permanent customer! It's the exact opposite process of how deer antlers harden in late summer. and cookie statement. Delivered to your inbox! In 2010 Gary formed S&H Cattle Co out of Antlers, OK, which is an order buying and trucking company. Sets of antlers are the toughest to sell unless they are very unique or massive. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? allow most of them the mature before they are available for harvest. today at 830-285-2263 (cell) or 830-997-2263 (office) for current pricing. Love the business and love meeting and talking outdoors with the guys pounding the hills with the same interests! #7913504 07/26/20 01:09 PM: Joined: Sep 2018. Currently, 100% of the yearling bucks are vulnerable to harvest. Will This Strategy Select For "Narrow-Rack" Bucks? In the South, a longer rut means a prolonged breeding window. TPWD has implemented this type of harvest strategy on numerous Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) for a number of years, where similar results have been observed. There was no biological reason for maintaining that as a criterion for a legal buck; therefore, we are proposing to simplify the regulation by defining a legal buck based on only the 2 criteria listed above. We suspect that the regulation in those counties will serve as an educational tool for the remaining one-buck counties in an area, and we do not foresee an extended waiting period for additional counties that want this regulated harvest strategy. From there he went to work at McLean Feed Yard where he headed up the cattle department until 2007. Rather, this is a result of far more bucks with an inside spread of 13 inches or greater - simply because there were a lot more 3.5- and 4.5-year-old bucks than ever before. Leslie and his family currently reside in Dripping Springs, TX. they say a portion of them will be protected under this strategy, which is Steen then returned to A&M and earned a M.S. Buying, Selling Deer Antlers is Risky Business eliminate the risk of high-grading, which is a likely outcome when many hunters Size matters! A 180" set is worth approximately $150 to $200 depending on the look and characteristics of the set. | We have been receiving requests for such a hunting regulation in numerous counties for the past 2 years. Like the stock market, antler market prices will fluctuate. Posts: 14. Walk each grid and look straight down around your feet for sheds, then move on to the next grid. I cant tell you how many sheds Ive found that I walked right by days and weeks before, he says. Many of us have read numerous articles on the subject ("Shoot Spikes" or "Don't Shoot Spikes" or some other statements about genetics in white-tailed deer). Antlers are easier to see when you look straight down from a horse. Michael Hanback. Hunters who harvest mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, or other exotic CWD-susceptible species within the CWD Zones are required to bring .