Once you connect with a black native youll really see what the black side of Seattle has to offer. I came across this site because I want to move next year, being that my daughter will be graduating and heading off to college. Negotiate to be paid what you are worth. I am considering retiring to Florida. I am considering moving to Florida this year. So far, on the top of my list are Raleigh and/or Charlotte NC. My cousin lives here and I thought I needed to be closer to family. P.S - If you're looking to get some inspiration on being a Black woman abroad I highly suggest reading Black Girl in Paris and The Black Girl's Guide To Living, Loving, & Traveling Abroad Houston is a place that black people more often thrive and transfer their success to the next generation. Hi Ashlee, my name is Joe. Good luck! The Best Cities for Black Women to Flourish Financially - MoneyGeek.com Move to LA or Maryland. The people who live here are very nice and all seem to be upper-middle class. Any thoughts about Oakland or Berkeley, CA (asides from expense)? Tracey, did you find your spot? What prevents North Dakota from ranking higher on the list for the best place for single parents . Only 19 percent of family households in Utah are headed by a single parent. Surveys often rank it as the happiest city in Portugal - it's not hard to see why. Best & Worst States for Working Moms - WalletHub Oh no, Stephanie J. Thirty minutes from Baltimore. This combination results in low-wage jobs and a significant wealth gap: Black women who work full-time, year-round earn 62 cents for every one dollar white men earn working full-time, year-round. Hi Lisa, if your son is interested in graphic and visual arts, then NYC would be the place to move to. Atlanta has become over-populated leaving limited high paying job opportunities for the masses. I would love to know about schools ratings and jobs for my husband and myself. This is exactly why many people either dont end up buying, or even if they have the money, dont want to buy. Im Asian American and my partner is African American. Hope this helps. Youve been doing this for about 15 years. Single Mother Statistics (UPDATED 2023) The city had an especially high time score and workplace protection score. I feel like Im desperately searching for a safe place to raise my son. I am from Miami, FL. Chesapeake or VA Beach, VA. would serve you well Ms Celeste. I second that. Lots of park walking trails, restaurants, gyms, libraries, a mall, very diverse in age, race, income. They are all suburbs of the area with the best schools. I visited and found it beautiful, and was wondering what the experience of living there as a black person would be like. Here's a look at the most boring cities in Georgia according to the data: Vidalia. Every African American deserves the opportunity to live in a happy place. I understand why Richmond, VA continues to make these list economically, but as far as culture and things for black people to do, its very boring. Im in Savannah now and if I remain in the US Im looking at the Dallas suburbs. 46. Somewhere diverse and a place where my children can identify themselves culturally within the area. Its a great place to have lived all my life. There is so much to do here. Broward county is a great place to raise yourself, lol and/or your kids. The percentage of children under age 18 who live with a single mother has jumped from 8 percent in 1960 to 23 percent in 2016, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Any thoughts? I was born and raised in WA (parents from the south) and I really cant understand whats up with the people here. You are right. It is a great, fun college town. My suggestion would be Fayette or Coweta countys. I can see how it might be more alt-white. Poverty Rate (full weight): The percentage point difference of the citys rate of Black women earning at or above the poverty level and the rate of all other women living above the poverty level nationally. When posed that question, Dr. Lori Martin, a professor of African and African American studies and sociology at Louisiana State University, had this to say: "A livable place for Black women is safe, and for women with children, it is home to schools where all students have access to an excellent education. 10 Great Cities for Black People to Live - Black Top 10s Theres lots to do. I will be graduating as an APRN and the laws are great for APRN there. I have 3 children but two are ages thirteen and three. I found that to be quite curious as well. Black moms are over five times more likely to define themselves as single compared to their white counterparts, according to Motherly's latest annual State of Motherhood Survey. Places without granular data about Black women or lacking other data points for the analysis were removed to get to the final set of 200 cities. I live in the suburbs of DC and have to stay that moving to PG County, Maryland would be ideal if you are looking to see affluent black families. The problem is, our warm seasons dont last long. So it was very weird to see that black people dont speak. The cities of Suffolk, Chesapeake, and Virginia Beach, VA. are hiring and seeking more AAs in a highly AA populated metro. If you and your family grew up in Seattle, you better believe everyone knows who you are, however, gentrification moved a lot of black folks further South or away. Thinking about moving down there. The area I live in is not diverse and the public school system is not good. The black people here are very few and far between. Im thinking about homeschooling him or putting him in a private school. Miami Beach is nice, but expensive. Though I like the walkability of Boston, MA and Bronx, NY, I am looking to settle down and own property. Libraries, theaters in the area, great health care. Its a mini Los Angeles. Opportunities for Black women were vastly different in many cities geographically close to each other. Im a single mom, (one income) working as a nurse, so I make decent money but to buy a house here I would have to struggle, buy something very small or settle on not as good a school district, hence why Im moving. My daughter was in Columbus City Schools for 6 years and it isnt great. This city lacks affordable housing and black owned businesses. Your email address will not be published. I currently live in Florida a want to relocate. What areas have good school systems and jobs? But we persevered and overcame them, just as you must! I see Bakersfield CA is not as expensive as other parts of California but I wanted some first hand info on diversity. I live northwest of Ft Lauderdale it being the best move I ever made. Born and raised in the Henrico County of Richmond Va. Good zip codes, 23229, 23238, 23228, 23060 23059. Im also looking to relocate I have a 9 year old son. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I havent nailed anything down for sure yet. Im in LA and feel the same way. 25. Especially housing. Where is a safe area for a young single black mother to raise a child? She loves creating content that inspires financial empowerment. We lived in Mesa Arizona for years. I worked for the police as a dispatcher because moving to another state, you get jobs your have experience in. I could have easily moved to Charlotte. While we have plenty of culture in certain neighborhoods, most are still impacted by segregation. Only been here a year and I can attest to all of that. If theres anywhere good left to go please share. Wondering what is the safest city for black singles, with entertainment and good schools. Your email address will not be published. About Disney? I use to stay in Cincinnati and people always stated that Columbus was not for African Americans to stay. I would not recommend it for anyone (especially with children). I was the only black woman working in dispatch and I felt it. Overall, great experience just expensive. Hey, I live in Maryland and I want to move to North Carolina in 2023, between Charlotte, Durham, and Raleigh what would work for a black family of 4 (3 year old twin boys)? If you like the north, Maryland, Howard County. Hi Lakeita- Im in San Diego I moved here from Boston and love the beaches and weather. Not exactly sure what youre looking for for your family, but as far as African-American culture, it definitely is not Arizona. Sure, Orlando is known for Disney World and other big theme parks but entertainment options arent the only reason its a nice play for Black families to live. I am originally from Houston and we are warm friendly folk as a custom and to anyone; no matter your background. Overall you can find a good place to nestle. Any suggestion? You cannot get to anything in a reasonable time and I mean that literally. Did you get any more info on Charlotte or Raleigh? (I lived in Atlanta for two year, from 2004-2006). We dont own a home due to wanting to move and limited opportunities. We live in a pretty good and safe area but I just want better for our two boys, soon to be 7 and 1 years old. Although I love Chicago, I want to go west coast. Single parents in Springfield, Mass. What city could you suggest that has that same homely feeling with nice friendly people? Here are Redfin's top metros for single mother home ownership, each of which is relatively affordable: McAllen, Texas -- 46.6% (homeownership rate among single moms, 2017); $165,000 (median home price, May 2019) Salt Lake City, Utah -- 41.7%; $335,000. Small back then and even smaller now. I went to school in Hampton Roads and definitely did not feel a bit of racism or hear about any for that matter, probably because its home to a couple of HBCUs. Westerville and Reynoldsburg Pickerington have a lot of diversity and the schools are great. Im a New Yorker so I think Ill check it out. If you dont mind telling me, whats wrong with Minneapolis? Arguably one of the best places for black families to live in the world. California is the worst and right now we are literally on fire. Top 10 cities in U.S. for single moms to live - CBS News Its a love hate state for me as a New Yorker. The people dont speak or seem to know how to interact and it rains 9 months out of 12. Just a gloomy place to be on many levels. More activities have come to fruition since I first arrived here. I moved from Atlanta to Minneapolis. Even in high crime areas. I am retired. I am trying to decide where to move. Im here in Phoenix Az from Indiana and the blacks here are strange and wont speak. Cities considered had a Black woman population of at least 100,000. I lived in Berlin and absolutely loved it. Any suggestions on some diverse locations? San Diego once had a black community but not any more. I am originally from Atlanta but would like to learn more about your comment and sentiments. Not all counties are good and the good counties are becoming questionable. Just because a place is LGBT doesnt automatically make it not a good place. I hate it here. These States Are the Best for Single Parents to Raise Children The crime needs improvement from my research. Did you eventually settle down in Seattle? You would think we would have a sense of togetherness. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Maybe its just my own experience, but there is a strong exclusion of Black folks in the city. The views expressed are the opinions and insights of the individual contributors. Does anyone know which is the best out of three? There are large Caribbean communities in the north east Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens. If you're looking to travel overseas for a chance at love, writers also suggest Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Accra, Ghana, Cali, Colombia, and Panama City, Panama. I am constantly in situations where Im the only Black person in the room and Im not finding as many opportunities. I live in Raleigh NC and theres plenty to do for families, and the schools are excellent. Hi Danielle, She purchased a home and she and her daughter are thriving. Good to know! There is a low unemployment rate, wonderful job opportunities, and the schools in Raleigh are some of the best. And how are the school systems? Im trying to make my choice very carefully. Overall I like living here. For many, buying a house will be the biggest purchase they ever make. The Tampa and St. Pete area have a lot of culture and accommodates all ages group. Ohio is still very segregated in all three major cities. My only complaint is that Black culture is definitely on the back burner here, but if youre looking for safety, amenities, and an overall sense of positivity and well-being, Nashville is hard to beat. Does anyone have any suggestions of which states is the safest for older people? The size of the local Black population and the cost of crime in the area was included in the ranking to reflect the presence of the Black community and safety, respectively. 2022 Best Places to Live Rankings - Niche Recurrent use of these high-fee services can create a vicious cycle where people using payday loans are locked into a continual shortage of cash, in part due to high fees. Although you will likely miss having four seasons, at least you wont ever have to worry about shoveling snow! Im so happy to have come across this site! Im from Houston and were very friendly here for the most part. Ive thought of moving back home, but those damn mosquitoes. And now 4 percent of kids live with a single father, up from 1 percent in 1960. . The school system can be great depending where you are. Top 5 cities overall for Black women: Washington, D.C. Boston Baltimore Raleigh Dallas Worst 5 cities overall: Cleveland Pittsburgh Augusta Milwaukee Detroit Top 5 for educational outcomes: Washington, D.C. Baltimore Los Angeles Greensboro, NC Riverside Worst 5 for educational outcomes: Cleveland Pittsburgh Augusta Philadelphia Las Vegas You can be you, great weather, many choices of where to live and you can branch out and not have to rely on being in a African American community. Houston is great for concerts, food, and many other forms of entertainment. This list provided only tells of places that are saturated with African Americans. I enjoyed this article, while my state was not mentioned, the Great State of Maryland (Lol), which is the birthplace of Grace Brooks, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. To me it is what you make of it in some places while in others its not. Do not do Vegas. You get in where you fit in and hopefully find some good white friends to bond with. I live in Atlanta and I love it here. If the costs were not on the extreme side I would definitely continue to raise my sons here in the NW. Did you find a good resting place? Orlando is heavily populated by Hispanics, Puerto Ricans to be exact. I love the countryside. Low paying jobs high rent. My whole family is looking to relocate to another state, hence why Im on this page. Were thinking of making a move that way, the kids love the Kissimmee, Davenport area. I want him in a good area where he is safe, if that makes sense. I was born in New Orleans. But where to go? Its boring and lacks AA culture. Mistake! I have overwhelming evidence, yet I cant get legal representation or a court date. Repeat. There is a strong sense of division and lack of common sense. Tampa, St. Pete and Clearwater are better choices for black families. I want to live near Tylers Perrys studios in Atlanta. My son, his wife and four sons live in Amherst, a suburb of Buffalo. The vision is beautiful but we have our issues when it comes to access to nicer stores, bad customer service, etc. Having no credit history makes it difficult to take advantage of credit cards to manage cash needs and mortgages to buy homes. The cost of living here is more expensive now as opposed to when I first moved here but its well worth it. I have two girls and one boy. Off topic, you mentioned twins, do twins run on your side of the family as well as your husbands? Fall and winter it rains and we may get some snow like we had this past week. Access to jobs, higher pay and health care are some of the unique challenges Black women face when it comes to livability experiences, explains Kalinda Ukanwa, Ph.D., an assistant professor of marketing at the Marshall School of Business. There are always plenty of festivals,concerts and activities. I live in Seattle, was born and raised here. If you're looking to settle down with a nice country boy, Lincoln could be the place for you. I appreciate the comments. Im thinking about Houston or Dallas any suggestions? We are a small family of three looking for the safest place to raise my African American boy as well. I have to go ASAP as well. I am a single mother in my early 30s, with a teenage son. I lived in Seattle for a while before packing a bag after my lease was up and getting out. Have you thought about Charlotte? Durham, NC was voted the top place to retire as an African American. I dont get it. I heard Houston is a nice city for black families. It is beautiful with good schools, 20 to 25 min, outside of Washington DC. Im married and all of our children are grown. Any thoughts? Honestly I would not recommend Arizona. You get all four seasons and then some. Dr. Ukanwa shares additional solutions. To rank the Best Cities for Black Women, MoneyGeek analyzed data from the American Community Survey, MoneyGeeks Safest Cities and Safest Small Cities and Towns studies, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Suburban cities of large metropolitan areas ranked highest. Ive lived in Los Angeles, Brooklyn and now Ft Lauderdale and this is by far the most welcoming, truly diverse and somewhat affordable place in our opinion (you have to have a well-paying job to live here comfortably). I have been living in Durham my whole life, and was thinking of retiring somewhere else. I would really like more information about Columbus as far the school system and entrepreneurship for African Americans. Atlanta is also an excellent place for single Black and brown women. We have an mixed young daughter. Great commute times because the city is on a grid a lot of free activities for kids. Im considering Orlando, so would love to know why. There are great Black churches (including Second Baptist) but suburban teachers were not accustomed to black students at the time. I currently live with my husband and child in the DMV area but curious about Orlando as we would love to move back home to Miami, but its way too expensive. I heard of that too. You forgot to mention that the cost of living is extremely high. Orlando, Florida. Columbus Ohio has been great to us for over twenty years. My husband and I are 29 with a soon to be 7 and 1 year old. Thank you. Atlanta is a super LGBT city. Public transportation is excellent. The ranking of the Best Cities for Black Women was based on eight factors: safety, Black population, educational attainment, poverty rates, income, employment, health insurance and homeownership. I still want my children to be around their own race. Not even the police can help you. Most of my friends say Gilbert and Laveen are better places in AZ. Richmond boasts some of the best schools, both elementary and middle, for children about half of the population is made up of other families. There is an awesome group on Facebook though called black San Diego that shares info on black owned businesses and events. We have been living in Alabama all of my life (40 plus years) and looking to branch out. I must relocate immediately because this is not a place for young black men to thrive at all! All are great. The crime rate and violence has gotten so bad here. Nevada is at the top of my list right now. Lots of opportunity for discomfort here. I am looking for great school systems, friendly, and thriving environments for my kids and I. Orlando Florida and the surrounding areas like Kissimmee, Sanford, etc. The only saving grace I can see is that our genotype makes us uniquely capable to not only withstand this type of degradation, but to actually thrive within it! I was thinking about moving there Im from NYC so Im very versed in culture. Hi, try moving to a different city, look into Buford its somewhat pricey but the schools are great in GA. Clarissa? Two hours from any major city in the USA is good ol boy territory my sister. Definitely not black! Help me out please, any suggestions welcomed. Philadelphia and D.C. are great for Muslim women! Like you, I am not going anywhere. Im from NC and wouldnt go to some areas. Now that Im back in Tennessee Im grateful to have been raised in NC as opposed to TN. The fact that Orlando is on this list let alone number two is insane. When the new police chief was appointed and crime dropped to an all time low, I finally made the move. What would you recommend to Black women trying to find a livable city? Thank you. I first moved to Seattle in 1998 for grad school from Brooklyn. If you want to connect then let me know. Nashville is a WONDERFUL PLACE FOR FAMILIES. I lived in Hilliard. My family and I are trying to figure out where to go. I graduated from The Ohio State University. Southfield, a suburb of Detroit and New Rochelle, a New York City suburb, ranked highest in the analysis. Its very over crowded and housing is very expensive. We have a small, black, son and want to leave before he reaches school age. I want to move to CO but the housing cost is extremely high. Find your comfort zone and wait out the madness!! #19 Best Places to Raise a Family in Massachusetts. Take our advice, hold that head high and do your thing. Thank you so much in advance. How is it for raising a black family? It didnt deter me I just went on with those who were more accepting. Can confirm. The best comment seems to list Charlotte and Virginia Beach. 2022 Best Places to Raise a Family in Massachusetts - Niche History has recorded migration North did not work well for all blacks. You can try looking at smaller cities such as, Cary, Garner, Apex, Clayton and Morrisville. 34.13. Living in Mesa its a black person is fine. Denver Colorado takes care if the elderly and retired people! My daughter came home one day from school and told me *****s parents told her not to play with me because I am black. May 7, 2021, 3:00 AM PDT. It is pretty much non black here and there is 0 culture! Check into the DMVWashington DC, Maryland, and Virginia. You guys are absolutely right about Seattle. What areas in Florida are safest (as far as crime and natural disasters)? 10. It is not North Carolina. Thank you. Being from Cali, I miss the mountains and the cooling off in the winter, but the sky here is crystal clear here year round, no pollution, not too crowded for a pretty big city, and there is a lot to do. Dallas, Texas Index Score: 62.36/100 One Bedroom Average Rent: $1,220 Yelp results for nightlife/square mile: 5 Percent of population age 20-30: 17% Median age: 32.6 Unemployment rate: 3.6% Male/Female ratio: 0.984 Percent of population unmarried: 54% I feel you on this one. Ive lived all over NC since the 80s. Crime is also awful throughout the city. I was wondering if its diverse? There arent very many Black people here, and when I visit Seattle it seemed like theres a larger population that I never see. What might the positive and negative impacts be? I want to get an opinion on Texas? 1. MoneyGeek started with over 600 places in America with populations of 65,000 or more. The sense of history and black community involvement is strong to continue from generation to generation. Spring weather kicks in late May early June. You have to pay for this peace of mind. Seattle is boring. Best Neighborhoods Best ZIP Codes BEST PLACES TO LIVE IN. Hi loves! People are not really friendly. My only complaint, too many people are moving here! Published by Erin Duffin , Oct 5, 2022. Honey, drive 30 minutes west to Durham. Im 31 with two kids both have some special needs. Excellent place to stay, the job market is plentiful, you can make good money here and the cost of living is cheap. 9 $51,168 Median Income for Single Mothers $106,921 It is the best place for African Americans. Currently I live in North Augusta. Im considering moving to Florida, I cant with the weather getting colder each year. So peacockbleu your feedback on this site was very helpful. A lot of black people I know are either left or thinking about leaving. Can you specify some really nice communities in Cali for a single mom with 8 year old boys? I visited Charlotte and did not like it. Chapel Hill Great list! There are many universities in the area Vanderbilt, MTSU, Belmont, including HBCUs Fisk, Meharry Medical College & Tennessee State. Im looking for a family friendly city with low crime, good jobs, and black friendly! You can definitely tell its the south. Theres also a lot of racism here. Its a city where you have to be able to stand on your own, otherwise you might have a hard time staying here a long time. In Stamford, Connecticut, Black women make one-third of what white men do, meaning a Black woman would need to work until December 29th, 2022, to earn the equivalent of a white mans 2020 pay. Best Cities for Black Women - Black Health Matters There are surrounding counties where you can purchase a nice home in the $200,000 range. I am always willing to pay a little bit more to live in peace and safety. We have great jobs but I would say that Seattle is a very isolating city. Share of Population Unmarried: 51.7%. The black culture is strong (black drill teams, festivals, events etc). We are currently looking to relocate for a different experience, more activities geared toward Black/African Americans and of course more reasonable costs. Dallas is quiet in the southern area and the party areas are in Deep Ellum, Greenville Avenue and North Dallas. My nonverbal, autistic 3 year old was burned under clothes at a public school preschool program. I`m not on the move for myself, but I have a friend in US looking for a good, quiet place where it is easy to get a good job and make friendship with people. We love Dallas and Houston. Hi, Ive been considering moving to Maryland after graduation. MoneyGeek interviewed Dr. Ukanwa and other experts to elaborate on the unique challenges that Black women face and the solutions to help them.