hsnow@co.del-norte.ca.us, Shirley White Napa County Health & Human Services Agency mcannon@co.del-norte.ca.us AOD Administrator (BI) For Substance Using Adolescents - Santa Clara County. The good news is that Paycor can help you stay compliant, wherever you are in the country. On January 1, 2023, the state-wide California minimum wage will rise to $15.50 per hour for all employer sizes. For two adults living together with just one of them working, a living wage is $33.58/hr, compared to the $15.00/hr minimum wage, and $8.38/hr poverty wage. 500 Crown Point Circle, Suite 120 MHSA Team Leader Behavioral Health Specialist Gather and convert employee feedback into real insights. 10877 Conductor Blvd., Ste. S.A. BI is a short- term counseling intervention that consists of 2 to 4 sessions aimed at adolescents who use alcohol and/or other drugs. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Map: Track this weekends rain in the Bay Area, Bay Area prices rocket higher, inflation grips region: new report, Why egg prices are high and California lost its lead, Eli Lilly to cut insulin prices, cap costs at $35 for many people with diabetes, History says 6%-plus mortgage rates are still too low, Letters: BART and homeless | Housing forethought | Violent crime | Safety ideas | PG&E cost, Inflation was still hot in January as food, energy and housing prices keep rising. The change in the index is referred to as the rate of inflation. Programs. (530) 841-2761 Human Services for Mental Health jviernes@ph.lacounty.gov, Janice Melton, LCSW (530) 666-8616, Phone: (707) 568-3800 AB 1482 FAQ | California Rental Housing Association CPI In Commercial Real Estate - Realogic The Affordable Care Act considers anyone working 30 hours or more per week at an employer with 50 or more employees, as one who is eligible for benefits in California. Department of Human Services Our popular webinars cover the latest HR and compliance trends. Connect with new hires and make a lasting first impression. rgrandi@sierracounty.ws, Michael Noda, Director Stanislaus Co Behavioral Health & Recovery Services For further details see the CPI home page on the internet at www.bls.gov/cpi and the CPI section of the BLS Handbook of Methods available on the internet at www.bls.gov/opub/hom/cpi/. 450 Kings County Dr., Suite 104 f_s{5N[I|3Rsk RUZ>wVfXj&Jql+-eRkV;W-w]? El Dorado County Health & Human Services This means some employees will get a jump of $1.50/hr if they were making $14 an hour in 2023. Lake County Behavioral Health Voice phone: 202-691-5200; Telecommunications Relay Service: 7-1-1. 2344 Old Sonoma Road, Bldg F Our basic mediation class exceeds the mediation certification requirements. San Mateo, CA 94403 CONSUMER PRICE INDEX - CALIFORNIA Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, San Diego-Carlsbad, Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, United States City Average, 2021-2022 All Items 1982 - 1984 = 100 Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, percentage (%) change from previous year GRios@sbcmh.org bartlettj@saccounty.net Madera County Behavioral Health Services 2000 Embarcadero Cove, Suite 400 Prevention Coordinator Attract top talent, develop employees, and make better decisions with actionable data. 11512 B Avenue %PDF-1.6 % Living in California on $50,000 per year is not going to be easy. The minimum wage allows workers to earn a livable wage and helps to reduce income inequality. P.O. (559) 600-6054 Fresno, CA 93702-3604 1430 Neotomas Avenue (530) 621-6146 In December 2018, the inflation rate reached 4.5%. Merced, CA 95344 PDF CONSUMER PRICE INDEX - CALIFORNIA - California Department of The San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA. 1000 S. Fremont Avenue Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency (HHSA) (951) 782-2400 (4) Special index based on a substantially smaller sample. Office of the Assessor, Santa Clara County, Parent to/from Child (on/or after 2/16/21- Prop 19), Parent to/from Child (on/or prior to 2/15/21 Prop 58), Transfer Assessed Values FAQ (Proposition 19, 3, 58, 60, 90). Modesto, CA 95350-6195 1911 Williams Drive AOD/Mental Health Administration Do not make any business decisions based on this data . This is for all sizes of employers. Sep 2014. NicoleReinhart@countyofplumas.com Reporting Child Abuse - Santa Clara County, California linda.bridgeman@sdcounty.ca.gov Certificates of title of mobile homes are processed through the California Housing and Community Development (HCD). (530) 265-1437 (530) 527-8491 x3410, Yoni Desmond, CADC-CAS, CPS Mono County Mental Health and Alcohol and Drug Program Auburn, CA 95603-2703 (805) 662-1860, Steven Jensen Mental Health Director/AOD Administrator (530) 233-6319 This owl uses burrows created by ground squirrels and prefers generally level grasslands and even disturbed areas. San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA Economy at a Glance: San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA. steven.jensen@yolocounty.org As of June 17, 2020, the CPI calculator on the CAA website includes the latest CPI rates for all regions of the state for purposes of AB 1482; these rates are valid for rent increases that take effect before April 1, 2021. Project Sentinel maintains a panel of professional arbitrators. (See chart 1 and table A.) PDF Santa Clara County - ca-cpi.org (209) 966-2000, Ms. Leslie Kirkpatrick, Administrator Sonoma County Behavioral Health 2810, Hector Reyes A reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data provided; nevertheless, some information may be out of date or may not be accurate. LinkedIn. Alcohol and Drug Services Division Over-the-year percent change in CPI-U, San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA, December 2019December 2022, Table A. San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA, CPI-U 2-month and 12-month percent changes, all items index, not seasonally adjusted, Table 1. 3VdJUax_P$bt S#Zk4D+Un&Anre]:L6ACJh|Y~P|^_mm}}l% Copyright 2016 Santa Clara County Assessor's Office. PHA+Q2hlY2sgeW91ciBpbmJveCBmb3IgYW4gZW1haWwgY29uZmlybWluZyB5b3VyIHN1YnNjcmlwdGlvbi4gRW5qb3khPC9wPg==, California Minimum Wage by City in 2022 and 2023, federal minimum wage is still just $7.25/hr, How to Craft Employee Benefits Plans for a Multi-Generational Workforce, Turn Manufacturing Frontline Workers Into Leaders, Questions to Ask Before Purchasing a New Payroll System, $16.04 ($18.86 per hour for employees at large hotels ), $16.04 + CPI ($18.86 per hour for employees at large hotels), $15.53 + CPI (for businesses with 26-99 employees), $15.50 (new State-wide minimum wage effective 1/1/23), $16.99 (Government supported employees $15.03), $17.00 + CPI for large employers; $16.00 + CPI for businesses with less than 25 employees (effective 1/1/23), $16.50 for large employers. Currently all services are being offered remotely. (661) 868-8031, Katie Arnst kshields@countyofcolusa.com, Jayme Shipe (707) 274-9101 ext. (209) 541-2559, John Floe, MAOM Substance Abuse Services Health and Human Services AOD Program Siskiyou County Human Services Agency And if any changes to minimum wage levels occur, youll be one of the first to know, so you can adjust employee pay rates accordingly. Adult System of Care & Med Clinics 1965 Live Oak Road Riverside University Health System Behavioral Health The . Table refreshed with historic FRED data in January 2022. Do not make any business decisions based on this data before validating the data. 800 Scenic Drive This standard rate adjustment process is based on the local Consumer Price Index (CPI) and each year any change takes place with July rates. MHSA Coordinator PO Box 1024 Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Siskiyou County Human Services Agency/Behavioral Health Division Alcohol and Drug Services Division Chico, CA 95926 Fax: (707) 568-3810, Center for Applied Research Solutions (CARS) Support CPI. Mitigate risk with proactive payroll and tax alerts. Nonalcoholic beverages and beverage materials(1), Owners' equiv. Phone: (707) 568-3800 BHS/ Substance Abuse Services Amador County Health & Human Services 880 Northcrest Drive PqycGF8 of Health & Human Services 375 Beale Street, Suite 800 Over the year, food prices advanced 10.2 percent. (415) 661-4343, Paul Pelletier Price increases across food at home expenditure categories ranged from 6.3 percent for cereals and bakery products to 17.4 percent for dairy and related products. Stockton, CA 95202 Health & Social Services Career Fair - March 24th, 2023 . Healthcare costs make up a significant part of the. of Health Services 1270 Natividad Road Standard: (408) 720-9888 or (707) 253-4073, Toby Geuvin jarenas@buttecounty.net Food consumed away from the house increased 3.6% during the 12 months. These local minimum wages typically increase on an annual basis, before August 1, based on inflation as measured by the local Consumer Price Index (CPI). Hire skilled nurses and manage PBJ reporting. History says 6%-plus mortgage rates are still too low Were growing and want to hear from you. Select index type 3. View future changes in the minimum wage in your location by visiting, If you move from Chicago IL, Dallas, TX, or Miami, FL, the percent increase of your, If you move from New York, NY, San Francisco, CA, or Washington, DC, the percent reduction of your. Alcohol and Drug Program Specialist Women who experienced belittling at work are now stepping up to fight microaggressions. It was considerably less expensive to eat away from home. CPI is commonly used to measure and track inflation. On a budget of $50,000 per year, it may be wiser to look for more affordable areas to live in. Food prices advanced 10.2 percent. In general, living in California is more expensive than living in other parts of the country. Sacramento County HHS Get expert advice and helpful best practices so you can stay ahead of the latest HR trends. The County of Santa Clara (the County) is located at the southern end of the San Francisco Bay and occupies an area of 1,312 square miles. The Federal Reserve has blundered in its efforts to combat inflation, opined Brian Wesbury, chief economist with First Trust Advisors.