Cotten encrypted and stored about $190 million worth of his customers' Bitcoin caches and held sole responsibility for the passwords needed to access those funds. Cops believe that Quadriga CX was actually an wide-ranging Ponzi scheme - and Cotten would use fake accounts under the name "Chris Markay" to "buy" his customers Bitcoin using fake cash. Forensic accountants discovered that Gerry was trading against fake users, crediting their account with fake currencies and pocketing the cash, using the proceeds to play the crypto market. [42], Quadriga continued to accept deposits until 26 January. Despite no concrete evidenceindeed, the murdered mans. Cotten was the only one with access to necessary permissions. There's a small chance that someone was investigating his old accounts and that they accessed his BlackHat but it's very unlikely. Lawyers for customers of an insolvent cryptocurrency exchange have asked police to exhume the body of the companys founder, amid efforts to recover about $190m in Bitcoin which were locked in an online black hole after his death. Cotton took with him to the grave the keys that allowed access to the digital vault containing his investors cash that they had ploughed into Quadriga CX. A sneak preview of the Netflix doc contains images that suggest the documentary will show the investors dive deeper into these conspiracies. Gerald died while on a honeymoon with his wife Je But when co-founder Cotten died during a honeymoon in India, the money was seemingly lost forever. However, in 2018, Bitcoin prices crashed and many began withdrawing their funds from Quadriga, except they were being met with error messages before the exchanges website stopped working in 2019. The funeral, according to a Redditor claiming to be a contractor for QuadrigaCX, said that it was a closed-casket affair, and that Jennifer was fake grieving and dancing at the funeral to bacchanalian excess, and even kicked out Geralds family. [43][44] On 13 December 2019, the court-appointed law firm representing the exchange's former users sent a letter to the RCMP asking that they exhume Cotten's body to confirm his identity and verify a cause of death. My sisters not a liar.. The OSC. QuadrigaCX's Crypto Accounts Were Emptied Months Before CEO's Gerald Cotten's body should be exhumed, investors in QuadrigaCX tell Despite repeated and diligent searches, I have not been able to find them written down anywhere, she said in court filings. Trust No One depicts Cotten as a nerdy, happy-go-lucky, and charming CEO, who was knee-deep in Bitcoin and a fierce advocate of the technology. Given the intrigue, some went so far as to question whether Mr Cotten had really died and demanded his body be exhumed. I believe this is the reason why Quadriga could be formed because they made a fortune from Scamming before Quadriga. It certainly started to look like fraud, said one anonymous investor in the doc. A bitcoin mining operation in Saint Hyacinthe, Quebec. The podcast was hosted by Takara Small. I lost $500,000 life savings in cryptocurrency after 'trader DIED with His wife has said she was "upset and disappointed" to learn about the extent of the fraud at her husbands company, writing in a 2019 statement, she wasnt aware or involved in Gerrys trading activities, nor his appropriation of customer funds." Then, the crypto millionaire suddenly died in India from complications from Crohn's disease about three years ago. Likewise, the public was not much intrigued about their lives up until . Re-thinking indemnification for smart contract risks", "Bitcoin investors face long delays cashing out, criticize two B.C. He passed away in 2018 with the secret of $250 million. A Canadian bank froze another $21 million of funds. The doctor, reported the Globe, initially diagnosed Cotten with little more than travelers diahrrea, but kept him in hospital just in case. A computer issue wiped $14 million of Ethereum off the exchange. G erald Cotten was 15 when he ran his first documented get-rich-quick scheme. I put myself into a deep hole and the only way to dig out of it was to sell my house.. Cotten's sudden death in 2018 led to the disappearance of millions of dollars worth of his investors' Bitcoin funds. In her memoir, Ms Robertson denies shes part of an elaborate plot to fake her husbands death, adding that speculation has led to death threats from stalkers demanding she returns the missing millions. Supposedly, Cottens business associates didnt even know he was married. "[18], The company tried to raise money and list on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) working with Patryn. name was not the same as Robertsons ex-husband, some angry investors lobbed death threats at Jennifer, convinced that she had murdered Cotten, too. Some evidence suggested that Jennifer, if real, was acting strangely. The OSC found that after 2016, QuadrigaCX stopped producing consistent data about its holdings, and that large volumes of cryptocurrencies were being sent to foreign crypto exchanges. The investors found more questions than answers. Newest Vid's Us On Facebook Cotten or Gerry Cotten's life and tragic passing are shrouded in mystery. Where is Gerald Cotten's Wife Jen Robertson Now? - The Cinemaholic Now . According to an investigation by Canada's Globe and Mail, Cotten. [50], Quadriga's lawyer, the firm Stewart McKelvey, withdrew from the case due to a potential conflict of interest. (His wife says he is in fact dead and witnessed his funeral). Lammer believes the evidence does suggest that Cotten died suddenly - having battled Crohn's disease for a number of years, even though the timing was suspicious. It just wasnt there. Then Cotten took a turn for the worse: he went into cardiac arrest three times; the third time, the doctors couldnt revive him and declared him dead. Here Is Why People Think Gerald Cotten Is Still Alive: The Death We explain how to spot them. [17], In 2016, Cotten became the sole director of Quadriga when all the other directors resigned. "Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King". How Gerald Cotten, the "Crypto King," Really Died - Bustle His body was repatriated to . Soon after his death, however, reports surfaced that nearly 80,000 users of QuadrigaCX at the time Canadas largest cryptocurrency exchange were unable to access funds totalling more $190m. At this point, lots of investors think that Cotten, a man alleged to have a history of scamming, really had faked his own death. Where Is Gerald Cotten Now? - Fifteen years later, Mr Cotten, known as Gerry, would be accused of swindling people online of a much bigger prize. April 2, 2022 Netflix Nobody was expecting Gerald Cotten, the CEO of Canadian Bitcoin exchange QuadrigaCX, to die at 30. They reported that Jennifer said she couldnt get into Cottens laptops, and found an affidavit from Robertson saying that she didnt understand how QuadrigaCX operatedeven though one of Robertsons companies later wired cash to some of Quadrigas customers. Check out: Personal Finance Insider's picks for best cryptocurrency exchanges. More than three years after the sudden death of Quadriga CEO Gerald Cotten and the revelations that the company was a massive cryptocurrency scam, his widow,. His wife Jennifer Robertson said he had promised to create a mechanism that turned thepasswords over to her when he died. [17][20], In 2017, Bitcoin experienced a speculative frenzy rising in price from about US$1,000 to almost US$20,000. The circumstances are dodgy that they chose to honeymoon to India and he suddenly dies from complications of Crohn's disease. On 10 December, a death certificate was issued by the local municipality as well as a "no objection certificate" from the police to return the body to Nova Scotia. Cottens death will likely remain a mystery, with some believing that he is still residing somewhere in the world with the stolen money. What really happened to Gerald Cotten, Netflix's Crypto King? There was no way of getting my money back. Cotten was young, energetic, passionate about cryptocurrency so when. Newest Vid's https:. I took out three loans from the bank and put it all into crypto. Netflix announced an upcoming documentary about the Quadriga Bitcoin saga and the death of CEO Gerald Cotten. [34][35], On 14 January 2019,[36] Quadriga announced that their CEO, Gerald Cotten, had died the month prior from Crohn's disease while doing volunteer work at an orphanage in India. Have something to tell us about this article? Miller Thomson LLP sent a letter to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on Friday, requesting authorities conduct an exhumation and postmortem autopsy on the body of Gerald Cotten, founder of QuadrigaCX, citing what the firm called the questionable circumstances around his death earlier this year. [3][4][5], Quadriga likely never invested the funds entrusted to it, according to Chainalysis, a cryptocurrency tracking firm. He launched QuadrigaCX in 2013, and it quickly became one of the largest crypto exchanges. "At that time, there was nothing I could do. When he was a 15-year-old in Belleville, Ont., Gerald Cotten was selling get-rich-quick schemes on online forums that taught him how to deceive investors and cover his tracks. ^ "Quadriga CEO's widow speaks out over his death and the missing crypto millions". The OSC tugged on the same thread, but neither could get hold of him. I'm new to this subreddit, I apologise if anything I have said breaks the rules. His body was embalmed and sent back to Canada for a closed-casket funeral. A big chunk of it was given to him by his parents. Gerald Cotten is a bitcoin millionaire from Canada whose death, supposedly from complications relating to Crohn's disease, is now being questioned. [17][29] Bloomberg also identified Patryn as Dhanani, showing that he had officially changed his name from Omar Dhanani to Omar Patryn in British Columbia in March 2003 and changed it again to Michael Patryn in October 2008. Then Cotten took a turn for the worse: he went into cardiac arrest three times; the third time, the doctors couldnt revive him and declared him dead. Gerald Cotten: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Watch Full Details ! It's clear to me that Cotten gave himself millions of dollars worth of crypto as the owner to trade people fake crypto and give himself millions of dollars. Conspiracy theorists insist that Cotten faked his own death, however, as many irregularities surrounding his death began to circulate, including a copy of his misspelled death certificate and the fact that his funeral had a closed casket. The user said that he left the company in 2016, and that the company was legitimate at the time. They surfed his social media accounts at first, then traced Cottens digital footprints even more closely for clues. And, wildly, was Jennifer, his wife, even. reporters had a hunch that this was Gerry Cotten, and traced the account to another online den of thieves, BlackHatWorld. Sam, Bangs & Moonshine by Evaline Ness (Holt). seeks to unravel the mystery of Gerald Cotten, the CEO of crypto exchange QuadrigaCX, who died in 2018. Thats when the. Do you have a story for The Sun Online Tech & Science team? [9][10], The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were reportedly investigating the company. No one but him can access accounts, he ran a whole market on a laptop by himself with no other employees or partners anymore so only he could access it and he suddenly dies when he would be in massive debt for delayed payments and would likely be convicted for fraud or money laundering. Facebook / Remembering Gerry Cotten In the weeks since Quadriga Fintech Solutions Corp. belatedly made his death public, the exchange's furious users have raised questions. Bitcoin fraudster's widow breaks silence about the missing crypto [49], On 5 March 2019, Justice Wood extended Quadriga's court protection to 23 April. Its pretty much money by people for people.. Front Burner- Inside Canada's Crypto Mystery, Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King, "Investigation of Quadriga cryptocurrency debacle turns up only $28 million in assets", "Nothing sinister about bitcoin company CEO's sudden death, friend says", "Troubled Bitcoin trader QuadrigaCX takes another bizarre turn", "Canada's largest cryptocurrency exchange Quadriga seeks creditor protection", "Bitcoin Accounts for 95% of Cryptocurrency Crime, Says Analyst", "Crypto-Exchange Says It Can't Pay Investors Because Its C.E.O. In 2019 the exchange ceased operations and the company filed for bankruptcy with C$215.7 million in liabilities and about C$28 million in assets. His will was signed off just two weeks before he and wife Jennifer Robertson travelled to India on their honeymoon. Gerald 'Gerry' Cotten | FAKE Behind 'Hunt For The Crypto King' Netflix | Where Are They Now?Subscribe Here! Gerald Cotten died suddenly of Crohn's disease - or did he? Now Cottens jet-set lifestyle looked suspicious. But even the forensic accountants only managed to trace $46 million of the total $215 million customers had deposited onto the exchange. Some 76,000 investors like Zou collectively lost out. I really prayed it wasn't a scam. Is Gerald Cotten really dead? And for some, things still looked suspicious. Its the swindler story you havent heard of until now. "I kept asking them: Where's my money? Another "appears to have been used to receive Bitcoin from another cryptocurrency exchange account and subsequently transfer Bitcoin to the Quadriga hot wallet" on 3 December. Shortly after, the exchange stopped working entirely. Browse Locations. **Warning Spoilers ahead for Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King**. Cotten neglected to pass on the passwords to the accounts, and in 2019, when investigators tracked down Cotten's digital wallets, all the money was gone. "Once I deposited it, it was basically gone.". Then the Ontario Securities Commission opened an investigation. Where is Gerald Cotten now from Netflix's Hunt for the Crypto - HITC A C$24.7 million disbursement fund has been planned with C$300,000 to go to Cotten's widow, Jennifer Robertson, who advanced that amount to start the court proceedings; C$200,000 will go to Ernst & Young and another C$250,000 to its lawyers; C$229,842 will go to Quadriga's lawyers; and C$17,000 to independent contractors. Some speculate that Cotten, who suffered with Crohn's disease, might actually be alive. TRUST NO ONE: THE HUNT FOR THE CRYPTO KINGFollow a group of investors turned sleuths as they try to unlock the suspicious death of cryptocurrency multimillionaire Gerry Cotten and the missing $250 million they believe he stole from them. as well as other partner offers and accept our. ", He added: "We thought we were looking for basically a rich guy who had stolen money, Now either [Cotten is] dead, or if hes alive, hes a gambling addict whos broke.". [45], In June 2020, the Ontario Securities Commission officially concluded that Quadriga was indeed a fraud and a Ponzi scheme. It was a perfect match, sparked up on Tinder, she said in the documentary. Criminal probes continue by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the FBI as leading digital investing publication Coindesk branded his death as the "crypto's biggest mystery". Here's a link to the BlackHat forum. Uncertainty about the missing funds has fueled speculation that Cotten may still be alive. Netflixs latest true crime doc, "Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King",seeks to unravel the mystery of Gerald Cotten, the CEO of crypto exchange QuadrigaCX, who died in 2018. And, wildly, was Jennifer, his wife, even real? Widow of Quadriga crypto founder Gerald Cotten says she had no idea Quadriga Fintech Solutions was the owner and operator of QuadrigaCX, which was believed to be Canada's largest cryptocurrency exchange. At the time, he was the CEO of QuadrigaCX, a company that performed cryptocurrency exchanges. A new documentary on his mysterious death called Dead Man's Switch: A Crypto Mystery, airing on Discovery+, looks into accusations the crypto king made off with millions in investors' cash. [17] In a 2014 interview, founder Gerald Cotten explained that the company stored customer funds on paper wallets in safe deposit boxes: "So we just send money to them, we dont need to go back to the bank every time we want to put money into it. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Lawyers representing investors in what BBC. Furious investors continue to fight a legal battle to try and have Cotten's body exhumed as they believe his death was a cut and run scam. The Crypto King, aka Gerald "Gerry" Cotten, died in 2018, but his mysterious death is still a subject of controversy today. Official investigations into the matter have yet to produce any definitive answers. Cryptocurrency investors locked out of $190m after exchange founder dies, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. "It did become an obsession.. Cotten also took flying lessons as he appeared to be possibly preparing for a life on the run. The dude literally said that comment as a complete joke, and I even . Jennifer Robertson (Quadriga) - Wikipedia According to the documentary, thats around the time that Cotten started to invest his money in islands, cars and property, traveling the world while running his exchange. [16] In 2014 only C$7.4 million worth of bitcoin were exchanged on Quadriga. And meanwhile, Dead Man's Switch director Sheona McDonald said: "There's only two people who really know what happened in India.". "What Quadriga really did with the money that customers gave it to buy Bitcoin remains a mystery," according to Chainalysis. Gerald Cotten, 30, died abruptly in December 2018 of complications relating to Crohns disease while on honeymoon in Jaipur, India, with his wife, Jennifer Robertson. In that case, $851 million entrusted to Crypto Capital had been "lost, stolen or absconded with", according to the suit. It stated that Gerald Cotten committed fraud by opening accounts under aliases and crediting himself with fictitious currency and crypto asset balances, which he traded with unsuspecting clients and that "What happened at Quadriga was an old-fashioned fraud wrapped in modern technology. Someone tracked Patryn to a scam forum called TalkGold, where Patryn talked to one user in particular, sceptre, a bunch. (India is notorious for forging fake death certificates by paying people off). His death sparked online debates and string theories on Reddit and. His death left investors locked out of their money and left Jennifer Robertson, Gerry's wife . Gerald 'Gerry' Cotten | FAKE Behind 'Hunt For The Crypto King' Netflix | Where Are They Now?Subscribe Here! A NEW documentary on rogue crypto trader Gerald Cotton, who took up to $215million in Bitcoin and other digital currencies to his grave, has sparked rumours he may have faked his death. She says she never received the passwords. It sucks.". The media dragged Gerald Cotten's wife, Jennifer Robertson, into the spotlight after his mysterious death. What Happened to Jennifer Robertson and Where Is Gerald Cotten's Wife Now? (Neither men were charged in connection with Liberty Reserve). Business picked up when Bitcoin hit the big time in 2017, reaching prices close to $20,000. [24][25][26], According to court filings, Quadriga also used WB21 as a payment processor. CIBC stated that they could not determine the ownership of the money and could not contact Cotten or Quadriga. He first encountered Bitcoin in Vancouver, British . [21], Throughout 2018, as Bitcoin prices crashed, customers of the exchange reported delays when attempting to withdraw dollars. Mom 'stabs 3 of her kids to death and wounds 2 others in unsupervised visit', Daughter of murdered couple linked to Delphi case reveals paranoia, Serena Williams stepmom's debts continue to spiral amid crumbling home battle, Alex Murdaugh looks unrecognizable in new mugshot hours after sentencing, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP.