MARTA Mobility. Subscription service is offered to MARTA Mobility customers who have travel patterns to and from the same destination(s), at the same time, at least one (1) day per week, for at least (six) 6 consecutive months. Should such assistance be necessary, but unavailable while customers are on the bus, MARTA will contact emergency medical services to administer the required medication at the customers expense. To schedule a reservation, call the MARTA Mobility Call Center (404) 848-5826; 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM seven days a week. MARTA is offering up to $8 off Uber and Lyft rideshare trips Monday-Friday, 4 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. (to address early morning gaps in MARTA service areas). MARTA Mobility operates in the same areas of Fulton, DeKalb, and Clayton Counties where MARTAs fixed route bus and rail service is available. If the Mobility Bus arrives prior to the scheduled time (6:45 AM), the customer is not obligated to board early. The maximum combined weight of all packages cannot exceed twenty-five (25) pounds. Atlanta, Georgia 30324-3330. Transfers between MARTA Mobility and Cobb County Transit (CCT) Paratransit are free at the MARTA Arts Center Rail Station and the CCT Cumberland Transfer Center. If MARTA Mobility does not provide an appeal decision within thirty (30) days, MARTA Mobility will provide service until an appeal decision is provided. Upon receipt of the Breeze Card, Customers will be asked to sign a written affidavit which acknowledges the following points regarding the use of the Mobility Breeze Card: 1. MARTA Mobilityis our service that provides ADA Complementary Paratransitservice to anyone unable to ride or disembark from our regular MARTA transit services. The Travel training service will match you with a travel trainer who can: The U.S. Department of Transportations ADA regulation, 49 CFR 37.129 (a) provides that, with the exception of certain situations in which on-call bus service or feeder paratransit service is appropriate, complementary paratransit service for ADA paratransit eligible persons shall be origin-to-destination service.. 2424 Piedmont Road, NE
Visit our
When does my Reduced Fare Breeze Card expire? Train Hours. MARTA runs hundreds of buses over 91 routes covering over one thousand route-miles. 404-848-5389, or,
APPLICABILITY OF PARATRANSIT: The Paratransit Breeze card is for use on all MARTA Mobility vehicles and allows access to MARTA fixed route services according to current MARTA fare policy. You can also call our Customer Service Center at 404-848-5000 and follow the automated prompts to 'Breeze Card Registration.'. Parking Availability; Parking Fees; Key Parking Status; More. Mobility Bus
To claim a lost article before Tuesday of the following week, please call the MARTA Mobility dispatch office at. When a return trip is needed, indicate the desired pick-up or drop-off time.
MARTA Employee Self-Service We introduced MARTA Employee Self-Service to help streamline our human resources and payroll process. Employee Portal - Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Mobility Operators do not provide services that exceed door-to-door assistance. 404-848-5826. Customer zip code, which is the password to access the automated system. Riders must have a MARTA Mobility Photo ID Breeze Card to be able to request and board our MARTA Mobility buses. Wheelchair users must wait for operators assistance and follow instructions for entering and exiting the Mobility Bus. MARTA shuttle vans, wrapped to look like the streetcar, will continue servicing the route until all vehicles return to service. Customers who are travelling to or from large, multiple unit apartment or office complexes must meet the Mobility Bus at the curb closest to their address.
. Using tobacco or electronic cigarettes or vaporizers is prohibited. Benefits and job security are a plus also. Cobb Transit Service: CobbLinc | Cobb County Georgia
MARTA shuttle vans, wrapped to look like the streetcar, will continue servicing the route until all vehicles return to service. for any inconvenience. After the applicant has reviewed and verified the information, he or she must provide signed authorization for a Health Care Professional to release information. B. MARTA 2424 Piedmont Road, NE
Mobility Operators are permitted to assist customers who utilize wheelchairs or other mobility aids up or down one curb or step unless it poses a safety risk. The ADA also includes temporary eligibility for people with disabilities that prevent them from using the fixed route system for a limited period of time. Riders' Advisory Council; MARTA HOPE Program; . Indicate the use of a service animal, if applicable. Click here for a downloadable version of MARTA Mobility Guide UTILIZING THE MARTA SYSTEM MARTA MOBILITY AREA & HOURS OF OPERATION TYPES OF MARTA MOBILITY SERVICES MARTA MOBILITY CATEGORIES OF ELIGIBILITY The thirty (30) Minute Ready Window will begin at the stated Ready Time. Regular fixed route buses are low-floor with ramps for easy boarding for riders who use Mobility Aids or have difficulty getting up and down bus steps. MARTA Mobility Guide - Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority CCRs will provide a Ready Time when the trip request is confirmed. A MARTA Mobility Service Agent will explain the service and/or mail an application. ATLANTA - The first of Atlanta's Streetcar vehicles has been repaired and is back in service. Example: During the review of infractions for the month of June, it was determined that the systems average number of No-Show infractions for the month was two (2). Weekday: 4:45 AM - 1 AM; . MARTA secured a $2.6M grant for the purchase of 6 New Flyer Xcelsior battery-electric buses that will reduce fleet emissions. Customers can load their Mobility Photo ID Breeze Cards at any of our Breeze Vending Machines around MARTA. Name, address and telephone number
Red Line service will be suspended south of Medical Center from 9pm Feb. 17 through the end of service on Feb. 22nd. Customers who wish exercise this right to a second level of appeal, should contact MARTAs Eligibility Specialist at. *Unlimited rides for consecutive days beginning first day of use. MARTA MARTA Mobility Guide - Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Customers are allowed to bring bikes on buses that are equipped with a bike rack. MARTA Mobility | Atlanta, GA | GatherMS This applies to an individual who cannot independently navigate the fixed route system (board, ride or disembark from a bus or train). To qualify for one of our Reduced Fare Breeze Cards, you'll have to do the following: The initial card is free, and your first replacement is only $2. Mobility Fares - MARTA 4. Customers must make all changes prior to the date of travel. Vehicle number and operators name, if applicable
404-848-5826. No-Shows that are not within the customers control will not be counted against the customer (i.e. Scooters are often unstable on lift equipment. Individuals with a hearing impairment may confirm a reservation through the Georgia Relay Service at. MARTA will provide an opportunity for customers to be heard before an Appeals subcommittee of the MARTA Advisory Committee (MAC). To request information in another language or in an accessible format call 404-848-4037/ 404-848-5665- TTY, Click hereto view the MARTA Mobility Guide. MARTA Mobility. Subscription service is not required by ADA and the total number of subscription trips reserved may not exceed 50% of the space available on the system at any time period. If the thirty (30) minute ready window has ended and the Mobility Bus has not arrived, the customer should call the ETA line at. 4. Regular Breeze Cards are not accepted for Mobility certified customers. During this thirty (30) day waiting period, customers will still be eligible to ride MARTA Mobility; however, they will be required to show photo identification and pay with cash for each trip. NOT TRANSFERABLE: This card is not transferable and if pre-sented by any person other than whom it is issued, MARTA will confiscate the card. MARTA Mobility Customer Guide - May 2019 4 Map of MARTA Mobility Service Area MARTA Mobility operates during the same days and hours when MARTA's fixed route bus and rail service is available. to request that an application be mailed or emailed to you. The application allows for the following online: Five Points Lost and Found Office is temporarily closed. Small strollers or carts must be securely held and not block aisles or passageways. card with a picture each time they board a Mobility Bus. A card will be unconditionally confiscated if it is found in the possession of an unauthorized third party. Marta Mobility 2010-2023 - signNow The Code prohibits inappropriate behavior on MARTA property to include but not limited to the following: No operating or tampering with any equipment while onboard a Paratransit vehicle. MARTA Mobility riders with authorization from a medical professional are allowed to ride with a designated personal care attendant at no additional charge. Customers must have correct fare immediately upon boarding in order to ride. Please contact MARTA Mobility Eligibility at (404) 848-5389 during business hours, Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM for detailed information regarding these procedures. The Mobility Bus may arrive prior to 4:15 PM but is not considered late until after 4:45 PM. Atlanta, GA 30324 Atlanta, GA 30303. To advocate and provide safe, multi-modal transit services that advance prosperity, connectivity and equity for a more livable region. A customer traveling from a large office building, medical facility, or other similar area must meet the vehicle at the curb closest to the main reception desk or lobby entrance. Atlanta, GA 30324. The fax number for Mobility Eligibility is 404-848-6900. . You can also contact MARTA customer service: 404-848-5000 or email: The following rules also apply: If you have a suggestion or a comment about our services, please call MARTAs Customer Service Center at (404) 848-5000 (follow the prompts). Be on time for scheduled trips and be ready to board the Mobility bus when it arrives. MARTA Inconvenience in using the fixed route system is not a basis for eligibility. Customers infractions will be reviewed at the end of each month and their future Mobility service may be suspended if the infractions are deemed excessive.. MARTA Transit; MARTA Service; Facebook; Instagram; Explanation of incident, suggestion or comment, Voice: 1-866-377-8642
Mobility Fares. 404-848-5826. MARTA removed the four streetcar vehicles from service on Nov. 29, 2022, after engineers discovered wheel degradation . Riders' Advisory Council; . To advocate and provide safe, multi-modal transit services that advance prosperity, connectivity and equity for a more livable region. MARTA Mobility provides ADA-complementary paratransit service to anyone unable to ride or disembark from regular MARTA transit services. 404-848-5826. Day and time of experience
We offer Reduced Fare Breeze Cards to eligible senior citizens, people with disabilities and Medicare cardholders. They can also load their cards at MARTA RideStores or by calling media sales at 404-848-5000. Is a shared ride, advanced reservation mode of public transportation. For safety reasons, please do not distract the MARTA Mobility Operators by engaging them in unnecessary conversation while the Mobility Bus is in operation. 3. MARTA Police (Non-Emergency) 404-848-4900. The CCR will make every effort to accommodate requested pick-up or drop-off times. PDF version] to print a hardcopy of theMARTA Mobility Eligibility Application for Certification Part B(for the completion by your Health Care Provider). Simply tap your card on the Breeze target wherever your riding. How do I use my Reduced Fare Breeze Card? For example, a person may be able to reach bus stops that are no more than three blocks away, and where there is a safe, accessible path of travel, but she may require paratransit if distances are greater than three blocks, or if there are path of travel obstacles such as steep hills, deep snow or ice, or other obstacles. All fare types must be loaded on a MARTA Mobility Breeze
Customers with schedules that require frequent changes are not eligible for subscription service. Under the contract, MTM will leverage its On the Move program to perform paratransit eligibility certifications. Lost Item Inquiry Formfor lost items. Customers with inoperative wheelchairs cannot be transported. If the complex is inaccessible to a MARTA Mobility Bus, customers must meet the bus at the main entrance of the complex. MARTA For more information, please call Customer Service at (770) 427-4444. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Program, MARTA's Transportation Assistance Program for the Homeless, Title
404-848-5000 . Operators are not permitted to enter buildings and/or private residences, lock doors, or set home alarm systems, etc. APPLICABILITY OF REDUCED FARE: The elderly/disabled Medicare reduced fare is applicable to all fixed route services, except E-bus and Paratransit services. To become eligible to ride MARTA Mobility, you must complete an application and an in-person interview and assessment. Any article left on a Mobility bus will be turned in to the MARTA Mobility Dispatch office. . Customers will be sent a letter of eligibility determination in writing, or alternative formats if requested. MARTA Police (Emergency) 404-848-4911. Rail stations have both elevators and escalators. At a Breeze Vending Machine in any MARTA rail station. 404-848-5000 . MARTA Mobilitys pick-up or drop-off locations are directed by the passenger; such as residences, medical facilities, retail outlets or other attractions.