Southeast Renewable Energy - Presented by Infocast Identifying short- and long-term opportunities for investments that reflect the diverse opportunities and needs in the region. As a result, developing a large green power project in a traditionally regulated state and claiming renewable energy use can often be challenging. Competition alone, however, will not achieve the rapid electricity sector decarbonization needed to avoid climate changes worst impacts. Renewable energy in Southeast Asia: Policies and recommendations Podcasts Factor This! Justine Hunter, Forestry decline threatens B.C. to support a diverse economy, enhancecommunity resilience, and conserve natural resources in Southeast Alaska. Ocean renewable energy in Southeast Asia: A review Together were making a lasting impact across the Southeast. Renewable Energy in Southeast Asia by Courtney Weatherby December 17, 2020 This essay explores the current status and future role of renewable energy in Southeast Asia's power-generation system, reviews obstacles to energy diversification, and analyzes specific policy successes and failures in supporting rapid deployment. The sensitivity of the estimates with regard to truck fuel prices is unknown. The American Renewable Energy Act, H.R. BayWa's lessons from expanding into Southeast Asia Cellulosic ethanol can be produced from the same types of biomass feedstock as could be used for biomass electric power generation. Creating hundreds of thousands of high-wage jobs in clean energy. Southeastern Region Report - American Council on Renewable Energy Daniel Cusick, "Southern utilities led effort to squash Senate RPS proposal," Earth News, June 26, 2007. 890, would establish a renewable electricity standard (RES).10 In the Senate, a renewable electricity standard was introduced in S. 433.11 Senator Bingaman had previously released a draft bill to discuss a federal renewable portfolio standard on February 11, 2009.12. Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Direct: 907.463.7368 | Email: Proposing to restore the 2001 Roadless Rule protections. U.S. Electricity Grid & Markets | US EPA - U.S. Environmental By converting biomass, waste materials, or other carbon-containing materials into a synthesized gas (synthesis gas or syngas) comprised mostly of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, the syngas can be burned directly to generate electricity.39 Further processing via Fischer-Tropsch methods40 or other forms of catalysis can convert the syngas into higher value chemicals or transportation biofuels such as ethanol, methanol, or a form of biodiesel called di-methyl ether. Different types of biomass have different procurement and collection costs, and transportation cost varies as a function of haul time and distance. Although some renewable energy technologies have an impact on the environment, renewables are considered environmentally preferable to conventional sources and, when replacing fossil fuels, have significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable energy sources, such as biomass, geothermal resources, sunlight, water, and wind, are natural resources that can be converted into these types of clean, usable energy: Bioenergy Geothermal Energy Hydrogen Hydropower Marine Energy Solar Energy Wind Energy Benefits of Renewable Energy This auction will not only offset polluting emissions, but also improve fair and transparent power project procurement and promote energy security and independence for Laos. Generators of existing renewable energy facilities (placed in service before January 1, 2006) would receive non-tradable credits for the power they generate under the proposal in Senator Bingaman's RPS discussion draft. Southeast Asia Used Construction Equipment Market Report 2023: A $1.47 32+T9LPs))bRBbZ3H9%D1"za;V+*vJ) |FU8pr!DMf'!IHR [F|39$~0 #4 The terms RPS and RES (renewable electricity standard) are often used interchangeably, as no material difference exists in program goals. States and electricity suppliers in the southeastern United States have been most vocal in their concern that they may be unfairly burdened by an RES. An official website of the United States government. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE). have proposed the voluntary Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM).   U.S. Energy Project in Southeast Asia Increased Renewable Energy Investments by $7 Billion, USAID and FHI 360 join PMAC to enhance data integration in decision-making at the climate-health nexus, United States Launches SERVIR-Southeast Asia, a USAID-NASA Initiative to Fight Climate Change, USAID Smart Infrastructure for the Mekong Program Restores Fish Passage Across the Mekong, USAID, DNP, and WildAid Launch Media Campaign to End Demand for Ivory Products. It doesnt even achieve the benefits of a true Energy Imbalance Market, such as the kind that serves the West including an independent operator, transparent pricing, or open transmission access. Notably, in the Southeast where wind resources are often dismissed, local wind was found to be less expensive than 30% of all Southeast coal plants and regional wind was found to be less expensive than 84% of all Southeast coal plants. Historically, most electric power has come from base-load generation in large, central station plants using fossil fuels (principally coal) as the source of energy. New financing instruments and tools have been employed to generate wider market participation. Other technologies, such as "open-loop" biomass, incremental hydropower, small irrigation systems, landfill gas, and municipal solid waste (MSW), receive a lesser value tax credit. (Photo by Paul Harris/Getty Images). See Methane released from manure management systems can be captured and used as clean energy to produce electricity. Figure 1. A region with some of Americas highest poverty rates, which may suffer more economic loss from COVID-19 than any other area of the country cannot afford to miss out on the economic stimulus that comes from simply introducing competition. endstream endobj 212 0 obj <>stream To understand geography . Many consider carbon dioxide emissions from biomass sources as practically neutral, because biomass sources take in carbon dioxide during their growing cycle and release it when burned.17 Renewable energy is seen as a way to reduce fossil fuel use, and with growing awareness of the potential impacts of climate change, the role of renewable energy in reducing carbon emissions has garnered increasing public support. USAID Clean Power Asia collaborated with diverse stakeholders, partners, and regional organizations to share lessons learned and best practices across Southeast Asia to accelerate the regional transition to a high performing, low carbon power sector. Thestrategy to be undertaken on the Tongass National Forest and in Southeast Alaska includes four primary components: As a part of the strategy, the Secretary of Agriculture made an initial commitment of $25 million to the region. Nepal has achieved 78 per cent of energy access, while Bangladesh achieved 95 per cent of energy access. It also eliminates all coal generation by 2040. The electricity industry in the region is still largely subject to traditional rate regulation, and power generation projects historically have been approved by state regulatory commissions which have endeavored to maintain a favorable, low cost business climate. A competitive RTO would add 149 total gigawatts of clean energy resources in the Southeast including 62 GW of solar, 41 GW of wind, and 46 GW of battery storage. For the purposes of this discussion, southeastern states include Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. This is a BETA experience. When examined from a regional perspective, a number of questions have been raised as to the potential impacts on the supply and demand of biomass resources under a renewable energy standard. Discussion with Southern Company, March 31, 2009. In 2015, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Viet Nam . The Southeast is one of the country's fastest growing economic sectors and one of the only regions without a competitive wholesale electricity market. Rep. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.), one of the panel's more liberal members, said there should be "flexibility" to address regional issues but warned against watering down either the bill's emissions or renewable energy targets. USAID and the Embassy have announced plans to continue these efforts through a new program called the Southeast Asia Smart Power Program that will promote utility modernization, energy efficiency, advanced technologies, and regional power trade, and will improve local air quality and mitigate global climate change. Despite ambitious long-term climate announcements, Southeast utilities are still heavily reliant on expensive-to-run coal plants and are doubling down on risky new gas infrastructure investments, instead of clean technologies of the future. 709 W. 9th Street The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) process, when done well, is the best tool the electricity sector has for comparing the utilitys overall system costs across different portfolio options. renewable energy, also called alternative energy, usable energy derived from replenishable sources such as the Sun ( solar energy ), wind ( wind power ), rivers ( hydroelectric power ), hot springs ( geothermal energy ), tides ( tidal power ), and biomass ( biofuels ). The Renewable Fuels Program requires increased use of renewable fuels every year through 2012. Even amidst the COVID-19 global pandemic, we have achieved our goals through our four activity areas of improving power sector planning, fostering supportive policy frameworks, mobilizing finance and investment, and promoting enhanced regional collaboration.. Combustion of fossil fuels also produces the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. The needs of other, possibly competing, uses for biomass are considerations if biomass resources are to be sustained while meeting projected uses. Much of the debate over an RES revolves around whether there is a need for a federal requirement for renewable energy use by electric providers and whether the momentum in the states is truly moving the use of renewable energy forward. Competitive wholesale electricity markets, or Regional Transmission Operators (RTOs) and Independent System Operators (ISOs), are public-benefit corporations serving 70% of U.S. electricity customers that arose from electricity restructuring during the late 1990s-early 2000s to cut costs and encourage innovation. I am pleased to have been able to highlight some of the first projects to receive funding, and I will be watching as the rest of the investments move forward in a demonstration of the difference we can make as a collaborative team working toward a common goal.. Retrieved from Raysonho . Plans for increased use of waste wood from forests may require new forms of cooperation and coordination between forest products companies and biomass power generators to ensure access to the resource. VCEs WIS:dom model also incorporates electricity distribution infrastructure savings from deploying distributed storage and solar resources. Renewable Portfolio Standards. Our initial Economic Investment effort will commit up to $25 million in federal funding based on local priorities for short-term, project-based investments. Increased battery storage and system flexibility also reduces the need for seldom-used gas peaking resources, which are mostly eliminated in the RTO by 2040. Aggressive customer cost savings, significant employment gains, and cleaner air for the first time, research demonstrates how much a competitive regional electricity market would benefit the Southeast U.S. To deliver these benefits for the people they serve, policymakers and regulators should immediately ramp up efforts to bring competition to a region that has for too long been beholden to monopolies at the exclusion of low-cost clean energy. This buildout of wind, solar, and storage generates 285,000 new jobs in the Southeast through 2040 compared to business-as-usual good jobs in one of the countrys fastest growing economic sectors, offering higher than average wages. Energy Innovation has released updated analysis comparing the cost of continuing to operate coal plants to replacing them with solar, wind, or batteries. Download Free PDF View PDF. Demand for woody biomass could also be affected by requirements for biofuels production under the Renewable Fuel Standard60 specified by Congress in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, especially as cellulosic methods for ethanol production are improved. For more information on Tradable Credits, see CRS Report RL34116, Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS): Background and Debate Over a National Requirement, by [author name scrubbed]. A principal argument made by supporters of an RES is that it would provide benefits to the environmental goals. Overview of the Quality and Completeness of Resource Assessment Data for the APEC Region. Map of pulp and paper mill closures. Denver , CO , United States. The analysis does not account for ripple effects of reduced electricity rates on consumer and business spending or the increased attractiveness of Southeastern states to the growing number of companies with 100% clean energy goals. Biomass Resources Available per Square Kilometer in the United States, Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Meets USDA commitment to ecological, economic, and cultural sustainability.