We look forward to working for you soon. Anyways, gates event to a one simulated COVID the COVID epidemic that it would cause 65 million deaths at the 18 month end point 65 million deaths. Its just now the assholes are. Real thinking individuals, people who actually use their intellect, who research study, look at the landscape of society as it exists. Both of those have a link bar at the top itll take you to any part of my Douglas v Gibbs comm site you need to go as for the nonprofit constitution association.com constitution Association comm thats where you can get a PDF copy of the lawsuit against Kamala Harris. And I was unwilling to bend certainly was gonna break, I was gonna do things on my own terms. They say well, you cant come in unless youre wearing a mask. I stick it on top, my head like a welders mask flipped up for I dont know, about 30 seconds, put my stuff in my cart, walked over to the counter. Why because she they said shes trespassing really. Im standing on this principle you people have masses masks. And I have these people telling me now that theyre more frightened now than they were when they were in those times. I said here, you can have your shield back. But nowadays, its a little bit different. And to be able to actually see this man in person was what What a treat that was. And and if people in an area would just make a concerted effort, okay, this business owners, one of those people that keep requiring us to do this, lets just collectively say nobody goes in that business anymore. You have to police come in here, theyre gonna find your 500 or whatever I said, then Ill wait for the police. I dont know. But the participants primarily focused on planning, industry centric fearmongering police state strategies what do we see today police state strategies for manage managing an imaginary global Coronavirus contagion, culminating in mass censorship of social media. Contact: 310.421.4053 Website: http://www.freedomslips.com Email: support@freedomslips.com Stations Revolution Radio Studio B Where Information Never Sleeps UP NEXT: 7pm Matrix Warriors: Jay Charles Parker 9pm Counterspeech 10pm The Decompression Hour 11pm Carrying Stones and Digging Holes: Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff See More Shows 1:08:56 While the answer is the states created the federal government, the states existed before the federal government, they created a federal government to centralize some of the processes, specifically, judicial executive branch to carry that out legislative representation from each state. They didnt do it. Alright, so for me personally, Douglas v Gibbs calm or political pistachio calm, which is my blog. Youre gonna stand on your principles. What the bank did and its illegal and unconstitutional what the cop did. They knew who she was the point they call the police. Its not even you cant even do this in a comedy wouldnt even get yours. where people are trying to come forward are being dealt with, as they always have been. 1:49:25 30:35 We know what Liberty tastes like, we know what liberty is about. Because if that happens with me, theres no going backwards. We didnt practice. You need to stand up and defend your liberties. Ill leave in a little while but let my wife finish shopping. Youre living in bondage. Why do you need a PR firm they need him to spend because theres a time when you tell the truth. Well, we can get you on. In the beginning, they tried to give me a hard time now I just waved my way out the door. Wow, youre that vendor. And also the small businesses, you got these small businesses that have these people that just absolutely refuse to back off, and they never want to they they just they small business owners. What do you think is in that vaccine? And in that book is a textbook Actually, its a large book, but I wrote it to teach homeschoolers government and I teach our homeschool high schoolers government economics and US history. When they swing that camera, which they do very little at the crowd over the crowd of a Democratic National Convention. And let me give you a real quick just to help you understand. Were not gonna check her out. Yeah, and its funny because Milton Friedman was talking about a lot of this stuff, long before any nail that he had it so right and we just been listening to people like Milton Friedman. Not even the very few few people with a positive PCR test and people werent even sick folks. So you know, and people assessed the danger and then made their own decisions on whether or not to be out on the streets. And we have a pretty good idea what it will do to us. 1:50:43 Shes in a bank. What makes you think that these people arent going to inflict the worst on you this has been biggest challenge is to help people understand the power structure, the people that we elect to public positions, from the school boards on up are pretty much in this day and age. Somebody somebody just mentioned that to me, theyre going to help with that. Whats very harsh so a guy like Scott McKay Joe lunch bucket, nobody from nowhere, is very aware that theres 800,000 children per year, every year, year in year out, being taken off the streets, stolen, kidnapped, pumped into a child satanic ritual abuse, sex trafficking, brutal torture sodomy murder machine and car cannibalism machine in this country. 1:20:31 I know that the Christian church grew most of that was under persecution. Take me up to my neurology appointment and then drop me off there. This is free speech platform that has launched the Patriot streetfighter revolution. Its going to be delivered in a way, the day twos. Sorry. Send us a message on Facebook. Im your host of revolution radio. almost at a time I do not want to miss repeat one more time the website where they can find you and your work. Therell be no surrender. And they just, it wasnt the cool crowd to be in. Well, Thomas Sols basic economics. People need to understand why what are we there? Any preacher that would would I would not walk into a church and required mass Id never go there again. Theres some of us out there that just absolutely refuse tyranny. Please, please do I want something for the police report. No kidding. multinational corporations Rothschild Rockefeller, controlling central banking families, monarchies around the world are going or theyre being dealt with and theyre going to come down. And youre going to protect me what from you? Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break".Did you mean to use "continue 2"? PatriotStreetfighter. She comes across the path of this scumbag carrying something. So which created which? View background report for Donald W Mckay from Coshocton, Oh. In other words, they cant give it away. She doesnt speak English very well. Heres your proof. Absolutely. If you scroll to the bottom, you will see an email or an a mail address a hard mail address for one of our producers, Terry Ackerman. 1:21:36 Matthew Harrington, CEO of Edelman public relations, agrees that social media must fall in line to promote government policy. So what I need is physical therapy for my neck to stop the headache so I can stop the vertigo because of the head injury. Trevor was the favorite engineer of anyone who called games of athletic events over the radio. We have noticed that after Chinas theatrical lockdown, they quickly went back to business as usual. I walk 30 steps inside to the back ovens. The River has been his home over 14 years and he loves waking you up every morning. So all these projects here, folks described how they would use this viral outbreak to bring this authoritarian system with the loss of our human rights or freedoms. They just keep on lying. Scumbags beware! And when I put one of those suckers on and I hit the ground, I cannot wear the facial armband. Youre the biggest danger to my rights. So always grateful for what they have done for the free speech world that allows voices like mine, to continue to project what we project around the world. Yes, we are going to make these available for purchase. Watch Today The Broadcasts that started the Patriot Street Fighter Movement! 1:13:05 And Douglas v Gibbs coming on were going to talk constitutional expert here. Everything is inverted everything including the cross that they were the upside down cross, which is the satanic symbol. My rights dont end or your fears begin. I know which ones didnt close. Not Not you, but to listeners. Okay, I just keep checking out. Their unprincipled stand is gone. I just went through that for 45 minutes and the main the main interests I told her finally after going around around with her about 10 or 15 she says we need to call an administrator. This time at Costco. As soon as I get my food, I take the mask off, I walk out without it. no shirt, no masks, no shoes, no service. Stream live CNN, FOX News Radio, and MSNBC. You can get your patriot Street Fighter gear, Ive got my favorite shirt on tonight. Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. We know more than anybody else in the world, our history, even even though theyre trying to erase it. But we hope we can have a Glorious Revolution, like the British did in 1688, where we can change a government without a shot being fired. To address is human society by the way, we got a great guest coming up in the second half that I mentioned that I love and I bring these guys on because these guys are really smart he always made me look good. 47:21 Following a career that spans three decades in print and broadcast journalism,WTNSs Ken Smailes is transitioning from the News Director position he has held atWTNS for 25 years. There are 45 other people named Brian McKay on AllPeople. We are doing clinical trials in new anti retrovirals. Yeah, you know, its funny, because Ill begin this by telling a real quick story in a woman who convinced me to start teaching classes on the Constitution. A Wrestling Podcast The Wayne Dupree Podcast Maajid Nawaz The David Pakman Show vivafrei Rand Paul Rob Braxman Tech Rengawr Donald J. Trump Steve Ronin Kimberly Guilfoyle TalismanTate Jason Corey Cane Corso Geometryptamine Jeremy Lynch Boho . out there. Broadcasting Coshocton's local news, high school sports, and contemporary adult music. Because if it wasnt for you, the American dream would have died generations ago, because Americans are born in this country. Today he hosts a radio show he created on Revolution. Because once you unleash the American citizen, the American patriot, especially our soldiers on US soil with their home and their family right behind them facing the enemy.