This 1969 Pinned 2 " bbl revolver retains 98% of its blued finish showing only a ver Like-New Smith & Wesson Model 37 Chiefs Special Airweight Revolver serial #J537718, 38 Special, 3 pinned barrel with a bright excellent bore. For a revolver thats now over 75 years old, chambered in a cartridge designed almost a century and a half ago, its a tack-driver. Pre Ban Smith and Wesson Victory Revolver Us Property Marked 38 S&W Classics: Smith & Wessons Victory Revolver in .38 S&W, First Look: Sig Sauer SLX And SLH Suppressor Series, Smith & Wesson EQUALIZER Review: Crafted For Carry, Smith & Wesson Announces M&P FPC 9mm Carbine, 20 Best Concealed Carry Guns In 2023 (Updated! J-frames with a more "snagless" profile lacking an exposed hammer, include the standard steel-framed Model 40 in .38 Special, the stainless Model 640, the alloy-framed Airweight Model 42 and 442, the alloy/stainless Model 642, and the Models 342 and 340 (.357 Mag) which use Scandium alloy frames (with a Titanium cylinder on the 342) and have adjustable rear sights. The fact is, Smith & Wesson marketed a perfectly good line of self-defense revolvers as early as 1876 and produced nearly . (68) Smith & Wesson 642 38 Special 1.87in Stainless Revolver - 5 Rounds $519.99 $469.99 after Rebate Compare Rebate! The origins of the .38 S&W date back to 1877, and since that time, the loadings here in the U.S. had been kept mild in deference to the original black powder revolvers and the later top-break bulldog-type revolvers. These revolvers typically bridged a gap between small-caliber pocket pistolsusually .22- or .32-caliber rimfiresand large-caliber revolversoften called horse pistolsthat required a holster and belt or a means of attaching the holster to the pommel on saddle. The .38 Smith & Wesson: History And Performance Save my name and email to use for future comments. Smith & Wesson Model 642 38 Special Revolver with Crimson Trace Lasergrip $769.00; After rebate: $719.00; Notify Me When Available; Brand: Smith & Wesson; Item Number: 163811 The Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard 38 delivers a combination of accuracy and simplicity for . Deliveries of revolvers equipped with the present improved Hammer Block commenced in early 1945. It wasnt until 1880 that Smith & Wesson was able to market its .38 Double Action First Model to the public. Due to the shroud, the Bodyguards don't have an adjustable sight option. The Springfield, Massachusetts-based company of Smith and Wesson has a very well known and highly respected reputation of being a gun manufacturer that drives the industry. As the senior guy I carried an S&W Victory .38 special and extra ammo on each flight. Now a second enemy soldier came running, and Rudy took a bayonet wound in the stomach. While it wasnt employed as extensively as was the M1911A1 pistol, it accompanied many U.S. Navy and Marine Corps aviators during the pivotal battles of the Pacific Theater. The M&P was Smith & Wessons K-frame Military & Police revolver which had proven to be popular in the civilian marketplace prior to the war. Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard Revolver - The M&P BODYGUARD 38 delivers the optimal combination of accuracy and simplicity for personal protection needs. A lanyard ring was also attached to the butt. Nonetheless, it didnt take long for the impracticality of this policy to become apparent. Smith & Wesson guns fall into three main frame categories: J - .38 Special and 9 mm. Add to wishlist. All Rights Reserved, pre-WWII Smith & Wesson Military & Police .38 Special. However, its a tack-driver, and once I get some Commonwealth-equivalent ammo loaded up, Ill be stylin. The K-38 Target Masterpiece was manufactured from 1947 until 1981 with the 8 3/8" barrel being introduced in 1959. A SMITH WESSON 38 pistol is currently worth an average price of $515.85 new and $448.93 used . This weapon was almost identical to the U.S. Navys Caliber .38 Special Revolver except for caliber and barrel length. It offers a 6-round capacity and several barrel lengths from which to choose, as well as a blued or polished nickel finish. 101 Reviews. Here are the features to watch out for. 38 Smith & Wesson. Smith and Wesson 38 Revolver For Sale - Omaha Outdoors: Guns, Hunting This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! Stay in the know. As with the J- and K-frames, there are a few different subfamilies in the L-frame tribe including the Distinguished Service Magnum, Distinguished Combat Magnum, the Service Magnum, and the Target Magnum lines. This .38 measures 11.3" and the barrel is 6". The Smith & Wesson Victory Model and the Enfields can take full .38 Special pressures, which the .38-200 mostly reaches for. Smith & Wesson M&P 340. IMPORTANT SAFETY RECALL NOTICE FOR SMITH & WESSON . The Smith & Wesson Victory Model was chambered in .38 Spl. The .38 S&W case is larger in diameter than the Special, in order to accept the .360- to .361-inch diameter bullets. The Smith & Wesson Military & Police Revolver | An Official Journal Of Stay in the know. S&W Victory Model Specs: Action: Double-Action Caliber: .38 S&W Capacity: 6 rounds Barrel: 5 inches Length: 9.75 inches Weight: 26 ounces Trigger: 5 pounds, 2 ounces SA; 12 pounds DA Finish: Parkerized. Most commonly seen with 4-inch barrels, these were the iconic "service revolvers" for generations. Its still in .38 S&Wwhich is a good thing, because its amazingly accurate. The ones made after the design change have a VS as the prefix. The Smith and Wesson 38 revolver is a highly accurate and very popular handgun due to its versatility. Smith & Wesson 38 Special Revolvers (24) Refine By: Price Sort by: PER PAGE: 1 2 Compare Rebate! While all of the .38 revolvers made by Smith & Wesson during World War II were dubbed Victory Model, the term as generally used today refers to the .38 Spl. .38 S&W - Wikipedia Some of Smith & Wessons best-selling revolvers include the Model 19, Model 29, Model 642, Model 686, and the Model 10, while the most popular semi-auto pistols include the Model 41, M&P9 M2.0, M&P9 Shield, and the SD Series. These seven-shot 9mm revolvers (hence the "9" in the model) have cylinders that are cut for moon clips. Victory Model RevolverWhile all of the .38 revolvers made by Smith & Wesson during World War II were dubbed Victory Model, the term as generally used today refers to the .38 Spl. Smith & Wesson Revolvers - Model K-38 for sale - Guns International Victory Model revolvers had 4" barrels, there was also a little-known variant that was otherwise identical except for having a 2" barrel. This course of action, however, soon resulted in problems, and Ordnance eventually got involved. Its contributions to the war effort should not be overlooked. A S&W K-Frame .38 being inventoried during the Gulf War. The Smith and Wesson 38 revolver is a highly accurate and very popular handgun due to its versatility. This is a Smith & Wesson 3rd model 38 break top double action revolver made in the late 1800s.It is a 5 shot and chambered for 38 S&W.End of video shout out . So, they added a V as a prefix and started over, with the Smith & Wesson Victory Model revolvers all being parkerized with smooth wooden grips. Sales of both revolvers and cartridges were brisk. And plenty who wanted them. Patrick Sweeney is the author of many of Gun Digest books' best-selling titles, including Gun Digest Book of the 1911, Vols. .38 special CTG 'serial' number information. - Smith And Wesson Forums There are a few documented cases of U.S. Army issue in the continental United States, primarily for guard purposes, and more substantial numbers were used in combat theaters. Note the markings applied to the topstrap of a Victory Model revolver manufactured under U.S. Navy contract (right). Smith & Wesson's answer to the Taurus Judge and the even earlier MIL Thunder 5, the Governor series launched the American revolver maker's Z-frame wheelguns. Hold a legend in your hands and feel the raw power that only S&W can deliver. The hip holsters were used more often by security personnel, but period photos show some flyers with their Victory Model revolvers in hip holsters. Add to wishlist. Smith & Wesson K-38 Target Masterpiece Revolver .38 spl GI#: 102233235 Excellent overall condition. revolvers being used in combat during World War II by American troops. The Model 19 lists for about $700 to $1,000, while the Model 29 sells for slightly more, around $1,200. Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard 38 Double-Action Revolver Get the latest news and updates on products, news, and events, JOB OPPORTUNITIES AT OUR MARYVILLE, TN HEADQUARTERS WILL BE POSTED ON OUR CAREERS SITE, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 442 CRIMSON TRACE LG-105 LASERGRIPS, PERFORMANCE CENTER PRO SERIES MODEL 442 MOON CLIP, PERFORMANCE CENTER PRO SERIES MODEL 642, PERFORMANCE CENTER PRO SERIES MODEL 640, M&P BODYGUARD 38 INTEGRATED CRIMSON TRACE LASER, MODEL 642 CRIMSON TRACE LASERGRIPS NO INTERNAL LOCK, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 642 ENHANCED ACTION, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 637 ENHANCED ACTION, M&P BODYGUARD 38 INTEGRATED CRIMSON TRACE LASER COMPLIANT, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 19 CARRY COMP 2.5" BARREL, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 986 2.5" BARREL, PERFORMANCE CENTER PRO SERIES MODEL 986, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 686 COMPETITOR 6" WEIGHTED BARREL, MODEL 686 PLUS 3-5-7 MAGNUM SERIES 3" BARREL, MODEL 686 PLUS 3-5-7 MAGNUM SERIES 5" BARREL, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 686 2.5" BARREL, PERFORMANCE CENTER PRO SERIES MODEL 686 SSR, PERFORMANCE CENTER PRO SERIES MODEL 686 PLUS, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 629 .44 MAGNUM HUNTER, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 629 COMPETITOR 6" WEIGHTED BARREL, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 629 STEALTH HUNTER, PERFORMANCE CENTER PRO SERIES MODEL 627, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL S&W500 HI VIZ FIBER OPTIC, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 460XVR HI VIZ FIBER OPTIC FRONT SIGHT, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL S&W500 7.5" BARREL, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 460XVR - 14" BARREL WITH BI-POD, PERFORMANCE CENTER MODEL 460XVR 3.5" BARREL, IMPORTANT SAFETY RECALL NOTICE FOR SMITH & WESSON, 12 SHOTGUNS MANUFACTURED PRIOR TO OCTOBER 15, 2021, 2023 Smith & Wesson | All rights reserved | Nasdaq:SWBI |. $429.99 View Site. But the need for wartime production rates and a more durable finish soon had the revolvers sporting parkerized finishes and plain wooden grips. 38 S&W vs. 38 Special | The Firearms Forum Add to cart. Smith & Wesson Model 642 38 Special Revolver with Crimson Trace Lasergrip $764.00 $729.99; After rebate: $679.99; Notify Me When Available; Brand: Smith & Wesson; Some will have both U.S. and British markings. The standard ammunition procured for issue with the .38 Spl. These small revolvers are designed to fire a full power round and are as simple and easy to use as they are reliable. One group in particular I have to keep as a bragging group: Five shots, 25 yards, over sandbags, all into a one-hole group. We offer the largest selection of new and used S&W handguns, online. Best Hammerless .38 Revolver. But, back in the 50s and 60s, few reloaded, and those who had such a Smith & Wesson Victory model didnt care. Smith & Wesson's K-Frame .38 Special Masterpieces These first loads had heeled bullets whereby the bullet diameter was the same as the outside diameter of the case with a reduced-diameter heel held inside the case. Learn how your comment data is processed. It was one of the first revolvers with a cylinder that swung out when a latch . Due to shortages, both were used during WWII. This is a medium frame full stainless steel construction DA/SA revolver featuring a 4 stainless barrel with solid vis WW2 U.S. PROPERTY SMITH & WESSON .38 HAND EJECTOR M&P MILITARY & POLICE PRE-VICTORY MODEL .38SPL 1905 4TH CHANGE 5" REVOLVER, CIRCA 1942. Smith & Wesson handguns vary in price from just a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, with the price tag depending on numerous factors. This is a mint crisp example that was shipped to the US Navy in 1944. This attention did not slip by other manufacturers. This indicates that it received a through factory inspection or overhaul, in 1954, at the Lithgow Arsenal. Continuing down the same road, the N-framed Model 29 was the first .44 Magnum (to the joy of "Dirty Harry"), just as the Model 57 was the first .41 Magnum, the Model 610 in 10mm/.40 S&W, and so on. Smith & Wesson Revolvers for Sale - Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore Clearly, the .38-200 S&W made a significant contribution to the war effort, especially with our allies. This gun features current evolution i Smith & Wesson 38 Bodyguard .38 Spl. Desirable Smith & Wesson Model 10-7 Double Action Revolver serial #ABR9310, 38 Special, 2 barrel with a bright excellent bore. Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard .38. The cartridge was designed in 1877 for the spur-trigger Smith & Wesson Model 2 single-action revolver. Frames were open topped with a hinge up front to facilitate simultaneous extraction and ejection, followed by rapid reloading. Gift Cards. Really? cartridges are sometimes confused, but they are two different chamberings and are not interchangeable; the .38 S&W is shorter and has a slightly larger diameter than the .38 Spl. IMMEDIATELY its how business should be done. Victory Model revolvers had 4" barrels, there was also a little-known variant that was otherwise identical except for having a 2" barrel. When it comes to the company's modern revolvers, designed in the age of smokeless powder, most can be categorized into the small frame (I and J), medium frame (K and L), large frame (S and N), extra-large frame (X) and .410/.45 caliber (Z frame) models. It was previously popular with the U.S. Border Patrol, and sometimes referred to as the peace officers dream. It is chambered in 357 Mag and available in blued carbon steel or nickel-plated steel with grips made from wood or textured rubber. The cartridges were packed in green, commercial-style, 50-round cardboard cartons with lot numbers in the 5,000 range. In addition, it was the OSS that requested development of U.S. jacketed ammunition for the revolver. Are 38 S&W vs 38 Special Ammo interchangeable? - American Gun Facts Uncle Sam certainly got his moneys worth from the Victory Model! Smith & Wesson 12-3 38 Special Revolver - Used in Good Condition with Box. Victory Model revolvers were not stamped with Navy markings at the factory. This load remained popular with British officers through World War II and beyond. The S&W Victory Model revolvers role in World War II is sometimes minimized or given little more than a cursory mention. Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. Here's what it's like to shoot this classic scattergun. Mon Feb 27, Outstanding 1944 Us Navy Shipped, Smith & Wesson Victory BRE2381. jacketed bullets, was made by Remington for issue with Victory Model revolvers. The M&P Shield is also available in variants chambered in 40 S&W and 45 ACP. What should the discerning collector look for in a potential buy? It was relatively common back in the 1950s and 1960s to find the Commonwealth Victory Models with reamed chambers. BTW, it was the only armament on the aircraft! There was a well-made leather shoulder holster fabricated specifically for these 2" Victory Model revolvers that had US embossed on the front. Most are available in various sizes and calibers, with a plethora of options and features. The 5" barrel was made standard after April 10, 1942. The reason for this was the need for more lubricant in blackpowder cartridges. Head to the range this week with American Rifleman staff as they discuss a trim little repeater from Savage Arms that comes chambered for the .22 WMR cartridge. Compare. Going lighter is the alloy-framed Model 38 and 438, while the stainless/alloy Airweight Model 638 is the best of both worlds. The company subsequently renamed it the Model 15 as part of a. This year, H&R announced an expansion of its AR-15 lineup, bringing additional "retro" models to the market, including a 9 mm Luger-chambered Colt SMG clone, an M16A2-styled rifle and the carbine-size 723. By mid-1944, the Navy reversed its original policy and began to issue M1911A1 .45 pistols to some non-combatant personnel, such as guards aboard merchant vessels so that the .38 revolvers they would ordinarily be armed with could be available to flight crews. The markings on my Smith & Wesson Victory model tell quite the tale. Barrel roll marks are 38 S&W special. They have a V prefix in the serial number. Product Features Chambered in .38 S&W Special +P, the new M&P Bodyguard 38 revolver is double action only and features a 1.875" stainless steel barrel with a lightweight, one-piece aluminum alloy upper frame, making it an ideal choice for concealed carry and personal protection. (l.) Victory Model revolvers are distinguished by a lanyard ring and their V-prefix serial numbers stamped into the butts bottom. Available in 9mm and 40 S&W, the Smith & Wesson SD series is designed for personal protection. Unboxing Studio Presents: Smith & Wesson 627 Model of 1989. This is a pre-owned Smith & Wesson with the model "511126" on the frame. This sharp looking revolver retains all of its matt black frame finish save a couple of very minor scu Smith & Wesson 442 Centennial Airweight Revolver .38 Spl. With that being said, well over 200 S&W revolver variants and subvariants have hit the market with several never catching on or leading to eventual dead ends. This is the large frame revolver. The overall size and construction add some weight to it, and the gun comes in at 46.3 oz. Auction (25) It is seen here being fired by Navy cadets. Best 38 Special Revolvers - 2022 Complete Round-up - Gun Mann Then, theres the L-arrow-19 marking and another arrow next to it, which is more info. tracer cartridges produced during the war intended for signaling purposes. Smith and Wesson Model 10: The First 38 Special Revolver The Smith and Wesson Model 10 has been in production since 1898 without interruption, first introduced as the Hand Ejector model in the then-new .38 S&W Special. and 175 ft.-lbs. In most cases, these guns were subsequently stamped Property of U.S. Navy on the left side of the frame. All Rights Reserved. Single-action revolvers were the standard, but trigger-cockersa.k.a. Buffalo Bore 38 S&W 125 Grain Hard Cast Flat Nose [20.5A/20 ] . Eight major concealed carry insurance programs are now available to the millions of Americans who carry concealed. Read today's "The Armed Citizen" entry for real stories of law-abiding citizens, past and present, who used their firearms to save lives. revolvers for stateside Navy and Coast Guard personnel. Seller Description. Smith & Wesson U.S. Navy .38 Spl. S&W Model 64 - the Last Great Police 38 - Breach Bang Clear The .38 S&W is some .0075" larger in diameter at its base than the .38 Special, meaning there is a fairly significant chance of a ruptured case and injury to the shooter or bystanders. M&P BODYGUARD 38 NO LASER | Smith & Wesson ), 8 On-Target Concealed Carry Insurance Options (2022), 10 Affordable Double-Barrel Shotgun Options (2022), Best AR-15 Options For Any Budget And Buyers Guide (2022), Best Concealed Carry Handguns For Women (2022). Powerful with manageable recoil, this line of revolvers has been used for decades by law enforcement and civilians for personal protection and home defense. Shop red dot sights and other optics for an instant upgrade to your Smith & Wesson handgun. And you might even find a Smith & Wesson Single Action or two. This Smith & Wesson advertisement touts its Victory models and promotes the guns for plant defense by guards. . Smith & Wesson 686. Revolver development and sophistication was at a break-neck pace during the last third of the 19th century. So, the U.S. loading was (and still is) a 146- or 148-grain round-nose lead bullet at a nominal 650 fps. While every effort is made to include accurate and correct images, descriptions and pricing for all products, inadvertent errors may occur. Add to cart. Suitable for home defense and personal protection, the M&P M2.0 is also available in a compact model, as well as variants chambered in 40 S&W and 45 ACP. The .38 S&W isnt an obsolete cartridge technically, but it is no longer nearly as common as it once was. The .38 Spl. As reported in the above-referenced Project Supporting Paper; Miscellaneous Pistols and Revolvers: It is sometimes believed that such initials represent the person who actually inspected the guns, but that was not the case. This is a very nice 4in Nickel plated Smith & Wesson M&P 38 Special. The "Centennial" name for the series comes from the fact that the Model 40 was released on S&W's 100th anniversary as a company. Here, we'll offer a few suggestions. As the shroud still allows access to the hammer knurl so that the user can cock it if desired, these models are SA/DA. impact without firing., The death of the sailor due the S&W Victory Models flawed hammer block design resulted in the U.S. Navy requesting that Colt .38 revolvers be supplied for future requirements instead of the Smith & Wesson revolvers. Comes with wood grips Termed at introduction in 2003, the Smith & Wesson Model 500 launched the company's 21st Century X-frame series guns. Classic Browning Light Twelve Auto-5 Review: Busting Clays With the Old Humpback Shotgun. Then as now people clamored for small, lightweight and easy to conceal handguns with enough power to stop an assailant. Whether you're looking for a truck gun, something for the bug out bag, or a do-anything firearm we have you covered. Inhabited by the S&W Model 14, this K-frame category revolver is a six-shot .38 Special that runs a 6-inch barrel in most formats and carries adjustable sights. Perhaps you meant, the later top-break AND bulldog-type revolvers. The S&W allows for both single and double-action. Explore firearms based on your interests! You won't be winning any long distance sharpshooting challenges with it, but you will feel safe carrying one. U.S.-purchased guns have US Government Property roll-marked on the topstrap. The Luger gets the glory. I dont know why they used a lighter bullet. Bulldogs are solid frame. be complicated. A .38 Smith & Wesson cartridge compared with a .38 Special cartridge. See Details. Results of the test showed the Hammer Block to be unsatisfactory. Shopping at gives you the backing (FTR: Thorough Factory Repair.). Smith & Wesson 640 - .38 Spl | D4 Guns In mid-1940, when it was becoming increasingly likely that the United States would be drawn into the war raging in Europe, the U.S. Navy, along with all branches of our armed forces, was evaluating the projected demand for arms. Smith & Wesson Model 642 .38 Special +P Revolver This is the smallest frame. However, some of the revolvers were utilized overseas by American combat troops, including U.S. Marines. of a company that is committed to your satisfaction. Gun Review: 1942 Smith & Wesson Victory Revolver Compare. It is easy to identify a genuine 2"-barrel Victory Model revolver from a 4" revolver that subsequently had the barrel shortened. Known for being durable and reliable, the Smith & Wesson Model 686 is a medium-sized revolver chambered in 357 Mag with a 6- or 7-round capacity. Many models are designed specifically for military and law enforcement use but remain popular with civilians as well. Many online gun sales actually take away from your local There was a war on. Marked on the lower right front side of the frame, theres the D-arrow-D, indicating it was accepted for use by Australia during the war. Smith & Wesson M&P .38 Special caliber revolver. The longest-lived of the I-framed revolvers, the S&W Model 34 Kit Gun was a six-shot rimfire plinker. Smith & Wesson 642 38 Special +P Revolver with LaserMax Laser $ 490.00. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association. pledges to make gun buying easy, to support local gun stores, and to serve our SMITH WESSON 38 New and Used Price, Value, & Trends 2023 Fired cases in such a revolver are ugly and ruined. A hallmark of the "medium-large" L-frame is their full underbarrel lug, typically seen on most models in the family. Taking a peek into the Vault, a spiffy revolver caught my eye none other than the Smith & Wesson 627 Model of 1989. How To Know It's A S&W Victory Model: They have a "V" prefix in the serial number. All Rights Reserved, Smith & Wesson Model 642 Pink Grip .38 S&W Special +P Revolver, Smith & Wesson Model 442 .38 S&W Special +P Revolver, Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard .38 Special Revolver, Smith & Wesson 642 Ladysmith 38 S&W Spl +P Revolver, Smith & Wesson Model 642 .38 Special +P Revolver, Smith & Wesson Model 637 .38 Special +P Revolver, Smith & Wesson Governor .410/.45 ACP/.45 LC Revolver, Smith & Wesson Performance Center 629 Stealth Hunter 44 Rem Mag 7.50 in Revolver, Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard .38 S&W Revolver with Integrated Crimson Trace Laser, Smith & Wesson 637 Performance Center .38 Special Revolver, Smith & Wesson Model 686 .357 Magnum/.38 S&W Special +P Revolver, Smith & Wesson S&W500 S&W .500 Magnum Revolver, Smith & Wesson Model 69 Combat Magnum .44 Magnum Revolver, Smith & Wesson J Frame Model 642 Airweight NL 38 S&W Special Revolver, Smith & Wesson 442 .38 S&W Special +P Revolver, Smith & Wesson 637 Airweight Crimson Trace Lasergrip .38 Special Revolver, Smith & Wesson Performance Center Pro Model 642 .38 S&W Special +P Revolver, Smith & Wesson Performance Center Pro Model 442 Moon Clip .38 S&W Special +P Revolver, Smith & Wesson Model 642 .38 Special Revolver, Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard .38 S&W Special +P Revolver, Smith & Wesson Model 642 Performance Center .38 Special +P Revolver, Smith & Wesson Model 642 CT .38 S&W Special +P Revolver. As well as the flaming bomb ordnance mark and the inspectors initials.