The book points out that the clarity of DVDs have allowed viewers to see the sequencemore clearly. It was faked in 2011 by one of these believers. The Hanged Munchkin. Warner Bros. re-released the film in 1998 where they had restored and remastered it all. Belowis a brief video of the original footage. Design They argue that he edited the bird footage and then copied it onto a VHS tape to make it look legit. Really, the most damning evidence against any actual on-set hanging is the logistics of the thing. Unpacking the myth of The Wizard of Oz's hanging Munchkin I AM VERY SERIOUS HERE. Its also impossible that an actor couldve hanged himself on a set with dozens of people present actors, directors, cameramen, sound and light technicians and nobody goddamn noticed. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'wafflesatnoon_com-box-4','ezslot_6',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-wafflesatnoon_com-box-4-0');Another point to note is that the munchkin scenes were filmed at a different time than the forest scenes, thus those actors were not likely to have been present during the filming of this scene. Thatclip is known to have been digitally manipulated. The best evidence of a hanging they could find for this Amazon documentary is a 1980 vhs tape, which has the bird. Another "hanging munchkin" rumor is that the munchkin had lost his love and was so devastated that he took his life. None of it makes sense at all. MGM offers $500 if you send your tape in, but if you elect to auction it off on Ebay, expect to get much more depending on the condition. But the munchkins were small and so it is very possible that a munchkin or rather one of the actors playing a munchkin had hanged himself. One of the first places, they're the first people Dorothy encounters on her epic journey through the Land of Oz. Hanging Munchkin in Wizard of Oz - This is also narrated by Angela Lansbury.Note: this is also called "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: 50 Years of Magic."Memories of Oz (2001)Runtime listing: 27 mins.Brief Synopsis:Includes interviews with the Munchkins and many others who have fond memories of this film, including the daughter of Bert Lahr.The Art of Imagination: A Tribute to Oz . Background: The Wizard of Oz is a movie musical where a young lady named Dorothy and her horribly named dog Toto somehow wind up in a mysterious land called Oz when a tornado literally lifts her Kansas home from the foundation with her and Toto inside of it. Well, the "dead person hanging in the background" rumor is popular, but untrue. The story of Dorothy off to find the Wizard is as ingrained into Americana as apple pie. In addition, everyone involved in making the film has unwaveringly denied that anyone committed suicide on set. Now, the legend goes that the hanging munchkin is the original sequence, and that MGM, who made the movie, later edited the munchkin out and replaced it with a bird. This demonstrates that the bird version came first, the hanging munchkin superimposed over the top. Wizard Of Oz Hanging Munchkin Debunked Using Vhs Tapes - Local Search With all the proven facts, there are still conspirators who believe a cast member killed himself during the making of the 1939 Wizard of Oz. The Wizard Of Oz: The Collectible Leather Edition - Its crazy like watching clouds in the sky People see all sorts of things in Oz.. According to Snopes David Mikkelson, writing in 1997, the forest scenes in The Wizard of Oz were filmed before the Munchkinland scenes, so none of the munchkin actors wouldve been present at MGM. Unpacking the Myth of the Wizard of Ozs Hanging Munchkin. Little White Lies, 11 Aug. 2019, MGM has worked hard to sweep this whole debacle under the rug. Author of sci-fi & fantasy conspiracy thrillers. No munchkin actor committed suicide while filming, nor was his suicide captured on film. They replaced it with the stork scene in the 80's and all future broadcasts. Is this real or hoax? In 1989, for the 50th anniversary MGM released an Anniversary Edition of the film the scene has been removed. Come on now. Woolly Mammoth Film From 1943: Real or Hoax? The corkscrew car jump scene in The Man With The Golden Gun is certainly one of the most impressive and insane car stunts in film history. Classic Movie Scenes That Crossed The Line | Groovy History A look at the classic urban legend which holds that a munchkin actor from the Wizard of Ozcommitted suicide on the set, and the body can be seen in the film. Sure, people lie, but everyone? we all have. Several birds of varying sizes were borrowed from the Los Angeles Zoo and allowed to roam the indoor set in order to grant it a more outdoorsy feel, adding to the magic that cemented Oz as a staple of pop culture ( Loki 's Wizard of Oz references being a prime example). According to an article published by Time, the rumor started circulating around 1989, the time of the 50th anniversary of the films release. (Waxman). Viewers devised this tale after observing a shadowy figure that mimicked a person dangling in the forest as Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man skipped down the Yellow Brick Road while singing, we are off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz. The story claimed that the munchkin actor hung himself after falling in love and being rejected by another cast member. hollywood did an amazing job of sweeping this under the rug. The Hanged Munchkin is an example of a fan generated narrative being projected onto a film. In reality, it was just a bird brought on set from the Los Angeles Zoo. The Wizard of Oz Hanging Munchkin Scene. Because the hanging munchkin in this footage is a HOAX. A friend told me that in one scene of the Wizard of Oz you can see someone 'hang' themselves from a tree in the background. After researching hanging munchkin on Google and viewing other fact-checking sites, such as Snopes, the report was confirmed to be fictitious. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. This opportunity was made possible by the Torrance Art Museum and the Director Max Presneill. That "ghost" was actually a poster someone accidentally left there and even though it was clearly seen, it was left in the film. The X Factor 2011 Live Show 2 - Has Sophie Habibis found her Calling? In the original Star Wars: A New Hope, the stormtrooper who hits his head on a low hanging door frame has become a beloved and iconic moment in the film. ive seen the suicide scene, and i agree that the scene above has a crane because it is two different scenes entirely. Was 'The Wizard of Oz' Cursed? Here's Which Stories Are True - Time (LogOut/ Darkness abounds in The Wizard of Oz. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. This alteration began the conspiracy that the original version depicted the suicide, and the new version covered it up. Save Article. Because Ive heard from multiple older people that the bird in the newer versions wasnt there. Then he finally shows it to reveal it's ju. years ago I heard it was a publicity still that had the HANGING MAN in the background . Launching Million Eyes II at Chandlers (and how brilliant itwas). Wizard Of Oz Hanging Munchkin Debunked Using Vhs Tapes First of all, the forest scenes in The Wizard of Oz were filmed before the Munchkinland scenes, and thus none of the munchkin actors would yet have been present at MGM (Mikkelson). The enlarged original footage clearly shows what appears to be a large bird stretching its wings. The Hanging Munchkin legend is one of the most prominent urban legends, popping up here and there every now and than. Did Kissinger Call Military Men Dumb Stupid Animals? Wizard of Oz 2011: Hanging Munchkin Found on VHS Tape MrAvgnfan12 7.06K subscribers Subscribe 431K views 4 years ago (SuicidalMunchkin, 2011) This clip is a direct capture from a 1980's. Alleged time traveller Andrew Carlssin disappears did he go back to thefuture. The video claimed to be footage of an old VHS copy of the movie. After that a lot of weird stuff was said like CHAIN SAW MASSACRE is really a snuff film. At some point,rumorsbegan to circulate that the hanging munchkin could be seen in the VHS version of the Wizard of Oz, but had been edited out for the version released on DVD. The Wizard of Oz: Directed by Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Mervyn LeRoy, Norman Taurog, Richard Thorpe, King Vidor. The Wizard of Oz Was Aired on CBS Affiliate Station WFSB TV-3 Hartford, CT on February 20th, 1990. With such efforts taken, copies of any VHS tapes still containing the scene are highly valueable. However, back in the 80s, this wouldve looked pretty darn weird on a grainy VHS, and even now, its not especially clear. HANGING MUNCHKIN in The Wizard Of Oz: Original VHS Proof She Is Arrested And Later Released, Trans Woman Beats Up Her Husband For Being Married To A Transgender Woman, A Club Where You Could F*ck Dead Bodies Has Been Shut Down In Ojai California. He swears he has the real hanging on the original 1980 vhs. (LogOut/ The Wizard of Oz VHS Brand New Factory sealed MGM 1996 (37) 37 product ratings - The Wizard of Oz VHS Brand New Factory sealed MGM 1996. Clip from The Wizard of Oz. Bond then has to cross a topsy-turvy bridge in order to continue following Scaramanga. Did a munchkin really commit suicide on the set of The Wizard of Oz This sculpture is based on the rumor that an actor playing a munchkin committed suicide on the set of 1939's The Wizard of Oz. Myna birds? Im getting tired of people using the REMASTERED version of the film to debunk this How many times do people have to prove to you that the bird was added to those versions? Whether or not you believe in "the hanging munchkin" it is something that brings the whole movie down in to a darker light than what it is usually portrayed as. MGM Studios went all out! Wicked Witch Margaret Hamilton also spent time in the hospital, suffering second-degree burns on her face and third-degree burns on her hand. I dont blame them, a tragic love story captured in a family movie does have an entertaining element. In 1989 the movie was released for its 50th anniversary on VHS. 0 Comments; Uncategorized kanlahi festival in tarlac . the wizard of oz hanging munchkin original vhs tape richard kelvin autopsy report / perry township schools closed / the wizard of oz hanging munchkin original vhs tape The work was installed at Highland Gardens Hotel in Hollywood as part of the stArtup Art Fair. Inspire employees with compelling live and on-demand video experiences. Iron giant | Oz Wiki | Fandom Calling them all liars? The few people who had noticed this all came to the assumption that it is a munchkin who is hanging from one of the branches on the tree. The man originally cast to play the Tin Man, Buddy Ebsen, ended up in an iron lung after his silver make-up, made up of aluminium powder, got into his lungs. The bird in the renewed version is not in the exact same place as the "bird" in the original. In film, you shoot your scene (s) and go home. It's an unforgettable and colorful journey that takes us from Dorothy's gray Kansas home into the blue Munchkin land; the sparkling bejeweled Emerald City; the dark, foreboding forest; and the ruby-red throne room of Glinda the Good Witch. The Alleged Sighting, Theories, and Explanation Clearly people thought the bird looked like a person hanging before 2011. Your email address will not be published. $11.88. I heard that right before the body-like form appeared and swung around, the cast heard a little squeaky voice cry out: I will always love you! Now I ask you, can birds talk? Also find news related to Wizard Of Oz Hanging Munchkin Debunked Using Vhs Tapes which is trending today. Whoever had uploaded the video most likely had meticulously edited the hanging figure in place of the bird. Photograph. The above-mentioned Meinhardt Raabe, who played the munchkin coroner in the film, asserts that what some people see as a hanging munchkin was actually a large bird brought on the set to add an open air ambiance. Celebrating the weird and fake since 2008. The munchkin suicide myth is not just untrue, it is really most sincerely untrue. Ravel Bolero original version Classical Music, Vasco Rossi Sto Pensando A Te original version, Star Poker Tour, Madrid 2011 - Final - part 2/4. Wizard Of Oz Hanging Munchkin Debunked (Using VHS Tapes) In this gorgeously illustrated, leather-bound edition of The Wizard of Oz, readers of all ages will follow the Yellow Brick Road. It is implausible to believe none of the production crew, actors, actresses, and other employees would not have observed or noticed a person hanging while filming the scene. 1939, Metro Goldwyn Mayer. Theres also the fact that a whole bunch of nasty accidents happened, including a broomstick exploding and landing the Wicked Witchs stunt double in hospital with severe burns. A faked adaptation of the supposed VHS version was posted which had been altered from the original. Search you attics and basements. Wizard of Oz 2011: Hanging Munchkin Found on VHS Tape - MetaTube Who's to blame for the munchkin suicide in The Wizard of Oz? It is fun to think something like this happened, but it is impossible. Over 82 years ago, The Wizard Of Oz came to the silver screen. I remember taping The Wizard of Oz when it was on TV in the 80s, and there is definitely a munchkin hanging in the background. Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? Whats weird is that some people have claimed to have an 80s VHS tape of the bird version, while others have claimed to have an 80s VHS tape with the hanging munchkin version. The Wizard of Oz (1939) - Alternate versions - IMDb 40 Behind-the-Scenes Photos of "The Wizard of Oz" - Rare 'Wizard of Oz The Wizard of Oz VHS - i think they covered it up with the bird to be honest. Although the image is grainy and suffers from slight jittering you can see in the background what can only be described as a hanging figure. that rumor has been around for years, but nobody hung himself. The hanging munchkin in Wizard of Oz is actually a large bird. Re: Hanging Munchkin in Wizard of Oz The real story is that a bizarre evil subliminal scene was always in the original, and broadcast into people's homes for decades. Its not clear where the story came from, but there have been countless allegations about the drunken misbehaviour of the munchkin actors while on set (including Judy Garland saying they groped her). But its not like a play where the cast is present for the entire piece. The first rumor I heard of this was way before the remaster came out. However, if you manage to find a clip of the original and play the two scenes right next to each other, it is very clear that something is off. Your email address will not be published. Just as in the original The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by children's author L. Frank Baum, the Munchkins inhabit a land aptly called Munchkin Land. There have been many attempts to debunk this 'urban myth' but here for the first time is what appears to be evidence to the contrary. Wiki Notice: Per the subject matter, we provide a link to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. The 1939 movie which stars Judy Garland as a Kansas girl who gets literally swept up on an adventure to the magical land of Oz was a sensation upon its initial release. So, perhaps someone came up with the story by conflating these events and allegations with the glimpse of the bird spreading its wings looking a bit like someone hanging. Despite being shown to be false, the hype around it leads to many people being fooled by it to this day as it is occasionally discussed and even got debunked in a Snopes article first published in 1997 written by its founder David Mikkelson.