I had a radical prostatectomy in March this year , was 66 in June and in the same month my wife and me passed our 41 anniversary .Phew ! That equates to 0.10 to 0.50 ml.. And increasing dose by a half unit at a time sounds ridiculous to me. Trimix has been proven to be quite helpful at treating ED, particularly in men who have not responded well to oral treatments. Tear open an alcohol swab and wipe the rubber top of the bottle to sterilize it. My urologist started me out on 0.30 and nothing, I went up to 0.35 and I was in it to win. Alprostadil, papaverine, phentolamine and atropine. 1. Forum rules. Next injection was 10 units it was 4 hrs,since then I have used 4 to 6 units worked ok 2 to 3hrs.Last week I used 6 units and it lasted almost 6hrs.headed ER.but released before I arived . Sorry I make the same mis-print or error. The most common side effects are injection site pain, small amounts of bleeding immediately following administration, and some initial discomfort. I will be a regular from now on. Alternate right and left side of penis with each injection. Trimix Injections are used as a second-line treatment when oral ED medications dont work. d. Turn the vial with needle and syringe inserted upside down. It is stated to NOT freeze these hormones on the instructions as such will destroy the effect. see, see, told ya! How did the 4.5 units work for you? Injection for Erectile Dysfunction | Trimix (Expert Explains) the hardest part is trying to learn to have sex again. Been using TriMix5 for 10 months after trial and error ended up using 25 units for 30 minutes of pleasure . Once, my husband was just about hitting the 4-hour mark, you know when youre supposed to go to the ER. This can then be adjusted upward by small amounts based on patient feedback and experience, up to a certain upper limit, until satisfactory results are seen. I tried Trimix for the first time this weekend, 10 units, the injection was way better than anticipated, its a godsend, was erect in 10 mins and it lasted over an hour. This is a very important question, and I think that all men need to understand the answer. The 3 most commonly used medications for injection therapy are Trimix, Bimix, and papaverine. If your penis is very flaccid during the injection time theres a good chance youll miss it. I find it works well. Trimix Injections for ED: Your Questions Answered - GoodRx Moving the plunger from 0.6mL to 0.4mL will place 0.2mL of Trimix Gel . I only need about 0.10cc vs 0.25cc early on of Trimix 1, (0.5mg Phentolamine, 10mg Papaverine and 5mcg PGE1) This formula has one of the lowest amount of PGE which causes pain in some users. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. They premix the formula and provide individual syringes for each injection/application. Any experiment with just viagra on off days from being able to inject? Angeline. If you are considering buying Trimix, and deciding if it might be right for you, then talk to your doctor. This is the standard 30-10-1 mix from Empower. All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction. Alprostadil User Reviews for Erectile Dysfunction - Drugs.com Worst case scenario is it can result in amputation of the penis. Once reconstituted with 5 mL of Bacteriostatic Water: Papaverine HCl 30 mg/mL, Phentolamine Mesylate 2 mg/mL, Prostaglandin E1 20 mcg/mL, Atropine Sulfate 200 mcg/mL. Buy Trimix injection online for direct application on the penis makes it frequently more efficient at causing an erection suitable for sex than oral ED therapies. If you had success with the .05ml dose the first time I would repeat that again and consume the same foods and supplements. If it does cause a trip to the ER how long does any residual pain last? its due to arrive this week and i cant wait to get with my wife for the first time in 4yrs. The price of about quadmjx is close to $400 and dont want to pay that. Brand names: Edex, Caverject, Muse, Caverject Impulse, Prostin VR Pediatric, Edex Refill Alprostadil has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 156 reviews for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. And please repost more experiences, especially if you convince her to bring her friends or sisters over lol. Monochromatic, pink and purple tones. Thank you for taking the lead on this. (Not all syringes work with the Inject-Eaze). Trimix Dosage - Erectile Dysfunction - MedHelp The antidotes for these erections are pseudoephedrine, norepinephrine, or phenylephrine. And with Trimix *you* are in control. Most men are started on 15 units of the medication, which can slowly be increased up to 50 units, depending on their responsiveness. dosage prescribed by your doctor, filling this volume with air. I live in CA. The last 2 weeks, the needle does not seem to go in easily. A second injection may cause more . Right now I am undecided. mcg or micrograms a measure of mass, equivalent to 1/100, units in the case of Trimix and other injectable medications, this is a term synonymous with micrograms. at the trial dose appointment the patient response to medication is rated on a scale referred to the Erection Hardness Score (EHS) : Ranging from 14 (1=penis is larger, but not hard; 2=penis is hard, but not hard enough for penetration; 3=penis is hard enough for penetration, but not completely hard; 4=penis is completely hard and fully rigid). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. At the other end of the spectrum, is the older gentleman (greater than 75 years old) with . A1. But Trimix is cheaper than Caverject (alprostadil). Yes, you can have long erections with Trimix. Ive just recently started using Trimix, the ur recommended 0.2 ml 0.5, I used 0.2, my erection was off the charts. The best chance of achieving a positive outcome with Trimix is to follow all of the prescribing information, literature, and instructions provided. It has 120mg of Pseudoephedrine. cc or cubic centimeter a measure of volume, equivalent to 1 milliliter (mL) of liquid. It was great! Is easy to apply, and is painless. There are 100 micrograms in a cubic centimeter or milliliter of medication. Do you think you hit the right area / angle when you tried the lower dosages? It contains three vasodilators: papaverine, phentolamine, and prostaglandin E1. Thanks everyone for sharing. If your dose is 0.2mL you would then place the tip of the syringe in your urethra and push the plunger until it is at 0.4mL on the syringe. I only ever injected a single time per episode, but if you did not inject enough with the first injection, as long as you don't inject more than is needed with the second (and you immediately re-inject at a different location), I would not think there should be a bad . My clinic provided me with 34cc of medication which should be injected into the penis at either 10AM or 2PM using a manual injector with a safety device to assure the injector is fully depressed against the penis, before initializing the ejector button. Initially, the dosage will likely be low, which can be increased until the desired effect is achieved. I have been having difficulty using my Autoinject 2 without the E1 indicator from Amazon I decided to order your version. So I've tried Trimix 5 times with varied results. If you want to learn more about this subject, I suggest you join the prostate pointers mailing list PC and Intimacy. Your exact dose will be determined by your doctor. Only issue was getting my erection to go away and I started to panic after 3 and a half hours. Miracle drug, just 8 units and rock hard for hour and 1/2. Thanks for your rundown, very helpful! TriMix is a miracle drug for me. Dont worry about the injections youll get over it its not really that big of a deal. Trimix is considered very effective for treating ED. I prefer the semi auto injector to the fully auto because I inject low on one side and higher on the other side of my penis. It's helpful to start by going over some of the fundamentals of Trimix, such as what it is and how it works. Blown out in middle. Trimix is slowly becoming unobtainable because of cost. Attempt 1: 5 units (.05ml) decent erection lasting around a half hour. You are using an out of date browser. Boy, did I need a drink and a Power Bar! You can choose to get Trimix by speaking with your primary care physician or a men's health specialist and requesting a prescription before doing so since Trimix injection buy online is only accessible with a prescription. For instance, my dose is 0.3 ML and so the 5 CC container is good for about 16 shots. Also, injectionshave beenshown toplay a role in penile rehabilitation, or restoring natural erectile function after surgery. I took. A more appropriate starting dose is 2.5 micrograms. I have a strip of Allegra-D just in case. Common insulin syringes are available in 0.3 ml, 0.5 ml, and 1 ml. Men, Follow These Simple Tips to Improve Your Sexual Performance, How to Deal with Erectile Dysfunction in a Long-Term Relationship. Once again, how could you measure that small of an amount? And yes, I did experience a secondary erection last time but chickened out for fear of having to take that trip in an overcoat to the hospital! Showed me everything about the injection (got one) and everything was hunky Dory. is too high. Postby Cigar56 Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:16 am, Postby Cigar56 Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:27 am, Postby Cigar56 Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:49 am, Postby ocitgo Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:20 am, Postby Cigar56 Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:28 pm, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 2 guests. Trimix vs bimix: My doctor prescribed - Erectile Dysfunct Just started trimix since my rrp 3mo ago, and yes sure dose work, still alittle apprehension with the needle, but that is nothing when you begin to feel the surge feeling as you start to inflate, and even tho there is no fluid during orgasm, its a prolonged orgasm, great feeling,, i would like to hear from some other users, and your thoughts. They range from live demonstrations, to how-to tutorials using animations or props. I definitely recommend trying this, were both looking forward to the next time, honestly it was amazing, after 10 months of still great sex with toys etc theres nothing like the real thing. In this scenario, if not mixed very thoroughly, a draw from the top end of the vial will produce a diluted product (and consequently poor response), whereas a draw from the bottom portion of the vial will produce a highly concentrated solution (and robust response). You need to go to an ED center that specializes in this. provide you memorable satisfaction. When you use Trimix you will feel the slight discomfort of the needle going in but when you push the solution in it should not hurt. Trimix contains only three of the ingredients; alprostadil, papaverine and phentolamine. Testosterone Replacement, Low T, HCG, & Beyond. You can avoid hitting veins and can more accurately pick the shot Location.