Clones take your state at the moment of summoning; the only thing that progresses is Swarm size bonuses. Has an animal companion and some summoning skills to do the tanking. Bad news bears: no crusade means no relic items, so get everything you need in Chapter 3. That's why the Magus class is so powerful: they've got access to every dangerous trick in the game. As a bonus, you consume everything that dies in a giant area around you. Its your barbarian, except the sort that wants to live and considers her brutish relatives a bunch of chest-pounding imbeciles. Race: Half-Elf Take command of the crusaders and lead them to victory both as a strategist, controlling the battle from above, and as a field commander, in a new tactical combat mode.CHOOSE YOUR PATH Lann Build Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Guide - In this Lann Build Guide I'm going to break down the best Attributes, Skills, Feats, Ki Powers, Mythic Path and Equipment you should focus on to make the most out of Lann. Pick your poison for now. If youre looking for a Beginner Cult Leader Warpriest Build that deals decent damage from a distance while casting Divine Spells, then this Guide is for you! Well fixed now.. The easiest way to plan a character is to start by making a Level 20 build with a smooth power curve that's able to clear the endgame. Seem to be able to gain allot on everything with Legend? Cast Transformation last if you want to go all out on melee, but dont extend it since itd last way too long for comfort. Heighten all your CC spells. Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous - The Best Paladin Builds. Builds in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous are made up of your Class Features, Abilities, Ability Scores, Feats, Spells and your Weapons, Armor and Skills. This class maintains a good balance between High damage and high burst. The whole Sorcerer class is better at using magic, mainly thanks to their immense arsenal of usable spells. Background: River Kingdoms Daredevil, Race: Human/Half Lings/Elf Solo play :: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition The first page below is for custom main characters, the second mercenaries, and the rest, companions. Or whatever else weapon you fancy. With Bard/Skald, Guarded Hearth, and Inspiring Comand factored in, it's about 80AB at the top end, and 16 Base Attack Bonus (BAB) for four iterative attacks. Assert dominance over lesser demons by knocking them on their arse; assert dominance over your teammates by fireballing them before combat. Therefore they come in handy in both ranged and close-range encounters. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Use them wisely!GATHER YOUR PARTYA cast of more than 10 unique companions is ready to join your cause. You will get a reasonably strong swarm army, but the general starts at extremely low XP and Level 15. Unfair mob Armour Class (AC) tends to be insanely high; you will need every buff, debuff, Dimension Strike, and True Strike to hit some of them (which is why Dimension Strike is taken prior to Devoted). I present you the first video in a serie of build testing, this one is a Slayer build that focuses on Shiled bashing your opponents to death! Sad but true. This is also the only Druid subclass with necromantic spells. have you tried the build? do fine in a pinch. Read more: Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous Best Classes. I wont spoil the interaction, but its insane and hilarious at the same time, while Balor both charges our DC further and buffs the team for free. Racial Heritage: Base Legend mythic path. Background: Osirion Historian. They can handle any weapon even the heaviest things in the game. You can achieve better control by turning on turn-based combat when it's necessary. Warrior of the Holy Light build excels in all types of simple and martial weapons and all types of armor and shields(except tower shields) without risk of failing spells. You can even stay hidden with your main swarm for extra cheese and never even be in danger. It's not recommended to Multiclass, and turn Auto Leveling up for your Companions, to only manage their equipment. Plays exactly as every other angel ever. Scythe is a solid option too. Or a powerful necromancer with hordes of immortal undead in your thrall? * Or Deceitful/Completely Normal. For more information about Companion and Party Builds, visit Companion Builds. Race: Human/Half-elf you pick boar level 1 with beast rider and level 2 you pick arcane rider and when you get to the pet step of the level up where it shows the horse in red you just press next. This guide will help you pick the best builds for your Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous playthrough by listing some of the best builds in the game and what they consist of. Who make builds out on youtube probably good places to look for informations or inspiration, just saying this built probably not be very helpful since hard to say what you'd like. Your movement speed can reach 50ft,allowing your character to rush enemy casters with ease. Spells from the Aeon list compliment Druid self-buffs perfectly. Core things you need to know about this build:Doing all that should get your pet to around 70 effective AC. Luckily, we only really care about ascended element enemies and non-elemental AoEs. They also have great supporting potential,s such as healing and buffs. Although he has Toughness to boost his HP, he has an insanely low Dexterity at 10. Gets all the important Paladin stuff, plus some Angel goodies, and is tailor-made to make everything evil suffer. Has animal companion to tank, and great damage dealer. Background: Craftsman Smith. There will of course be tips about which Abilities, Skills and Feats to take, along with some suggestions about how to play the Class effectively (including how Mounted Combat Works in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous). Is the 10 intelligence a requirement for the rest of the build ? Simple and straightforward trickster into gold dragon rider that isnt all that concerned about alignment or gear. How to add your own Pathfinder WotR Build to this page: Feature: You can have an animal companion with this build, both your character and your animal companion can benefit from team feats and can trip enemies. Their high perception and stealth also mean you can keep things quiet and sense enemy presence from afar. You have to get Mythic lv4 before main level 13 or this build bricks. Theres effectively no crusade. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America),,,,, Inquisitor Builds in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous are made up of your Class Features, Abilities, Ability Scores, Feats, Spells and your Weapons, Armor and Skills. Picking the right build in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous can be a difficult task, especially with so many options available to you. Moreover, you do not have to learn spells beforehand. I wanted to try the demon kinetic build, hi what tipe of kinetist i have to chose for the demon kinetist build. Your crusade will set in motion a chain of events that will leave you and the world itself forever changed.PLAY YOUR HERO, YOUR WAYCreate any character imaginable with the flexibility, richness, and depth of the Pathfinder First Edition ruleset. The character creation process in Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous can take up many hours of your time; there are 12 races, 39 classes, and even more subclasses after all. Youll be able to hit most enemies unbuffed on Unfair (well, that and a Swarm clone). The build really doesn't need much in the way of Mythic feats, so it actually can take trips, Spell Penetration, and whatnot without hurting the bottom line. Builds guide - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Neoseeker You are 100% immune to physical damage while in it, are attacking touch AC, and your reach becomes full screen. Or something else entirely? * All are very weak so go with Extend Invisibility/Divine Power instead. Rogue Builds in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous are made up of your Class Features, Abilities, Ability Scores, Feats, Spells and your Weapons, Armor and Skills.All of these things combine to determine how your Rogue Build plays, and it's a lot to take in if you are a new player, or even veteran. Also, absolutely do accept the Profane Gift from Nocticula. They are really proficient with light weapons. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Solo Unfair Wizard (ES) / Lich Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Beta - In Depth Solo Monster Tactician Build Part I BolshyPlays 7.03K subscribers 30K views 1 year ago A change of pace build video. Ride a wolfer the size of a horse; stack Armour Class (AC) and Damage Reduction on your pet so his iron skin breaks demon claws. Use Quicken rods to Dimension Door should you need to one turn kill something badly. In this Primalist Bloodrager Build Guide,were going to take a deep dive into the pure Primalist Build by breaking down the best Race, Attributes, Skills, Feats, Spells, Mythic Path, and Equipment to choose from. Woljif Build Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Guide - In this Woljif Build Guide, I'm going to break down the Archetype to multiclass with, Attributes, Skills, Feats, Medical Discoveries, Spells, Mythic Path, and Equipment you should choose in order to take advantage of Woljif's Sneak Attacks.We're going to multiclass with the Vivisectionist Alchemist to stack these attacks and to . We use weapon enchant for barrage, so we have three elemental buffs running. Great tank build,most enemies will never hit you unless you are paralyzed or otherwise denied dex/dodge bonus to armor. Starts as a control wizard and goes into the damage dealing business late (while adding even more control, because we can). Who will stay, and who will go? Beyond that are comprehensivetables of what Abilities you unlockat each Archetype Level,and what Feats to take to optimize these Builds. Warning: highly degenerate once you get to Mythic 7. We dont care about the spell damage part. Probably use straight weapon enchant before that to increase Attack Bonus. Well, with the latest changes to the ability score bonuses from animal focus giving an inherent benefit instead of enhanced. Mostly about damage. The modus operandi is to full-buff (cast Geniekind before Legendary Proportions), toss Transformation or Trick Fate on yourself, and go to town. Character builds in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous are virtually infinite, with countless customization options and variations available to all, allowing you to make just about anything you can think of that would fit into a fantasy universe. Furthermore, you can choose a bloodline that gives you extra powers. Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous - Best Sorcerer Builds - TheGamer Valve Corporation. Ill explain a few mechanics about making an Archer in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, to further clarify why Ive chosen these Classes as well. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Good at summoning and good at buffing summons. For companions you dont exactly care all that much, but since its Unfair, you are very much likely running a Paladin, Brownfur, and a Caster Cleric. Feats & Abilities (*: bonus feat, italics: important ability): L01 Paladin 1: Power Attack. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Best Builds Guide The actual worst thing for this path is there is, Pets. Cant really be helped this time around. Adds 2D6 (or 3d6 with feat) SA damage and debilitating injury. Builds constitute your class, abilities, ability scores, feats, spells, weapons, armor, and skills. Shields are important for your pet to get anywhere reasonable with his AC, Buff your pet like you would yourself otherwise. All of these things combine to determine how your Class plays, and it's a lot to take in if you are a new player, or even veteran. Restoration (L), Cure Moderate*, Animate Dead, Archons Aura, Shield from Demonkind**, Remove Curse, Cure Serious*, Resist Energy, Blade of the Sun**, Crusaders Edge, Divine Power, Greater Magic Weapon, Pure Form**, Freedom of Movement, Cure Critical*, Protection from Energy, Cleansing Flames**, Ward Against Harm**, Breath of Life, True Seeing, Bolt of Justice**, Aegis of the Faithful**, Ward Against Harm (Communal)**, Eaglesoul, Heal, Inspiring Recovery, Dispel Magic, Wall of Light**, Creeping Doom*, Restoration (Greater), Bestow Grace, Summon Monster VII, Ward Against Weakness (Communal)**, Sun Marked**, Radiant Ground**, Storm of Justice**, Frightful Aspect, Avenger's Blessing**, Angelic Aspect (Greater), Shield of Law, Wrath of the Righteous**, Fortress of the Faithful**, Heal (Mass), Winds of Vengeance, Fortress of the Faithful**, Sun Form**, Extra Mythic Ability: Second Mystery: Battle, Cavalier - Weapon Focus: Scythe or Greataxe // Power Attack // Boar* // Shake it Off, Magus - Skill Focus: Arcana/World // Enduring Blade, Loremaster - Improved Critical: Scythe or Greataxe, Magus - Improved Improved Improved Critical // Ghost Blade, Magus - Improved Improved Improved Improved Critical, Loremaster - Boon Companion // Cleric Spell: Divine Power, Magus - Spell Access: Heroism (G), Geniekind, Animal Growth, Echolocation, Animate Dead, Sense Vitals, Reduce Person*, Enlarge, True Strike, Vanish, Magic Weapon, Magic Missile, Color Spray, Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Blur, +stat spells, Effortless Armor, Animal Aspect, Haste, Greater Magic Weapon, Animal Aspect (G), Shatter Defenses, Greater Weapon Focus, Exhausting Critical // Leading Strike, Magus - Weapon Focus: Longspear // Arcane Accuracy, Cavalier - Tower Shield Proficiency // Cockatrice // Outflank, Magus - Improved Critical: Longspear // Dimension Strike, Magus - Improved Improved Critical // Weapon Specialization: Longspear, Magus - Improved Improved Improved Critical, Magus - Improved Improved Improved Improved Critical // Bane Blade, Loremaster - Shield Focus // Rogue Trick: Dispelling Attack // Spell Access: Heroism (G), Animal Growth, Echolocation, Life Bubble, Animate Dead, Sense Vitals, Cavalier - Extra Arcane Pool // Back to Back, Cavalier - Skill Focus: Mobility // Seize the Moment, Color Spray, Vanish, True Strike, Grease, Magic Weapon, Mirror Image, Animal Aspect, +stat spells, Blur, Haste, Animal Aspect (G), Displacement, Greater Magic Weapon, Transformation, True Seeing, Stone to Flesh, Oracle - Improved Initiative // Hellbound // Nature // Animal Companion: Horse, Oracle - Spell Penetration // Greater Spell Penetration, Sorcerer - Bolster Spell // Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy // Water // Silver, Oracle - Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration // Spell Focus: Any*, Loremaster - Boon Companion // Wizard Spell: Mass Icy Prison, Oracle - Empower Spell // Spell Focus: Any*, Loremaster - Greater Spell Focus: Any // Wizard Feat: Spell Focus: Any*, Boneshaker, Grace, Remove Paralysis, Restoration (L), Barkskin*, Cure Moderate, Animate Dead, Archons Aura, Magic Vestment, Delay Poison (C), Remove Curse, Cure Serious*, Crusaders Edge, Death Ward, Restoration, Freedom of Movement, Greater Magic Weapon, Cure Critical*, Flame Strike, Icy Prison*, Life Bubble, True Seeing, Raise Dead, Shield of Law, Fire Storm, Angelic Aspect (G), Mobility 3, All Skills 1, Trickery 20, Perception 20, 20 skill points to spread after***, Oracle - Improved Initiative // Nature // Hellbound // Natures Whispers, Oracle - Skill Focus: Arcana // Spell Focus: Conjuration, Oracle - Dazzling Display // Greater Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Oracle - Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration, Loremaster - Wizard Spell: Seamantle // Wings, Loremaster - Wizard Spell: Foresight // Boon Companion, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Unbreakable Heart, Barkskin*, Circle from Alignment, Eagles Splendor, Owls Wisdom, Restoration (L), Crusaders Edge*, Greater Magic Weapon, Freedom of Movement, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration, Shield of Dawn, Cleansing Flames*, Divine Power, Geniekind, Raise Dead, True Seeing. It abandons the buffs and spells of other classes but increases max character level to 40 and reduces xp thresholds for leveling. 12 instinctual Warrior, 4 knife master, 3 mutation warrior, 1 trad monk. Wrath of the Righteous | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki The Arcanist Class is one of the new Classes. Character creation in Pathfinder WotR is very flexible as players have many options to choose from. Loremaster missed out on Trickster feats but the Sylvan late kit isn't useful anyway, so beggars cant be choosers. In fact, the game has 12 races, 39 classes, and within it, subclasses to choose from. alright. 10 Best Builds in Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous, Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous Best Classes, Mayhem in Single Valley: All Trophies and Achievements, Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous 10 Best Classes, Like A Dragon: Ishin All Trophies and Achievements, Hogwarts Legacy: All Plants and Their Effects, VALORANT 22nd Agent Gekko: Abilities, Release Date, & More, Adin Ross Reacts to Andrew Tates Manager Confirming he has Lung Cancer, Roblox Anime Dimensions Codes (March 2023): Free Boosts, Rewards, and More, Roblox Boxing Simulator Codes (March 2023): Free Coins, Gems, and More, Roblox Zombie Uprising Codes (March 2023): Free Cash, Rewards, and More, Bard Proficiencies, Cantrips, Inspire Courage, Bardic Knowledge, Detect Magic, Zen Archer Proficiencies, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Strike, AC bonus, Perfect Strike, Flurry of Blows, Zen Archer Bonus Feat, Ki Pool, Ki Strike Magic, Fast Movement, Point Blank Master, Zen Archery, Stunning Fist: Fatigue, Ki Power, Still Mind, Ki Strike Lawful, Zen Archer Bonus Feat, Fast movement, Barbarian Proficiencies, Animal Companion, Deity Selection, Weapon Focus, Blessings, Sacred WeaponWeapon Focus, Detect Magic, Sorcerer Bonus Feat, Cantrips, Sorcerer Proficiencies, Empyreal Bloodline, Heavenly Fire, Bloodline Arcana, Class Skill Lore (Religion), Protection from Energy, Bloodline Feat Selection, Bloodline Feat Selection, Dispel Magic Greater, Bloodline Feat Selection, Summon Monsters IX, Slayer Proficiencies, Studied Target, Deity Selection, Studied Target, Advanced Talents, Divine Anathema, Studied Target, Slayer Talents, Master Slayer, Cantrips, Magus Proficiencies, Arcane Pool, Spell Combat, Detect Magic, Bloodlines, Detect Magic, Sorcerer Bonus Feat, Cantrips, Sorcerer Proficiencies, Bloodline, Secondary Bloodline, Animal Companion, Animal Focus, Nature Sense, Deity Selection, Paladin Proficiencies, Alignment Restriction, Smite Evil, Smite Evil Additional Use, Channel Positive Energy, Power of Faith, Smite Evil Additional Use, Power of Faith. Cast Geniekinds (all 4, Extended) before shapeshifting, then buff the rest. These builds are comprehensive and go into detail about the reason for each selection, giving you a strong starting point for learning to make your own builds or deciding what aspects you may want to tweak in the future. Empyreal Sorcerer casts powerful spells of all types. The game will display xp differently if the option is switched on - it will show total xp (prior to dividing among party members), as opposed to already divided by 6 if all companions are set to earn xp. Background: Oblate Acolyte, Spells: Magic Missile and Summon Monster I. Proficient with all weapons, shields and armor except heavy stuff. (When you complete questThe Burning City andA Blow from the Sky, you will get 1 level ofMythic Heroclass.). We generally are perfectly happy sitting on the boar and casting, occasionally poking enemies with Outflank once in a while, but with all the buffs, we can hit if need be. Clearing the map is relatively easy. You get improved critical with the oracle weapon mastery, I too want to know how to take Improved Critical Mythic without taking Improved Critical. Will you become a shining angel, backed by noble paladins? This build is the only build in the Wrath of the Righteous that allows you to utilize two bloodlines, which means you gain access to a whole slew of various spells. Very good atmanipulating enemies, decent damage dealer. Uses Mage Armour potions/scrolls for Archmage Armour, so buy and craft those. The unique Pathfinder ruleset also allows you to perform advanced combat maneuvers, like mounted combat. The Voracious Jumble Unslumbering Predator(club) option in the choice window definitely LOOKS like a flail, but is and looks like a club when chosen. Pit/grease/vinetrap for reflex, Stinking Cloud for Fortitude, Chains of Light for Will. The second part of the deal is evasion rings: have them on every single one of your swarms to skyrocket your survival rate. Does Elemental Damage still work with attacks with Geniekind, since it's a spell? You can stack the horse reasonably high on Armour Class (AC), but the point is just doing the charge with a Skald's support. And with what of replacement ? If you want to deal the most damage to all undead, then pick the Holy Light Paladin. Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Beginner's Guide: Tips - Fextralife Can convert spells to summoning as a full round action (although its a good idea to slot one summoning spell per level, excepting 5 for emergencies). This savage is a crafty one! Builds | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki The mule is actually. Healing and causing huge damage against evil are the two best things Paladins are good at. Free feats. it seems like a wasted feat to me. Woljif Build Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Guide Even without the rods itd be often better to spend a round of True Strike. Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous - The Best Paladin Builds - Game Rant 10 Best Builds in Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous 10. If you are cursed on someone, just kill them off (disable Swarm Feast on them as itd be very hard to do otherwise) and use Bring Back to resurrect. The Cavalier Class is one of the new Classes. Eldritch Knight Builds | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki Hence, Oracle Angel. Just wondering if every build presented could go Legend? Now that WotR has finally released in full, a lot of people have been asking the questions: What Class should I play?, and What is the best Class for me?. Their expertise is not limited to the one mentioned only. Martial discipline for the crane feats is the obvious choice. Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous Best Builds Guide We use Prescient Attack on enemies that can use See Invisibility. Make one gear preset with tower shield, then hop on a horse and change to the preset with your main weapon. There's a guy out there with a uber tank build. Also, Lifebane can absolutely be cast on your Kinetic Blade for added hilarity. Gets his endgame weapon (Grave Singer) very fast, although its way better to wait for Mythic 4 before grabbing it. Legendary Proportions on both you and the horse and go. PF Wrath of the Righteous Solo Unfair Build Overview - YouTube Other than that dozen build makers out there Nerd commando game studios, Bolshy, Samori Sykes Gaming, Lorespire and Turnbasedtactics. Background : Oblate Acolyte, Race: Elf Use tower shield to give bonuses to your mount (mounted shield feat). Cult Leader Warpriest Build Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Guide In this Warpriest Build Guide, were going to take a deep dive into the Zen Archer / Cult Leader Hybrid Build by breaking down the multiclassing aspect of it together with the best Race, Attributes, Skills, Feats, Spells, Mythic Path, and Equipment to choose from. Zen was taken in case you want to melee a bit and Perfect Strike is nice for that as well. First, you must figure out the best build for your Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous playstyle. Just use it as a skill monkey/meatbag/packing mule. Loves Quicken rods for True Strike Vital Strike. This class is a master of skill checks. This class is reliable as they are proficient with armors and heavy stuff too. They are proficient with bare fists and other weapons. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Caster Level 33 Arbitraments to clear the mooks and then your buffed team and yourself will do the rest. Hence, creating the best character is vital in ensuring you are ready to take on whatever comes at you. It can't be done anymore, and to be fair, it shouldn't have been a thing in the first place. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get all the latest Esports, Gaming, and Entertainment news. Not getting Lv 20 Mount with the Emerald Lich build. Or Expose Vulnerability, if you want more single-target damage. So long as it grows large and has decent Armour Class. This build is the only build in the Wrath of the Righteous that allows you to utilize two bloodlines, which means you gain access to a whole slew of various spells. Transformation, Stone to Flesh, True Seeing. Race: Human/Half elf All rights reserved. Can some suggests a good two handed weapon build please (Great sword preferred). This subclass will allow the player to dump loads of damage capability into their weapon, at the expense of a lot of defense . All Companions have a Class, and itis important to have a complete Party formation. Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Unfair Solo Gish Build (correct Lich) If Legend removes Mythic spells and abilities, how are the Lich spells still there in the melee lich build? If youre looking for a Beginner Eldritch Archer Magus Build that does massive damage with Ray Spells and Ranged Weapons, then this Guide is for you! If you want help, inspiration to make your good build great (all provided here are min/maxed), or just a new idea you might not have thought of otherwise, this is your one stop shop. We have listed down some Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous builds with all the important information to help you get your desired results. I will also add a Minagho Guide and Gray Garrison run shortly, level 9 you can either go Magus or Paladin, both will ad BaB 6, Magus adds Haste, Paladin Smite Evil, I think Pala is slightly better, since Gray Garrison has perma haste if you helped the mages.This build builds into Unarmed Attacks and Elemental Barrage the same way my current AT build does: build will actually end up being stronger than the AT, because of Dimension Strike!Embark on a journey to a realm overrun by demons in a new epic RPG from the creators of the critically acclaimed Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Feeblemind, Joy of Life, Songs of Steel, Protection of Nature, Heroism (Greater), Heroes Never Surrender, Hold Person (Mass), Revolt, Water Torrent, Mobility, Perception, Athletics, Stealth, Nature, Inquisitor - Seize the Moment // Tandem Trip, Fighter - Boon Companion // Weapon Focus: Battleaxe, Fighter - Toughness // Weapon Specialization: Battleaxe, Acid Maw, Magic Fang, Lead Blades, Unbreakable Heart, Cure Light Wounds, Aspect of the Bear, Barkskin, Sense Vitals, Natural Rhythm, Cats Grace, Magic Fang (Greater), Cure Moderate, Protection From Energy (Communal), Resist Energy (Communal), Aspect of the Wolf, Animal Growth, Echolocation, Inspiring Recovery, Magic Weapon, Remove Fear, Cure Light, True Strike, Lesser restoration, Effortless Armor, Mirror Image, Consume Fear, Bears Endurance, Haste, Fireball, Greater Magic Weapon, Morbid Restoration, Kalavakus, Schir, Nabasu, Vavakia, Pazuzu, Nocticula, Mobility 3, Perception, Athletics (spare), Monk - Dodge // Spell Focus: Conjuration // Crane Style, Loremaster - Combat Feat: Improved Improved Critical, Animal Aspect, Aspect of the Bear, Barkskin, +stat spells, Natural Rhythm, Restoration (Lesser), Resist Energy (Communal), Delay Poison (Communal), Magic Fang (Greater), Echolocation, Freedom of Movement, Thorn Body, Protection From Energy (Communal), Geniekind, Aspect of the Wolf, Animal Growth, Heal, Legendary Proportions, Summon Natures Ally VII, Frightful, Seamantle, True Seeing (Communal), Divine Favor, Remove Fear, Shield of Faith, Remove Sickness, Equal Force, Crystal Mind, Remove Paralysis, Magic Vestment, Remove Curse, Remove Blindlness, Starlight, Divine Power, Dimension Door, Death Ward, True Form, Restoration, Edict of Preseverance, Breath of Life, Zero State, Edict of Impenetrable Fortress, Embodiment of Order, Transformation, Heal, Dispel Magic (Greater), Edict of Invulnerability, Restoration (Greater), Cleric - Spell Focus: Evocation // Improved Initiative // Heavy Armour, Cleric - Boon Companion // Weapon Focus: Longspear, Cleric - Weapon Specialization (Longspear), Cleric - Spell Specialization: Arbitrament // Greater Weapon Focus: Longspear, Magic Fang, Divine Favour, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Align Weapon, +stat spells, Remove Paralysis, Magical Vestment, Resist Energy, Animate Dead, Remove Curse, Blade of the Sun, Crusaders Edge, Restoration, Divine Power, Holy Smite, Cleansing Flames, Ward Against Harm, Disrupting Weapon, Bolt of Justice, Aegis of the Faithful, Ward Against Harm (Communal), Eaglesoul, Heal, Arbitrament, Restoration (Greater), Bestow Grace, Wrath of the Righteous, Fortress of the Faithful, Heal (Mass), Magus - Rapid Shot // Wepaon Focus: Longbow, Magus - Greater Spell Penetration // Empowered Magic, Magus - Weapon Specialization: Longbow // Improved Critical: Longbow, Eldritch Knight - Greater Weapon Focus: Longbow, Eldritch Knight - Greater Weapon Specialization: Longbow, Thoughtsense, Sense Vitals, Angelic Aspect, Hurricane Bow, Optimistic Smile, Good Hope, Rainbow Dome, Master Shapeshifter // Instrument of Freedom, Athletics, Mobility, World, Religion (spare), Magus - Accomplished Sneak Attacker // Greataxe, Magus - Improved Improved Crticical: Greataxe // Greater Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Magus - Improved Improved Improved Critical: Greataxe, Magus - Improved Improved Imroved Critical: Greataxe // Bane Blade, True Strike, Magic Weapon, Enlarge Person, Shield, Expeditious Retreat, Vanish, Mirror Image, Cats Grace, Bulls Strength, Blur, Haste, Greater Magic Weapon, Displacement, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door, Stoneskin, Glorious Beard, Invisibility (Almost Greater), Greater Invisibility, Summon Large Beer Elemental, Rain of Halberds, Microscopic Proportions, Summon Greater Beer Elemental, Summon Elder Beer Elemetnal, Summon Perpetually Annoyed Wizard, Magic Weapon, Shield, Mage Armor, True Strike, Vanish, Animate Dead, Invisibility (Greater), Protection from Energy (Communal), Transformation, Heroism (Greater), Dispel Magic (Greater), Waves of Exhaustion, Legendary Proportions, Frightful Aspect, Seamantle, Protection from Spells, Mobility 3, Arcana 5, Athletics, Percerption (spare), Sorcerer - Spell Focus: Evocation // Spell Specialization // Silver Dragon // Water Elemental, Sorcerer - Greater Spell Penetration // Improved Initiative, Sorcerer - Greater Spell Focus: Evocation, Sorcerer - Greater Elemental Focus: Electricity, Magic Missile, Burning Hands (Cold), Mage Armor, Shield, Grease, Burning Arc, Mirror Image, Sense Vitals, Cats Grace, Haste, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Force Punch, Shout, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door, Controlled Fireball, Chain Lightning, Sirocco, Transformation, Dragonkind I, Dragonkind, Waves of Exhaustion, Ice Body, Fire Storm, Frightful Aspect, Dragonkind III, Stormbolts, Second Breath, Song of Discord, Friendly Hug, Mind Fog.