Evening Anchor. August 4, 2014 | 4:55 pm EDT by Staff. James Starks, currently of WZZM in Grand Rapids, Michigan, will be making the trip south . She is a proud alumnus of Central Michigan University where she obtained her Bachelors degree in Meteorology. Because of the transmitter site restriction, the station did not and does not provide a signal to the southern part of West Michigan, namely Kalamazoo and Battle Creek. Privacy Request, Danielle Nelson is the staff researcher who compiles the weekly lists. What has been happing behind the seen has not been a good thing for Wzzm 13. Jay Plyburn Courtesy WZZM TV 13. WZZM-TV 13 morning news is about to go into reruns weekdays in West by inmyopinion Mon May 31, 2021 11:25 am, Post The end came in February, as her cat was dying. WZZM TV 13 announced Jay Plyburn will be a morning anchor on weekdays, joining Meredith TerHaar and Laura Hartman. ). Samanthas salary is$75,500 annually. by. 401 Hall St. SW, Suite 331 [62], In 2004, the station debuted a 5 p.m. talk show, Take Five Grand Rapids. George is a pompous ass and extremely hard to work with/for. Participants will get basic fire training and a leg up on seasonal employment . She reported that co-workers did not quarantine after attending large events, such as a recent wedding. Grove was late for work on many occasions despite several instructions from her supervisor to arrive on time for her shifts, Jarbou said in a written opinion issued Aug. 29. Future radar to see where severe weather is headed. An attempt to combine WZZM-TV and WUHQ-TV failed in 1991, and WOTV is today co-owned with WOOD-TV, the market's NBC affiliate. Folks in the business have known this for years but no one seems to offer it up publically. Ashlyn Webb is the weekend evening anchor and a multi-skilled journalist. 3 ON YOUR SIDE Weekend Morning | wzzm13.com February 2, 2021. Post Author: wzzm13.com. July 15, 2019 | 3:00 pm EDT by Mark K. Miller. She may be around 24 years old. WZZM 13 Morning News @ 5am: 05:30 am: WZZM 13 Morning News @ 530am: 06:00 am: WZZM 13 Morning News @ 6am: 07:00 am: Good Morning America Becky Worley, Ann Kim - Season 2023 Episode 33 09:00 am: Access Daily with Mario & Kit 02-15-2023 . [59][60] Another obstacle, particularly with older viewers, was that WOOD-TV predated WZZM in Grand Rapids by more than a decade. Follow her on Twitter @Dan_Nels. Read real-time breaking news as it develops with the ABC13 News Feed. I think George does a rock solid job at 13. 4:30 AM 13 On Your Side at 430am New Juliet Dragos Juliet joined WZZM 13 News as weeknight anchor in April of 1991. WZZM-TV 13 meteorologist Hally Vogel leaving Grand Rapids to - mlive Only saw Laura doing the forecast on WZZM OnTarget Weather Network even know that was pre-recorded. But the judge said a 2019 performance evaluations showed that Groves tardiness was a recurring problem. This is your first TV job out of college this is not how you should be behaving.. We celebrate all that makes West Michigan unique. The station's digital signal is multiplexed: WZZM shut down its analog signal, over VHF channel 13, on June 12, 2009, as part of the federally mandated transition from analog to digital television. WZZM 13 Weather on the App Store Helping you succeed in business since 1983. [67] The program was put on a continuing hiatus in July 2020 because of COVID-19-related restrictions that made the show's format unworkable.[68]. WUHQ-TV's owners then signed an agreement for WOTV (channel 8) to provide news coverage for channel 41,[52] part of an 11-year time brokerage agreement by which WOTV assumed many of the station's operating functions but not ownership. She [], TVNewsCheck | Paw Paw Firefighter killed in the line of duty during ice storm to be laid to rest Saturday, 21-year-old man dead after shooting at Delta Hotel in Kentwood. WZZM-TV | The Weather Channel Wiki | Fandom Derek started on . Harland begins his new morning co . We have had issues throughout the year with you coming in late or leaving way before your shift ends to catch a train. WZZM 13 Sports Team. She was headed to Grand Rapids, where she joined 13 ON YOUR SIDE, WZZM TV serving as a weekend morning meteorologist. Brandon Johnson joined the 13WMAZ team in August 2022 as a Visual Storyteller, Megan Western joined the 13WMAZ news team as a Multi-Skilled Journalist in July 2022. WOOD-TV's sales manager likened the advertising sales power of his competitor to "a vehicle with two wheels" because of its inability to cover the full market. WZZM 13 Weather on the App Store Here's how to lower your symptoms, Frank Malloy joined 13WMAZ in May 1982 as sports director before becoming an anchor in 1993, Lori Johnson originally started at WMAZ in 1999 before taking time off to raise her two children, Ben Jones is the only AMS-certified meteorologist in the Central Georgia market. She was then hired as an associate producer, and then promoted to noon show producer. [7] West Michigan was one of six applicants to file by the end of 1961, alongside Atlas (which also owned Grand Rapids-area radio station WMAX); Grand Broadcasting Company, which counted former WLAV and WLAV-TV owner Leonard Versluis among its stockholders as well as former FCC counsel Mary Jane Morris; Major Television Company; MKO Broadcasting Company; and Peninsular Broadcasting Company. Courtesy Photo WZZM-TV's morning news team, with meteorologist, Aaron Ofseyer and news anchors Lauren Stanton and Derek Francis (left to right), will be seen at 7 a.m. in a rebroadcast of the 6 a . --. Grove emailed that she thought they had an agreement she would take unexcused absences. When she is not busy, she loves to spend her free time with her family, doing yoga, admiring nature, and also playing with her pup named Leo. Ex-WZZM 13 reporter says her complaints male co-workers ignored - mlive He is returning home to the Great Lakes State from Fargo, N.D., where he ran sports at [], TVNewsCheck | Morning News - Q13FOX.com Business Journal subscribers receive the biweekly print edition, including bonus publications like the annual Book of Lists. PRESCOTT, Ariz. Prescott National Forest is hosting a Women in Wildland Fire Bootcamp starting Thursday morning. Previously, Samantha worked at 9&10 News as a weekday meteorologist for a period of one year and five months. WZZM was retained by the latter company, named Tegna. She also was a Grand Rapids Business Journal/Grand Rapids Magazine staff reporter who covered real estate and construction, architecture, agriculture, sports, law, education, travel and tourism, energy and sustainability, and arts and entertainment. Grove had taken four days off in January and February 2021 to care for her sick cat when her request for an additional day was denied. 250 meter radar, the highest resolution available. He has worked at news stations in Texas, Arkansas and Georgia for the past 10 years. [23] Wometco was then taken private in a leveraged buyout by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) in 1984. WZZM 13 ON YOUR SIDE is looking for an experienced, engaging and enterprising journalist to join our team as a Weekend Anchor and Multiskilled Journalist! In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the station's efforts to build additional transmitters to serve those cities were ordered closed to protect a new station on channel 41 in Battle Creek, WUHQ-TV (now WOTV), which also broadcasts ABC but with separate non-network programming. WZZM TV 13 announced Jay Plyburn will be a morning anchor on weekdays, joining Meredith TerHaar and Laura Hartman. Brecksville-Broadview Heights kept its dominant run rolling Friday by winning its 19th consecutive OHSAA state gymnastics championship. Tax Deadline 2023. In local news, the station had a highly regarded news department from the 1960s through the 1980s; it had one news director for the first 25 years of its history. We are thrilled about expanding this extremely popular newscast, says Janet Mason, WZZM president- GM. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Tonight 39 Cloudy Precip: 18% Tomorrow 57 AM Clouds/PM Sun Precip: 3% Trending Stories Many customers without power in the Tri-State Easton was found unresponsive earlier this week at her home in Columbus, Indiana." You might recall Easton as an early morning reporter with 13 On Your Side reporting on local news and feature stories Monday . [57] However, after the Price purchase, the station experienced several high-profile defections to other stations. by 48125er Sat May 29, 2021 11:11 pm, Post MUSKEGON, Mich. From the polar vortex to the bomb cyclone, this winter has been one for the books. Laura Hartman Leaving WZZM - Michigan Radio & TV Buzzboard The 13 ON YOUR SIDE Morning team wanted to bid a fond farewell to winter at one of the very best places to enjoy what the season has to offer: the Muskegon Winter Sports Complex. In 1959, the Atlas Broadcasting Company was organized to pursue the addition of a third very high frequency (VHF) station in West Michigan. A 2020 evaluation also addressed tardiness. 616-459-4545 I used to watch the Wzzm news and use there app 7 days a week. [40] The FCC canceled BCU-TV's construction permit and West Michigan Telecasters's attempt to buy it on September 8, 1969. by Sholmes Fri May 28, 2021 3:48 pm, Post Breaking News |ABC13 KTRK News Feed - ABC13 Houston WZZM13.com is proud to announce a full featured weather app. The station and staff took precautions as the coronavirus pandemic hit but she noted several situations in which co-workers, particularly men, ignored safety protocols, the lawsuit said. [24], KKR then sold the station to Price Communications, owned by Robert Price, in 1985; the deal was the largest acquisition for the company to date. Ice and Snow Leaves Another Mess Behind - wzzm13.com Updated Mar 3, 01:21 AM. Have a news tip? Originally from San Diego, Connor joined the team in July 2021 after studying broadcast journalism at Indiana University. Our policies strictly prohibit retaliation in any form as a result of coming forward with concerns. Plus . WALKER, Mich. GRAND RAPIDS -- The 13 ON YOUR SIDE Morning team ended the final weekday morning newscast with a special look back at some of their . Grand Rapids Press | September 8, 2022 | 6:50 am EDT by John Agar, TVNewsCheck | Alex Forbes is the morning meteorologist at 13WMAZ. (MLive File Photo). We are 13 ON YOUR SIDE. Nicole grew up in Macon, Ga, and interned at 13WMAZ as a student at Shorter University in Rome, Ga. Jessicas first beat assignment is in Baldwin County and Milledgeville. Published: 6:00 AM EST . [56], WZZM had one news director for the first 25 years of its history. The judge granted a defense motion for summary judgment. 'A special doctor': Third-generation Milledgeville doctor educates women on health, Little Mr. and Ms. Forsythia pageant winners crowned on Saturday, Pollen season came early this year. [3] The placement of the channel at Grand Rapids attracted interest even before the insertion was final. October 18, 2018 | 10:36 am EDT by Mark K. Miller, Tegnas ABC affiliate WZZM Grand Rapids, Mich. (DMA 49) has added sports anchor James Starks to the ensemble of 13 On Your Side Mornings beginning Monday, Nov. 5. On Nov. 25, Grove filed an ethics complaint with Tegna, the stations parent company, claiming disparate treatment of men and women employees, failures by defendants to enforce COVID-19 protocols, inappropriate comments about entitlement by the General Manager, and the plaintiffs belief there existed a culture of fear at WZZM, the lawsuit said. More Local News to Love Start today for 50% off Expires 3/6/23, Ex-WZZM 13 reporter says her complaints male co-workers ignored COVID-19 protocols led to her firing.