Darkstripe was killed when he attacked Firestar, he was killed by Graystripe as he defended his great friend. "Welcome to StarClan." "I see blood, a dark sky, cat crying out to live" Moonflower nodded. i honestly think oakheart was right for her because it just feels like they were made for each other. Jayfeather's ears perked but Bluestar spoke no more. "My love, you did not fail your Clan." You are fire, Bluepaw, and you will blaze through the forest. Suddenly, everything started to disappear and Firestar was waking up. "He's about to kill Scourge." i think bluestar did love thrushpelt- but just as a friend. As she let her eyesight adjust, she bent down to lap at its crystal depths. Oh, your eyes are open, then we can go and persecute the warriors! Raggedstar stood beside him. I eat a lot every day to do my lazy work! If we send Lionheart back - then that'll mean Lionheart will have to leave us and never come back!" Bluestar looked at her mate and smirked. Luckily Bluestar became mates with Oakheart again in Starclan, thank goodness! Oakheart was a strong, promising RiverClan tom and the brother of the great leader, Crookedstar. Fireheart was on the Highrock,a meeting was just started. ( me/hollyfrost) : hello! He was born as Oakkit to Rainflower and Shellheart, along with his brother, Stormkit. [2] They are responsible for sending signs and omens to the living cats. She saw Lionheart walk up to her and Spottedleaf beside him. Monthly: (licks it) Do you want me to make sure you don't slip again? "Bluestar!" I saw Stonefur but never you!". "I know, it seems as though Im losing more faith in my Clan." "Your not supposed to fall in love,Spottedleaf!" Once the deputy, during a battle over Sunningrocks he perished from a rock slide. I'll approve your and Oakheart's relationship you two can be together anytime you want" Moonflower meowed gratefully and Bluestar's eyes filled with joy for her parents and hugged them "thank you so much" Bluestar meowed and goes off to tell Oakheart, Moonflower and Stormtail stood pride for their daughter. Snowfur sighed. Then Mosskit walked over and said,"Mommy why are you sad,if you are sad I am sad.". I think I've seen him before. The piercing blue eyes of beloved Bluestar will have you snuggling up to her as if she's a real kittypet. Every cat was waiting for her. Molepaw he brother, was on his way to lead Honeyfern to StarClan. (vomits: wipes his mouth) Chest! . Bluestar had to tell Brambleclaw about his fate and soon StarClan had to move to another sky. Monthly: Stormbaby Foo-foo, check out what I did! Thrushpelt asked, interrupting her thoughts. He yowled. They shouted at the same time. AmazingWarriorCats. They late get their warrior names, Mistyfoot and Stonefur. Lionheart asked. Snowkit: Meh. Gasping I opened my eyes. Whatever happens, they'll always be my kits, too! "But it is!" Biography Bluestar's Prophecy Bluekit and her sister Snowkit are born to Moonflower and Stormtail. "Cinderpaw doesn't need to know about her past life, and the three apprentices do not need to know about their true mother!" They're a really cute couple. @Lavacat1. She bumped into a cat. "Maybe she will," Oakheart mewed, and Bluestar gave a nod. Soon after she told them she made sure it looked like a face in the clouds for Firestar, she warned them of the upcoming lightning and saved their life. Once they've finished eating Bluestar got up "where are you going?" "I failed, I just couldn't kill them". "Hello Mosskit," Bluestar said in a brightened tone. Monthly: Let my daughter hear us and smell sleep. Bluekit and Snowkit: LET'S GO! However, Tigerstar made ThunderClan falsely believe that he had killed Oakheart after Oakheart killed Redtail. Despite warnings from Fireheart, Bluestar trusted her deputy, Tigerclaw, until he tried to murder her during a battle, and she banished him, which sent her into a depressive state and turned against StarClan. Bluestar had greeted the new StarClan cat. Let your jaw do the work. Bluefur mentored Frostfur and Runningwind, and later succeeded Tawnyspots as deputy. "Firestar I give you the gift of nobility, certainty, and faith, to use to lead the Clan in the ways of StarClan." He and his brother were very close, but when Stormkit broke his jaw, Oakkit was suddenly favored by their mother. "Hey, my tail isn't moss or something to play with!" Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. Oakheart asked "not yet but I'll eat" Mosskit meowed and took a small fish beside Oakheart and began to eat. Want to edit and see less ads? I think Spottedleaf, Bluestar, and Yellowfang will bring him to Starclan. Her fur was no longer wet, and she wasn't gasping for breath! "Brambleclaw needs you Bluestar, about the new territory." Her eyes watered. "Me?!" She faded back to StarClan and appeared beside the pool. Wanna come?" (Jump in), Xiao Lan: (slamming the helicopter into a tree). Ahem, anyways I agree with what the others said. "No cat left behind!" Moonflower licked the tear. I'm sorry apprentices, but soon much pain will come Jaypaw was in the StarClan grounds, Bluestar knew he was there but didn't speak of him. "Kits will be kits," Spottedleaf mewed to the medicine cat. Bluestar' is a sleek, lean, and sturdy blue-gray she-cat with piercing ice blue eyes and silver hairs tipping her muzzle and tail. Read 44. Kate believes that everything is forgiven in StarClan. It was a dark night for thunderclan and riverclan, as the battle under sunning rocks have consumed warriors, leaving only a few standing with bodies of cats around the place, luckily some cats have survived under the merciful gaze of the riverclan leader allowing this to all end. Moonflower: Cool. She saw from first to second Lionheart,Redtail,Silverstream,Runningwind,Brindleface,Swiftpaw,Yellowfang,Spottedleaf,and her.She satthere waiting for her turn. A made-to-order t-shirt or hoodie featuring the cover artwork from. Blackfoot pinned him and then finally delivered the death blow. Goose feathers: How many poppies did you eat? It is a colorful animal. Bluestar cried. As she walked closer she heard them. "I know that! I kept telling myself he'll be okay, but then my mother's voice was in my ears. Brightspirit flicked her tail. Patchkit: No, you were not! Bluekit: Get out of my dreams you loony! The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Icon Unpopular Opinion: Bluestar's arc would have been more interesting if she had ended up with Crookedstar instead of Oakheart I think Oakheart was lame and Bluefur had more chemistry with Crookedjaw. "Just wait until you start catching fish.". NOW be quiet now and go to sleep! I slowly floated back to StarClan, now knowing Fireheart had helped everyone. Cinderpelt moaned looking to Bluestar. "I said stop!" She was so happy and full of joy but inside her she missed her Clan. "I should've protected your mother instead of Dappletail. Bluestar said happily. Bone was now killed by some apprentices. And how you can scold me for all that chaos, I don't know. ClimbToTheStars. Bluestar looked away. . Raggedstar diped his head. Bluestar didn't say a thing. Come with us" Moonflower said with a serious voice and Oakheart followed the two mates "you know, we are very disappointed that my daughter mated with a Riverclan tom that makes you two broke the warrior code but do you love my daughter? !<3 #warriorcats #iskyeye #skyeyei #sandstorm #firestar #brambleclaw #brambleshit #squrrielflight #oakheart #bluestar #cloudtail #brightheart # # # # # # # # Bluestar closed her eyes and slowly and painfully went to StarClan. StarClan are the deceased warrior ancestors of the Clans who live on in spirit form after dying, and watch over the living Clan cats. ", I nodded, narrowing my eyes. by Riverspirit, Why Hollyleaf CAN NOT be part of the three by Honeypaw, My predictions for the Warriors books I havent read based of their titles and BlogClan knowledge by Amberpaw. She believes that WindClan is stealing prey from ThunderClan, when in reality the evidence shows that it is a dog, and prepares to launch an attack on them. "Bluestar!" Powered by WordPress. Bluestar dipped her head, the four cats started to glow. They can have a father if you want. (Oakheart ends up with Graypool) However Patchpelt confesses his feelings for Bluefur and they fall in love. Bluestar's spirit was beside the cats, the fire almost out. "Good." "You have suffered much and lost much, and yet you still serve your Clanmates, putting their needs before yours, willing to sacrifice all for the sake of your Clan. What are your names? A few moons passed and one day Stonefur joined starclan. I'll surely make it up to her. Bluestar comitted. You came in so I wouldn't get in trouble! take it away! "Wait! from the story Warriors: The Return Of The Greatest Heroes by CrazyFlamefur (Flamefur) with 2,660 reads. "Oakheart." Bluekit: We don't want to find him now you said so. Snowkit: (Gasp) You are the hottest and strongest one! Bluestar meowed fading away before Cinderpelt's spirit appeared. Bluestar rushed forward. Bluestar spat. This page contains the complete family lineage of Bluestar, and contains all known ancestors and descendants. When the night falls, Bluestar goes to Oakheart like they always didwhen they werewarriors. "Oh Honeyfern, why did you have to get bitten by that snake?" OK! Not even when I gave you your apprentice name, Firepaw. "I must go now" Bluestar nodded. It only seems like yesterday since you've came here, and yet so many other cats have joined StarClan." Having you around kept her memory alive. (They ran to the old lair and held them all until they told their stories). A few moons after becoming a warrior, she begins to stay in the nursery full-time to help the other queens raise their children. Bluestar cheered. "I never stopped looking after you.". (shares language with Dapplepaw). Thrushpelt padded over to her. The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition, Bluestar & Darkstripe - Mini Collector Figures, Goosefeather on Bluefur's destiny and sacrifices, Bluefur contemplating giving up her kits, Sunstar telling Bluefur why he chose her to be deputy. She was my mate and I cared more about Dappletail than her.". Ferncloud is a supporting character in the Warriors series. Firestar hissed. Cinderpelt smiled with joy. [image description: a brown and white tabby cat sits beside ribbon, some is on its head] HIP HIP HOORAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! "I just hope I made the right choice for Onewhisker." I then knew what has happened. "Bluestar," I heard a meow that made me jump. But she's still watching you, as closely as she ever did. Rosetail smiled. Snowkit: (wakes up) NO! Isolated in her grief from her own clanmates, Bluefur fell in love with a Riverclan warrior named Oakheart, but their brief relationship ended when Bluefur realized she could not be loyal to Thunderclan while her heart lay elsewhere. That should not bother you Bluestar." I turned and faced Lionheart. Bluestar cried softly. "I really missed you Oakheart." I started to pad away. She looked at him one last time before joining StarClan,his ginger pelt and is horrior struck eyes. Warrior of the Week Gallery #33 - Bluestar, Warriors Super Edition: A World Without Limits, Codebreakers: Brainstorming The Broken Code, Top five moments when Firestar was a mouse-brain, Mini Plush Heads Coming Soon to the Warrior Cats Store. You can choose your teacher. "Look at yourself! are bluestar and oakheart mates in starclan moline school district calendar 2022-2023 July 7, 2022 | 0 moline school district calendar 2022-2023 July 7, 2022 | 0 Bluestar purred her stary pelt glimmering. One day you can. The two couple laugh happily and nuzzled each other "I love you Oakheart" Bluestar purred "I love you too" Oakheart purred back. Bluestar closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. Stonefur meowed. @Streamstar49. "Cinderpelt, you will be joining StarClan very soon." My pelt was shining and my eyes gleamed. Bluestar purred. I WANT TO ASK FOR EDUCATION!! "The whole of StarClan will be seeing you catching fish next!" Bluestar turned and faced Moonflower. 1.6K Favourites. I HAVE A SET OF OIL! Leopardkit: I can't wait! It took me a long time to do it! Bluefur; fiercely ambitious, determined to do what was best for her Clan, even if it meant unimaginable sacrifices. "There's nothing I can do but look at my Clan being torn from the paths of strengh and loyalty." In a blink of a eye she saw the reddish brown coat of Oakheart,her love. "Fightning for their Clan." Confused, Thrushpelt wondered who he was. Moonflower purred. i know she wouldve died anyways, but not as slow as she did. "Not really, Thrushpelt. Monthly: Snow, I'm sorry to call you a drowning rat. She'll never leave you, Bluepaw. Bluestar, the leader after Sunstar, was the leader of Thunderclan, in the forest territories. Bluestar whipped his tail off. This should've never happened. (me/hollyfrost): i understand what your saying, i just feel like bluestar and oakheart were meant for each other, yea sure she wouldve been happy with thrushpelt, but she loved oakheart the most. She was a proud and deeply committed leader. But beware! It's too SAD! Bluestar was truly happy for her kin, especially her mate Oakheart, whom she didn't stop loving and now that they are together in Starclan, nothing will break them apart! Bluekit you can hear a great story! ), Lift: Now you have reached the forest! Fireheart will lead the clan, you don't need to worry anymore. "Thanks" A tear rolled from her eye. She was apprenticed early as Bluepaw with her mentor being Stonepelt. Bluekit: Good. He meowed. Bluestar spat pacing around the clearing her pelt glowing with the StarClan shine. Or that one of Bluestar's most popular quotes is Stupid Furball? (Showing all dinosaurs). Hello Bluekit. Copy. "StarClan." She dipped her head, sorrow shining in her very blue eyes. Bluestar replied happily "that's great!" Only Fireheart and CInderpelt could see her. The grey and white one is Mosskit. Expecting Oakheart's kits secretly. Bluestar smiled. The Wishful Nights - Book 1: Assassin's Oath. "Oh. We watch, but we do not interfere. Mistystar is a blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes. Study now. "I'll always be with her, forever." Moonflower let a tear of joy run down her cheek. (willowpaw/fur): hi! Patchkit: SHHHHH! Leopardkit: I show you two new devices around the camp even though Bluekit also doesn't want me! The cats of StarClan faded away and Bluestar told him about the hill of bones and the prochey,Four will become two,lion and tiger will meet in battle,and blood will rule the forest.She faded back to StarClan. The Wishful Nights - Book 1: Assassin's Oath. He yowled, but Blackfoot kept on. 2 pages March 13, 2021 ForgotToBreath. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. I drew the scene from Warriors when Bluestar declared war on StarClan. And I will die a tenth time to defend ThunderClan! There is contradiction in the books about how much influence StarClan has over the living world: The Dark Forest is the opposite of StarClan, a shadowy realm where evil cats reside for eternity, StarClan lives in Silverpelt, the cluster of stars in the sky, The important pond that StarClan cats use to observe their living Clanmates, StarClan's hunting grounds are filled with lush forests and the scent of newleaf, StarClan first appeared to the early settlers after the first battle, ordering them to unite or die, StarClan sent Moth Flight to discover the Moonstone, the Clans' special connection to StarClan, The four Clans interpreted the clear night sky as StarClan's approval for SkyClan leaving the forest, Leafpool discovered the Moonpool, the Clans' special connection in the lake territories, StarClan sent Leafpool an omen of a trail of starry pawprints, signifying that Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw should be together, Since the prophecy did not come from StarClan, they suspected Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf to be Three, Ashfur's schemes resulted in StarClan being sealed off and Ashfur possessing Bramblestar's body. He meowed padding off. Created by Meks. Spottedleaf took a step back. Once Firestar dies my Clan will die out or be over-run with the other Clans just to get more territory!" Ruby's and Sock's Second Visit to BloodClan. Consider creating an account! Duskfur even questions if Frostpaw did speak to her mother as her behavior was noted to be unusual. okay, so now were going start debating. Bluestar hung her head. "I don't think Brambleclaw will suceed Firestar" "That's nonsense." I had forgotten to post it, so I'm posting it now. Her eyes brightened. she said. also thrushpelt loved bluestar. Oakheart meowed. He slowly glanced to Whitestorm then licked his muzzle. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . He wants me to meet him at Fourtrees," Bluefur said aggressively at the thought. Juniper was kicked outside, her flank throbbing with pain. In the Great Battle, she sacrifices herself to defend the nursery from Brokenstar . Cinderpelt never got a chance to be in StarClan! "The Clans will live. (willowpaw/fur): i understand Mistystar and Stonefur wouldnt be alive, but bluestar couldve had other kits or no kits at all. Once he had got eight lives and finally it was her turn.She walked toward him. Bluestar looked down at it and took a nibble out of it. "RiverClan!" Redtail called out. At first, she raised Mistykit, Stonekit, and Mosskit in ThunderClan with Thrushpelt as the acting father; however, in order to become deputy instead of the ambitious Thistleclaw, whom she feared would destroy ThunderClan, she gave up her kits to Oakheart to live in RiverClan, and on the journey there, Mosskit perished. She asked "why of course" Snowfur replied and goes off then Moonflower and Stormtail appears "hello Bluestar" Moonflower greeted "where do you sleep last night?" It's like eating. "It's left in better paws." Awake! "Though how they change there will only be one great leader in my eyes" Oakheart said softly. A cat's yowl echoed across the room. Don't worry we're in Starclan nothing will happen bad" Bluestar meowed "fine if that's your choice then we're happy for you as long as you're happy" Moonflower meowed back and they hugged each other. just let go Published: Oct 7, 2016. She sat down on the grass in the garden. Dishwasher safe. Moonflower: (see Beachball Snowkit) NNOOO! She is murdered early on in the series, but continues to guide Firestar from StarClan. Leafpool looked to Cinderpelt. He meowed. (T)Bluefur/Bluestar: A Russian blue she-cat. We hid from the sick cats! Tallstar nodded with agreement. Medicine cat of ThunderClan when Firestar first joins ThunderClan. A few moons had passed and Bluestar remembered last night when, Yellowfang, the former medicine cat attacked Bluestar, angry that she did not tell the truth to the Clans. (teleport). We find Twoleg and kill it! She had grieved for herself because she had to leave Crowfeather. Let your jaw do the work. "I never knew I would join StarClan today", I slowly frowned. "Goodbye Cinderpelt." Leafpool cried softly. "Yeah Maybe you're right". Unexpected warrior: AHHHH PIANO! Yellowfang lashed her tail in fury, her pelt bristling. Bluestar leaned up against him their tails entwined. Until we have further evidence, as Frostpaw has spoken to a few StarClan spirits before, Curlfeather's residency in StarClan is uncertain. "I missed you too" She purred. I was filled with sorrow. "WindClan!" Spottedleaf asked eyes filled with worry. "I should've been told the truth!" She yowled. Bluestar ran her spirit going to the Clans. One of the greatest the forest has ever known. and it was really sweet how mistystar and stonefur forgave her while she was dying. "But a hidden mother" Yellowfang shot Bluestar an angry glance. List of known inhabitants, StarClan are the deceased warrior ancestors of the Clans who live on in spirit form after dying, and watch over the living Clan cats. Bluestar spat. I am Bluestar and I lost faith. She meowed softly. D= Dark Forest. Bluekit: (eats ladder) BBBLLEEEAARRGGGHH!!! Bluekit: (Runs to WindClan and buys sunglasses). She ran away to a giant tree and cried. 2010-11-22 02:09:03. The following is a list of gifts Bluestar has granted during nine lives ceremonies: Bluefur; fiercely ambitious, determined to do what was best for her Clan, even if it meant unimaginable sacrifices. "But how?" Bluefur takes her three young kits to Riverclan, but Mosskit dies in the cold snow. Snowkit: They are not yet born. Bluestar dared to go over and talk to her but the small silver tabby was in too much pain. (R)Crookedjaw: A tan tabby tom with a broke jaw. The word Stormtail echoed in her mind. After Bluestar sacrificed herself to save ThunderClan, Mistyfoot and Stonefur forgave her, and she ascended to StarClan where she became mates with Oakheart again and reunited with her kin, feeling at peace. Bluestar smiled, happy to see the former leader, again. 34.5K Views. Stonefur nodded slowly his gaze trailing back to see his sister. Bluestar smiled and looked at him as he sat down. Bluestar smiled, happy to see the former leader, again. I slowly faded and was going back to StarClan. StarClan's hunting grounds "You're so weak now! Patchkit: It is a study area. Goosefeather: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN MY EYE? (Walk in lift. Hello Brightspirit, long time since I've seen you." My fur bristled. She watched the badgers snarl and slash at the cats, in horror Bluestar wailed, but nobody could hear her. He asked. Bluestar soon became pregnant, and had her and Patchpelt's kits. 2010-10-18 22:57:46. We can have sleep parties and talk about the boys and put on make-up - Uhh Dapplepaw: Once you start taking orders you have to buy your own cosmetics. Secret Escape", Mistyfoot sighed. Cats can learn to follow the warrior code, but they cannot always learn to have the compassion and courage that comes from faith. "Finally. "Power like the stars." She was a member of ThunderClan who helped drive the dog pack out of the forest to avenge her mother Brindleface's death. Everything became silent until Bluestar spoke. Featherwhisker: It's a Pinestar cave. "That's one big mousebrain," Thrushpelt replied. Leafpool took a step back. She opened her eyes, they shined like stars. Thrushpelt smiled also. "Oakheart!" I gasped. Bluestar meowed. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! Leafpool burst into the clearing. And what was probably more real to him than either; the gifted leader who had done what she felt was best and borne the pain of it alone. "And who may that be?" "You are my stars." Leafpool wailed. Whitestorm leaned closer to Snowfur as Thistleclaw padded up. "Maybe, but Mudclaw would put your Clan in danger." After becoming a warrior, Bluefur raised Whitekit, Snowfur's kit, as her own after the death of her sister, and Bluefur fell for a RiverClan warrior, Oakheart, becoming pregnant with his kits. I need to save my Clan. "Go on." "I may just be a StarClan cat, but I am one of my Clan's true potentials." I'm going to teach you how to hunt! Bluestar (at the time bluefur) finds Oakheart on sunningrocks which at that time was thunderclan territory. She doesn't drive him off her territory but why? (To make lemonade), Bluekit: Man, having a Snowkit slave is enough!Bluekit: Oh look, a helicopter! Many ThunderClan cats were snarling at them, but Fireheart, almost going to be leader was keeping them away. + The first change would be no Stonefur or Mistystar. (puts on Lady Gaga sunglasses). Oakheart was a strong, promising RiverClan tom and the brother of the great leader, Crookedstar. "But he did, he saved your Clan. I see you again." What brings you here?" Leafpool said nothing staring at the cats. "Those are cats that you have not met, that will shape your future." Every month: Hold the rats so I can kiss you! Bluestar shook her head. hollyfrost is going to debate that bluestar shouldve chosen oakheart, like she did! Who could he be? Cinderpelt heaved a heavy sigh and started to dissapear. "You are my moon." The results for this wintry gathering! "Cinderpelt!" (Get Iceberg and Pool), Snowkit: That's right ma'am! "Only a matter of time before it happens, the badger is coming." Bluestar yowled. In a heartbeat Snowfur went racing off. Scourge and Tigerstar wade through blood to power because that is their nature. Bluestar laid her head on his shoulder. "I came to sleep with you." Bluestar meowed "I missed you too." Tallstar padded up. She has a silver muzzle and a large scar across her shoulders. Bluekit: Silence the pig project! Bluestar concentrated. "My darling, the Clan has not failed, but yet is opening to something new." Featherwhisker: Go and get whipped NOW! Official art I also saw you being a good littermate to your brother who broke his jaw and always support him, so now I'll accept you and Bluestar's relationship" Moonflower meowed gratefully, Oakheart's eyes filled with joy "thank you so much Moonflower" Moonflower gave him a nod and let Stormtail to speak "even if I wasn't a good father and mate but this is all I wanted to say. I'll be here if you need me. I feel frozen with excitement! (Go to StarClan). Bluestar meowed calmer. Bluestar stared at the three ThunderClan apprentices, Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw from StarClan. Tigerstar. "you have a destiny to forfil." I meowed. Bluestar watched him. Patchpaw. "But it's so early! Spottedleaf silenced. Id first like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who participated anyone who Its Icetufts Birthday! "Why have you given no hope or faith that your Clan will survive?" !<3 #warriorcats #iskyeye #skyeyei #sandstorm #firestar #brambleclaw #brambleshit #squrrielflight #oakheart #bluestar #cloudtail #brightheart # # # # # # # # Bluekit: It's your fault! I slowly went over to my kit and his spirit appeared by me. Bluestar: FORGIVE ME OR WASH YOURSELF UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING!!!!!! Mistyfoot and Stonefur: AAHHH! Approximate individual price is $12.99 USD, and the three-pack bundle is $38.97 USD. Wait- you sunflower equipment. Moonflower meowed. Bluekit: (Trees through the tree) Wake up! The Hidden Prophecy short story competition: Enter here! We send omens and dreams to the medicine cats. One because Bluekit is in love with the River Clan Warrior. Bluestar looked down at the Clans her eyes blazing. I could feel the sorrow wrap around her heart, but then it was filled with joy as I knew Mosskit was with me. Expecting another uproar that didn't come he explains how he'd hoped to become deputy but Bluestar chose Lionheart and when he died to ShadowClan he got his wish but the power wasn't enough so he made attempts on Bluestars life and says he believes Cinderpaws accident by Thunderpath was a trap set for Bluestar which Cinderpaw is left agape by.