accessible and convenient, and A nursing home shall provide cubicle curtains and tracks in multiple occupancy bedrooms between beds to insure privacy of residents. Please enable scripts and reload this page. (i) A nursing home shall develop policies and procedures to give residents the opportunity to use the residents own furnishings as detailed in this chapter. ; (16) Require that unless the supervisor is a licensed registered dietitian, they shall receive regularly scheduled consultation from a licensed dietician; (17) Specifying that during admission, a resident may not be accepted unless at least one service to meet the rehabilitative needs of the resident can be initiated within the 48-hour period; (18) Allowing for the provision of a waiver of general requirements for bedrooms in long term care facilitiesboth for newly constructed bedrooms and already-existing bedrooms; and. (4) A food service floor panty shall include the following: (d) Sink for purposes other than hand washing; (e)Hand washing sink with soap dispenser and disposable paper towel dispenser; and. According to the National Nursing Database, Maryland currently has 73,086 RNs and 13,538 LPNs. (5) An electrically powered call system shall be connected to the emergency power supply. Financial Help With My Gas and Electric Bill, How to Buy an Energy-Efficient Home Appliance, Search on a word or phrase, or enter the codification number, Access through Table of Contents Structure. input into the contents of the orientation program; the number of hours of orientation required for the various levels of. The facility shall document refusals and shall conduct surveillance of nonimmune employees during the recognized influenza season. Licensure, designed to meet educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification that is required for employment in an occupation; or, Is advertised as meeting such requirements. (b) Has 2 years of experience in a social or recreational program in a licensed health care setting within the last 5 years, 1 year of which was full time in a resident activities program with guidance froman individual identified in B(73)(a) of this regulation. If any covered person has reason to believe that a child has been subject to neglect, the person must notify the local department and, if acting as a staff member of a hospital, notify the head of the institution or the institutions designee. E. The Department shall make a site visit and conduct a full survey of each licensed nursing home at least once per calendar year. H. Advance Planning and Posting of Menus. Editors Note on Incorporation by Reference. As you may recall . Maryland Nursing Credentials Evaluation - CGFNS International, Inc. Medical Director Qualifications. Search a specific Title (will search only that title for word or codification number). (2) The air conditioning system shall be in compliance with NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code, and all federal, State, and local codes. (iii) Provideofficespace for theemployedpersonnel[employed;]to work. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. (ii)80 square feet, per bed, for multiple-bed rooms. A public hearing has not been scheduled. Information reported to the (4)Authorized prescriber has the meaning stated in Health Occupations Article, 12-101, Annotated Code of Maryland. (3) As requested by the Department, the administrator or his designee shall telephone the Departments central bed registry, advising the Department of: In-service training shall include at least: H. Employment Records. G. Current RecordsLocation and Facilities. B. The[goal]goalsshall be realistic, practical, and tailored to the residents needs. The director of a medical laboratory must submit a report of a positive HIV test or of a CD4+ lymphocyte count less than 200 per cubic millimeter, within 48 hours to the health officer. Persons other than licensed health care providers may report suspected abuse or neglect of a vulnerable adult. not accept anonymous complaints. [Patients]Residentsshall be assisted to obtain routine and emergency dental care. Any hiatus during which the health care provider does not exercise staff privileges or fulfill the duties of employment or a contract is a leave of absence. In short, any member of the research team who is a licensed health care provider will be covered by the obligation to report child abuse or neglect, while any non-provider member is also obligated to report suspected abuse or neglect of a child. [(f)](g)Protection from Freezing. Within ten days after the change is made, it must be reported. A. ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE, In order to be endorsed in the state of Maryland, please complete the steps below, Questions- email us at (12) Exhaust Hoods. (2014) Facility Guidelines Institute, which is incorporated in COMAR In all instances sufficient consultation shall be provided to fulfill all required responsibilities. Approved employees shall read the skin test and manage the results of the skin test in accordance with Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Health-Care Facilities.]. Exceptions may be made in part at the discretion of the Department for an individual facility only when the facility can demonstrate compliance with the intent of this section by showing an effective patient call system to provide quality patient care.]. (iii)Destructivealteration of the dosage form[, the container label bears an appropriate instruction to protect the product from freezing]. (b) Licensedby the Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators for the State. State resources. B. The audible signal may not be turned off at the nursing station. (13) Deficiency means a condition existing in a nursing home or an action or inaction by the nursing home staff that results in potential for more than minimal harm, actual harm, or serious and immediate threat to one or more residents. The administrator shall employ sufficient and satisfactory licensed nursing service personneland support personnel to: (2) Provide appropriate bedside care; and. Open at all Times for Inspection. 4140 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2254, Attn: Director of Complaints & Investigations. (3) The[facility]nursing homeshall prohibit employees with[a communicable]an infectiousdisease or with infected skin lesions fromhavingdirect contact with residents or their food if direct contact could transmit the disease. Mandated reporting is required when: Title 24 M.R.S. Public toilets for both sexes shall be located conveniently to this area. You will need to provide evidence of completing the Continuing Education requirements specified in 18 VAC 90-19-160 during the two (2) years immediately preceding application for reinstatement. (2) The[facility]nursing homeshall ensure that[all]employees[who]maynotprovide services that require direct access to residents[may not provide such services]without documented evidence that the employee is free fromcommunicabletuberculosis[in a communicable form]. The nursing home shall develop written policies, consistent with this chapter and COMAR 10.07.09, to govern the nursing care, related medical, and other services that the nursing home provides regarding: (1) Admissions, transfers, and discharges; (3) Medical Assistance program information. Maryland Board of Nursing: Licensing Renewal Requirements for MD Adequate refrigerated storage, refrigerators. (12) The committee shall document its actions and recommendations. (4)In new facilities,the director of nursing and supervisors of[the various services,]dietaryservices, housekeeping, rehabilitationservices, and social services[,]shall be responsible for orienting the new[supportive]supportpersonnel to the[facilitys]nursing homepolicies and procedures and to the physical plant. (e) Contains a refrigerator to be used for medication storage only. Copyright When an owner plans to convert an existing structurethat has not been licensed as a nursing or care home to a nursing home, the owner shall be required to meet all conditions set forth in this chapter. (2)Orders shall include modalities to be used, frequency, and anticipated goals[,]and shall be made a part of the[patient]residentcare plan. A. Current license with the Maryland Board of Nursing as Certified Nurse Assistant. (36) Management firm means an organization, under contract with an applicant for a license or a current licensee, that is intended to have or has full responsibility and control for the day-to-day operations of the nursing home. (b) Any previoustuberculin skin tests, chest x-ray,or blood test results,chemotherapy, and chemoprophylaxis[,which]thatare the basis for[the certification]certifyingthat the individual is free from tuberculosis in a communicable form. The summary shall, at a minimum: (a) List means of potential transportation to be used in the event of evacuation; (b) List potential alternative facilities or locations to be used in the event of evacuation; (c) Describe means of communication with family members and residents representatives; (d) Describe the role and responsibilities of the resident, family member, or residents representative in the event of an emergency situation; and. (3) The nursing home shall only release prescribed medications to residents at the time of discharge based on the written authorization of the residents authorized prescriber. (2)The record and progress notes concerning the[patient]residentshall reflect at all times the most recent and current status of the[patient]resident, including current short-term and long-term goals. B. The Maryland Board of Nursing requires written, verified evidence of completion of the appropriate education requirements in accordance with Md. (1) The nursing home shall provide emergency electrical power. Capacity shall be provided for[storage]storingof at least two completelinenchanges per bed. 10.34.23 Pharmaceutical Services to Patients in Comprehensive Care Facilities, Effective September 16, 2013. A. Information reported to the This action was considered by the Board of Nursing at a public meeting held on March 22, 2017, notice of which was given by publication on the Board's website in January, February, and March 2017 at . (3) Other emergency lighting shall be as follows: (b) Drug distribution station or unit dose storage; (c) A lighted area for emergency telephone use; (f) Generator set location and switch gear location; (g) Elevator, if operable on emergency power; (h) Areas where life support equipment is used; (i) If applicable, lighting for the common area of refuge; and. New construction providing a conventional type food service program shall have the following minimal space requirements (excluding bulk food-storage areas, dining areas, and separate floor pantries). (vi) The arc of anydoors that open into the room, excluding closet doors. (1) Require that each new employee receive a one-dose booster immunization for pertussis, unless medically contraindicated or against the employees religious beliefs; (2) Inform all new and current employees of the health risks of not being immunized; (3) Document any refusals of immunization; and. [(b) Medicine storage cabinet with locks. J. The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities. (1) The[facility]nursing homeshall assess residents for tuberculosis according to the[following guidelines: (a)]Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium[Tuberculosis]tuberculosisin Health Care[Facilities; and]Settings. Except for a designated anonymous HIV test site, a facility or office that orders a test for HIV and receives a test result that documents the presence of HIV as defined by the CDC laboratory criteria shall, upon the Secretary's request, make available to the Secretary, or an agent of the Secretary, the information necessary to compile an HIV/AIDS case report. A. customers, and stakeholders with [F.]E.InfectionPrevention andControl Policies and Procedures. a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institutions curriculum meets state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification, a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institutions curriculum does not meet state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification, and. Nursing | Montgomery College, Maryland E. Administration of Medications for Leave of Absence of 24 Hours or Less. (ii) Office space shall be at least 110 square feet for one therapist, or 85 square feet per therapist if there are two or more. (v) The medicine storage cabinet, medicine preparation area, and biological refrigerator shall be under the direct visual control of the nursing or pharmacy staff. . Any member of the research team is covered by the requirement that any person report to the health officer any knowledge of an animal bite. A. COMAR regulations are Maryland State agency regulations, which are referenced by Title numbers (currently 1-36). the Maryland Board of Nursing respectfully submits . (e) If windows can be opened, but the nursing home has concern over the window being opened due to resident safety issues and elopement, the window sash may be restricted by hardware as approved by the Department. (2)In instances when an aide is to be assigned to a particular service such as dietary, physical therapy, or occupational therapy, the person in charge of the service shall be responsible for the evaluation and approval of the qualifications. (f) Smoke dampers shall be equipped with automatic remote control reset devices, except that manual reopening will be permitted if smoke dampers are accessible. (a) Medication storage cabinets with locks shall be permitted for the storage of resident medications that do not require refrigeration within a resident bedroom. JavaScript is required to use content on this page. [Facilities]A nursing homeshall maintain a permanent[patient]residentregistry in which the name of each[patient]residentis entered in chronological order with the date and number of entry. Complete transcripts from all Nursing Schools/Programs will need to be emailed to the Maryland Board of Nursing Endorsement Unit. (6) A geriatric nursing assistant[of]atthe[facility]nursing home. A medical committee, or any other entity within a hospital that makes such decisions, is considered part of the hospital. Alternative means to provide drinking water to residents, staff, and the general public may be used as approved by the Department. In laundries in new facilities there shall be a physical separation between the clean and soil areas. Frequently Asked Questions & Practice Topics, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. This is especially important for licensees who are not going to reside in Maryland for an extended period of time. [Comprehensive care facilities or extended care facilities]A nursing homelicensed under this regulation may not usethe word hospitalin[their]itstitle[the word Hospital]. (1) Nursing homes shall provide at least the following supervisory personnel: (2) The director of nursings time is included in A(1) of this regulation. An existingnursing homeshall meetall local codes and standards for safety and maintenance of institutional elevators. Filing a Complaint against a Medication Technician (MT), Certified Reports shall be in writing or by telephone, and must be made as soon as possible.. The nursing home shall provide for an organized nursing service, under the direction of a full-time registerednurse. There shall be provision for the laundering of patients clothing. The[facility]nursing homeshall assist the[patient]resident, if necessary, in arranging[for]transportation to and from the source of service. Investigators who are mental health providers licensed under the Health Occupations Article have a statutory duty to warn of a patients threats to inflict imminent physical harm upon specific victims. (2) The[facility]nursing homeshall take appropriate infectionprevention andcontrol[steps]measuresto prevent the transmission of[a communicable]an infectiousdisease to residents, employees, and visitors as outlined in the following guidelines: (a)2007Guideline for Isolation Precautions:Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agentsin[Hospitals]HealthcareSettings; and. A utilization review plan should be developed with the advice of the professional personnel responsible for the establishment and enforcement of patient care policies. (1)At least three meals or their equivalent shall be[served]offereddaily, at regular times,with not more than 14-hour intervals between the substantial evening meal and breakfast. We are vaccinating all eligible patients. 2. (5) Certified dietary manager means an individual who: (a) Is licensed as a dietitian-nutritionist by the Maryland State Board of Dietetic Practice and registered as a dietitian by the Commission on Dietetic Registration; (b) Is a graduate of a certified dietetic technician program approved by theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics; or. (1)The physicians orders, the initial evaluations, the plan of rehabilitative care, goals, services rendered, evaluations of progress, and other pertinent information shall be[recorded]: (a) Recordedin the[patients]residentsmedical record[,];and[shall be dated], (i) Physicianordering the service;and[the person or persons]. (4)If[the]afour or five meal a day plan is used, the meal pattern to provide this plan shall be approved by the Department. Nursing personnel shall assist the, E. Transportation. For questions or . (57) Principal physician means an individual licensed to practice medicine in this State who agrees to perform certain medical services under contract with a nursing home, consistent with the policies of the nursing home. (3) Demonstratea genuine interest in the well-being and welfare of[patients]residentsin the[facility]nursing home. If a question or section does not apply to this complaint, If the employee refuses to be immunized, the nursing home shall document the refusal and the reason for it. ), III. indicate "N/A". After meeting requirements of the Board of Nursing (Maryland application, After registering with NCLEX you will receive an Authorization To Test letter (ATT). patient identification, specific nurse behavior, action, or inaction. However, the nursing home would need to contract with a licensed social worker to provide oversight. [.34] .57Housekeeping Services, Pest Control, and Laundry. of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free The ratio of nursing service personnel on duty providing bedside care toresidents may not at any time be less than one to 15. (1)[In a decentralized]There shall be at least onefood service[,the area or areas for]floor[pantries shall be approved by the Department]pantry per nursing care unit. The resident care management system shall. Nursing and dietetic services shall establish an effective policy toensurethat: (1) Nursingservicepersonnel are aware of the nutritional needs and food and fluid intake ofresidents; (2) Nursing service personnel providespecialmealsand nourishment when required; (3) Residents food choices and preferences are honored as much as practical; (4)Nursingservicepersonnel promptlyaid residentswhen necessary ineating; (5)The dietetic service is informed of physicians diet orders and ofresidentsnutrition-related issues; and. 6 St. Paul Street, Suite 2102 (5) A[patient]residentwho is in a protective device or devices may not be left in the same postural position for more than 2 consecutive hours. Any investigator who is a licensed health care provider must make such a report (with the exception of AIDs) within 48 hours. Foods shall be prepared by methods that conserve nutritive value, flavor, and appearance, and shall be served at proper temperatures, in a form to meet individual needs. (29) Licensed bachelor social worker (LBSW) means an individual authorized to practice bachelor social work under Health Occupations Article, Title 19, Annotated Code of Maryland. Nursing homes that employ an individual on or before January 1, 2021 shall be exempt from the requirement to have a licensed social worker employed. (1)[Problems]Residents problemsand needs shall be identified, based upon the interdisciplinary assessment. C. Lobby Area. (1)[Effective with employees hired on or after July 1, 1990, the]Thegeriatric nursing assistanttraining program[course]shall consist of 75 hours or more, and include at least 37.5 hours of classroom instruction and[not less than]at least37.5 hours of supervised clinical experience in long-term care. (b) Standardize communication about resident problems and conditions: (iii) Between these facilities and outside agencies. (ii) Has received chemotherapy for less than 14 days. (a) New support personnel shall have an employee orientation program. (3)[Thenotification shall include]Includean invitation for the family member or residents representative to attend the conference. A member of the facilitys staff shall be assigned responsibility for social services. (3) All fans serving exhaust systems shall be located at the discharge end of the system. As long as the cumulative days of suspension imposed solely for the five reasons listed in COMAR do not exceed 30 in a calendar year, that suspension need not be reported. following applies: If a nursing home administrator, registered nurse, licensed (2) The team shall establish goals for each problem or need identified, or a combination thereof. (6) The sounding of the audible signal shall be continuous or intermittent until answered. ]; and. (1) An applicant desiring to open a comprehensive care facility or an extended care facility[or to continue the operation of an existing facility as a comprehensive care facility or an extended care facility]shall file an application with the Secretary, on awritten or electronicform provided by the Secretary. (23) Full time means 40 hours per week or the standard work week adopted by the nursing home. H. Transfusion Services. from civil liability.-Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the [D.]C.The[facility]nursing homeshall hold the care planning conference not later than 7 calendar days after[completion of]completingthe assessment, but may hold the conference[earlier]soonerif agreed to by the resident, a family member, or a residents representative. The facilitys admission policy shall include a statement as to whether or not medical assistance patients will be admitted and if admitted, under what circumstances. State Operations Manual for Provider Certification, Appendix RResident Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities, Transmittal No. (19) Clarifying that supervisory responsibilities for a food service department and food production within a facility shall be assigned to a qualified dietetic service supervisor. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. In new construction, facilityshall provide a lobby area. Designated Staff Responsibility. (2) The composition of the committee shall include at least: (c) The consultant dietitian-nutritionist; (3) The committee shall meet at least quarterly to establish policies and procedures. A utility sink shall be provided within reasonable distance from the food service department for its use, but it may be shared with other activities. However, once a facility elects to use these procedures or systems and a modification is granted, the systems may not be changed without prior approval of the Department. (1)Medical records shall be retained for a period of[not less than]at least5 years from the date of discharge or, in the case of a minor, 3 years after the[patient]residentbecomes of age or 5 years, whichever is longer. (a) A nursing home shall provide laundry service, whether on-site or off-site. [A.] C. The[facility]nursing homeshall obtain Departmental approval of the following pertaining to thespecial care unit: (2) An organization chartofthe special care unitandits[inter-relatedness]relationshipto the rest of the nursing[facility]home; (5) A quality assurance plan which includes: (b) Identification of the[most important]predominantaspects of care provided; (b) The administration of[medicines unique to the needs of]medicationsthat are relevant tothe special care residents; (9) An inventory of[the]anyspecialized equipment to be housed[in]onthe unit to provide services in the special care unit.