Ovog leta pored avio prevoza, omoguili smo Vam autobuske polaske iz Novog Sada, Beograda i Nia, kao i polaske iz ostalih mesta du autoputa kroz Srbiju. You can choose whether the ads you see on our sites are personalised by selecting one of the options below. When you buy the 5+1 villa that offers a luxurious and elegant experience with its terrace, outdoor swimming pool and exclusive areas only for you, you will also own 2 studio apartments with a separate entrance. Beyaz etin anszl Ku Gribi oldu! Kald ki uzun yllardan beri korunmas noktasnda hep birlikte destek olduumuz Kisebk koyumuzda blgedeki kltr varlklarnn Bodrum Turizmine kazandrlmas noktasnda ilk kez Arkeolojik Kaz almalarnn Kltr ve Turizm Bakanlmzca balatld bilgisine de ulam olduumuzu dikkatlere sunmak istiyoruz. Grubumuz bnyesinde, blgemizin tek grsel medya kuruluu olan Kent Televizyonu ve 2002 ylndan beri yaynda olan www.kenttv.net internet portal bulunmaktadr. And when it comes to boutique luxury accommodation in the area, Maxx Royal Resorts leads the way, with two stylish, sprawling properties in Antalya, plus two new Bodrum openings on the horizon: Maxx Island and Maxx Royal Bodrum Resort, both of which are set to be unveiled in 2023. 6698 sayl Kiisel Verilerin Korunmas Kanunundaki amalar ile snrl ve mevzuata uygun ekilde erezler kullanlmaktadr. Mevcut doal artlarn restore edilmesi ve iyiletirilmesi fikri projeyi, bir otel kavramndan kararak ok daha tesine gtryor. A chic study table is selected for the reception desk, and the space is filled with comfortable and cozy seating arrangements enabling beautiful encounters. Maxx Royal Kemer ranked 15th among the Best Resorts of Europe. Ve ncl Turizm olmaldr. Bu balamda, arazi yerleiminde evler aras mesafe olabildiince alarak ziyaretiler iin daha fazla zel alan tanmlanyor. Leading the design teams, his work aims to re-create meaningful connections and experiences, the forgotten relationship of humans with themselves and nature, regardless of the scale of the projects. Wij besparen je heel wat research: Maxx Royal opent in 2022 een nieuw resort. Modern designer furniture from Iconic Interiors - the furniture enthusiasts! and MRA Turizm ve Otel letmecilii A. the companies and brands it operates to inform me about services, advertisements, campaigns, survey, Royalty Card Program and events using all communication channels I have provided as per law number 6563 of the Turkish Republic and other regulations. When you buy the 5+1 villas where you will relax in its private terrace and enjoy the sun in its outdoor pool against stunning views, you will also own a 1+1 villa with a separate entrance. Because perfecting the art of escapism never looked (or felt) so good. The design process inevitably started with an appreciation of the existing values and spirit of the place. Please note that you will still see advertising, but it will be less relevant. bnyesinde 2000 ylndan beri Bodrum ve evresinde yaynclk faaliyeti yrtmektedir. Are you ready to meet with a crystal-clear sea, a magnificent nature full of every shades of green and exclusive privileges in one of the most special bays of Bodrum? Im keen to know if thats still happening and where to check out prices. ETS'nin Ultra Lx segmentteki otel markas Maxx Royal'in Bodrum oteli iin, Adalyal mevkiindeki arazi zerine inaedilmek zere dmeye basld. Nieuw: Maxx Royal in Bodrum Ben je alvast aan het uitstippelen waar de vakantie volgend jaar naartoe gaat? Tatil ky konsepti yeniden yorumlanarak mterilerin beenisine sunuluyor. Ancak tm bu olumsuz durumu tetikleyen ikinci konut enflasyonuna da ahit oluyoruz. . Ticaret A.. Maxx Royal Resorts have broken a new ground in Turkey for a sustainable future in the tourism sector and became the first hotel brand to receive Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Certificate. Bodrum airport 06 January 2023 Bodrum Nightclub Live music 06 January 2023 Or talent or Akyarlar? Download the app now to start enjoying the Maxx Royalty privileges. Maxx Royal Bodrum Oteli'nin ED toplants yapld! Kentin, baskn gelen bu unsurlaryla beraber sahip olduu deerleri, CAJA by Maxx Royal projesinin geliiminde nemli bir rol oynuyor. Maxx Royal Resort 2022'de alyor! Note: these settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. You can whether use this 2+1 villa yourself or you can rent it. STAY INFORMED ABOUT SPECIAL OFFERS Starting with a clear understanding of the context and determining the values that define the project, Geo_ID devices space settings by putting human experience in the center of the design. , . Humble garden settings resembling local villages enable intimacy and neighborly connections when desired. Hemen her frsatta Bodrum'da turizm sezonunun 12 aya karlmas iin demeler veren ve Bodrum turizminin geliimi noktasnda mcadele eder gibi grnen ve byle bir srecin nasl oluabilecei konusunda fikir sahibi olmayan bir takm turizmci kesimin de bu dirence taraf olduklarn grmek, gerek turizmci bilincine sahip bizler tarafndan hayretle izlenmektedir. The Maxx Royalty Programme offers privileged services and discounts. SUITE 3 Adults 100 m ROYAL RESIDENCE FAMILY SUITE 6 Adults + 1 Infant 185 m A WORLD SPECIAL TO YOU VILLAS Many thanks. Inspired by the Aegean outdoor lifestyle, the restaurant has cozy exterior qualities surrounded by nature. , Project Name: CAJA BY MAXX ROYALLocation: BODRUM, MULA, TURKEYLink to the Location: https://goo.gl/maps/d6ctvV9dLJNgigva6Construction Area: 10.070 M2Completion Date: JUNE 2022Program: LONG TERM STAY RESORTClient: ETS-MAXX ROYAL-VOYAGE HOTELS CONSTRUCTION INVESTMENT GROUP, Architectural Design: GEOMIMAL ALIKAN, MEHMET VAZOLU, GLNAR OCAKDAN, HAKAN ALIC, BRA YILMAZ, SENA ZSOY, MELKE SNNETInterior Design: GEO_IDTUE RZEL BLG, MERVE TAKIS, ORAL HURHUN, SAMET DURDU& MAHMUT ANLAR, Contractor: BOTAM CONSTRUCTIONLandscape: GURSAN ENGINStructural: AKINCI ENGINEERSMechanical: MELANT ENGINEERSElectrical: AYGUN OZGENManufacturers: STO Facade Renders, GUARDIAN Glass, VITRA Bathrooms,Lighting & Furniture: Marset, Woo Design, Luva Design, Yargc, Mudo, Nut Home Design, Happy Place, Leleg, Jab, Mozaik, Remim, Photography: EMRE DORTERResort building designs. Im keen to know if thats still happening and where to check out prices. I've seen that the Maxx is opening a new hotel this year in Bodrum. One of the significant aspects that distinguishes this project in Bodrum is our decision to replace blue with black. Gzel bir tatil geirmek ve masmavi koyda balklarla beraber yzmek isteyenler, iyi seyirler dilerim.Vakit ayrarak izlediiniz iin teekkrler Abone Olmay Unutmaynhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrddOClziZc-Ktig8Y48CVw?sub_confirmation=1Follow me on INSTAGRAM : @4kdroneturkiye https://www.instagram.com/4kdroneturkiye/Shutterstock : https://www.shutterstock.com/g/yokurhmBursa'da Grlmesi Gereken Yerler : bit.ly/3EyLs3ATrkiye'nin Sahilleri ve Plajlar : bit.ly/3XuAMvNBolu'nun Gzellikleri : bit.ly/3VkcAtTKamp Yaplacak Yerler : bit.ly/3GBafqxMilli Parklar : bit.ly/3EXDpz1Edited by Adobe Premiere Pro Menu. Located over and around this invisible base, villa units are spatially connected to the service networks. The architecture of the villas provides 1+1, 2+1, and 3+1 options. Kral dairesi ka TL? Mutfak tavannda kullanlan siyah ahap kaplama, mutfak snrlarn temsil ediyor. Complete with an electric kettle, the dining area also has a coffee machine. and MRA Turizm ve Otel letmecilii A. the companies and brands it operates to inform me about services, advertisements, campaigns, survey, Royalty Card Program and events using all communication channels I have provided as per law number 6563 of the Turkish Republic and other regulations. Benzine ve motorine zam kapda m? Ege blgesinin ak hava yaam eklinden ilhamla tasarlanan restoran blmnde i-d mekan aras duvarlar ortadan kaldrlyor. Turkey hotels for every type of traveller. Maxx Royal Belek was awarded the Recommended on HolidayCheck label as it was ranked among the Most Recommended Hotels on HolidayCheck, the leading hotel review website in Europe. Fiyat ise 16 bin 400 TL. Bodrum'dan Antalya'ya, . Working together for almost a decade, the project has been a unique step forward heralding a new era for both ETS Group and GEO_ID; in collaboration with GEOMIM -as the studio . *Beikta'taki otelin kral dairesinin bykl 218 metrekare. Note: these settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. 400 , 300 . Visitors enter the 10.000sqm property through a welcoming canopy. She also joins judging panels, including Inside Awards, Re-Thinking the Future, and The Plan Awards, and is a conference panelist on international platforms. Toplantya blgede yaayanlar katlarak projeyle ilgili itirazlarn dile getirdiler. San. You can choose whether the ads you see on our sites are personalised by selecting one of the options below. Outdoor living is supported for every unit on the ground and first floors, shaded with wooden canopies. The transition from ceramic to wood veneers on steps keeps up with the skylight above. , . CAJA by Maxx Royal Bodrum resort, Mugla Province resort villas, Turkish residential, Turkey Aegean Sea home photos, Architectural Design: GEOMIM ; Interior Design: GEO_ID, Location: Bodrum, Mugla Province, south west Turkey. 5 yldzl Maxx Royal Bodrum Oteli, iftlik Mahallesi Adalyal Mevkiinde toplam 124 bin metrekarelik alanda ina edilecek. To use our mobile site, please enable JavaScript. At GEOMIM, Ali continues to develop projects of various scales and typologies. 5 . For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Caja by Maxx Royal, which comes to life in Hebil Bay that is one of the most special spots in Bodrum, awaits new villa owners with its seafront location, natural sandy private beach and privileged services. The white stucco applications are customized, including small rocks which provide micro shadows and reduce solar gains. te detaylar Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlndan ocuk destei geliyor! Caja by Maxx Royal | A Brand-New Life in Hebil Bay, Bodrum Whether weekly, monthly or seasonal Get ready to enjoy unique moments! Detayl bilgi iin, KAYNAK / HTTPS://WWW.DESGNBOOM.COM/ARCHTECTURE/CAJA-RESORT-SCENC-BEACH-TURKEY-WHTE-WASHED-CUBC-VLLAS-08-12-2022/ HTTPS://WWW.E-ARCHTECT.COM/TURKEY/CAJA-BY-MAXX-ROYAL-BODRUM-RESORT HTTPS://CAJABYMAXXROYAL.COM/EN/GALLERY/ FLE:///D:/R%C3%9CMEYSA/ARKITEKT/M%C4%B0MARLIK/YEN%20KLAS%C3%B6R/CAJA%20BY%20MAXX%20ROYAL%20-%20GEO_ID.HTML HTTPS://WWW.ARCHDALY.COM/986978/CAJA-RESORT-GEOMM-PLUS-GEO-D?AD_SOURCE=SEARCH&AD_MEDUM=PROJECTS_TAB. On the basement floor there is 5 bedrooms (3 dressing rooms, 5 bathrooms), 1 living room (kitchen, bathroom), courtyard, hallway, garage; on the ground floor there is courtyard, hallway, pool, terrace and living room and the first floor features 2 bedrooms (2 bathrooms, 2 balconies), gallery, hallway and flower corner. I always believe that adult learning is a . Ive seen that the Maxx is opening a new hotel this year in Bodrum. I played the central role in analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the Training & Development programs for over 500 employees. Maxx Royals privileged services, special activities, and more are now in our mobile app. We are so happy to announce that we won a Traveller Review Award this year! Proje iin planan blge arkeolojik ST alan ierisinde yer alyor. Proje kapsamnda yeil ve mavinin bir araya geldii Ege kysna 22 adet beyaz badanal villa ina edildi. Much of the furnishings are black, contrasting with the white walls and ceilings, and beige ceramic surfaces balance the ambient and add warmth to the atmosphere. A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded onto a device to allow a website to recognise it and to store some information about your preferences. Another Residential Development in western Turkey on e-architect: ubuklu Vadi Residences, IstanbulDesign: EAA-Emre Arolat Architectsubuklu Vadi Residences, Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Bodrum, Torba, south west TurkeyDesign: Global Architectural Development GADpicture from architectsNikki Beach Resort & Spa Bodrum, 7800 esme Residences & HotelDesign: EAA-Emre Arolat ArchitectsResidences in Turkey, Aegean Breeze at Alaati, west TurkeyDesign: LEO A DALY ArchitectsTurkish Resort Buildings, Comments / photos for the CAJA by Maxx Royal Bodrum resort, Turkey Architectural Design by GEOMIM and Interior Design by GEO_IDs page welcome, Architecture Walking Tours in 82 cities around the world, Modern Architects I New Houses I World Skyscrapers, One of the largest architectural sites in the world - contact isabelle(at)e-architect.com, The e-architect resource has over 38,000 pages of architectural information + building news, Established in 2000 - architecture news added daily, Architectural projects searchable by country, city, building type or architect, Architecture Tours in Europe I Modern Houses, We run architectural walking tours in many cities across the world, Building walks are typically led by architects or architecture tutors and tend to focus on innovative buildings, Contact e-architect: info(at)e-architect.com / +44 (0)7952 149852.